December 19, 1978 A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on
Tuesday, December 19, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall.
Present were Mayor Pro Tem Milbert, Councilmen Slaton and Lohmann, also City Manager
Craig, City Clerk Richardson, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Building
Inspector Kohnen and City Attorney Vesely. Absent: Mayor Miller, Councilman McDonald,
and Operations Director Beecher.
• Reel 141 Dr Slaton moved, and Mr. Luhmann seconded the motion, that the items
Side 1 under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved:
1. Minutes of the December 5, 1978, Council meeting.
2. Additional 1978 misc. license application: H Y W A Y Health House
(1002 Excelsior Ave. W.) Food Establishment.
A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; an
Mayor Milbert, yea. Notion carried unanimously.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bills: Mr. Lohmann moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the expenditures
-259 dated December 19, 1978, Warrant No. 555, in the amount of $350,769.15, be
approved and authorized for payment. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr.
Lohmann, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Notion carried un-
Item: 78-175-C. Mr. Lohmann moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the report
1111 259- from the Omnibus Commission re nomination of persons to form a Cable
Commission Advisory Committee, be continued to the January 2, 1979,
Council meeting. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea;
Mir. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Notion carried unanimously.
Action: Mr. Lohmann moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the progress
-277 report from the Hopkins Omnibus Commission re development of long range objec-
tives and goals re Solid Waste Disposal Plan as set up at Council meeting of
11-21-78, be continued to the January 2, 1979, Council meeting. A poll of the
vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea.
Notion carried unanimously.
Item: 78-200-A. Mr. Lohmann moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the Joint
277- Rental Agreement for 1979 with the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission
be approved and the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to sign same.
A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea;
and Mayor Milbert, yea. Nbtion carried unanimously.
Item: 78-207-A. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that the Inter-
-304 ceptor Maintenance Agreement for 1978-79, from the Metropolitan Waste
Control Commission (Blake Rd. Lift Station) , be approved , upon acceptance
• by the City Attorney, and the Mayor and City Manager to sign same. A
poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and
Mayor Milbert, yea. Notion carried unanimously.
Item: 78-208-L. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that the attached
304-326 list of 1979 misc. license applications be approved,with exception of
License No. 98, on the request of the applicant who asked that the Non-
intoxicating Malt Liquor portion be withdrawn. A poll of the vote was as
follows: Mt. Lohmann,yea; Dr.Slaton,yea; and Mayor Milbert,yea. Notion
carried unanimously.
Item: 78-209-P. Mt. Lohmann moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Resolution
SOUTH", be adopted. (Westbrooke Patio Homes Assn.) A poll of the vote
was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Milbert,
yea. Notion carried unanimously.
Item: 78-211-R. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that the 5 Year
379-397 State Aid Road Plan required by the State of Minnesota, be approved. (sec
attached) . A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Dr.
Slaton, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Notion carried unanimously.
Minutes of the December 19,1978, Council meeting, cont. Page 2.
Item: 78-210-P. Mr. Lohmann moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that NO PARKING
SIGNS be posted on portion of the former Burlington-Northern Spur
from 2:00 - 6:00 a.m., as recommended by staff. A poll of the vote
was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Miller,
4 yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Item: 78-212-C. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the notion, that the proposed
435-463 HMEA (Hopkins Municipal Employees Assn.) Wage Contract for 1979, be
approved and the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to sign same. A
poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea;
Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Item: 78-213-W. Mr. Lohmann moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the notion, that the proposed
463-469 1979 wages for supervisory employees, be continued to the January 2, 1979,
Council meeting. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea;
Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Miibert, yea. Notion carried unanimously.
Action: Mr. Lohmann moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the mooting
be adjourned. Motion carried.
Dorothy M. Johnson, Secretary to Council
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Donald J. Mill5ert , Mayor Pro .L