CR2014-071 Metropolitan Council/City of Hopkins Cooperation AgreementAra
cily of 11opkill"s
June 27, 2014
Council Report 2014-071
Lr o
�Vos.ed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to a prove the Cooperation Agreement
between the City of Hopkins and the Metropolitan Council, and authorize its execution.
With this motion, it is understood that minor modifications to the agreement can be made that do
riot change the overall intent.
Municipal consent plans for the SW LRT project identify site 9A in Hopkins as the location for the
line's operation and maintenance facility (OMF). Site 9A is located south of 5"' Street South, along
16"' Avenue South. The footprint of the OMF requires the acquisition of seven properties.
The Corridor Management Committee, at its September 11, 2013, meeting, passed a resolution
including Site 9A as the preferred location for the SW LRT Project's OMF, subject to the Council
working with the City to analyze the benefits and burdens of the SW LRT Project upon the City,
with particular focus on existing and future tax base impacts, eiriployrricrit (businesses and jobs),
and rcdevelopri-icnt opportunities. In addition, the CMC, at its April 2, 2014, meeting, passed a
resolution for the proposed SW LRT Project scope and budget that includes Site 9A in the City as
the preferred location for the SW LRT Project's OMF and recommending that the Council work
with the City to retain displaced businesses Within the City.
Based on this recommendation, City and project staft's, have negotiated the proposed Cooperation
Agreement, Which Outlines the efforts to mitigate the tax base, employment and redevelopment
opportunity loss.
Primary, Issue to Consider
0 What are the details of the proposed agreement?
Hopkins Cooperation Agreement
Director of Planning & Development
Financial Impact: $_O Budgeted: YON Source:
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
Page 2
Cooperation Agreement
AllalyKis cif t Lie Issues
0 What are the details of the proposed agreement?
The agreement Outlines several actions that the Metropolitan Council will take, but primarily
I-'(.)cuscs on the $6 million Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funds that have been
secured for the construction of a parking ramp for the downtown Hopkins station. Under the
agreernent, the CMAQ Bends would be combined with a local match, which would be the City's
responsibility to secure, and SW LRT project funds reallocated from the Shady Oak and Blake
stations' parking budgets. By reducing the parking at these two stations by approximately 220
stalls, additional land will be available for development. The park and ride structure at the
downtown Hopkins station would be designed to accommodate development that would wrap the
parking. It is the intent that this private development would generate additional property taxes, of" f -
setting the tax base loss due to the OMF.
For the OMF and Shady Oak station, the agreement commits the Met Council to release remnant
parcels in a timely manner. It also requires the Council to design the OMF in a manner that respects
potential ft1tUre evolution of the surrounding area, has public art as a component and meets the
requirements of the State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guideline. The Council commits to
submit the OMF and yard plans to the City's land use review process and consider all continents.
The agreement does not waive the Council's rights provided under Minnesota Statutes section
473.449, which gives the Council the ability to override local controls.
Other commitments under the agreement include the support of the following through the SW LRT
Project's scope deferral process and as a high priority use for the initial release of SW LRT Project
contingency funds:
Conversion of the Shady Oak station surface park-and-ride design to a structured park-and-
ride design
Additional landscaping, streetscaping and enhanced public art at the proposed downtown
Hopkins civic plaza
Improvement of the access road located west of the Blake station to City street standards if
redevelopment of the adjacent parcel im.triediately west of the park-and-ride rarnp occurs
Under the agreement, the City of Hopkins commits to the following:
• Own and maintain the proposed 17"' Avenue South extension
• Provide (through a future agreement) to the Council the FFY 2017 CMAQ funds
• Lead efforts in the provision of the local match for the anticipated federal New Starts funds
for joint development at the Blake station
• Own and maintain the new access road from Blake Road to Piece Avenue if the entire
segment is improved to City standards
Agree that the OMF is a permitted use in the City's 1-2 zoning district
Page 3
Cooperation Agreement
The Hopkins City COLHICil, has the following options regarding this item:
Approve the Cooperation Agreement as proposed
Suggest changes to the proposed Agreement
Continue the item for more discussion
Reference Numbers:
SWLRT Project: 61001
Metropolitan Council: 131071
City of Hopkins: TBD
PROJECT: Southwest Light Rail Transit Project
AGREEMENTNAME: Hopkins Cooperation Agreement
PARTIES: a Metropolitan Council
0 City of Hopkins
THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the Metropolitan,
Council ("Council"), a public corporation and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, and the
City of Hopkins ("City"), a Minnesota municipal corporation, each a "Party" and collectively, the
"Parties." This Agreement pertains to the Council's proposed Southwest Light Rail Transit
("SWLRT") Project.
1. The Council, inctropolitan area cities, public agencies, and transit funders are engaged in
activities to develop a transitway between Downtown Minneapolis and Eden Prairie. The
Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority Board ("HCRRA") on November 3, 2009,
rccorni-nended light rail transit ("LRT-) as the transit node and alignment Alternative 3A as the
Locally Preferred Alternative ("LPA") with support of the City as provided in its Resolution
2006-088 adopted December 5, 2006, and Resolution 2010-002 adopted January 5, 2010.
2. The SWLRT Corridor Management Committee ("CMC,"), which includes elected officials from
Hennepin County and the cities of Minneapolis, St. Louis Park, Edina, Hopkins, Minnetonka,
and Eden Prairie, is authorized to advise the Council on the design and construction of the
SWLRT Project.
The CMC, at its September 11, 2013 meeting, passed a resolution including Site 9A in the City
as the preferred location for the SWLRT Project's Operations and Maintenance Facility
("OMF") subject to the Council working with the City to analyze the benefits and burdens of
the SWLRT Project upon the City with particular focus on existing and future tax base impacts,
employment (businesses and jobs), and redevelopment opportunities. In addition, the CMC, at
its April 2, 2014 meeting, passed a resolution for the proposed SWLRT Project scope and
budget that includes Site 9A in the City as the preferred location for the SWLRT.prqjcct's OMF
and recommending that the Council work with the City to retain displaced businesses within the
4. The Council, at its April 9, 2014 meeting, adopted the SWLRT Project's scope and budget as
recommended by the CMC.
Draft City of Hopkins Agreement Rev 09 00 (June 26, 2014)
The Council, at its April 9, 2014 inecting, also acknowledged the financial impact on the City,
by acceptance of the proposed tax-exempt OMF on currently tax generating property, and stated
it would endeavor to work with the City to retain displaced businesses within the City.
6. Design and construction of a proposed LRT transitway in accordance with the Council's
approved project scope and budget is referred to in this Agreement as the "SWLRT Project." In
April 2014, the Council directed its SWLRT Project Office ("SPO") to subri-ift plans reflecting
the physical design component of the preliminary design plans ("Municipal Consent Plans") to
Hennepin County and the five host cities for their approval or disapproval as provided in
Minnesota Statutes section 4.73.3994.
7. The City and the Council acknowledge that: (a) nothing in this Agreement shall require the
Council to take action or make any decision that will prejudice or compromise any review
or decision-making processes required Linder state and federal environmental review laws,
regulations or rules; and (b) this Agreement and its commitments and agrcements are contingent
upon the issuance of a Record of Decision (ROD) by the Federal Transit Administration.
NOW, THEREFORE, in reliance on the above statements and in consideration of the mutual
promises and covenants contained in this Agreement, the Parties hereby agree as follows:
The Parties acknowledge the planning and construction of the SWLRT Project will require
numerous federal, state and local processes, approvals and funding commitments. The SWLRT
Project is currently in the Project Development phase of the federal New Starts program and a
substantial amount of design, engineering, environmental review, and funding commitments
needs to occur before construction can begin. The SWLRT Project is anticipated to be advanced
into Engineering, the next federal New Starts phase, by the Federal Transit Administration
("FTA") shortly after FTA issues the ROD.
2, The SWLRT Project will require a contribution of funds from the United States government
through grants provided by the FTA and participation from non-federal sources, including state
and local government. The federal share of the Project is anticipated to be approximately fifty
percent (50%). The state and local match to the federal funds is anticipated to be paid by the
Counties Transit Improvement Board ("CTIB"), the State of Minnesota, and HCRRA. The
Council is the SWLRT Project's federal grantee and local project sponsor.
The Parties agree that any commitments and undertakings by either Party are expressly
conditioned upon the proposed SWLRT Project meeting all state and federal requirements and
receiving all necessary approvals and funding to proceed. Such contingencies include, but are
not limited to, the municipal consent process by the Project's host cities and Hennepin County
required Linder Minnesota Statutes section 493.3994 and final documentation with the
Minnesota Environmental Policy Act and the National Environinental Policy Act. The Parties
intend this Agreement to be interpreted consistent with statutory and other legal authorities. The
Parties agree that this Agreement does not limit the alternatives or mitigative measures that the
Council may undertake in the development and construction of the SWLRT Project. The
Council is not bound to any obligations under this Agreement in the event the Council does not
Draft City of I lopkins Cooperation Agreement Rev 09 00 (June 26, 2014)
receive all necessary approvals or funding that are required for the Council to perlorin that
4. The Parties acknowledge and agree that any final decisions on the proposed SWLRT Project
and the uses or disposition of public assets and resources may require approvals by the Parties'
respective governing bodies and other entities with an interest in these properties and assets,
including the FTA, CTIB, HCRRA, and the State of Minnesota.
If the City is awarded a $6 million Federal Fiscal Year ("FFY") 2017 Congestion Mitigation Air
Quality ("CN4AQ") grant to construct a structured park-and-ride ramp for the Downtown
Hopkins Station, the Parties agree to subsequently enter into negotiations to draft a mutually
acceptable agreement that addresses the transfer and use of the anticipated CMAQ grant funds.
Terms in that Subsequent agreement shall address, among other items, each Party's financial
participation, including cost overruns, design, construction, ownership of the proposed
structured park-and-ride ramp, and disposition of remnant properties.
Shady Oak Station
Tile Shady Oak Station is generally located one block north of 5th Street South and
approximately two blocks south of Excelsior Boulevard.
1.01 According to the Municipal Consent Plans the Council provided to the City in April
2014, the Shady Oak Station includes:
a. Construction of a center platform LRT station and related LRT infrastructure;
b. Construction of an approximately 500 space park-and-ride surface lot covering
approximately 5 acres including a kiss -and -ride area, bike storage, and
C. Construction of all extension of 17tb Avenue South located between Excelsior
Boulevard and the station built to state -aid standards designed with two
roundabouts, sidewalks, dedicated bike lanes and landscaping;
d. Construction of a pedestrian path between 5th Street South and the station; and
C. Realignment of the Minnesota River Bluffs Regional 'frail from approximately the
City of Minnetonka and Hopkins border to I I th Avenue South with new
bituminous surfacing.
1.02 The Council commits to the following actions regarding the Shady Oak Station:
a. Reduce approximately 100 surface park-and-ride spaces from the proposed Shady
Oak Station site design in an area directly adjacent and south of Excelsior
Boulevard (see Exhibit A) if, through a future written agreement, the City provides
$6 million in FFY 2017 CNIAQ funds and the required local share as governed by
49 CFR Part 18, to the Council to design and construct a structured park-and-ride
ramp for the Downtown Hopkins Station. In this Agreement, local share refers to
Draft City of Hopkins Cooperation Agreement Rev 09 00 (JUne 26, 2014)
the City's $ 1.5 million local match to the $6.0 million in federal CMAQ grant
funds anticipated to be awarded to the City for construction of a structured park. -
and -ride ramp to serve the Downtown Hopkins Station;
b. Reallocate the budget associated with the relocation of approximately 100 surface
park -anal -ride spaces from the Shady Oak Station to the Downtown Hopkins
Station structured park-and-ride ramp;
C. Partner with the City and provide technical support to the City, which may or may
not be the applicant, regarding a potential CMAQ grant application for funding to
convert the proposed Shady Oak Station's surface park-and-ride design to a
structured park-and-ride design;
Cl. Support the conversion of the Shady Oak Station surface park-and-ride design to a
structured park-and-ride design through the WERT Project's scope deferral
process and as a high priority use for the initial release ot'SWLRT Project
contingency funds;
e. Determine the final location for a pedestrian path connecting Shady Oak Station to
5th Street South. The Council will seek City guidance and comment on
determining the pedestrian path's final location;
f. Complete final design and construct Shady Oak Station's storinwater management
arca. During the design process, the Council will explore the regulatory and
financial implications of a regional storinwater management system. The Council
will seek City guidance and comment on determining the -final location of the
storlilwater management area; and
g. Subject to applicable federal and state property disposition requirements and
regulations, release remnant properties in a timely manner resulting from proposed
Council property acquisitions to construct Shady Oak Station and LRT related
1.03 The City commits to the following actions for the Shady Oak Station:
a. Explore stubbing -in utilities to support potential future redevelopment on the
remnant parcels; and
b. Own and maintain the proposed extension of 17th. Avenue South upon completion
of SWLRT Project construction. Details of the land transfer to be agreed upon in a
written agreement executed prior to SWLRT Project completion.
2. Downtown Hopkins Station
The Downtown Hopkins Station is generally located between 8th Avenue South and 7th
Avenue South along the Minnesota River Bluffs Regional Trail just south of Excelsior
2.01 According to the Municipal Consent Plans the Council provided to the City in April
201 1, the Downtown Hopkins Station currently includes:
a,. (.7onstrLIC6011 of a center platform LRT station and related LRT infrastructure;
Draft City of Hopkins Cooperation Agreement Rev 09 00 (June 26, 2014)
b. Design and construction of a new civic plaza area to me] Lide softscape (trees,
shrubs and perennials) and hardscapc (concrete and pavers) landscape elements;
Design and installation of enhanced bicycle facilities including elements such as
short and covered long-term bicycle parking, self-service maintenance kiosk, and
additional bicycle route signage on or near the proposed civic plaza;
d. Construction of an off-street kiss -and -ride area adjacent to the civic plaza;
e. Construction Of Curb extensions and cross walk improvements including ADA -
compliant pedestrian signals at the Excelsior Boulevard and 8th Avenue South
intersection (cast and north sides); and
1'. Construction of three (3) bus bays at the Excelsior Boulevard and 8th Avenue
South intersection.
2.02 The Council commits to the following, actions regarding the Downtown Hopkins
a. If, through a -future written agreement, the City provides $6 million in FFY 2017
CMAQ funding and the required local share to the Council, the Council Will:
i. Design and construct or cause to be constructed a two (2) -story structured
park-and-ride ramp containing approximately 240 parking stalls to serve
the Downtown Hopkins Station. The proposed ramp will be designed to
allow vertical expansion for three (3) additional parking stories; and
ii. Design and build cross walk improvements at all four legs of the Excelsior
Boulevard and 8th Avenue South intersection, consisting of standard
concrete construction between the outer cross walk boundaries with
additional jointing indentifying the cross walk area, contingent upon the
approval of Hennepin County, the roadway owner;
b. Support additional landscaping, streetscaping and enhanced public art at the
proposed civic plaza through the SWLRT Project's scope deferral process and a
high priority use for the initial release of SWLRT Project contingency funds;
C. Collaborate with the City and Hennepin County to identify funding sources to
complete the City's Artery project along 8th Avenue South between the
Downtown Hopkins Station and Mainstreet; and
d. Collaborate with the City and Hennepin County to identify strategies to improve
pedestrian safety and comfort at the Excelsior Boulevard and 8th Avenue South
intersection, such as reducing lane widths, removing turn lanes, and other
pedestrian enhancements.
2.03 The City commits to the following actions for the Downtown Hopkins Station:
a. Provide to the Council $6 million in FFY 2017 CMAQ funding and the required
local share to design and construct the Downtown Hopkins two (2) -story structured
park-and-ride ramp containing approximately 240 parking spaces. This proposed
ramp will be designed to allow vertical expansion for three (3) additional parking
Draft City of Hopkins Cooperation Agreement Rev 09 00 (June 26, 2014)
Blake Station
The Blake Station is located adjacent to the North Cedar Lake Regional Trail west of Blake
3.01 According to the Municipal Consent Plans the Council provided to the City in April
2014, the Blake Station includes:
a. Construction of a center platform LRT station and related LRT infrastructure;
b. Construction of an approximately 475 space park-and-ride ramp;
C. Construction of a new access road including, sidewalks, Curb and gutter, a bus
stop, kiss -and -ride area, and associated landscaping ' , located south of the station and
north of the structured park-and-ride ramp between Blake Road and the western
terminus of the station platform;
d. Construction of a new access road generally located south of the station and west
of the station platform and continuing westward and then southerly along an
alignment connecting to Pierce Avenue. Improvements to principally include
bituminous resurfacing, a 2 foot ribbon concrete Curb defining the drive on either
side, center striping, wayfinding signs and utility pole mounted lighting (no utility
work except for lighting);
C. Construction of a new traffic signal at Excelsior Boulevard and Pierce Avenue
contingent upon the approval of the roadway owner, Hennepin County; and
-f'. Installation of bike storage facilities near Blake Station.
3.02 The Council commits to the -following actions regarding the Blake Station:
a. Reduce the proposed number of structured park-and-ride spaces by approximately
120 stalls at Blake Station if, through a future written agreement, the City provide
$6 million in FFY 2017 CMAQ funding and the required local share, to the
Council to construct a structured park-and-ride ramp to serve the Downtown
Hopkins Station;
b. Design stormwater management at Blake Station to accoini-nodatc the structured
park-and-ride ramp, the access road between Blake Road and the west edge of the
structured park-and-ride ramp, and a fully developed remnant parcel. The Council
will seek City guidance and comment on final storrnwater management design
C. Support improving the access road located west of Blake Station to City street
standards through the SWLRT Project's scope deferral process and as a high
priority use for the initial release of SWI..,RT Project contingency funds, if
redevelopment of the adjacent parcel immediately west of the park-and-ride ramp
d. Collaborate with the City as the Council determines the feasibility of placing a
bike storage facility within the structured park-and-ride ramp as part of the base
SWLRT Project. If determined feasible, the Council will Support placing a bike
Draft City of Hopkins Cooperation Agreement Rev 09 00 (June 26, 2014)
storage facility within the structured park --and -ride ramp as part of the base
SWLRT Project;
e. Coordinate with the FTA to obtain approvals in order to make modifications to or
reconstruct the access road to City street standards and specifications. The Council
will repay the federal portion requested by the FA that was spent oil the access
road if reconstructed to City street standards and specifications;
f. Collaborate with the City and Hennepin County, as local funding partners, in
requesting FTA approval for including a joint development project as a New Starts
project enrichment: and
g. Reallocate the budget associated with the relocation of approximately 120 surface
park-and-ride spaces from the Blake Station to the Downtown Hopkins Station
structured park. -and -ride ramp.
3.03 The City commits to take the following actions for the Blake Station:
4 1
a. Lead efforts in the provision of the local match (50%) to the anticipated federal
New Starts funds (50%) for the non -transit infrastructure components of a
proposed joint development project at Blake Station; and
b. Own and maintain the new access road from Blake Road to Pierce Avenue, if the
entire segment is improved to City street standards. Details of the land transfer to
be provided in a future written agreement.
4. Operations & Maintenance Facility ("OMF")
The OMF is generally located south of K -Tel Drive and 5th Street South along l6th Avenue
4.01, According to the Municipal Consent Plans the Council provided to the City in April
2014, the OMF and yard includes:
a. Construction of an operations and maintenance facility and yard.
4.02. The Council commits to the following actions regarding the OMF and yard area:
a. Subject to applicable federal and state property disposition requirements and
regulations, release remnant parcels in a timely manner as a result of proposed
Council property acquisitions to construct the OMF and yard;
b. Complete final design and build stormwater management area for the OMF and
yard. Council will seek City guidance and comment on determining the -final
location of the OMF and yard stormwater management area;
C. Collaborate with the City and Hennepin County to identify strategies for funding
property acquisition between the proposed OMF and the Shady Oak Station; and
d. Design the OMF to fit into its existing physical context in a holistic manner which
respects both the nature of its inherent use and the potential future evolution of the
surrounding area. Details on the OMF and yard site design will be developed as
Draft City of Hopkins Cooperation Agreement Rev 09 00 (JUne 26, 20 14)
part of the SWI- 'I` Advance Design phase. The Council will seek City
guidance and comment on the final OMF and yard site design. Furthermore:
The OMF perimeter site design will attempt to balance the need to provide
a Public fICC to the C0111111LInity and the OMF's Functional requirements.
Possible perimeter designs include, but are not limited to, walls, berms,
fencing and landscape;
ii. The exterior materials are planned to include, but not limited to, glazing
systems, metal panels, and architectural pre -cast concrete. Public art is also
planned to be a component of the OMF site; and
iii. The OMF and yard will be designed to comply with the requirements of the
State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guideline ("MSBG").
e. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes section 473.449, the Council agrees to submit
ONIF and yard plans to the City's land use review process for the purpose of
receiving comments from the public, City staff, the Planning Commission, and the
City Council. Comments received from the City's land use review will be
considered during the Council's design process and evaluated for their impacts to
the SWLRT Projcct schedule and budget, facility use and aesthetics, and operation
and maintenance costs.
4.03. With respect to the OMF and yard, the City:
Agrees the proposed OMF and yard, as identified in the City's Municipal Consent
Plans (Site 9A), is a permitted land use in the City's 1-2, General Industrial Zoning
District; and
b. Accepts the proposed OMF and yard (Site 9A) under the 1-2, General Industrial
Zoning District requirements that are in effect at the time of this Agreement's
FEW W1, 41215"M 1�91'102
1. The Council has authority under Minnesota Statutes, sections 473.399 to 473.3999, to exercise
powers to plan, design, acquire, construct, and equip LRT facilities in the seven -county
metropolitan area as defined in Minnesota Statutes section 473.121, subdivision 2. Further, the
Council has authority Linder Minnesota Statutes section 473.405, subdivision 4, and other
applicable statutes, including section 473.449, to engineer, construct, equip, and operate transit
systems, projects, or parts thereof, including LRT, in the metropolitan area.
2. Either Party may terminate this Agreement for any of the following reasons. If this Agreement is
terminated, then neither Party shall have any ftirther responsibilities Linder this Agreement.
a. Abandonment ofthe entire SWLRT Project by the Council or local -funding partners;
- 8 -
Draft City of Hopkins Cooperation Agreement Rev 09 00 (June 26, 20141
b. A determination by the Council that sufficient funds do not exist, or are not reasonably
projected to exist, in order to complete the entire SWLRT Project; or
e. A determination by the Council that environmental or other approval or design
processes warrant material changes to the elements of the SWLRT Project located
within Hopkins; or
d. The breach of any ofthe material provisions in this Agreement which are not cured
within a reasonable period after written notice of the breach.
3. Any notice from a Party to the other Party shall be deemed to have been given and received when
mailed by certified mail to the receiving Party at the following addresses or at such other
addresses as the Parties may designate in writing to each other:
City of Hopkins
Attn: City Manager
1010 1 st Street South
Hopkins, MN 55343
Southwest LRT Projcct Office
Project Director
6465 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 500
St. Louis Park, MN 55426
4. The terms of this Agreement may only be changed by Mutual agreement of the Parties. Such
changes shall be effective only upon the execution of written amendments signed by authorized
representatives oaf each Party.
5. Neither Party may assign its obligations tinder this Agreement to another person or entity without
the prior written consent of the other Party.
6. If dispute should arise between the Parties to this Agreement with respect to any of its
provisions, the Parties agree to attempt to settle such dispute through good faith discussions and
then the use of a mediator Mutually acceptable to the Parties. The costs of such mediation shall be
shared equally between the Parties.
7. The Parties acknowledge that the scope of this Agreement is limited to that portion of the
proposed SWLRT Project located within the City offlopkins,
I remaiiider of this page intentionally left blank I
Draft City of Hopkins Cooperation Agreement Rev 09 00 (June 26, 2014)
IN WFFNESS WHEREOF, the Pat -ties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly
authorized representatives. This Agreement is effective on the date when this Agreement has been
signed by the Parties' authorized representatives.
Approved as to form:
Its: Regional Administrator
- to -
Draft City of Hopkins Cooperation Agreement Rev 09 00 (June 26, 2014)
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