02-10-2015 Work SessionHOPKINS CITY COUNCIL
FEBRUARY 10, 2015
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session of the Hopkins City Council was
held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 6:31 p.m. in the Raspberry Room at City Hall, 1010 First
Street South, Hopkins.
Mayor Pro Tem Halverson called the meeting to order with Council Member Cummings, Gadd,
and Kuznia attending. Mayor Maxwell was absent. Staff present included City Manager
Morrison, Community Development Coordinator Beekman, Director of Planning and
Development Elverum, Finance Director Harkess, Public Works Director Stadler and City
Engineer Stanley.
Community Development Coordinator Beekman presented an overview of the concept plan for
the Downtown Hopkins Station Plaza. Ms. Beekman gave an overview of the plaza area
including paving possibilities, landscaping, art and the connection to downtown Hopkins. Ms.
Beekman explained that the purpose of plaza is a transit hub, pass-through space, and connection
point with limited gathering spaces. The next step in the process is for the plan to be turned over
to the Southwest Project Office (SPO) for final design decisions and cost estimates. Additional
negotiations with the SPO may be required to determine the City's financial responsibility.
Council Member Cummings asked if adjustments would be able to be made to the final design
and if public restrooms are part of the plan. Ms. Beekman commented that staff and Council
would have a chance to review the final plans. The level of availability for the restrooms is still
to be determined. Public Work Director Stadler commented that the Plaza area would be
considered public usage.
Council Member Gadd asked about signage. Mr. Stadler and Ms. Beekman commented that the
information kiosk would be available for way -finding signage.
Council Member Kuznia commented that it would be important to use good materials at the
street crossing. There was discussion regarding LED lighting in the crosswalk. Mr. Stadler
commented that staff is researching lighting further to determine maintenance issues.
Mayor Pro Tem Halverson asked about feedback on the closing of the Second Street South
intersection. City Engineer Stanley commented that staff has met with the neighborhood and the
response has been overwhelmingly positive and that truck traffic rarely uses that access point.
Second Street is scheduled to be closed at the time of the Artery reconstruction in 2016.
City Manager Morrison asked about the estimated construction costs. Ms. Beekman commented
that the design materials would determine costs and that the SPO has agreed to pay for
construction of plaza up to certain cost.
Ms. Beekman commented that the Downtown Station would be one of the most visible stations.
FEBRUARY 10, 2015
Ms. Beekman gave an overview of the Parklet program and goals. The goal of the program is to
support local businesses, continue the City's art culture, encourage human interaction, create
public space on Mainstreet and encourage pedestrian activity and walking. Ms. Beekman showed
examples of possible structures. The plan is to partner with the Rotary Club to design and build
the Parklet structure. A Parklet policy would be drafted. The Parklet would be open to the public
with set hours of operation and no alcoholic beverages would be allowed in the Parklet. It would
be City owned, maintained, and stored when not in use. The Parklet could be brought out and
placed in front of businesses willing to host the Parklet. The host would be responsible to keep
Parklet free of debris as well as keeping an eye on it.
Street Seats Pro am
Ms. Beekman showed possible Street Seats examples which include outdoor table space with
barriers. The business would construct and maintain the seasonally installed structure. An annual
permit would be required and there would be design and site specifications. The next steps by
staff would be to reach out to businesses to gage interest and gather feedback.
Mayor Pro Tem Halverson asked about parking spaces. Ms. Elverum commented that the
footprint of the Street Seats would need to be in front of the business and not encroach on a
neighboring business. Council Member Gadd asked about limiting the number of Street Seat
permits. Mr. Stadler and Mr. Stanley commented that there would be set back issues from
intersections that could limit the number of permits. There was discussion regarding maintenance
of the Street Seats and impact on the festivals and parades. The business would be responsible
for maintaining the Street Seats because it would be privately owned and that the Street Seat
would not go out as far as the existing street bump -outs.
Council Member Kuznia commented that the Street Seats would make the outdoors on
Mainstreet feel more vibrant and asked about the type of railings required. Ms. Beekman
commented that the specifications would require defined railings on the street side. There was
discussion regarding alcoholic beverages being brought outside to the Street Seats. Ms.
Beekman commented that the City of Edina requires table service to order alcoholic beverages at
the Street Seats and the City could add rules regarding this.
Council Member Cummings asked about the limited number of permits and liability. Ms.
Beekman commented that it is a big investment for the business to build a Street Seat structure.
Staff will investigate the number of permits further. Ms. Beekman discussed liability with the
City Attorney and since the structure would be privately owned the business would need to
provide proof of insurance.
Ms. Beekman commented that the next step would be to reach out to businesses to determine
interest and gather feedback. Staff is anticipating that the program and policies would not be in
place until 2016 since Mainstreet reconstruction is scheduled in 2015. Staff will draft a letter to
inform businesses regarding the Street Seats program.
FEBRUARY 10, 2015
Council consensus was that they like the idea of the Parklet and Street Seats. Staff will update
the Council regarding Parklet cost and design. Staff will reach out to businesses and work on
Street Seats regulations and policy. Staff will update the Council at a future Work Session.
City Manager Morrison gave an overview of Hopkins involvement in Legislative issues. State
Representative Youakim and State Senator Latz reviewed Legislative and Senate issues and
discussed their service on Committees. There was discussion regarding transit funding, State
budget process, Legislative initiatives, data practices, education funding proposals and funding
for the CAT Team.
Finance Director Harkess gave an overview of the current utility billing period policy and
proposal to change to a firm due date. Ms. Harkess has investigated other City policies and is
analyzing in-house vs. outsourcing of bill printing and mailing.
Mayor Maxwell previously contacted Mr. Mornson and commented on the importance of
customer notification. Council consensus was to adopt a firm due date for utility billings but
advance public notification needs to be done first. The Finance Department will keep the public
updated regarding the billing changes. Council suggested the notice be put in all public press
releases as well as in the utility bill with an attention grabber on the outside of the envelope.
• Council Member Kuznia discussed the concern by a guest at the Hopkins Center for the Arts
regarding no infant changing table in the men's restroom. Staff will investigate further.
• Council Member Cummings gave an update on the Caring Youth Awards at the Minnetonka
Community Center on March 19, 2015. There is a proposal to have the 3 cities and 2 school
districts contribute $300 each for the speaker fee.
• Discussion regarding Council Members creating a bowl for the Empty Bowls event.
• City Manager Mornson discussed the upcoming neighborhood meeting regarding the new lift
station, the Police Department will be evaluating security in city public buildings and Police
Chief Reynolds will discuss active shooter protocol with Council following the February 17th
City Council meeting.
FEBRUARY 10, 2015
There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by
Cummings, second by Kuznia, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Debbie Vold
Kristi Halverson, Mayor Pro Tem Amy Domeier, City Clerk