CR 2014-078 - Site Plan Approval - Project For Pride in Living ApartmentsJuly 30, 2014 Council Report 14-78 SITE PLAN APPROVAL — PROJECT FOR PRIDE IN LIVING APARTMENTS Pmpp'sefi Action Staff recommends the following motion: Adopt Resolution 14-38. recommending approval of a site plan to construct a 51 -unit apartment buildim-1 at 1202-1304 Oxford Street. At the Zoning and Planning meeting, Mr. Firth moved and Mr. Hunke seconded a motion to adopt Resolution RZ14-5, recommending approval of a site plan to construct a 51 -unit apartment building at 1202-1304 Oxford Street. The motion was approved unanimously. Overview Project for Pride in Living (PPL) is proposing to construct a 51 -unit affordable apartment complex on the southeast corner of Oxford Street and Blake Road. The property addresses are 1202-1304 Oxford Street. There are currently six duplexes on this property. PPL has purchased the duplexes. The six duplexes will be razed and the new apartment complex constructed. This new apartment building will abut the expanded Cottageville Park to the south. The building will be four stories on Blake and stepped down to three on Oxford. There will be 10 one bedroom, 28 two-bedroom and 13 three-bedroom apartments. All units will be affordable. The monthly rent will be around $670.00 for a one bedroom, $730.00 for a two- bedroom, and $935 for a three- bedroom. Pi-imary Issues to Consider What is the zoning of the property, and how has the Comprehensive Plan designated the subject site? What are the preliminary specifics of the redevelopment proposal? What is the applicant's timeline? What was the result of the traffic and parking study? What was the discussion at the neighborhood meeting'? What other approvals will be required? What was the discussion at the Zoning and Planning meeting? SUPJ)OE!jllg-pqc��nients • Analysis of issues • Site plans • Resolution 14-38 • Traffic and parking study NwicyAnderson, AICD C �"�-iner Financial Impact: N/A Budgeted: Y/N Source: Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: CR14-78 Page 2 Primar•� issues to aCorrsider• What is the zoning of the property, and how has the Comprehensive Plan designated the subject site? The zoning of the existing property is R-2, low density multiple family, The Comprehensive Plan has designated the site as low density residential. A rezoning and Comprehensive Plan amendment will have to be completed for this development to proceed. 0 What are the preliminary specifies of the redevelopment proposal? Building The proposed building will be located on the southeast corner of Blake Road and Oxford Street. The building will be four stories on the part of the building closest to Blake and then scale down to three stories as the building moves to the east. Five first floor apartments on Oxford will have front doors on Oxford. Setbacks The following are the required and proposed setbacks for the building: Parking/Access There will be 45 underground and 16 above ground parking spaces, for a total of 61 spaces. This is one parking space for each unit and 10 for visitors. Access to the parking area will be from the alley to the South of the building. There is also additional parking on Oxford Street. The parking study concluded that the parking was sufficient, Exterior The exterior is a contemporary design. The majority of the exterior materials will be fiber cement panels and brick masonry. The balconies will be alurninurn. Landscaping There will be a rock maintenance strip around the entire building. Almost the entire building will be bordered with a variety of landscaping. In addition, the walkway from Oxford Street to the alley will be heavily landscaped with honeysuckle, sumac, dogwood and chokeberry. Lighting Mixed Use Proposed Front yard 15'-25' 18.5 feet with the expansion of Blake Road Side yard south 10 feet 10.8 feet Side yard north 10 feet 10.6 feet Rear yard 10 feet 32 feet Parking/Access There will be 45 underground and 16 above ground parking spaces, for a total of 61 spaces. This is one parking space for each unit and 10 for visitors. Access to the parking area will be from the alley to the South of the building. There is also additional parking on Oxford Street. The parking study concluded that the parking was sufficient, Exterior The exterior is a contemporary design. The majority of the exterior materials will be fiber cement panels and brick masonry. The balconies will be alurninurn. Landscaping There will be a rock maintenance strip around the entire building. Almost the entire building will be bordered with a variety of landscaping. In addition, the walkway from Oxford Street to the alley will be heavily landscaped with honeysuckle, sumac, dogwood and chokeberry. Lighting CR14-78 Page 3 The front of the building will be lit with down lights in the canopy. The south side of the building will be lit with wall -mounted lighting on the south side of the building. The walkway from Oxford Street to the alley will be lit with pedestrian scale lighting. All the site lighting will be LED. Bike Racks Details of the bike racks have not been Supplied. This will be a condition or approval. Signage At this time the signage has not be detailed. Any signage will have to conform to the sign ordinance. Engineei-ing/Public Works Engineering staff offered the following comments on the subject prQjcct: • The applicant should dedicate additional 6 feet of right-of-way along Blake Road to eliminate the "jog" in the right-of-way line currently shown. In order to do this without having the proposed steps into the building within the right-of-way, the stairs should be rotated counterclockwise 90 - degrees so they approach from the south. • The applicant must furnish and install "No Parking or Stopping" signs along Blake Road. Sign placement shall be per City of Hopkins standards. • All existing water service lines serving buildings to be demolished must be removed to the corporation at the main and the corporation must be turned off. • All existing sanitary sewer service lines must be removed to the right-of-way, Cut, and capped. • There are six water service lilies within Oxford Street that need to be removed; this will result in a street patch at each location. Since the water main is located on the north half of the street, the street patch must extend across the full street width. The patch must be constructed to City of Hopkins standards. • The applicant will be responsible for the reconstruction and widening of the alley that extends from Blake Road along the south line of the property. This work includes construction of a new entrance to the alley at Blake Road. The new alley width must be a minimum of 24 -feet and be consti-Licted to City of Hopkins standards. • Reconstruction of the alley will impact the existing aerial utilities adjacent to the south side of the alley; these lines must be relocated and buried. • There will be a fee charged to the applicant for connection to the new regional storm water facility that will be constructed in Cottageville Park. The fee will be determined based on the site's contribution to the facility. • The catch basin in the alley will need to be removed and replaced at the centerline of the new widened alley. • The two storm sewer lines from the site proposed to connect to the catch basin in the alley appear to be at an angle which will be too abrupt to allow for construction. The lines should be consolidated within the site so there is only one new line connecting to the catch basin. The new pipe from the site into the catch basin must be reinforced concrete. CR14-78 Page 4 Fire Marshal The fire marshal has reviewed the preliminary plans and found them acceptable. FOW The trash area will be located in the -underground parking area. Sidewalk The concept plan indicates sidewalks on Oxford and Blake. There will be a sidewalk on the South side of the property to connect Oxford and Cottagevillc Park. The sidewalk area on the cast side of the site will be landscaped. Watershed District The applicant will need watershed district approvals. Surrounding Uses The site is surrounded by residential to the north and east, Cottageville Park to the south and Blake Road to the west. 0 What is the applicant's timeline? The applicant is proposing to submit applications for approvals this year and start construction approximately Summer 2015. The applicant secured funding through the Met Council for $1.6 million. Additional funding is being sought from MHFA. 0 What was the result of the traffic and parking study? The result of the traffic and parking study was positive. Attached is the traffic and parking study. 0 What was the discussion at the neighborhood meeting? At the first neighborhood meeting the main discussion was on the parking and the traffic. The second neighborhood meeting was held June 18; the main discussion was again on parking and traffic. 0 What other approvals will be required? In addition to the site plan approval, the development will need a rezoning to Mixed Use, amendment of the Comprehensive Plan to Mixed Use, replatting and ain overlay zoning of planned unit development. 0 What was the discussion at the Zoning and Planning ineeting? Ms. Anderson reviewed the development with the five actions required that night. Chris Wilson and Matt Soucek from Project for Pride in Living and Michelle Baltus-Pribyl, their architect, appeared before the CR14-78 Page 5 Commission, Ms. Baltus-Pribyl reviewed the site plan with the Commission. Mr. Kerssen noted that this proposal had been before the Commission last month for a concept review. The Commission discussed the income requirements for the residents, bike parking, and rents. No one appeared at the public hearing regarding this item. Alternatives 1. Approve the site plan to construct a new apartment building. By approving the site plan, the applicant will be able to construct the apartment building as proposed. 2. Deny of the site plan to construct a new apartment building. By denying of the site plan, the applicant will not be able to construct the apartment building as proposed. If the City Council considers this alternative, findings will have to be identified that support this alternative. 3. Continue for further information. If the City Council indicates that ftirther information is needed, the item should be continued. 7i f RESOLUTION NO: 14-38 RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT AND APPROVALING OF A SITE PLAN TO CONSTRUCT 51 APARTMENTS AT 1202-1304 OXFORD STREET WHEREAS, an application for Site Plan Review SPR14-1 has been made by Project for Pride in Living (PPL); WHEREAS, the procedural history of the application is as follows: I That an application for Site Plan approval was made by PPL on June 27, 2014; 2. That the Hopkins Zoning and Planning Commission, pursuant to mailed and published notice, held a public hearing on the application and reviewed such application on July 29, 2014: all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard; 3. That the written comments and analysis of City staff were considered; and, 4. A legal description of the subject property is as follows: That part of South 40 feet of Lot 69 and of the north 98 feet of Lot 70 lying west of east 495 feet thereof and east of west 33 feet thereof, Auditor's Subdivision No. 239 West 55 feet of cast 495 feet of south 40 feet of Lot 69 and west 55 feet of east 495 feet of north 98 feet of Lot 70, Auditor's Subdivision No 239 West 55 feet of cast 440 feet of south 40 feet of Lot 69 and west 55 feet of east 440 feet of north 98 feet of Lot 70, Auditor's Subdivision No. 239 West 55 feet of cast 385 feet of south 40 feet of Lot 69 and west 55 feet of east 385 feet of north 98 feet of Lot 70, Auditor's Subdivision No. 239 West 55 feet of cast 330 feet of south 40 feet of Lot 69 and west 55 feet of east 330 feet of north 98 feet of Lot 70, Auditor's Subdivision No. 239 West 55 feet of cast 275 feet Of South 40 feet of Lot 69 and west 55 feet of east 275 feet of north 98 feet of Lot 70, Auditor's Subdivision No. 239 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application for Site Plan Review SPR14-1 is hereby approved based on the following Findings of Fact: 1. That the Planning Commission reviewed the site plan for the proposed redevelopment. 2. That the proposed use meets the requirements for site plan review. 3. That the proposed use is a permitted use within the Mixed Use zoning. 4. That the proposed use conforms to the vision for the Blake station area. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that application for Site Plan Review SPR14-1 is hereby approved SLII)_j(--Ct to the following conditions: 1. That the site be rezoned to Mixed Use. 2. That the Comprehensive Plan designation be changed to Mixed Use. 3. That the City Engineer approves the final plans. 4. That the bike plan is detailed and meets the ordinance requirements in the final plans. 5. That the site have an overlay PUD zoning. 6. That the site be replatted. 7. That the watershed district approves the proposed development. S. That the police department reviews the security camera placement and the lighting plan. Adopted this 4th day of August 2014 Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk ue��yvpo��ho��hpnoc/ns Oxford Village Aproposed 51-unitapartment development byProject forPhdeinUving,|nc. Project Description Project for Pride in Living, Inc. (PPL), o Minneapolis-based provider ofaffordable housing and social service programs since 1972, proposes to develop and construct 51 -unit apartment building atthe intersection ofBlake Road and Oxford Street inthe City ofHopkins. The development will bebuilt ona 1.04 acre site that is currently comprised of six residential properties containing a total of 12 housing units. The building will contain up to 4 stories of residential space, a community roorn, property managernent and service coordinator offices, and an elevator. There will be 45 underground and 16 surface parking spaces. Construction will bewood frame over precast concrete, with brick and cement board panels as the predominant exterior materials. Of the 51 total housing units, 10 will be 1'bedvoum, 28 will be 2 - bedroom, and 13 will be 3 -bedroom. Five of the 2-bedrvom units will be dual entry with walk-in entrances on Oxford Street as well as internal entrances. Rents for units in the development will be affordable to households earning 50% or less of the area median income, or approximately $42,000 for a family Of four. The building will include a large Page Oxford Village Apartments Project Description June z6,anzo community room to accommodate programming for adults and children that PPL's Self Sufficiency and Youth Development Programs make available toall residents. The development is adjacent [ottageviUe Park, which the city is enlarging and improving to include and abundance of open space and play areas for children, and within a third of a mile of the Blake Road Station of the soon to be constructed Southwest Corridor Light Rail Line. The development will include 4 units of permanent supportive housing serving individuals who meet the state's definition for Long Term Homelessness (iTH). These single adults will be1Dyears ofage orolder; be disabled (dignosed with a mental illness, and/or chemically dependent, or have a physical disability); and be financially eligible for the State's Group Residential Housing (GRH) Program (must be receiving 6AorSS|). The four units will be 1 -bedroom and will be designated to serve LTH individuals. The project will meet the sustainability benchmarks of Enterprise Community Investment's "Green [ommuniUos" Standards, and the overlay to these standards from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. The project location is exceptionally transit rich and walkable. Metro Transit busses stop next to the development, and the planned Blake Road Station of the Southwest LRT is approximately one third of mile away. There are many other amenkies within easy walking distance as well. There is easy access toretail atKnoUwnodMall and the Super Target. Restaurants, drug stores, banks and aday cane are also all within half a mile. Libraries, schools, movie theatres, downtown Hopkins, and Methodist Hospital are all within a mile and a half. Additionally, the site's east -west orientation and unobstructed southern exposure make it ideal for passive solar beat gain, as well as a solar thermal hot water system. PPL envisions a very green development, with storm water management elements designed in conjunction with the city's renovation of adjacent [ottaReviUe Pad, which is designed to be a regional storm water holding and infiltration facility. Trees, shrubs and other landscaping will form afeatune directly connecting the park with surrounding neighborhood and separating the development from neighboring single-family properties to the east. This feature will provide evergreen protection for the north side of the building and shade in the summer along the southern exposure of the building, thus reducing energy usage in two ways while providing other environmental and aesthetic benefits. The building itself will also p»omoLaagreen and healthy lifestyle. |naddition totaking advantage ofthe passive solar potentials of the site, the building will also be tightly constructed per Green Communities using relatively little carpet, |owVD[ paints and sealants, and durable materials. Tofurther enhance residents' health, smoking will not be allowed in the building. An auto -free lifestyle will also be encouraged by minimizing parking and providing secure bike storage space inthe underground parking area and outside the building. PPL believes that the she represents an excellent opportunity for development ofmoderate density housing geared toward working families and individuals oflow and moderate incomes. The central location of the site and its proximity to employment, services and public transportation make it an excellent location for workforce housing geared toward a variety of household make -ups, including singles and small families aswell as moderate-sized families. The Oxford Village proposal is consistent with the Blake Road Small Area Plan and Blake Road Station Area Mans, as well as the state's affordable housing goals and objective ofending long-term homelessness. Page Oxford Village Apartments Project Description /vne26, 2014 21 june 7:27 AM 21 june 12:00 PM 21 june 7:03 PM Oxford Village I]CERMAK RHOADES ARCHITECTS 22 december 9:48 AM 22 december 12:00 PM 22 december 2:34 PM To: 1\ leg Beekman, Community Development Coordinator CITY ()FHOPKINS From: Matt Pacyri-a, P.E., Sciil(--)r Associate 'forri Sachl, EF1', Engineer Date: March 2, 2014 Subject: (-)X],'()Ri) Gm,'EN STUDY uit ir o d U ct 1 o n M e riri o r a ri d u in JRFNo. 0145406 As requested, SRF has completed a traffic study for the proposed apartment development in the southeast quadrant of the Blake Road/Oxford Street intersection in the Cit), of f lopkins, NIN. 'I'lie main objective of this study is to qualitatively evaluate the traffic impacts associated -\vith the proposed apartment development, particularly Nvith respect to the adjacent neighborhood. This will include a revie-\\, of the existing and future traffic volumes, parking, and the proposed access/site circulation. If necessary, potential improvements N,.,IU be identified to address any issues. Existing Condltl&�is A review of the existing conditions was completed to establish a baseline to compare future conditions. The following information sunirriarizes the existing conditions. Data Collection Intersection turning movement counts were collected by SRF during the a.m. and p.m. peak periods the week of February 1'I th, 2014 at the following locations: • Blake Road and Oxf(.-)rcl Street • Blake Road and Cottagcvffle Park/Alley Access Observations were completed to identify various characteristics within the study area (i.e. roadway geometry, posted speed limits, and traffic controls). Currently, Blake Road is a five -lane roadway with a continuous tAvo-way left -turn lane and a 35 mile per hour (mph) speed hi -nit. Oxford Street is a two lane roadway with a 30 mph posted speed limit. Both of the study intersections operate as unsianalized intersections with side -street stop control. Existing georrietrics, traffic controls, and volurries NNrlithin the study area are shown in Figure 1. ONE CAR SON PARKWAY,SLATF, 150 1 55447 1 763.475.0010 1 In Existing Conditions 6 16Oxfordigure 1 Green Apartments Traffic Study 0148406 City of Hopkins, MN February 2014 Meg Beekman City of Hopkins Proposed Developinmnt March 2, 2014 Page 3 The proposed development is located in the southeast quadrant of the Blake Road/Oxford Street intersection. This site is currently occupied by six (6) duplexes that are planned to be removed. The proposed development consist,-, of a total of 54 apartnicrit units, made up of a combination of one-, two-, and three-bedroom units (See Figure 2). Both surface (16 spaces) and structured (45 spaces) parking is planned. Access to these parking -areas is provided via the C ottage-ville Park/Alley Access. This access is planned to be upgraded froth the. current alley configuration to a typical roadway cross- section as part of this development. 1'rip Generation Compadson To qualitatively assess the impacts of the proposed development, a trip generation comparison between existing and proposed land uses was completed. As previously mentioned, the proposed 51 - unit apartment development will replace six (6) existing duplexes (total of 12 units). Trip generation estimates for each of these land uses were developed using the FIE Tl-ip Generation Manual, 911) Edition. A surni-riary of the trip generation comparison is shown in Table 1, which includes ami. and p.m. peak hour and daily trips. Table L THIj Gevm,atimi Esthnates Limed Use Type tip l'E Code) Stze AM, Trips P . N1 , 1, 1, i 1) S Da HY 1'rlps hi Ok M 011t Existing - Townhouse (230) 12 Units 1 4 4 2 - / 70 Proposed - Aparti-nmts (4120) 51 Units 5 21 21 11 339 Change g ill Trips +4 +17 d- 17 +9 4-269 Results of the trip generation comparison indicate the proposed development is expected to generate an additional 21 a.m. peak hour, 26 p.m. peak hour, and 269 daily trips. It should be noted that this comparison does not account: for any modal (i.e. transit, -walking, or biking) reductions. Therefore, the trip generation increase is considered a conseivative estimate. Trips from the proposed developirient were distributed throughout the study intersections based oil existing area travel patterns. This includes accounting for a portion of vehicles that are expected to utilize/park on Oxford Street. The resultant year 2016 (i.e. one year after opening) conditions are shown in Figure 3. M, WIP U) C'O tU F - CCS < C 0) (D 00- x d CO 00 o LL Year 2016 Conditions Figure 3 Oxford Green Apartments Traffic Study 0148406 City of Hopkins, MN February 2014 Meg Beckman City of Hopkins March 2, 2014 Page 6 lladdng The proposed development is planning to construct a total of 61 parking spaces (i.e. 16 surface and 45 structured). To determine if this supply is adequate, a review of the expected parking demand was completed using the ITE Jlarkiq Goieralion Mensual, 411) Edition. This approach identifies the 85th percentile parking demand. Results of the parking review indicates approxii-thately 82 spaces would be necessary to acconarnodate the proposed 51 apartment units, which is a 21 space deficit. However, observations along Oxford Street indicate there is an abundance of on -street parking available adjacent to the proposed development. Furthermore, other modes of travel, particularly transit, would likely also reduce the parking demand. Therefore, the proposed 61 space parking supply is considered adequate. Ne,lghborhood htipacts Since the driveways to the dedicated parking for the proposed development are located along the C,ottageville Park/Alley Access, a limited amount of vehicles from the proposed development are expected to travel along Oxford Street. Depending on the actual trip generation and parking demand for the proposed development, an increase of approximately 25 to 75 vehicles per day can be expected on Oxford Street. This equates to between two (2) and seven (7) vehicles during the peak hours. It should I s -)e noted that this increase is not expected to create any operational issues. Sate Access/ ClrcidaUon Given the relatively low volurne expected to utilize the Cottageville Park/Alley Access, there are not expected to be any significant operational issues. It should be noted that the amount of access on Blake Road does have an impact on the mobility for motorists along Blake Road. Ideally, the Cottageville Park/Alley Access to Blake Road would be closed and relocated to Oxford Street. However, sit -ice there are not expected to be any significant issue-,, with the access as proposed and a direct access to Oxford Street may result is additional neighborhood impacts, no change,; to the access are necessary. C011CAUSiOns and FlemrmnendatIlse ns Based on our review, the following conclusions and recommendations are offered for your consideration. 0 Intersection turning movement counts were collected by SRF during the a.m. and p.m. peak periods the week of February I I th, 2014 0 The proposed development consists of a total of 51 apartment units, made tip of a combination of One-, and three-bedroom units. o 'rii's 1, site is currently occupied by six (6) duplexes that are planned to be removed. o Both surface (16 spaces) and structured (45 spaces) parking is planned. Meg Beekniaii City of Hopkins March 2, 2014 Page 7 • 'T'he proposed development is expected to generate an additional 21 a.m. peak hour, 26 p.m. peak hour, and 269 daily trips when compared to the current land use. o This comparison does not account for any modal (i.e. transit, walking, or I_) reductions. bikh g ions. I • A revie-\N7 of the expected parking demand was completed using the EFF; Parking Goieralion ALINAIII 41151_:dilion and identified an 85th percentile parking demand of approximately 82 spaces, '\\711tch is a 21 space deficit. o The availability of on -street parking and potential parking reductions due to transit and other modes of travel would likely also reduce parking demand, therefore the proposed 61 spaces are considered adequate. • An increase of approximately 25 to 75 vehicles per day can be expected on Oxford Street. o This equates to between two (2) and seven (7) vehicles during the peak hours. This increase is not expected to create any operational issues. • Since there are not expected to he anti' significant issues -\Nrith the access as proposed and a direct access to Oxford Street may result is additional neighborhood impacts, no changes to the access are necessary. I ]:\Pqn I ar� Ci rrent zoning Infor nation PROJECT FOR PRIDE IN LIVING 1035 East Franklin Avenue Ml n neapolis, MN 55404 ALTAIACSMLandTtl Survey I .... . ..... 1 OXFORD ST FEET .� I OXFORD VILLAGE APARTMENTS u FILE 9140 PARKING 902,67 r r EXISTI 5J r NO R®5X FCO w A AIRFLY - r t Rosas ,,awwMMM �•S.wl,m,.�m..,s s�aa4 EXISTING ALLEY s� C07AGEVILLE PARK Nvi v COTTAGEVILLE PARK t I /y eo h s. u PROPOSEREGEDD LET 'I"F' aIVU FP RUC ENTRANCE. 0 0 FU L 'ENTL FT ITELET PROTEC11011 FIE I I C SPf G COCIOUR OL JOTF .�� I ) O,ED COf IOUR N —T SU )HN(JiES ROPOSEO SPO1 ELE VAl10N DENOTES f h I '�D JRFACE DRAINAGE n ............. DENOTES PROPOSED RETAINING WALL EROSION CONTROL NOTE I . COOTR croft HALL ASH GRADNG (ES 1' P"'URBED) OR CONSTRUCT TDEPORARY FINDING UPSTREAMSOF PONDEET Por RE URE E TS iO LE SHA. BE RIP 7D D STOCKPILED. 2. INS IL A TEMPORAH /PE NEVT ENF G DSS PATION A'I' CTOR, SE SEWER DUTLE I' T 24 NOU S OF CONVEYING STORM SEWER F OWS. 3_ INS TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL ON ALI DSTURBED AREAS WITHIN 7 DAYS OF NO LONGER WOHKNG THAT PORTION OF TIIL OIL. TEM Po EROSION SONTR01.. H,P'S SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE CONTRACTOR BASED ON CURRENT SI I'E CONDI TION5. SIMON I CD < M, fn cr: 111— I.E 1EI-1 INII 1111-11S . .... Da —1 INE1111 NI 31111 Yl —11 LEI 11 1 loc I'l Ra LL —1 aa 1a N_ E - STD, SANITARY SEWER SH All A-- I T I I N, Yl Rorz ,o YOUR 1— .11- —T .1 E-1. con I R All.1 IIIN "' " . A IANEI q, -Ell — --I Al `1— "n" ............ IT --L�AY �N L0Y_R_R u 9 1AY T —E- M. - -- -------- - LRa aa<< — NORRESIDENTAL DRIVE— A ,PEGAQH WITH B IJJFVARPE I Z— "111111"I'D U, I R/111111 DRAIN IDE . . . . . . . . . . H—T —1- Gll 111YE1 IN 1,1AIVILIR N(fl[IlNN TI 1111 IF I TMAI�IEI"ILl _pA_ R,`l AI `67' PIPE To BEDDING DETAIL YY1/,l I B612 STAND ARDfURN ?x _QSFTF B61 R, STANPA(RD R & �235T )PL �I-IN' 115 GLAR G ­""S S — AlP LOAI o IYI L [ AR GOU R SL —7 IGGRF(ATE BA',E, CL— SPPDOIED SUEGRIED PAVEMENT SECTION c�I E rr Is C-) �,� Vl—flan Southwest OXFORD VLLAGE Make Road and Oxfm-d Street Hopkins, MN CERMAK RHOADES ARCHITECTS for l'rujc¢Rm'"rule In Llvlriy 06 24 2014 . ...... ..... ... View fiarn Northwest OXF:0FRID VU. AGE Hop4ns,MN CERMAK RHOADES ARCHITECTS V— from N.,tlhea,t 4DORID VII I AGE !qake Road wid Oxford Sk-eet. Hopkhas, MN CERMAK RHOADES ARCHITECTS Vi— fr,,,,, Southeast OXII::011RD VII II VAGE Bp,,3�<eVtoatNwidOxfoicpStrc,,eV. Hopkins,Mllq CERMAK RHOADES ARCHITECTS Gast Elevation OXFOFM VILLAGE Make Road and Oxfm d Street, Hopkins, MN CERMAK RHOADES ARCHITECTS f Llviriy 0124 20 14 West Elevation OXFORD VUAGE: Make ll:doad and: Oxford Stro-4. HopkVns, MN CERMAK RHOADES ARCHITECTS F, bcrcemenI I W. I I f 1)"lle I- I I panel, Ili, 4 North Fl-atioti OXFORD VLL AGE Btaoada�-H�iOx)Yd St�-Pf>t. M)ptdim IAN CERMAK RHOADES ARCHITECTS far 11, 1, A for M,1, In L 1 Sow h Flevali", OXII::UIRD VILI AGE Blako Road and Oxfw-d Street. Hopkins Nq CERMAK RHOADES ARCHrrEc"rs (16 ?4 2014