V.2. Approve the Cooperative Agreement for the Master Development Strategy of the Blake Road Station Area-4m
GlY of llopkill,�
Council Report 2014-122
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Cooperative
Agreement for the Master Development Strategy of the Make Road Station Area.
With this motion, the agreement will be executed and staff will continue to work on a Scope of
Work for the master development strategy.
Over the past several years, a significant degree of planning has taken place in the Blake
Road corridor. Through this work, key redevelopment sites were identified and a general
on established. The vision includes greening the corridor through the expansion of
Cottageville Park and opportunities to interact with Minnehaha Creek, enhancement of
pedestrian and bicycle amenities through a redesign of Blake Road, and redevelopment that
brings new housing options, employment opportunities and neighborhood -serving retail and
Significant progress has been made towards achieving these goals. The City is enhancing
the natural environment through the cooperative work of MCWD at Cottageville Park. A
committee has been established for the Blake Road redesign, and input is currently being
sought on various design options. Redevelopment has taken place along Blake Road, but
larger sites including Cold Storage, 43 Hoops and the area around the Blake Station platform
and park-and-ride remain untouched. In order to move these sites to redevelopment in a
comprehensivW and coordinated way, additional information is needed.
Hennepin County Community Works has offered to support the creation of development
strategies for several station areas including Blake. The proposed work is intended to molo,
from planning to implementation by creating a path forward that is grounded in real estate
market reality and the goals of the property owners, City of Hopkins, Hennepin County,
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and the Metropolitan Council's SW LRT project. The
agreement was approved by the MCWD and will be considered by the Hennepin County
board in December. I
Primary Issues to Consider
• What are the goals identified in the Cooperative Agreement?
• What is the City of Hopkins commitment under the Agreement?
Cooperative ,
Agreement for the Master Development Strategy
Kefsten EIv`6rum, Director of Planning & Development
Financial Impact: $_O Budgeted: Y/N Source:
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
I! I X14?I 11171111 1 1111111111111
, " 0 UIF, �,; F111111,111 � RGEM=
The agreement will serve to align the interests of Hennepin County, ITIGTITD and the City (�t
Hopkins, and identifies the following goals:
• Build upon existing work to articulate a comprehensive vision for the Blake Station
area that includes an integrated mix of housing, connections to green and open space,
access to multiple modes of transportation and regional stormwater management
• Utilize a community engagement process to effectively include Blake corridor residents
and businesses, to provide meaningful input on the types of uses and design
• Develop a strategy closely tied to available market data and studies, including
coordination with developers that know the market and the community's vision
• Create a clear implementation pathway that includes phasing for redevelopment, a
plan for financing and regulatory approvals, with an understanding of market
absorption, owner's needs and timing and impacts to the community
The majority of the cost of the Master Development Strategy will be paid by Hennepin County
Community Works and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District as our partners. The City of
Hopkins agrees to contribute in-kind staff time as well as financial analysis by the City's
financial advisor, as needed.
I 1 111111 IN
I HBO i MI � If � I NINE
* Approve the Cooperative Agreement as proposed.
* Amend the Agreement and approve.
* Elect not to enter into the Agreement at this time.
for the
Master Development StMegy of theBlal�,e Road Station Area
This ;%greernent is between Hennepin County HOUsingand Redevelopment Authority
(010 IRMY 701 Fourth Avenue Soul. Suite 400, MhmeqmQ NAN 55C 5, le NhiumhAa
Creck Watershed District ("MCWEr) 15320 Minximonka Blvd,, Mirinctonk,.-t, NAN 55345; and
the City of Hopkins ('11011KINS") 1010 1 St Street South, I lopkins, M -N 55343,
WHEREAT Flerimph County C'County-) has established Hennepin Corriniunity Works, a
COLH]t}/ J)FOLIralll to develop projects in parinwAlip with communities, cities and other stakeholders
to focus public and private inveshment along designated corridms; this; apparich is gnnnWed in the
robust participmion of msidans, Wisinesses, government agencies and community organizations
and embraces five k.ey principles:
0 Stimulate economic development;
0 Promote effective platining and implementation;
0 Maintain and improve natural Systems;
a Strengthen COMMUrrity COIMCC.tiOnS,
a Enhance the tax base;
WHEREAS, the County emalAished a TrmMt Oriented Development PnTrarn in 2003
which is administers by to HRA to support both redevelop Tient new coinumnion that
enhances U-muit umge, increases denshy along transit corridors and reinforces both the cornirmnity
and the transit system;
WHEREAS, Its parties to this .Agreement are each acdve partnev in an effort to apply
these Community Works and Transit Oriented Development principles to the `.)outhwest Light Rail
11ansh PiTiject conidor through Te Southwest Commundy Works Smahig Commitwe;
WHEREAS, the Hemepin Comuy Regional RaRroad Authority has acquired the 43 1 loops
she in rMon to planning for the Southwest 1.101' Project, and this she presents redeveloPment
opportuni ties for the Make Road Station Area;
WHEREAS, the NICWEHms embraced this Unimunity Works approach through a
Corrimi till ent to 13alanced Urban Ecology, (lie vision that successful, sustainable, livable
communities are built on a foundation of ha egrated plarning — p1aming that recogiAzes
conmul.IDMOS as living organisms and Ales ha o considnation all componwHs of We Man ecology
to work in reasonable hainiony; the MCM) seeks to nmnage natural resources within this broadet
ecological context by Otegrabrig in mm* with that of other partners in We public, private and
civic sectors, through gmWhe community Colkaboration tllaat protects and improve"; Water resources
while Making commudc growth and a l5g4jualIty built envOompent; the parties to this
Agreernerit hmv wo&cd together in the restoration orhe Nfinnelialia Creek Corridor and
Couagevillc Park, among other inifiativey the MCWD acquired the Cold Stoinge site" dwougli its
land conservation programa to: (1) improve the quality and manage the quantity of'stonnwmer
rurwr[ (2) unlimice Me ewlogical integrity of to Muni Vstein; ,,ind (3) facilitate broader
cononundy goals of economic. development and livability by allowing the restored streani systern
to be integrated into die developed landscape;
'"41FREAS, HOITINS through its Compreherisixe Plan has con-inSted to kind use and
development goals that include: inaiMminkrig a viable downtown cornmerchil cmq nointainirig a
stmaig emphyment base; C.011tini-ling to OrnphaVe compatible IMICI LIS'es between adjacent
,jurisdictions; rnaintaining appropriate usmitIms between hind uses; taking advantage of'
redevelopment opportunUtIs to capture Rawc Light Rad Tran sit QRTJ initiatives; and colvinWrig,
to coordinate land use and transportation needs; IiOPKINS has also worked in partnership will the
(','ounty. the HR.A and MC IAID to dmhop he Blake Road Corridor Small Arca Plan, which
identifies Opportunities for the enhancement and connection or green open space, redevolopment,
and strectscape fillprovenwilty
WHEREAT through these shared principles, vision, and ,,oals, the parties to this
Aorcernent wish to facilitate and 111.lide a ?Aastcr Development Strategy ("Strategy-) Fix the Blake
Road Station Area of the SOUthivest Light Rail ITansit PijecL with a pardcufm focus on three;
May 325 BAke Rout the arca surrovirlIng Me Qwv Flake Rom! Station. Park. and Ride facility
(&.1hze ntorepreeisev)j and the 43 1-loops/McCoys/Pizza Luce parking site ("'Focus Area");
WHEREAS, by RemAudon No. xxxx the COUNTY authorized its Participation in the
WHEREAS, by R.esokaWn No. yyyy the HCllRA./HCRRA authorized its participation
in to Strategy;
WHEREAS, to, Rewhubn No. zzzz the MCWD authorized its participation in tile
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. aaaa HOPKINS authorized its participation in the
WI IEREAS, the Project fits within the goals ora niuRijurisdictional progi-arn authorized
tinder Minnesota SUItUaS §38313,79 (the "Program"); and
WHEREAS, the, I ICIIR.A, MCWD mid f R)PKINS love the audm6ty to
imaicipate in the Strategy and to conti-iAtte ranxi-ing pursuant to Nfinnesota Statutes
§§38313,79 and 46%001 to 461047; 10313.241; and other applicable law; and
WI I EREAS, the parties are authorized to enter into this agreerrient pUrSUn)t to N/linnesota
Statutes 5§383BA9, 461001 to 469,047, 10313.241; and otherapplicabIc law,
'rhe parties agrec as follows:
I . Pursuant to -"Minne�ota statutes, Section
383F179� the pilrtics shall cooperate Nvith their respective resources to support it Pvlastcr
Development Strategy that provides a clear and compelling vision for the Blake Road Station Area
that is atUnuxl to market realities and includes an Wave implel-nemaHon pin, subjeo to the
folloving requirements:
a. That HOPKINS retains itsjuriahcOon over all ioucs oriocai concern rdadng
to tuning;, land usage, building coxic rapkemenis and cornpliance with all applicable city
codes and ordinances.
b, fhat theInymm oi� )-ejn� ymew c f arir, bowls issued by, a paql" (IS pall of the
prquQmnwhig vi,il/ be made sola v /ay Mal jn'w(L,,,
C. That 1he'lill1filith and ei'edil qfollej-�(w�v will 1101 a V0111-ce raf
or 1-cj')(-Vnlent of onothei- 1)oj-t);'s financial ohli�qalions.
FgplIg. Ile poles agree to contribute fluids to the Strategy as follows:
a. The HRA will contribute S 151000 to the Sustegy, and the in --kind resources of
the Housing, TfauSit and COun rl Lill i ty Works staff,
b. The AACVVD will wwribute up to S5QOOO to the Strategy, one-half of "Addl
v011 be paid to the HRA by and within 30 days of receipt of an invoke and supporting,
documentation for eligible costs incurred fblhwkg hAirnJon of the Strategy development; and
one-lialfol,which the second haiforwhich will he paid by and within 30 days ofreceipt of` cant
invoice and supporting docunurritation for eligible costs incurred following the completion of
the Strategy, ariLl the WON resources of its planning staff, and
C. HOPKINS will contribute the in-kind resources of its planning staff, including
regulatory guidance oil planning and xoninL?, approvals, tax increment finance analysis, market
knowledge, and city's vision.
I Systeg 'y " Go&s. Ilc parties agree to the following goals Ar the Show, which wilt be
reflected in the; Request for Proposals described below and in the work products dchN,ercd for the
a. Conipl-ehellsh'c Visioii: The Strategy will build on existing wok to articulate
though narrative and iniagycs a comprehensive vision for to Blake Road MAort Area and the
palAcuhr Focus Area, including an integrated mix 017housing, Connections to green and open
space, access to multiple; nukes of transportation; and regional stormwater management;
b. Conmwllity Lng'a'qemew: The process to develop the Strategy %vi 11 include effective
engagement; providing the Blake Road Corridor residents and bushlemes an opponundy fol-
meaningfbif input on types of uses and deign IN-Arerims before decisions are made and so that
expectations "Ire clear and well-founded;
C. Afm*ct Via%ow The process to develop the Strategy will include reference to
available rivulet dm and mintet studies. and effective cwWuaion with developers who ]<now the
area market and Understand the community's vision in Wer to assure that the Strategy is realistic
and can be implenlemed cruncovd,
(1, Clear Basal on overall rednTlopmem of the. Blake Rom]
Wriffor and the particular Focus Area, the Strategy will Provide specific rccorninendatioll on the;
dining and pliashig ofralevelopment. including reconstruction ol'Blake Road, a plan for public
5nanchg, a phm bw rcgWavwy approvals (such as zoning, density, potential PUD), with all
L1ndCrSt,NuCIin2 of market absorpticiii, o\Nners' needs and tuning. and hupcts to We annmuQq.
zj.usWork: Ie pues agme,
"Ile that the Strategy will build Oil all previous
work concerning the Blake Road Station Area,includin,�)� but not limital to: the Southwest
Corridor Investment 1,i-aiiiiework'f'i-,ii)sitioiiiI Station Area Action plan; Blake Road Corridor
Small. Arca Plan; Chy of Flopkins Comprehensive Plan; SouldnvusL Conidor flousing (laps
Analysis; and 14irmchiha Creek Corridor Plan,
5.C_uld Work Plan: The IIIA will be responsible to iSSUC a Reclucst for.
Proposals for consultant serve ices to develop the Strategy, select and contract "Ill the consultant,
and ruanage and SUPM Q the CMSUIMnt's YNork, and YOH ampurate will the other parties in this
process as Allows:
a. Re(locstfi.w Projwsals (RI, -1)., The HRA YOH prepare a draft RFP and provide it to
the NACW1.) and 1-1011K.1 NJ S liar revics, and applxnm I prior to As distribution;
b. Selection qITSisulau: The FIRA will include the M(,, WI) and Iq0PKlNS in tile,
process to review proposals and will select the consultant with the review and approval oj'NlCWD
C. A,Icel with Consulttmt (a K,--!), AWWwwo Ile I IRA will include the MC MID and
f-IOPKINS in the kickolmedirig to lawlch Me development of the Strategy, aml also in such other
meetings where work product deliverables are presented I'mr review and approval, iuCIUdAli,' (Ile
draft and final report of the Strategy, and include the 1ACWT) and FIN)PKINS in any presentations
to the I -IRA Board, City Council, or other public bodies,
M�� lud
8 The entire Agreement between the parties is contahad herrn and this Agrewrimt,
supersede,,; all oral agreements and negotiathms bowarn tilea parties relating to tile subject inam,
All hems that are mferenced or that are attaciled am incorporated and made a part of this
Agreerrient. If them is any conflict between the term,,, ofthis Agreement and rerel-criced or
attached iterns, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.
11. Anyalterations, variations, i-no(lificatims, or mmivus of provisions orwis
Agreement shall only he valid when they have been reduced to writing as in anicridnient to
this Agreement and signed by the parties.
T Adnlinis'tratic.Ltj. In order to coordinate the services of the Parties So as to
accomplish the ASO of dlis Agmernart, Me following individuals or their successors, shall
manage this Agmemart on behalf of the respective Puties,
I IRA Katic Walker-, SOLItIMCSt COITi(JOY Pro ect Mana-cl.
c�v] lca I nu. w"'11kci In. w�
Phone: 612-.3,48-2190
701 4th Avernic S, Suite 400
ivllnneqlolis, iMN 55415
MCWD: Jariles Wisker, Director of Planning,
Projects Land Conservation Programs
Phone: 952-64 1-<15C19
15320 Miruicton.ka Bhd.
Minnetonka, MN 55-345
HOPKINS: Kosten Elvel-Urn, Director of` Planning & Development
City of I lopkins
Phone: 952-548-6340
1010 Ist St S
Hopkins, NIN 55343
8. N " oti , c - e , s. Any notice or demand which must be given or made by a I)aIly Under this
Agreernent or any statute or ordinance shall be in \vriting! and shall be scant registered or certilred
mail. Notice to the 1-fCf I RA shall be sent to the Executive Director at the address stated in the
openingparaoraph of' the Agreement, Notice to the other- Parties shall be sent to the address
4:1 t- C,
stated in the opening paragraph of the Agreement.
9.Tern,iination ofAercement. Any of the parties will have the right to terminate this
agreement ,,.it any time and l'or any reason by submitting written notice of the Intention to do so to
tile other parties at ]cast thirty (30) days, prior to the specified ef't*(-,,ctive date of such tLITninatiOn.
In the event that the MCWD elects to terininate this agreement, it wvlll be responsible to pay a
1)1 -0 --rata Share Of'COIASLIltant costs incurred by the HRA as of the specified effective date,
I (). Liability. Each party to this agreenrent agrees to hold harmless, defend and indemnity
the other party, its oCficers, board members, cinployees and agents froin and against that portion
ofany and all liability, loss, clairn, damage or expcnSeS (illClUding reasonable attorneys' fees and
C- L7
(fisbursciricrils) which that party may incur as a result of any act or omission ofthe other [)art)', ,.i
contractor's or in assignee's negligence in its perl'ormance under this wircernent that slit) ects it
It, c, J
to liability in law or equity. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to be a waiver by either.
Party of any applicable i III ru rini tics, defenses or limits of liability with respect to any third party
or the, other- party to this agreement inCh.0111g, without linlitatiOn, I'VIIIIIICSOta StatLACS., Sections
3,736 (State 'Fort Claims) and chapter,466 (Municipal Tort C.'lainis).
1 1. Csmy-1101-1t. The reports or docurnents produced 11) WhOIC OY in J),111 UIRILT this agrrccjncnt
will be SUbjCCt to Ian' Use and May riot be the subject of an application for copyright by or oil
behalf of, any of the parties.
11 Use ofWork Products. The parties may LISC, Without FeStriC6011, the work products of
the Strategy, Including but not limited to reports and documents.
I The above Recitals are incorporated into this, Agrecincnt.
Reviewed by the County
Attorney's Office
.......... _., ..�.... ......
�....�..._ .._�
Chair 01'11S County Board
Deputy (''lens of-(:'catcrzty Board
Recx; m.niencicncl d'or Approval 1'3y.._..___....
CoL. oy Aciminis(mmi-
By: _..._.........___..__.__._-------- ._.._---._._... _ ... Date:
r)cpat'txi'wnt I)irenctor, [lousing,
C.'o�n,7imunit), Works and "transit And:
Asisi<c s County Ad�mir-istmtc>pPubl ; Woks Datc._�..._
llEi`vNl=,I'IN COUNTY I-IOUSIN(i Agit') R1.,DGsVEf.,OPN/11-N'T A[ -Y -1-I t:)RIT)"
C'IiAr of Its Board
d:)cl)MY Cl n: k of thc; County, 'Board
Executive xecutive Director
1:3 y
Deputy I xecum: Director
13 y:
City Departnicat Approval
Approved as to Forn-i
City Attorney
Its President
Approved Corm and cxecuti011:
MCWD Counsel
Southwest LRT Cornmunity Works
Master Development Strategy
Bl(.-jke Road Station
light rail transit
Date of Issue: TBD
Date Due: TBD
Issued by Hennepin County, 1he City of Hopkins and the Minnehoha Creek Wc.itershed
District cis part of the Southwest LRT Con,ununity Works Project
this Request for Proposals (RFP) is for development of a Mcisier Development Strategy
for the (inserf station) along the Southwest (Metro Green Line extension) Ll line ir, Twin
C"'ities Metropolilan Area, (A niap of the station locations oncl corridor are locclie(.1 in
Appendix A,)
The Mcisler Develof:)ment Strategy process is infencled to move from pj(-.mninq to TOE)
implernerilation in (-.i coordinated, collaborative and strategic fashion.
The intended result of this process is to create a Master Developmeni Strategy grounded
in teal estate rnarket reality through identifying the malkel for TOO supiI)ortive and
iecornmending (approaches for developrnenf incenfives and partnerships to cotolyzo
new TOD cind related urban development in the- station afea. The main components Of
the process will include:
0 Technical evaluation of the station are_ ct vision versus market reality
a Identification of gaps if they exist between vision and market
0 De.tern,iination of tools/techniclues to fill gaps or revise vision to mailt reality
& Development of on irnpler-rientation plan with rc)lc-,,s/respot,)sibilities/potei-,tial
a De -termination of a pr(afened clevelopn,)ent program (or preferred scenario),
rancie of cost, and feasibilily.
0 Broad consensus among project 1--,oi Iners 9. key stakeholders about develop
process and steps to get there
Over the past 10 years in (Anticipation of I.-IRTimplery-rentation, Ihe Southwest LRT partner
cities have completed varying levels of visioning/planning around the proposed
Southwest LRT stations.
Additionally, Southwest I -RJ Cotninunity Works and the Southwest LR'I project have
undertakers ca series of planning activities that will need to be closely coordinated if,)
order to complement this transitional station area planning work. Th(-,,,sc- planning
activities are more fully explained in the Relevant Studies section,
The preferred consultant to will have the economic development and real estate
analyst, In addition, lhe preferred consultant should have Ihe ability to draw upon the
following disciplines if needed: Uri.)cm Ian( -,I use planning, urban design, civil engineering,
tronsporlation planning, traffic engineering, and bicycle and pedeskian planning,
Consultants should odde*ss the following work tasks k'their pnzpcmuiConsultants
proposing should understand that the fasks listed do riot necessari|y need to be
comp(e|eU|nosequen|io(order and are, monalikely tnbeaccomplished inon
integxzted, henzh*a fashion. The Coosuit ont moysuagud the e|imino|ion of |osks o/
portions of tasks cis well as the inclusion of udc0kzno| (asks J the Consultant believes if will
enhance, the process and final product. Consultants proposing to cieviate, from the
scope ofservices ou|inedbelow should provide orationale for the suggested
mndihcuhonond |hoimpod |o their proposal in |ennsu[resuurcey.
TheConsultant will beprovided will n*|evon|s|ocUesand pkzro.The intent bfor, ihe
Consuhont to unders1ondand beknowledgeable ofthe following:
° Local compoahunsiveplans & other station u/eoplanning documents
" The Southwest Corridor Investment Roo*ework
° The (insert station norne)Transitional Station Area Action Plan (T3AAP)
° Existing station area conditions
= Londuse and |and values
Transportation inhoshuchure(uuhz.transit, pedestrian, LRT, and bicycle)
Existing inkus|ructure conditions (u|iliiies, storm water, soniforysevxac etc)
° Vocon|Punceb/deve|opmenisites
° Envi/onmento|resou/cca/impoct onaos
Housing (|ype.size, location)
° Hb|ohco|/cu||uuz|nasxxces
= Ernp|cymentconcentrations ondbusiness nodes
Activity cenieo(porks.entertainment venues, shopping centers, otcj
° ReioUeo providing heo||hy/qucd||yond ethnic food opporkniien
° Concentno|ionsoftnzdiriono||yunderserved communities de(inncicis low.
Delivexuble� YVithin3Odays frocnthe notice |oproceed, the Consultant will conduc-to
Fick -off kXeahngvith Comnnuni|yYVo/ks pottneo to discuss relevant
dudiesand plans and |oensure ocommonunderstanding byall par fnea
ofthescope, schedule and deliverables for |heMaster Ueve|opmen1
"The Consultant will be expected to meet n-ionflily with the Pf'ojecf Manageryient Tearn
(PM1);quudodymeetings with the Southwest Comrnuni|yWorks Technical
|mpl(.-,,nnenbztionConnnihee('DC);quarterly with the Southwest Community Works
Steering Cummithaa;weekly with the Hennepin County project manager for
administrative direction; and, pahodicoUywith other key stakeholders. The Consultant
will also be expected to rneet periodically for coordination purposes with the consulfant
keoms for the (inse/ts|oiions) Mosier Development Strategies and the FTA Joint
Development Real [s|oteCoradtunt for the B|nkeand Be|Nnestations. (please see
appendix Xfor the FIA Joint Development Real Estate Consultant for the Blake and
Deliverables: Ptojer-f Management plan,
The Consultant will evu|unfle|he Ic)(:u|ox//ke|denxzndfor TODsupportive uses within the
....... station oreusincludinghmingof the TDDnnorkefand expectedobsorphonrate of TOD
uses. The Consultant will also cunducl on in-depth ossessmen| or potential for 101.-.)
supportive use onuptoIwo key opportunity sites for each station area. For the Blake
and Beltline stations one of the two key opportunity sites will be the FTA Joint
Deva|opmen|site cis idanii|ied bythe Souihvvest LRTProject Office (JP[`) These detailed
provide insight into building types, market rents, vacan(--y rates and other inputs required
for the implementation strategy.
The Con�u||onlwill explore "solisiiciukxeTOD-sopporhveland use and u/bondesign
scenairos at eachslation area dfowing on local plans, ISAAFI, stakeholder input arid tl"Ie
/ecommandohonsof lheo*o| estate morketanalysis from Tosk 4.
Starling with local plans and |heT5AAP frornewo/k, o|ie/nofi^econcepbwill explore
threadifferent txznsi|-suppodivescenuhos that are possible, plausible, and probable nnd
lead toonacomrneodedscenoriodnzvvnf/om|heoUe/nohvesfor detoi|ed/efinemeni
One of the s(.'-,enaiios, a baseline scenario, should reflect a synthesis of lc)c(-.jl plans,
Development site csidentified bythe SPO. Each of the scenohoswill include 3'D
i||uyhoiiveimoges' odevo|opmen| program and address site plans, land use, circulation,
parking, paiks and open space along with uit..)an design, slreots(--ape cind lhe parking
Tohelp distinguish behwsen|hescenohoythmConuuUont will identify who|brequired to
implement eacJ) of theryi inckiding: changes to local codes and policies, phasing
iequiremerils, implementafion actions, mles and nesponsibili ties and order of n'ragnitude
cupiiu|cos&. The scenohosshould also address K]Ocatalyst pnojec|sarid identify vn
area of change to TOD uses and on area where existing c-onditions will ren')ciin largely
Deliverable: A worklng paper with supporting graphics and irnpiemerflation recloirer-ner'l is
Land Use and Urban Design sceno/iofat each station.
|haconsdflon|will develop unimp}emen|otkm s1nzfegythat will specify the direct
means for achieving vho| is desieQ nesou/oes to occompUsh it clear roles is
doing what and when, and identify and empowerthe phvo1eundpublic inihoives
essential to realize these opportunities.
11he implementation stiategy should result in broad ownership and understanding of
prioiities, timing and roles and responsibilities cutting cicross the public and private sector
of the ac-fions necessary for irnplementation, Th, -J strategy will identify lhe reqUirements,
priorities, roles and responsibilities, and costs associated with implementation such cis,
adoption of changes to local codes and policies, prograrning of targeted infrastructure
invednnenb.|and assembly, unintegrated financial development ogreemenisand
offering docomerifs, building and CISScff)bling the tools and the partnetships necessary to
achieving the vision for vibrant urban place,
Deliverable: Detailed implemenk-ition strategy for each station area
The Corou|tunlwill develop u /ecornmendeJshu1egyincmpcxoMnQillustrative 3-D
inncges.site plans, !and use, circulation, pu/hng'parks and open spoce.TODregulations,
uban clesign, stifeetscape and the paiking strategies necessary to nx*e the tral-isition to
owalkable |mnsii-suppu/hvedb|hcfand oand the comssponding imp|ementution
sfnoiegy from Task 1 for e( -ch station area.
Deliverable: Detailed Master Development Strategy for each station orea.
All proposals i-nusi be addfessed as follows
Hennepin County Purchasing & Contract Services
Attn: JocqueUneBoeke.SenioxContract Services Analyst
A-l730Hennepin Coun|yGovennmentCenter
30OSouth Sixth Street
Minneopo|b, MN 55487
Re:3ou1hwesi Master Development Strategy
(612) 348-3181 (for expuassdelivery use only—'noquestions)
Proposals mud be physically delivered !o the offices of Hennepin County Purchasing &
Contract Services at the above oddeus no later thon Pruposo|ss received *fief the
specified time and date may no| be considered, at HCYYT's discretion
Notice of inten1 to pmpose and questions regarding the study must be received via
emui| to Kutie.YYo}keK�hennepinus. JocqB�hmupm
uei|n�oeke�coennepinns> by 4�0O
on. Responses will be hwnsmiihad to all prospective consuUonbwho have notified HCYYT
of their intent fo propose by. If is requested that all prospective consultants provide
emoi| odd/esu contact information to HCYYTos the pxa4ymad meons ofcommunioofions
for expediency (JohnOthe proposal process. All consu|lontswill receive ofull list of
prospective consultant questions (with anonymity preserved) along with HCYYT/euponsns,
cone|ohonwith the question and response process. |fnecessary, onoddendumwill be
set -it out to all who subMitted an intent to propose ond posted on the Hennepin Cow"ity
Consultants nxzynot contact the staff ufMCYYTmothers serving onthe consultant
.selection con-irniflee iE-',garding this RFP beyond the inquin/ procc--m described above.
Proposals mum+be`ubn')iMedon8'7/2"x\|''size paper and should betyped using o
minimum |2point standard fonL Graphic illustrations may beshown ori l\"xi 7"paper
ondwill beconsidered usone page, Propouu|narratives moynot exceed 25pages io
length, including acover letter signed byoprincipal of the Proposer Unn.oranother
persun'who isfully authorized toact onbehalf ofthe Prnpose/. Aoappendix moybe
inc|odedihu|inc|udesresuooesundexomp|esof/e|evontv/o/koxpehence, This
appendix isnot iuexcead20pages. the proposal nono|ivmand appendices should be
The oppUcontmust submit ohnonck|bid inoseparate envelope from the proposal
document. Thishnonokz|bid should include edimu|edhouo'rates, expenses and other
costs incorrelation with 1hemajor tasks identified inthe proposal work plan. As
described previOUSly, the financial bid should respond to the scope of services in this RFP.
Ihe financial bid should also iniclucle the implications of any recornn')ended devic'-Itions
from the RFP scope ofse//icec
Oric." (1) original, five (5) Photocopies, and five (5) CDs in PDF foirnat of the propnsal are
required. 11 is requested that the financial bid also be submitted in electronic Excel
spreadsheet fornicif to facilitate the evaluation process.
All inforf-rialion included in the submitted proposal will be classified in accordance with
Se,ction 13.591 of Minnesota slatufes governing data practices.
In order to be considered valid, the proposal shall be in writing, subrnifted on time in
sealed packoges and be signed by an officer of the Proposer who con be accountable
for all representations. Excessive promotional rnaierials are discourogod.
The proposal rust contain the following infort-nation, presented in the order shown:
1. Profile of Proposer, including the size ar)(J organizalional sliucture, post history,
and the status and outcorne of any lawsuits brought against the Proposer irl the
post five ye(. -Ars. HCW_I reserves the right to exclude Proposeis that have an
organizational conflict of interest.
2. Description of Proposers overall approach at sok flan.
3. Work Plan. Breakdown of project by phases or tasks. For each task identified in
the scope of services In this RFP, identity:
a Specific staff to be involved, toles, and responsibilities. Availability of stuff
Including percent of tit -rip allocated to the Southwest Cofridor versus other
corrin)itnierjts over the duration of the study
0 Time con,irnilment for each persona (hours)
0 S r- h e (J u I e
4. easter Schedule, on single sheet illustrating task relalionships including
antrcipated meetings over the duration of the; study.
5. Description of Proposer's past experience providing sir-nilor set -vices including
Names arae) addresses of contact rDersons 'tor refererice,
Ike --scription (I istory and experience) of proposal tear-ri rrierrIbers' role in
each project.
Project Tearn Profile
* Resurnes of key project participants, including prior projects of sirnilar size
ancl scope. for which the participants played the sarne or a similar role,
Organizational chart of the Proposer's koy tears nien')bers including an
administrative contact and sub consultants.
* Descriplion of the anticipated role of each Proposer key team ri-ter-r-iber.
C*onfirrri that each team nierfibef will be fully engaged in the study cis
descriL-)ed for the duration of the, contract,
7. F( -,,o for Services (in separate sealed envelope)
* Budget broken down by teatn rnernber, by job classification, by firni, and
by scope of service task. The number of hours allocated to each teari'l
member for each lask element of the work plan will be clearly indicated.
* Current audited hourly rates for staff.
° Current audited overhead ro|esfor oUProposer team finnc.
~ An eshmo|eof/eimbunob|e direct expenses byexpense type.
8. Indicate whether thc) finn's aclivities om tepresentc-ition of other clients could
poientkdlyporeocunflictofinte/esiioibvepnesen|oUono(HenncpinCoun|y. A
potential conflict of itilerest, including proposing for, the Southwest I..Rl Prelit-ninary
Engineering contract, does not specifically exclude any firrii, so all submittals an,-,,
welcome. Hennepin Couniyshu|| de1erminewhether o conflict of interest exists
during 1hepnocunamen|process.
Notice toProposer
o. HCW7isriot responsible for costs incurred byanyone responding io!his
Request for Proposals.
b. Uponsubnnissioo'oUproposobbecuroe|heprope/iyofMCVYT,whichvahoins
the right touse any concept at, idea presented inany proposal submiUed.
whether or nut that pnzposo| is accepted,
C. UCYVTcxpreudy reserves Na hgh1 to amend orwithdraw this Request to(
Proposals otany hmeand toreject any orall proposals, Any omendmen|swill
hemud*inwilting, and noverbal noodificohonswill bebinding,
d� MCW7briot bound toaccept |helowest ccofproposal.
e, Proposals are held legally nasponsib|e for thc|/proposals and p/opcoo|
hodgeb. Proposers o/enot hzcollude with other proposeaand oompoii|om
o/iokeany other ociionwhich will restrict competition. Evidence o|such
ocUvUywill eoultin*ejectmnofthe proposal.
L MCW7esawes the hgk||onegotiate contnzciiennsconhempmanouuslyand
/or subsequently vvith ony number of proposer, os HCYVT deems to be in its
best interests,
9. Anyexceptkzro ioMhe requireoxyn1sm/this RFP' including the |ungoogeit) the
sample contract, nnytbeincluded iothe proposal sobniit1edbythe Pmpou�.
Identify the exception,, os o separate element of the proposal under the
heoding "Excep�ions/Oevioiions," Failure io note exceptions shoU be
deemed owaiver ofobjections.
h, MC.YVTreserves the hAht to request any oddihono|information at any stage of
iheRequedfor Proposals process. Comp1|gnceshall boo|the proposers'
L [och proposal shall constitute u binding, ixevocob|eoffer for o period of 6
monthsoffer the date, proposals are clue.
i HCVYTreservesthe right tonegotiate with any hrm.whether ornot itsubmiMed
oproposal puuuon|hothis RFP.
k, This RFPdoes ncA cornmit MCYYThz award ucontract io any Proposer,
All proposals will beevaluated busedon[lie fuUovvinguhieho:
° Displayed understanding of the project and corripielhensiveness of fhe proposal
° Previous experience arid demundxziadcompetence vvi|hrelevant p|onniny
° Cost esMmo�etot consultant services
* Qualifications of persorinel assigned to the piojecl, cis related to the requirenient
ofthe project
~ Availability ofkey personnel
+ Ability toaccomplish work wUhinthe desired project !knehomaondmee|
Hennepin County contract /equi,ernenb.
Additional evaluation factors are cafollows:
= UCYYTuaserves the right 10waive onyminor ixegu)oh|iesinthe prnpoSu|mquest
° HCYYT/esemes the right to determine, in its sole and absolute discretion, whether
any aspect ofoAxopuscduzUshzchzhlymeefsthe needs ofthe project.
° HCYYTreserves the hOht tuinterview any orall proposers ufits disc/ehon.
° Proposals will beevo|uutedbyonevu|uohonteornselected byHCYYT�
° The evaluation temnnmay oonductoral interviews with selected proposea. HCYVT
will riot benasponyib|efor any costs incurred byoproposer inprepohnQfor o/
making opauenluhon.
0 The decision to proceed with contract negoiiotions with a selected consultant
will be based on the written p/oposo|s, the results of oral inhsniews, if held, and
the recommendation o[fheProposal [vo|uo(|onTeam.
° HCvVTreserves the right io*ejac| onycr all proposals with at- without coous,
0 Unauthorized conditions, |inni|oiions' o/provisions attached |oo proposal may
cause its iejec-tiori.
The onophosbofthe proposal evaluation feomwill beonthe guo0yof the proposal
ducunnen|along wi|hquo{iUco|innsand experience cf the consultant team in
relation tothe, study tasks. AdetenninoUonwill bemade us|owhich proposal, ifany,
isnxnfadvantageous toMCYYT.byconsidering the, evu|uo||onsof the proposals, the
best value ioHCYVT'and the best interests ofMCvYT.HCYYTwill mokeihefinal
selection, which will bebinding only after the award o/contract.
The, issuance of this RFP constitutes only an invifation to submit proposals to the County. It
btobedistinguished homobidding situation and briot tobeconstrued cis onofficial
and cuslomaiy request for bids, but as a rricans by which the County can facilitate the
ocquidhunofinfo/nnoUon re|oiod the p/oposui Any p/uposo|submiiied' as provided
herein, constitutes a desire fo negotiate and recognition that the proposal is not a bid
and is riot being submitted (is part of a bid process.
Aproposal moynot bemodified, wiihdnzwn cxcanceled bythe Proposer for uperiod of
six (h) months following the time and date designated 1orreceipt o[p/oposo|s. Pho/io
the time unddoiedesignated for receipt ofproposals, any such modification,
withdrawal or cancellation shall be subrnitted in wriling to HCWT, and it slicill be so
worded (if original proposal is modified) so as not to reveal the onxzun| of the original
proposal, YY/i|1enwithd/o*o|o/concoUohonofoproposal prior |oiheproposal opening
will nullify the pnopoSoi Howeve(the original pnzposu|shall not bephysically returned 10
the Proposer until after the time for receipt of the proposals. Withdrawn or canceled
proposals may be resuloniitted UfD to !he tirne designated for the. receipt of proposals,
f-xovided|hot the resubmitted proposal isinconformance vifh this RFP.
Under Minnesota law, data submitted by a business to a governn')enf enfily in response
Once the /osponsescue opened, the nooneofthe proposer becomespublic, All other
doio in o Propose/'s response io m requesi forproposo| mre private ornonpub|ic' doio
Until completion u(the evu|ua|ionprocess, Cornp|etiunofthe evaluation process meons
that the govemmenterdty noscump|e1ed negotiating the confn)c|wilhthe selected
P^upooer. Afteru qovemmen> entity has completed the evn|uohon procee, all
rernaining data subryiitted by all Propos(,,rs are public-, with the exception of trade sec.,:re-t
doto as defined and dooified in Minn. S|oi Section 1337. A statement by o Proposer
that yubrni||ed doto oeecopyhghfed o/o�hewvise protected does not prevent public
access tothe doiocontained iothe response iisuch dofodoes not quality ostrade
secret data.
I iCWT will enter into a Cost Reimbursement Contract with the selected consultant.
Payn,ienf to the contracior will be based or) costs incurred, consistent with the budget,
pedn/monceand the workstatement. See below tot coot/oc|provisions that will be
contained in the contract MCYYTenteo into with the se|ec|ed |inn. Pxzpnsob should
indicate the firm's willingness to agree to such conlract piovisions,
HCV0t-nay award a confiact based on offers received, without discussion of such offers
wi|hthe applicants. Each offer should, therefore, besubmitted inthe most favorable
|ennsfrom ocostp/og/ummoUcand technical standpoint.
Any protest to the proposed award of a contract by HCMI shall 1-)e solor-nitled in writing
not later, than seven (7) business days from the date of the selechon of C-onsultant by the
Proposal Review Committee. I he appeal shall identify [he RFP in question, specify all the
reasons why 1heappealing party with the se/echo/r'and shall include all
relevant facts in support (if Ihe appeal. Appeals will be decided upon the basis of he
proposers, staff and the written evaluation o/the Proposal Review
konnany uf the pmposee.TheDhec|orbunder noublkJolionioreject the selection cd
the Proposal Review Cornmittee unless it is unsuppotted by substantial evidence, or is
orbikorycx cu[xicious. In the event the Di/ecturde|a/rnines that the se|eclkzn of the
Proposal Review C,ornrnittee is UnSUppoded by substantial evidence, or, is arbitrary or
capticious, the Director rnay recon-iri,iend that the appealing party, or another proposer
ranked higher by the Proposal Review Con-irnittee, be awarded the contract, or may
iecornmend rejection of all [:)roposals The decision of the Director fegafding the appeal
shall be considered final, Ihe contract award, however, shall I'De, within the sole discretion
ofthe County Board.
Hennepin County Contract No. XXXX
1 -111r -m
for the
Master Development Strategy of the Blake Road Station Area
This Agreement is between the of lkmnep�ill.-;tate -of'm inne-,ota
County Housing and
Redevelopment Authority ("HCHRA"), 701 Fourth Avenue South, Suite 400, Minneapolis,
MN 55415,1'2- what- bri-rc4Hfi) -f1GHRA?J; the Minnehaha Creek
Watershed District ("MCWD") 15320 Minnetonka Blvd., Minnetonka, MN 55345.,- and the
City of Hopkins ("HOPKINS"') 1®10 1st Street South, Hopkins, MN 55341
WHEREAS,has established Hennepin Community
Works, a County program to develop projects in partnership with communities, cities and other
stakeholders to focus public and private investment along designated corridors; this approach is
grounded in the robust participation of residents, businesses, government agencies and community
organizations and embraces five key principles:
• Stimulate economic development;
• Promote effective planning and implementation;
• Maintain and improve natural systems;
• Strengthen community connections;
• Enhance the tax base;
WHFRF�'A& fl. nty_t li�hed a Tnansil: Q�Jentcd Develo r ei tIr gf4j,,�Jn003
which is adnJnistered by Elie I [FU% to new g,,)nstructioni that
-7 ---
cnhances transit �
L J!1(,jeases dr
-------- - ----- -- - ----------- 1-1--- --------------- ...............
andtfietrans�ts s n
................. — �:.,
.WHEREAS -the parties to this Agreement are each active partners in an effort to apply
these Community Works Land 'Fransit Oriented-D.cLLc ojrii niprinciples to the Southwest Light Rail
Transit Project corridor through the Southwest Community Works Steering Committee;
WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority has acquired the 43 Hoops
site in relation to planning for the Southwest LRT Project, and this site presents redevelopment
opportunities for the Blake Road Station Area;
WHEREAS, the MCWD has embraced this Community Works approach through a
commitment to Balanced Urban Ecology, the vision that successful, sustainable, livable
communities are built on a foundation of integrated planning - planning that recognizes
communities as living organisms and takes into consideration all components of the urban ecology
to work in reasonable harmony; the MCWD seeks to manage natural resources within this broader
ecological context by integrating its work with that of other partners in the public, private and
civic sectors, through genuine community collaboration that protects and improves water resources
while attaining economic groavth and a high-quality built environment; the parties to this
Agreement have worked together in the restoration of the Minnehaha Creek Corridor and
Cottageville Park, among other initiatives; the MCWD acquired the Cold Storage site through its
land conservation program to: (1) improve the quality and manage the quantity of storrawater
runoff (2) enhance the ecological integrity of the stream system; and (3) facilitate broader
community goals of economic development and livability by allowing the restored stream system
to be integrated into the developed landscape;
WHEREAS, HOPKINS through its Comprehensive Flan has committed to land use and
development ,goals that include: maintaining a viable downtcwn commercial core; maintaining a
strong employment base; continuing to emphasize compatible land uses between adjacent
jurisdictions; maintaining appropriate transitions between land uses; taking advantage of
redevelopment opportunities to capture future Light Rail Transit (LRT) initiatives; and continuing
to coordinate land use and transportation needs;
V1 B l� G AS, HOPKINS has also worked in pa'rtnersh'ip with the County.. the, 111tC!°!t and
MCWD to d.e'velop the Blake Road Corridor Small Area Plan, which identifies opportunities for
the enhancement and connection of green open space, redevelopment, and streetscape
WHEREAS, through these shared principles, vision„ and goals,, the parties to this
Agreement wish to facilitate and guide a Master Development Strategy ("Strategy") for the Blake
Road Station Area of the Southwest Light Rail Transit Project, with a particular focus on three
sites: 325 Blake Road; the area surrounding the future Blake Road Station Parr and Ride facility
(d'eftne more precisely); and the 43 Hoops/McCoys/Pizza Luce parking site ("Focus Area");
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. xxxx the COUNTY authorized its participation in the
WHEREAS, by Resolution. No. yyyy the I-ICHRA/HCRRA authorized its participation
in the Strategy;
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. zzzz the MCWD authorized its participation in the
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. aaaa HOPKINS authorized its participation in the
WHEREAS the Project fits within the goals of multijurisdictional program authorized
under Minnesota Statutes §3838.79 (the `:Program"); and
WHEREAS, the HCHRA, MCWD and HOPKINS have the authority to participate in the
Strategy and to contribute funding pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §§383B.79 and 469.001 to
469.047; 10313.241; and other applicable law; and.
WHEREAS, the parties are authorized to enter into this agreement pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes §§383B.79, 469.001 to 409.047; ]03B.241; [Hopkins City Charter] and other applicable
The patties agree as follows:
1. Cooperation for Master Devclopment Strategy: Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section
383)3.79, the parties shall cooperate with their respective resources to support a-MaFter
l tt r elopnwmt-Strategy that provides a clear and compelling vision for the Blake Road Station Area
that is attuned to market realities and includes an effective implementation plan, subject to the
fallew-ing, regairerii ii l.. .(.°()�l(iiti011 tliat...1:IA HOPKINS retains "its jurisdiction over all issues of
local concern relating to zoning, land usage, building code requirements and compliance with all
applicable city codes and ordinances.
...a-'anV hands is 1 v apartp
ir. l"Tart tl f�rJt afa"a e r l a,c''d,it` �� tz r° lff...� r.� 1 l a .ia r ,e
.....jit4o1 it„rd-3angItoge-ekilt
til iy-� �t,tl�tr"dew nrr r��lrlt�rt-tn�p��=ttven�� rrt-ar�� irormciir�-ls-fr��-ari�ti--kt����a�
8 Funding. The parties agree to contribute funds to the clr c lolr urt°owl oto tll.2_strategy as
a. The tiiVtt=l lltrt, will contribute uta tc $1s0,0c10;arg dcw,_i.pnirt; t c 9'the
Strategy t�tr fls and the in-kind resources of the Housing, Transit and Community Works
b. The MCWD will contribute up to $50,000 to P'tr_d v l N)l,)rfltrlt Q1, "the Strategy,
one-half of which will be paid to the Coun w i MA ,by and within 30 days of receipt of an
invoice and supporting documentation for eligible costs incurred following initiation of the
Strategy development, and the second half of which will be paid by and
within 30 days of receipt of an invoice and supporting documentation for eligible costs
incurred following the completion of the Strategy, and the in-kind resources of its planning
staff; and
u.—HOPKfNS will contribute the .in-kind resources of its planning staff, including
regulatory guidance on planning and zoning approvals; ,ark tax increment finance analysis.,
w4 -14-44e to tl 4u n a Fwc log++ ri; t tis . t pit r d + t+a tl p a ra 7aa c li c err
_ StEateg pals. The parties agree to the following goals for the Strategy, which will be
reflected in the Request for Proposals described below and in the work products delivered for the
a. ComprehensiveVision: The Strategy will build on existing work to articulate
through narrative and images a comprehensive vision for the Blake Road Station Area and the
particular Focus Area, including an integrated mix of housing, connections to green and open
space, access to multiple modes of transportation; and regional stormwater management;
b, Community Fngageinent: The process to develop the Strategy will include effective
engagement, providing the Blake Road Corridor residents and businesses an opportunity for
meaningful input on types of uses and design preferences before decisions are made and so that
Formatted Space Before 0.8 pt Line
L. spacing Exactly 13 pt
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0.5", R.rght: 0.27", Numbered + Level: 2 +
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expectations are clear and \vell-founded,-
C. 411arket Viability: The process to develop the Strategy will include reference to
available market data and market studies, and effective consultation with developers who know the
area market and understand the community's vision in order to assure that the Strategy is realistic
and can be implemented effectivel3;
d. Clear Implementation P0112140 ' V: Based on overall redevelopment of the Blake Road
Corridor and the particular Focus Area, the Strategy will provide specific recommendation on the
timing and phasing of redevelopment, including reconstruction of Blake Road, a plan for public
financing, a plan for regulatory approvals (such as zoning, density, potential PUD), with an
understanding of market absorption, owners' needs and tirning, and impacts to the community.
4 3Relevant Previous Work; 'rhe parties agree that the Strategy will build on all previous
work concerning the Blake Road Station Area, including but not limited to: the Southwest
Corridor Investment Framework Transitional Station Area Action Plan-, Blake Road Corridor
Small Area Plan; City of Hopkins Comprehensive Plan; Southwest Corridor Housing Gaps
Analysis; and Minnehafia Creek Corridor Plan.
Coordination and Work Plan: The Ck uF
y !iRA will be responsible to issue a Request for
Proposals for consultant services to develop the Strategy, select, and contract with fflnd pia, the
consultant, and manage and supervise the consultant's work, and will cooperate with the other
parties in this process as follows;
a. Request for Proposals (Rl--,P),, The prepare a draft RFP and
provide it to the MCWD and HOPKINS for review and approval prior to its distribution;
E Selection (�fConsultant: The ounty] WA will include the MCWD and HOPKfNS
in the process to review proposals and will select the consultant with the review and approval of
c, Afeet with Consultant at Kev Milestones: The 0)ty-JJRA will include the MCWD
and FIOPKIN S in the kickoff meeting to launch the development of the Strategy, and also in such
other meetings where work product deliverables are presented for review and approval, including
the draft and final report of the Strategy, and include the MCWD and HOPKINS in any
presentations to the 1J,IIS ,N_,Boarcl, City Council, or other public bodies,
Merger and Modification.
a. The entire Agreement between the parties is contained herein and this Agreement
supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter.
All items that are referenced or that are attached are incorporated and made a part of this
Agreement. If there is any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and referenced or
attached items, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.
b. Any alterations, variations, modifications, or NN aivers of provisions of this
Agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment to
this Agreement and signed by the pat -ties,
Contract Administration. In order to coordinate the services of the Parties so as to
accomplish the purposes of this .Agreement, the following individuals or their successors, shall
manage this Agreement on behalf of the respective Parties.
t rK ntf l Nlt,, Katie Walker, Southwest Corridor Project Manager
ccath.er-ine."alkes `fir hea ne uaa,mus
Phone: 612-348-2190
701 4th Avenue S. Suite 400
Minneapolis, MN 55415
MCWD: James Wisker, Director of Planning,
Projects & Land Conservation Programs
jw rslcen~cr'z7ainne_hahacreek.or
Phone: 952-641-4509
5320 Minnetonka Blvd.
Minnetonka, MN 55345
HOPKINS: Kersten. Elverum, Director of Planning & Development
City of Hopkins
l�el� eruran!ft hot�knsmn.corr�
Phone: 952-548-6340
1010 1st St S
Hopkins, 1w1N 55343
Notices. Any notice or demand which must be given or made by a party under this
Agreement or any statute or ordinance shall be in writing, and shall be sent registered or certified
mail. i4)6rrv;t. 6.4ia brw liee-t aaunty.Adfrwr vvv-44 a, to the
i„ satrtura; 1Jrpaarern rat t
dleraJtila fi gear la rho- opeang panagr apl of the A Ra e eilt, Notice
to the HC1-Il2A shall be sent to the Executive Director at the address stated in the opening
paragraph of the Agreement. Notice to the other Parties shall be sent to the address stated in the
opening paragraph of the Agreement.
CL8. Tenaaination of Agreement. Any of the parties will have the right to terminate this
agreement at any time and for any reason by submitting written notice of the intention to do so to
the other parties at least thirty (30) days prior to the specified effective date of such tennination.
In the event that the MCWD elects to terminate this agreement, it will be responsible to pay a
pro -rata share of consultant costs incurred by the t dui�t;,t: ml ltd ,as of the specified effective date.
40,9J Liability. Each party to this agreement agrees to hold harmless, defend and indemnity
the other party, its officers, board members, employees and agents from and against that portion
of any and all liability, loss, claim, damage or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and
disbursements) which that party may incur as a result of any act or omission of the other party, a
contractor's or an assignee's negligence in its performance under this agreement that subjects it
to liability in law or equity. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to be a waiver by either
party of any applicable immunities, defenses or limits of liability avith respect to any third party
or the either party to this agreement including, without limitation, Minnesota Statutes, sections
3.736 (State Tort Claims) and chapter 466 (Municipal Tort Claims)..
CoP r� ight. The reports or documents produced in Nvho'Ie or in part under this agreement
will be subject to fair use and may not be the subject of an application for copyright by or on.
behalf of any of the parties.
I } . Use of Work Products. The parties may use, without restriction, the work products of
the Strategy, including but not limited to reports and documents.
I h I1 _ _ lj„< 6ua ,The above Recitals are incorporated into, this Agreement.
Reviewed by the County
Attorney's Office By:
Chair of its Board
Bate: Date:
Executive Director
City Department Approval
Approved as to Fonn
City Attorney
Its President
Approved for form and execution:
MCWD Counsel