Proclamation of Don Bates and Chuck Redepenning- Music in the Park7%�II1, Don Bates and Chuck Redepenning both have deep roots in the music history of Hopkins; and 7%�II1, Thirty years ago Don Bates and Chuck Redepenning began the Music in the Park summer concert series in Hopkins Downtown Park; and 7%�II1, Thousands of residents and visitors have enjoyed the Music in the Park concerts over the past thirty years; and 7%4W.,,Q, The City and all attendees are forever grateful for Don Bates' and Chuck Redepenning's vision and hard work in starting this very special Hopkins event; and 71ow, %Gezeow, Fe Gt Re&4wd that the Hopkins City Council does hereby proclaim Friday, July 18, 2014 as: In the City of Hopkins, and does also encourage all citizens to celebrate in recognizing their achievements. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the City of Hopkins to be affixed this 15th day of July, two thousand and fourteen. Ogu P. mz . %yon