VI.3. PUD Agreement – Project for Pride in Living; Anderson (CR2015-047)�.a��u�t �Ci, �t�15 C"e��.a���;i1 �.��c�rt ➢ 5-4�7 I 1; • I�, I ■ ,� I� Y N I �, �?"ra�aa�e� A�cte+�� S�a�'i' u��:cc��a�ra���d� a�lc��ti+��1 �f" t1-ue ���1�a�wvir�� i��o�uc�r�: 1M�uv� tc� atat�r�ve th� Pla�r��� �..lr�it ;p��ve�c, �Z��r�� �'�JI� �t �-�ea��ez�u� ��tvw���rn ti7e ��t �f Ha �za�s a�t�d �"rca.cet fc�r ��id� i� I.iva�� a ��� ''�'it1� tlzis ��;tir��7 it is u�n��r��c�c�d tl��t s���f is autl��ri��� t� in�lk� ��airrr�r c11a����� t� rt���; a��,�-ee����ra� ���at �da a���t ii��r�act t➢i�. c�v�rall ����nt. �v�rvie� �,�st ���usn }�1�i., �r�� a}�a�a�a�v�� t� �.�rr�str�rct a � � -�r�i� af�"c����i'a�Uc apa���r��c�t �a�����x ¢�t� tl�e s�utl��as� ��r��er �1T +C���'c���i �t��e� a��� �la�� �c��ci. �'1�� �rap��tv �dc�res��s a�-e 12�p2;-1 ��4 C)xfaz�d �t�ce�. "�"�aere �a�e curre��tly s�x �u�a�e��� ca��u ��ais p�op�rty. Tl�e ��,�r�v�ls �lsca u�x�l�sd��6 � �r�l�mi��arylfi�t�� �lah, re�ai-�a���;x ���� ��t� p��m ��pre�val. T�a� P'I��1� a��e���rc:�� is t��� last appr�v�� ��e�det� �c��M C,i�y a���-�avaY�. ���, �a�apes �� sec�:��-e �a��dlit�� �1�is ��ll fc�r �c�r��trwc�ic�n. Atta��i��U ir� ���i� a��-ee��e��t �re; s���ci�ic �aar.��n�ti�rs c��a I��+�v tlu� site w�ll �� c�r�v�l�,p�ec�. '�u��a,pv��kv�� ��%a��rnnatu+am�. � �'[J� A�r��rncnt N�ncy � A��c��rs�r�, A,��C"�' �ifiy I?��na��r �inam�c�a� 1�n��c�: ',$�!� Ba�cl�ete�. %'/�7i _.....�. �ca�rce: ._ ._ ....... __...._n.� �.e�at�d L)c��;u����t�nts (�'��, �`R:l', �tc.): �_.......____ ___...... __..._.. 1'��tey: PiJD/Li�V�L+�P`l��Ed�dT ��RE��I��°�` 'T'�is P'tJI�/L)e���flr�ppi��nt A�re�a��a�t (���is "�'�.➢T) �,.��emern�°`� is �m�d� �and �xuc�:�t�d this c��y a�ff �� ��r�, t�y �x��cd ����n T,LC'. � l�r�i��d �iabilyty �;a�����a�y a���e�er t���e ���,r� �ft��� �t��c a�➢1��iirti�s�a�� ("l�evel�p�r'"), ar�� n��e City c�f H�pkirz�, a ra�ua7ici�r�� cc�Yp�r��i��an �r�d��- th� l�ws �a� �!l�a���es��a �"C"Aty'�). ' � .A. IDevelc��ea� i:� tl��: f�e c+ru��r af c�rtai� r��l ���p�rt� (���� "�ica�l Pz.�per��°') lcrc�tedl i� �l�e C�it�r r��' �ic��k:ii�►�, ��►�nc�pi�� Cc��anty, S�at� af` I"+rTinr��sa�t�, 1�g�9�y des�rube�fl i�Y �xl�ab�t A at��c�ied i��retc� �ax� �nc�arp�ar�ted ��er��r� by r�f"er�t�ce. �. LL`��vel�yp�er i�z��� a��li�atic�r� ��, tihc �it� i�r a��r��r�l �a� ���at �a�t�'�� Rea� k'rape�y t� lc ���avvta �s �x���r� 4'i9la�e (th�e "'P�at'''�, sit� �la�� ��rpr�a�ral n�, dev�ll�p t��e E�eal P'ro���ty by ct�l��true�t�n�; �u 5l -waaut, �f�c��-�Ba��� a��.�t��er�� c�e��lc�p��-�er�t �t�e "P'��j��c�"� ���re�a��, a ����a�arel�e�ls�v� �la�� �rrae���ar��rvt t�a �ix�;+� ��e, �n�l �'�� r�z�y�in� af`tl�� R.�al �'rraperty tQ Mi�:ed Use vw�t��� � F��JD ��c�r1�y z�,rr�. �� su�perr� o�'tl�a�� �pplic�ti�lvs, I��ve�c�per sG►brraittec� �� ��� ��ty t�i�e Pla�� (des�ri�ed i� P�ra���ph 3 c�f k�7is ff'L1I� Agreecruei�t) d�s��i�i��� ar�dl identi�'y�a��, arnca�� e�t���� thir��s, klae porc>���e�l �s�s, d�s��n st�nclar�s an�l cyth�� c�nditi�a�s �l�at wi91 �� ap�luc,a�l� vvi��ai� ���� �'LJH� z�,�����p; dist�c.t. C��`. �n f"�,u��u�st �, 2� 14, th� �i�y Gauncil r��" k�ne �uty ��lapt�d �t� R.�sc�luti�an 1�(�a. 2'C� 1�. �37 �a�prc�virt� tQ�e k'lat, ��sc��uti�a� 9�c�. �014-0�� ap�rr�vin� ���e site pla�u fa.�� d�v�;l���nci�t c�fthe F��a1 F��operty, R�sr�l�ti��i �'c�. ��14-C13� a��:r�ar�ir�� t1�� �c�sr��r�h�:n���� p➢�t� a��m��d������, fl���e�lutr�n 2��4-(D3� a�pra�vi��� th� ad��tie�a� c��`C1�-dir�arlce 1`��. �4-1�75 ��p�c�vgi�� �-�z��xin�; f`rc��� �-'� t� Mix�� LJse, an�c� ���al�ati�� No. 2C�14-(�36 apprav�r�� the �da�a�a�r� �rf �c-cia���n�� fl��a. 1�- �x�.�r����������.c�r � C���a �p�pr�avua��; tl�e PIJZZ:D ��ve��ay z�nzn�� f�ri• t}�� Re�l �'raaper�y sc� t���at, i� addrtic�z� �c� i�s �.ug�d�;rl��n�; ��s��irug� �:l�s��ficatic�i� c��' I�lixed Us�, the R�c�1 �'rc�p�a•ty a�9s� h�s at� �av�rl'�y z�ni��; �las�i�'ic��ic��� c��l�lau�����i lJz�it ��ve��pr�erit. S��d ��sc�luttiai�us �b�s. 2a14-i��7, 20�4-�3�, �(��4� 0��, 2�J14'r-C}3S, ar�� 2��4-��6 ���d �Cirdin�z�c� �P�a�. I4-�f�75 �nd 14-1��7� ar� �rLc�rp��-��ed i�� anci rr�ade a p�� �ft�7is T'I�JI� A�;r�errLe��t �t� t�ze�r er�ttir�ty. �. ,�� a c����di�ic��� ���he ��pr�arral� ar�d �dca��i�ar� r�f �l�e �es��l�at��a�zs �i�d �rdir�ances c��s�r�1��d ir� R.eci�a�1 �'�ra��-���� �C, the +C�ty 1�a� ���c�u�r��i D�ve�c��r�r to ex��u�t� a��� ��ccard th�s I�i:�D� A�;r��a�nem�a ar�� tr� c�r��l� vvnt➢� a�nd pez-�c�r�� a19 ��tl7e ��r��ar�ei�t�, ft��-�r�s� ca�e�����ts, c�z�ditio��s a7�d �-estruc�rrri�s 1�er�c��: T7e:w�����r l��s a�re�r�: i) �� a:cc�pt s�ch a�r����e��s, t��ms, cc�ve��aza�� a��� z•��t��a�:ti�a��� ��'t�is �"l..tT� A�,�t-�ea�ne��, ai) exe:cute �h:as �[�L� A�;r��l���nt, ar�c9 iii) tc� r�coa•� �hi� PLJI� r4�r�el�e�a as a servitu��. u�a�� the iiti� �c, tk�� ��al Pr�pea-ty. �. Mi��a�, ��a�. �62,3��, ��i��l. 2�. ��d Secti��:� �2�.02, ;ul�d. � �, and ��iS.�2 �f"���e �-Iapl�ua�s C`ity �"�aad� �z-���d� ���� ��ty ���� rc��ai�� th:� D�;�r���p�r ta �nt�r �ntc� a ���,����a��r��nt a�r�e�����t s�at���� ��e ����s a��d cc�nditi�ns fc��- �h� �"ity's apprav�l �af�l�c P➢a�, sit� p��� arbc� �'[�L� c�v�rl�y z�anin,�. The �'l�y has r�;qui��d �e���+�p�� tc� �retec i��to t���s I'�..JI) A�reer�en� �and�r t��� a��1a�r�ty ��rcavgd�d �r� saod '�tat�ut� ��d u"rz �ectiai�s 52c�.(�2 ��d 5��.�1�� �f tl�� C��apk�r�� Cit� ��d�. F. T['h� Pr�>j�ct �v11� p��vi�e l��usia�� tl��i z� affo�da�rle t�r �irrus�l��fld� e�rryin�; 5�1�'ia o� 1��s a�ft�� are� ��edia� i�c�sn� and wiq� �rrc.�ra�� six ����t� �f ��n�a�ac��t su��ac�z-tiv� l�c�uspz��; sc��iz�� i�r�irr�du�0� w°hp rn��� ���e ��a�t� o�' 1�v��rrm�es�ta �e�'irp�ti��r� f�,r- ��r�� Te,�� H�a��n�lessrv���. 8��. ar��r t� ��anc� i�e F�r�,ject, ti�e: G�ev��c��er �-�u��ti c�b��ir� ��di�y� �ca�s�xni�zncnt,� �`i-a�n ��ul�iple �c�ver���-mer��al fa��ldi�� sc�tar�es fc�r �ffardalal�e ha�u��ru�. aruel� �ula�zc f`u��uc�in� is �cc����g�e�itiv� a��d �y�ic�flly �c�u�ved kay awvard� �;ra�-�ted +�v��-'rrultip��> �i7r�a�a1 a�plic�atio� e.ycl�s. ➢f ��rlFfic�i�nt �►tal�li� �"�:a�tdin,� is award�d i�� 2C�15, C}ev�lc�pei� �xpects t�r br���C �r�u�zd r�n tl�e �����ct b� t�e �ta�ru�r���- o�'�(�1+�. �r�ur�d br���n�7� c��lcll be d�iay�d ur���l la�e SuT�rn��° caf'°�Q�17, biov�r�ver, d��aez�a�in�; car� t��e �a�e c�f fia��c�i��; �war�s. 1��Ci'W, °fi�El��`F�9��, i�� c�a�siderati�a� �f th� �"c�r��e�i�u�; ���itals, v✓�yic�n �a�e ira�t��t�i-�t�d ir� a�t�d r�ade � par� �f �f�is P�1D ��r�ee���nt, ��ve��p��� a�ud ��ro� Cut� ��;r�� te, i�e ���t�as a�d ce�nd�tie��� saafi�d ��� tivns P�.P�f A�r�eti�ro��A►� �n� L)�r��la�a�r �e��ar�s ���at a�l of t17� �ea�➢ P'�c��e�-ty �l�al] �� 1�eld, tr��sfer�Med, le���d, ��cupa�d, u�s��i, u��czpt�aved �r�d �evcl�pc�� �ubje�;t t� t��e �ca]��aw�r�� a�;r�er���nts, ��rr��s, cav�ea7�n�s, cand�tic�rus a,nd r�s�ra��i�ar�s: 2 �as.�a�a�z�r�.��� 1, �mtent +�fi P"UID� ,Zanirt�. T"h� int�z�t e,�'th� 1'�� �v�e�lay rar�ira�; is tl�a� t��� R��1 �rc���rty ��lai� be re��v�l��}��� �� c;��x�oa���n�ty wi��� t��� ��'az��, tl�c t���ns a�v�9 c�a�ld�ti�a�z� s�ated i� �ity �'�aur�cil T�es�al�ti��ro�s� ��s, 2�7�04�-C��7, 2i�14-��3�, �2�7��4-C�34, 2�➢4-C���S��, at�� 2'���-�3�6 and �i�� c,�`�k�e ter���s, c�cave��aru�s a�� �c>a�r�iti���s �tatec�' ��� �l�i� T'UI�J A�,���i-n�r�t, i��c�udi�� t��� I7�v�l�s��-��r�� II�����;�� ���ncla�-d� d�s��c�-i��� an l�xl���ai� }� �ita�.��� her�t� ���d ic��;�rpa�r��ed ���r��r�. (",C���elc,pz����t I�esi���u �taa��arc�s""). �ev�l�rp�;r ���r��s it w%�➢ devcic�� th� ��a1 �'�-�a��rty in c��r�f�z���ar�ce �v�tl� �ec�a��� S�� a�ft��e ���;��a��s C�ty Cc�d�, tk�� ter�s a��c� �:�a���i�a¢���s st�t�d io7 s�id �"aty �'��ua���� �e�e�l������� a��d ���� te:rr��s ��xd cc��+�i�ioz�� �t�ted �i7 this p�.➢L� A�,�z`���r��r�k, in�;�udti�� tl�e �r�v�lc�pin���fi B�si�x� '�taa��N��-ds. 2. �C'o�st�r�ct�an a�" I� rov��ruen�s. C►ev�l�p�ti• sh�fll c��r�struct s�r recr��:�truc�, ins��ll, c�rr��rl�te a�-ad ��ay f�ar t�e w��-k, lahc�a-, �a���e�-a�1s, �a�;�lities ���d i�n�ar�rve��n��ts a���quircd �o;r t�ie �i�ev�l���i��e��t c�f the R�al �'u-r���r�y it� acc�rdana;� w�a�t9� thc P�ar�s (a� ���n�d ��l��r}. A1b c�f k�7e streets, alleys, c;u�b and �;u�tter, sid�w�lk c��struct���� c�r r�cc�nst�acti�aa� ��rk, sa��l�aa�� ���,ver, �i�y v�rater, sta��-ar� sewer, st�ar�n cCra�z�a�;e �T7d o�h�r p�a�llic ir��ra�re��ner�t� �c+ i�� c�r�st��rcte� vai�l�ir� �i�y ���ila� case;i�a�z��s r�r �u�;ltit� �f way as �d�scrib�d �i� �h� Plar�s a�re t��fe��-e�i t� ii� thos �'UT� A�re�m���k as "Pwlal�� Irnpr�v�in�e�ks,'" SuB�je�� ta� Pa�r�gg-aph 4}�erec��', ���e �a��ilic i���r��ve7ne�its �hai� 1�� c�,A���l'eted at ti%� s�ale: c�st a��d �:�cp�r�s�; of ��v��c�per in aecord�t�cc with ����e City'� stay�da��d c+�Y�s�ra�c�t��r� ae��i �n��n��1-ir�� pr���iccs �l�d t�1e k�rrns ar�d ca��ld�kiaA�� �tated i�� t�i� ��� ��,rn��e��en�. '���; �ev�lca���- sl�a�l �1�� d�sn�n a���i c�ar�sta'uct �]➢ c�� t1°►� ��rir�a�c �a�king a�d dri��v�ay areas, water, s�wer, st�an�r rr��t�r•, ����r�a�;�e, r���ur�l �,a�, under�r�ur�d e�ectric, ��l��al�or�� a�rtid �at���� ��v�t� �fiili�y $'a�cvl�ti�� ���� landl�c�pi�,� ai����avez�nerits �er�u���� fc�r �1�e devel�a���r�t c�f �h� �.e�� �'r�a��e�ky a�� acc�r�dla�7�e wit11 t1ti� �''va�7s �h�rei�� �all��ti:v��y rcfer�-ed tc� �s th� "I7evel�pe� Ia�pr�v���vent�°") �� �►�v�l�p��°s s�a�e ��s� a�1d �x���s�. '�'lhe P'o�t��ic Imnprc�weme�ts ai7d t��� ��velc��e�- �����av���e�ts �re ]�ea-���� c�allec.tiwely ��f'e�r�d t� as t�e �'��n�rc�v�e����s." T'l�e Im�prav�ments sl�all b� cc�r�npl���;� id� ��c�rdanc� vv�t��: u) �}�� I�lar�s, as til�u� s��n� �-��y be ame�lded. fi•c�n� �irr��; tc� t�r��� in �cc�rc�an�� r�i�l� its n�rr�s; ���d ii) ��� �f che +�t�yer t��-ms c��`thi� P�J� A����;���7t. 3. �d���i�ca��a�a a�' a�d �..�'�►�aaG la`��n+�e "1'�i�� �'°�ans. T`1'r�e ��ai �'������-ty �1��1� �O� �iev�eA�a��d ���d ���� Tx��pr��ve�m��t;� �.��stru�.ti�� an� cca�n�l�tec3 �x� �c�r�arcl�nce u�it��u i�ae fal��wi�1� p���ns w�v}7a�h ��•c� �ic�ci�� cc�11e��Il��ly �c�f�rred �� as ��7c "'�'1ans."° 'lI'h� �'larus shall i��r� k�e �ttached t� 3 11S.7i373�'!3(7.�V I tilais N'�.J:C� A�;�e�a�e��t. �f ar�y c�it9�e ��a��� �r� ��si�;nautc�i �us '"�"rGli��ir�uary,"" siae.l� I"1an�s� s1�n1➢, s�b��ct tc� �`ia� rc��i��, c�i����eu�t at�d ��}�rc�v�n, he rnc�d���c�ro at I:��v�ic���r'� e��e�s�, ��e�- �h� �at�: cst�tl��:� �'Ul� A�;ar����y��at tc� h� �uatak��e �car ��lal �.a�n�ti-�ctiran p�r-�c�scs �r�fcrr� ccarnln�.nceim���t �f a��y ���`�I�e v���rk ai�s�;rib�� c�r• d��ict�d in tl�ue A1ax� in� c{ue��uc�r� c�r �ss�.�a���e �f ��ub�cii���; perm�t tc�r the �vc,�•k d�pica�+� i� s��cfl� [�1a��. ➢'�ate�r�a� c1��an�;es a�a �z�� �s� t�ie �'l�i�� d�scri��� in this P�r��-�pl� shall alsc� requ�ir� �c�vi��w a���3 ap�a-c�r�all b� t�� �itiy�. A� s��9� tierue �s � Plar� ���s �r��t7. �-�p�fl��;�d F�� ����►al P1a�� d��p�-��rec� ��r t��e ��i�, a1� ref��-e�7��s in th�is ��7L) .��r��i���t tc� ��cd� �"�ar� s�i�u9U rc��� ta �I�� �nal �'lai�. lr� �he ev�nt c�f a��y cc�r�flflct �n� u����ns��ne�7�y �ae��v�er� t��e �'1ar�s a7�►c� tl�� �a��cr�u�s�c�r�us �a�t��is P�.J� A�re��ne�t, ��ne �ar�v��io�s �� khe �da�ais s1��1� �o��t�e��. Tl�� �'�a��is a�c t�ic>se: �l�at w�rer� atta�hcci �a ���� Ca���cil ��p�c�rt �'c�r fll�e ��te �'1�� A��a-a�val, i�car� ���cu�call'y cl�s��-�lbe� ��e1c�w: [�es�r��tic��a ��"�`1a�a� C- � �"reliini�ia�r,� G�-�di�� �'lar� �r��ared �v 'v'�S� & A s:��ac�ates datedl J u��e 2i), �C� 1� �-2 F''reli���n��•� �Jtilaty P'lar� pr��ar��i �y V1r'SF3 & A�sc��i�te:� ��r�c�arted� C:-3 �'�x�stn-cactae�� lL������s �rcpa�-�ed b�r'dP�S�3 & Assa�ciat�s (��nd�te�� L� l '�it� �'lar� ��-����°�d 1�y C��;r��rak T�1�e�ad�� Arci�it�c�s (�r��lated) a� r�visecl by �cl���naiic �as��ruer�� Flac�r P1a�r �incl��d�n�; revisuc�ras t�a t1�ue ��ne P���� a���ar�rve�i ��y �l�e Ci�y Cc��a�cuv �csaliat�ran i�at�� A��u�t 5, 2Q�14� �ar�pa�e� by ��"er������ C.���acles A:�c��it�c�� da��d Fe�arraary 26, 2�J � 5 L-2 Planti��;� �'la�n� pr�par�� by ��rr�tak F����d�� Az�ch�tec�s ��ac�d��er9� E1eva�t��r�� (Ea��� '�7'�'�s�t, i�la��th �r�� Sa��lv} pr�par�d by �c��nal� �����es A,r-c.�aate�;�s d���� J�ad�e �44 2�14 E�end�red 'Vi�r�vs �"r+�rr� a�a�tih�r�st, i�i�r�thwest., �G�r�l���s� ana� �a��1�ea�t �r��aa-e� by C�rcru�k R.ha�de� Ar��iitect;s d�tcc� :Iuru� �4, �Cl�� �. A��� l�n�rcav�r�en��s. �'h� �'it� nnteL�ds �ca rGcc�r�����ac� t��� p�bl�a; a11�} tl�ua� i� �ac�j�c�rnt t€� �i�� E�eal ��r�pe�y (tl�e ''`Al]��"} ��� 2.�15 (t1�� "2�715 �1��� �ecan�t�i:acR�o�"') i�� tl�� a�•�;� sl�uc�w�ra� a�a� �ttac��d ��lhibi� �', �ria��• t�a �;a�,nmezacez��e��t �f c�a���tru��uc�rro c�� ��� I���caaec�. ��c;�us� cl�e c�����ru�tz��� of k�c �'r�j��� ��ay �9�z���e th� A1➢�y �x�� ��u �rc9et� tc� p��ve��t �a���ece�s�a�-y d��l��;���ap� c�fr,��rrk, �he C`ity �,�r�c� �h�t it wflll n�c�t i���tali �1�� �urbs a1�z�u�; ti�e r��rtl� sid� c�f nhe Allley �(�aid �u�bs beir��; re%�red �� 4 115.77373�Rfi7.C11 k��r�a���r- ds th� 64AIley �'inn���'v"�c�rr'k") as ��z�t a� �he 2�15 AC1ey R���ar�st����ar�. fi,�evelc�p��� ��7•r��;s ��l�t, as ��a�-� c��`the �'rcr��c� a��d �t its �c�➢�:. c�st arnd e�s�e��s�, z�� �a�alll x-�stc�re fil�� A�O�y ta sul�st�a�tially �lae w�aa�e cc�T�di����r� �s t��e 2C�15A���y I�e�c��st¢�uctflan, ac�e�itic�r�a�1y i��v�;�crper �1��11 in�stalfl fh� Al��;y� �"i►-�ish '�'��-1�. 1f th� �"1�a:j��;t �,r��;ee�s a�� ac:c�rd���c� vvatl�u �h� ]�evelc�pi-���nt. S�l�edu�� set f�r�1� i�� �'ar��;�-�pl� I 1 l���caf, I��v�1c��er �;1�a1� �eun���s�: th� �"ity �'�r .���v�l�,p�u�'s s��ar� c��'t]�e rea�c�r�a�ll� cc�st� �f the 24�IS �.li�y :E��c�nst��actic�un, �v��ic<�� a�aac����t wi11 nx�t �ccrue in�t�res� �r� pei��lty ar�d �a�yrru�.rti� r��'vvhicl-� wu�� z�ot b� due u���:ub Au�,��ost �1, �f�ll"i. li`tl�� E'�oj�c� dc��s ��c�� ��a�c��d �r1 �c�ardar7ce uritlz t17� L)c�velc����a�ax� �chc;�c�le ���d i�evelc7�e�- �o�s'��t in�tal➢ tih� A�V�y F�ielisl� 'W�rrk, t}�e C'it,y ���y i��st�l� t[�e A��ey �`ua��s�a '"�V+�rk arti�i ���k �c�:rmb�rser��m� irot� the �aw°���r ��`t�� ��al Px�}a�rty thr�u�,h the C��t�"s r�raci�m�u1 �ss�sst�a�rut p�°��cess �`r�r ��bLic iyrapr�,vc;rrie��ts. S�. ±Ca��a�tru�ctivn Standar�s �r�d C�r+ac��l�res. T1�e �'u�➢ic Irn�r�ve���ts s��all be c��ls�r�cted �r�d �nst�lle�l i�� a�c�r�iai��;� r��i4h t��e ti�ad �']a��, C;i�y stan�ar�is, c��les, r��w:���ti���s a�ad ��•clir�a�a�c;es, ixacludir��;, buk r�t�t lil�nutcd tc�r �h� �r��im��er���� �nztide��n�es ��a�tea� by ��� �City's ��p�artirr�r�� ��`�''t�bio� V+✓car�s, a�d �ot1� the �-��gn�ire�n�rl�s �f 1''�i�����s€ata Rw]�:s C��ap��r 7SC� �wr�ich rul�s a�ply t�r �nd vc��;ulat� �ander��r�und u�ility serv��e l�terals). All 1�➢��s a��� s��cfl�n�atic��s �'��� tl�c �''�ut�l�c ��npr�verm��r��s s��a11 be px��q�are� ��� c���i��� &�y a� re,�Ils��r-�d. �r��`essic�n�l c��incer �rr c;���i��e�a�s, ��1� �1�alI h�� furnisl��d t,c� �h� �'i��r, r�vi��v��l �iy tflz� C,uny ����;g��e�� a���� r��cadi�'��d t�a ir�cc�tp��a�� a:ny cc�rr���e�a�s �af tl��e �ity E��ia���r �r hi� a�or�sult�x�� pruar �� far�al a�prc�v�� t��e�ec�� a��� issuar�ce r�f � �a�;r��,ix �`car t1�� �✓�rk ����i�ter� i�� ��nc1� �1ar��. ��al�a�ct �� ��:r����h 4 h�r�+a�f, in c�anr���;tian �r�t�1 the cc�nstructi�i� �af�l�e iYrvprc�vei�n����s by ��vel��aez°, ti�e �eveJ���r s��ll r�s�o�-e all �"i�y �nree��, ���1�tie� an�l catl��r �a��alic #`acilitie5 a�d ����rert� d�stur��d c�r d�e-�a�ed �s � r�sult �F L3ev�ia��ea-'� �o�straacti:r�x� a���viti�� t� swk�sta��tia��y tl�e sa�ne cand�ti�r� �� exi�t�d p�-ia�- tc� ��z�r:rrn�r�cez��nt cr� canstruct�+��. Vv'ith�r� s��ty (�i�� ci�ys a�tc� th� c����n�letie�� c��'t��� �u�1a� Ii�prc�v�nr�e��ts, ���r�ll�p�r sl�ai9 supply �1�� City vaitla ��e f�ril�awi�7�; r�v�tir7�; to ti�ie �'ub�i� I�npr��retnemt�: �a� � cerr��r��;t� s�:t �i� ��pro�i�rci�le rs�vl�� as-bu�ilt plaz�s, (b� �vv� c�a�n�alctc s�ts ��'�a��lity ti� sl���:ts, (�} 9�c����� st��u�r�:i�� ar�� �+�vir�� tie� ���`al] �a���i�y� �reu��� (d:� bergch�r�ark i�ct�rcark a��u� ��� +�i�xt�� as-�au�iflfi� c�e����'��-maiu� wi�h i�e �`�ll�rw�i�;� reqrair�i����t:�� (i� A��ta�"AL� �cl�v;�� fles a����cc��-� �iraw�ra���s c��av�rted �� �i�;rc�s����a�� ID�G�1 F�z-�n�t ��� �IAT� 83 ��e����e���� �"c�unt� �rc���r�d ���b°dir�a��s. S 1.rs.���7�ztsca.c�r (��� Al� �"ell �ubraries, �Ln� �tyles ar�� Referc���c fil�;s �;9��11 �� includ�d. (iui� List c�f 1ay°e�• ��scr�pt:n�,ns. ��v� A�tca�°A� fiil� c��'�-�c;a�rd dr�wi��,�s in e�e�trc���uc ��a-i����, i��uluc�u��;� c��l li�rrar��s, 1�i1� st�l�s at�d refet=�z�ce �ul�s. (r�p) R�}���d:�c��r9e trtylar �•�c���1 dr�w��ti,�;s.. (vi) i,��iliti� ti� s���et�. 6. L�cense. '��']�e L�evel���� h�erel�y ��-ai7ts k1�� Cuty„ uts a�;�;d1ts, �tn�l�a�e�s ar��d in�p�ctc�r� a� 1���nsc� t+� ��at�r ����; l�e�➢ �'r��erty, as ����essary, t� ��rf��t� �➢1 �c�rk a�cl inspectlo�s de�tn�� a�1���a�riat�e by ta�� City in canjo�il�tic�rn �ith ��rvstruc�ir�r� �f't�»: lz�p�av���a��xt�. 7. in��arav������ts tca b�e Tr��osfez�red tc� �itv. �[J��n c�i��rple�➢a�� �f �a�z�s�nu�kn�r� a�` ��� P�ak�lic Iz��rc�ver��z��s, a�nd f"i�l�� �cc�q�tat�c� ar��l appr�v�l �hcr��f hy tl��c �"ity, all c�ft�e �'ub�i�; T�����v����nts si�all bec.�a���ae ti�e s�le Far+ap�rty ��th� C�u�y. Th� L�eve�e�per s�1�lfl tr�nsfer tl�e �?���lic I����aarcave���unts �� �l�e C`ity iree �nd c�iear �rf a�l Ii�r�s a��� �n�;�r�b�•�z�c��. At suc�� t�an�e �s t1�� Pc�ka�ic Iza���-�vernl�nts have �r��i� c��npl��ed, r�cp�-�scrnt��iv�s c��" ��ve8ca�er's ��a�lt�-�ctc�rs, a��d a r���•�s�n�atif v� �f ���c�llr���r's �.���i��;�r �i�l �r��9c� a fi�a�I �t�s��e�;�i�,�� c��`t��� �'uh��ic [txu�rc�v��ne��tis vvitll �I�t� �'i�y ���ia��cer. T��e; City E��;i�lecr;�l�all 1��; �ntitleti tv ��vi�r�v aruc� ��prc��� �ny p�cncl� list it��n� crr lis�s caf ifl���rn��et� �� defectiv�. ��r�C c��n�ri�i��� t��� P'ublic Ir�pro�ernen�s t� �i� suab�x�i:ttied &ay T��v�ic�pea� �r ats r�pres�z�����ve� tr� �lxe c��rtr�ctc�r(s} re�p�ar�si��� fc�r c�a���upletic�n ��'th� �p�ubl�c ����arave�r�er��s ta �ss�ure ���at ��c s��c �r� �orn�rl�t�c� 'rr� ac�ardazac� �itl� �l�e r�;��air�xne��t� e�f tl��s �CJ� A�,�-�ea�v�za�. �'�,� a c�md���a�n �f i�� ��;ce�atanc� e�fiitl� tc� �a�y c�f �k�� F"ubl�c I���ro����ic��ts, t��� �ity s��alll rec�ivc f��c�t� LL�evelc,��r� �rrrat��� �;v�de���;�, i�� fc��ra� an�l c�nte��t re�s�rr�abZy acce�tal�l� tt� t��c �"i�y, �l�a�t 17�v�lc�p�r has �a�s�d a�l� in���-��rl�tc ��� r���'��;�iv� ���rk �� �� ����n}�ll�t�� or c�,rrecte� a�:a�d l�a� rr�ad� p��yn��n� �i-� �a.tll ��r aII wc�r� caarrr���isin� t�c �"ubli�; ���pr�ver��:r��s. ���e�r� h�7� C'ity ac���ts ��tle �� ��� P'ul�flic ���pr�w���n��-�ts, t1�� �rty Eru�i�eer s��a�ll k�e re�san��ly sartisfi�d �hat �11 oft�i� Pula�ic �mu�r�rrr��r��rrts ��ave �een �ca�n�l��ed a�� a�.cc�rdanue vvuti� t��€� �'lai�s �nd �lge requu:rer�rn�nt� �af t11is I�L1�M �'��i-�ezme�rt ai�d �hat T�e�rcUc��e�� �7�� �ra��c�� p�ayb�ent i� �u11 f�ar ��� �rf tl�e w°ork cc��n�rus�ru,�; t�l� �'���i�: �r��a�c�ve�-rue���. Fan�l a����tai�cc ��`t1�u� F'ublie; �����rr�v�����n�s �y tl��. ��t� s17��� �� ��✓id�i�u��ci l�y a r�:sc�lu��e�t� c����y adapt�ed �y �hc �'i�y �c�ia�cil ���}ze �ity. �. V'�'arrar�� fi}�� ��v�1��rer w:wai-razrots R�tafi ��1 ��r�C c�r�-�p�isifl��; t�c ��wl�]A�, ����pr�averne�its �➢��,➢1 b�e fre� �irr�ra=� ��fee�av� ��ate�ria]s a�� fa�iVt:y vuc����C�r�a�����i� fi�r a�a�rica� c�ftwvc� � us.�a�a��x��.r��a (2� ycars af�e�� ac�ept�ce ��'�h� P�lli� Ii�7p�c��°�a�����ts by t��e �"ity a� ���idefl�ced �y � resc�lutia�ra c9u��y �dr�}at�+� by t➢�e �'i�y C������;�1, ex�ep� th�� �r��s ar�d 1�rtt�scap�i�� g��aru�in�;� ��lafl1 N�� vvarra��ted fcrr rtw�lve (1 °�� ��i7th� �c�m �he d�te c��plai�ti���. fi,�l wc�r4� a��d 7n�t�rial� c����ri�un� tl�t� Pula➢ic �a�x�a�c�ve��e��s whucl� ar� �`�und tc� �r� d��ectiv� �vitltiii� �vv� y�a�s afie� acc�pt�,nce th�r���'tay tl�� �"�ty (c��- twelve (1 �� r��c���t�is �r�A� t@�e cflate ca�p�aa�ii��� ��� �he cas� c�f ]��d�sc;a�ai��; i�npt�c�v��r�ent�� sfl7a�� be m�p�nared' �ar �e�l�cec� by T��v�l�p�� a� l��vel�ap�r'� se�l�: �x�ren��. '�, ��i��w�-sem�nt �af +��s�s tc� �Citv. ��v�l�,��r� acic��uuwl�d�;,�� t�� �i�y �ia,y r�tain ce�����lt����� tc� �rc�v�r�� ���vic�� r�;lat�c� t� tk�� �•���v����i�7���t c��`rth� Real P"r����-ty a�1� tlsis P'L1L7� A�reernei�t, aa��i I�ev�;l��e�- shalD r�iu-nib��ar,�� t�� !�i�y f�a� al� re�sc��a�bl� aut-c�� p�a�ket ca�sts ia7��ti�-�-ed by til�e C;�gy i� �c��n�ctA�n wi��� sucl� ��d�v�➢�prr�ent �rrd tlie p�repar�tvc�n, n��c�tiati��� �ro�d ����uti�iy ��'thi� &'I,�LD A�r�����en�, a�x�i ��� �d��i�-�isiratic���, p��-f�ar�a��c� ���� ���f�rce�-�-�et�t a��has P't;1� A��•eea�e��. Su:c� c�u�-cr� ��c��k�t c�st� t�a be rei��burse�l l�y I��ve1���r �;��a11 i���lwde, but ar�; raot l�rnit�d ko, all rcas���lal� �ees da�e to c���s�1�a�xt� r•et�anned by �"��;y, ���e�h�r 3��curr��i b�ff���; �,�. ��t�r ��i� c���� c�frtlais �UD �,,�a�ee�nent �i�d a��y lh���ndt�ea�t t�ereta, �r�clud���, rn,rith�au�t lir��t�tic�i7, tra�fic;, �'�velcapx�n��rt, �sca,�, �nvirc����nc���a1, �����c�i��icail, s�urrreyi���, ����;�n�erni��, ��c� 1��;�9 se��vi�cs �ft��e C`ity A�t�an��y, wl�ach ar� ta� 1��. r��znh�����c� at ti��e �-�t�; ��'�2"i5.�bil pea� ��c����. T���; sel�ctia�� c�f ca�s�a]ta.tats a��cd t��: �;xt��art c,t �e.rv�ces �� I�e ��avid��l by the�n s11a1'�1 �e iir tt1� s��� ���un r�as����ua�l�} e�is�r�tia�� �af°tli� �ity�. S��h r�irr��i�:arsei�n�n�s �-��n D�.�a�1����er sl�all b�. c��� �rad p��yable v�i�l�i�� t�irty (3f�� bw�xrre�s +��y� ��'d�liv�ry c��'a c.�p5` �f the i�v�ice e��° sta��rna���rt �l��reiE�� �� tl�e L��v�1c�p�r, ��d s�al� i��ar i�Muter�s� at ¢�a� ��t� �f�ne ��re;�nt (� °l�� �ae�- z�c�r��h, i�'n�at �aic9 by �e���;lo�er �witl��r� �1��r�y (3f�} days caft�i� ��te �1�� ��plic��le i�vca��e �r st����me��t h:as b���-� +���ive�ed t� I7�vela�per. �f �ev���ap�r $'aifls �� pay ���y rei���ib���°se�n�n� r�a�� kc� ��� City �rit��in th� �i!rtt�e �r�ericac� �-�guiure� by t�xi� I?'aa�a��-��ah �, tltic� C1�y ��iall b� e1�ti�led t�a i�lvmk� arr�d e���orc� �li1 �e��edie� a�wa,�lab�� �� ��ne �'�ty und�r t9�is PLJL� A�,rz'���r��r�t �pt�n a�le�'�ul� �,y fiievedcr�er. L��velc�p���- ��;;�-ees tca ��y � sica�x� r�����- f�e. Tl�� fe� �l���il be ec�u�� ��a �h�: �c�ntributrrr� fl�w fa�r��r� th� r�e�✓eia��r�e��t i� r�1��u�g� t�a tihe ���al ��a� ta �1�� C.`c�tta���al11e Park '�t�r�nrra�ter Tr�a��ru�nt 5�:���,r�. F�as�d c�i� ��pa��v�d d�v�flr�p,ruei�t �lan�s, t��is f`e� �wi11 be �yu�� �c� �p�,��xin�at�ly S°/a ai�he: ��st c�fn�ic star� +,�ai�r ir��as�����,a��. T�ie �i�1�1 an��unt ��il� ��; detenr�i���dl and vvi�➢ l�e �ayak�l� ��ac��� �ssw�axc.e �f°l��iild�x��; �e��z�. 1f�. �M#I�cr �aa��r�nn�e�tal �.�at�ar+�vals. T��� ����lcr���� s1v�l➢ e�bt�i�� a1� ��c�u�r�d ag���•�val� aa-�dfc,� p�;�-��:its Ei-�si�rn ��r� 1�:i��ne�c��a F"��l�wt��ru �c�rutr�l A�e1�c� ("1`�i�',4"}, He���aepun 7 ��.�S.T%..��%���'�.�.�) �. �r�u1�:��, �l�ne W�te�s�ae�i I)ist�°ict a�i�h nj:rarisc�i�tican ¢�v�r ��tie Keal F��w���rty, �u1rr����sc�t� I)�}�a��nea�t c��'H[�a1�1�, �etra���a�i�am �"c�a�n�i� an�d an� c�th�r �cav�ny���u�tal at:utl��r�ti�s �rl�c�se a�p�r�v�:� is r�q�air-er� f�r t��c c�+��st�°��;tit��-� ��� �1�e I��p��aven�ents ar�d th� rede��lc��r���t c�f` t��� �.ea� �'�-���rty. T]�e B��ve��pcx sh�11 ����n�a��r� a11 su�l� requi:red ��i-��t� �a�d cai�mp➢y �1��re�vitl7 �� �➢1 t�ir�e;s. ��. �:Dev�e��ogptme�u� '�ch��lule. I��v�;1�}��;� sh�l� ���rxu�ly rarv��� tl�c� fcrlCc�wia��; ��velc�pz��nt Scla�du�� u����;�� an ext�rrs��rn �rf ��y �fi t6�� sta�ed a��a�lir�es is �,�-arat�d �ry �1�� C'ity CouT�ci�. 1C�e��l�pr�e��t Sc����l�a]c� R.e�,arciin�; c��°t}�e P��t wviih ��l��pi�7 �,"a���ty: priar tr� ccaz���rue�uc�.l���:�� crfc�nstruc��c�r1 ax��9 a�� lat�r �1���� �4��.ast � �, 20l �. �"'ar�7rr���ce��e��t �i cc���s�r�u�rtnc�� a�f fi➢�e �����raver���ts arud t�ae d�v��c����n��t of tl�e T�'.�a� T"rc�pe�-ty: a�¢� late�- �1�a� Au�;ust 3 r, 2�1�� 7. Soab��antial e�rr��1��u�n ��f`c:������r���ic�1� �� t��� ]rrr�pr�c�vcz�leelt� ��d d�v��c��a1n�1-tt c���la� I��a1 �'r�p�r�y; �uat��i�� � � 1na�n�th� �rf c�anz7�encel��ernt o� cc���t�uc����, �'����,� ����p1�ti�n �fc�t��tr�cti�i� �ai'�l�e I��rc�v�znea�ts �r�d d�v���ra�ru��7t �rf��� R�al Pr�peu�ty. vvit��in S t�na►�t��s of su��t���ti�� ca���,��tior�. Tl�� s�te p➢an �rtid �'1�t a����avals c���c�-�l�ae�i ir� �ecatal 9'a���,���plti � sNialll a•�H������ �ra]�c� ��th�a�art ne�d f�1- ap��-av�l ra��� ��te��sic,�� �c:� 1��� a� D�v�lc�per ce�Ilr��li�s e�it&� tl�� ��v�lcap7��nt 5�.��ed�a�e. 1.2. A�idi�x�ra�a� �Cc�na��t�ans �n�i �'�l� Za��r� �e auir+enr��a�ts. ��v�l'c�p�r a��e;� th� �:�a� Prc�perfiy �ha1i b� r���v��a�ed, hel�i, t�a���f�meci, r�c�upie�, �:��d �r�ci i:rv��rc�ve� su�ject t� and i�7 car�plu�ry�e ��th th� �'c�1➢�war��; addit�c�s�a� terrr�s ca���l�ta�u�s and rec�uir�in�n�s: A.. Th� r�7te�t �ftl1� �''�I� c�v��-1a;y �c��zn�, tl�e �aei-rrr.i�t�ed use�s �r�� des��;i� �tai�darc�s w�thi�� �l�e P�L) �ver�ay ac�r�e sl�all l�ac �s �l��cra:�a�c� �a� �l�e [��v�l��r�er�t 1)esi�r� St�r�dards. T��� �e�l ��cap�rty sk�a�l be �-��3evel��ed �nd z��nprc�v�tY in� �cc;�tt�da���c� witl� th� L7�ev�l��rnent ���i��� Stai��ar��. �11 �s�s �afi t�� Re�l �'�-c��ae�y �9�.�1ti �� i� accc��dai��� arqd �c�n�'az-�r�ity ��t�a the T7�a�l�prr�erb� L7�sa� Sta�da.r�s. B. A�� r�v�s�ans tc� �h� P9�ns shall be sroa�a���xi�ed �"ar a�pr�,v�l b� �`r�;� Staft; �zld add:utic��x�� r���airea��nts a��- cc�i��fliti+�r�s �`�� c����;tr�a�tic�n r� �g�pr�vera�u�r��� �r��y �e ir���s��l u��ru �`J�v�l�a�e�, k���ed x;upai� aruy n�aterial �°e�i�ic�z�s tc� th�. �lax��. A�l r�v�s�d �?l�ns ���:ust R�e si�;���ed by t�� �e�i�su0tard� p�-�ga�t-i�a�; ��:G��a �'9atas, artid �l�an1 ir�clu�de r��isi�� d�tes, � ��s.�a�����a.c�d �". hny t�e�g�a�;st �'�r �l�,�wre a�`a �ua�li� �tre�t lay TT�c�r���p�r �-�ua�t b� ��c�am�a��uue� N�y a �etail�� tra��c ����tr��� arud detc7ur� q�lan �•�;a�e��a�ly a�c��tab1� tc� �"i�y ��a�'f ➢�. The L7cv�lc��a�r s4��11 �as�c��Ad�e ��n�l�r�ce ���'iuile �cr t��� ���1 �r��crty aa�� ����y p���a�r�� c��r�r w�,Flhicl� ��:ulalic e�s�mer�ts are t� l�� �;raa���c� t�a ���e �C°��y. Suc1� ev�d�xxc:e �f` tit�a� shali b� in tH�� fa�n c��'a �u�-t°ent Cc�tn��ut���ueaxt ��.�� �7�rr�er'� 'I"'at]e 1�-�su�-aa�ce (���I"� Fc���} cr���rit�� �1] a��'t���: F�c�l P�•�,�e��r ion which C�r�n�ni�l��n� �1�e ���y ���1� b� ad��tifie� �s a�r�p�set� ir�s�:are�3. �~�ie'T�tl� ���su�a��xc�; C;a�uy�rnitr���� �1i,�11 s��cawr �����' a��d a���-k�t��le ta�➢�. te� ��nc �t��l �'rr���er�t� a��u C��v�lc����:r an�i �i�all �t➢���-wise'�e ��c�pt�ble tc� t��� C`i�y Atta�ney. �.. �+.s a cr�rndit���� rafexec��uca�� a��+� r�leas� c��°��ae T�9�t k�}� t�ie �rt�, I7�evc8��re� s��a�1 ��ay t��e �"i�y a pax-k dedu�;�tica� f�e Il�� �l�c �l�a�ir�t �a�'�4�,���.��1, wwl��cl� ai��au��t l�a� be�n �a1��1at��i ii� ar:cc�r�ia��c� wat� t1�:e prcyv�s�c���� c�t'S�cti+ax� ��t�.'�5 c�f"���e I��a�k�ns �°i�� �`�d�. a.Jz�less �ti��r �,rran�;e�-��nts �r� �nac�� t� t➢�� r�uu��al ��r��n��nt �f`tiN��e C"�ty �u�d Develc7���, tl�e Ci�y s1xa11 c�efliver th� c�x�c�.�ted l'la� ii�ia� esc�•�� vvith a'I`at1�e C;a������ c�f C�eve�c���;�'s �l��c��in� �iik� t��e a��st�Gacti�A7 t��at t}�� Ti�1� C;c����aa�� tr�ay r�at �ee.ca�� t�ie I'lai �i�til pa�m��t �afr ��a� par� dcdicatic�i�u f�� 1��� �,e��� t�µar��rr�i�t�� k� ft�� �C�ty. F. d7e��lt�pe;�- s1�a11 �t�ei�w�s� c�rn�ly w��tl� a11 c�r�ditvc�r�s a��d rer��u���enn�nts i���c>s��. by �l�e C:"�ty C�"�ru���ci� �aft�7� City i�� th-c �ity �C'c��ar��.i� �:esr�lu�tic�r�s ic�e��ti��d ��� R��.ifiai 1�����ra�h C ar�� v�ai��� t�se r�quir��-�e��ts afa��y apl�➢icak��� ;�tatut�s, +�re�irn�n�es, �:e�c��s ar r��ub��ic��s. 1�. A re�nqent l�un�s Wi�G� T�tl�• S�k�ora�i:�at�+�� a�f A r�ec�ru���, Tl�e k�nr�s, G�ra�d�:�ie��s a��d restr�c�t�cr�as est�bl�shc� by thu� I�i.J� A��������t sl�a1� ru�i� with tl�� title t� t�c Re�l �rc��aerty aa�d apply to a�� bind a�7� ��i���t t��� �i�v�lape�c a�d �1�e (�ity a��d �a�� aa�c� ev�cw� su:►bs�quei�t arrfn�r �af ���� p�rt c�ff �l�e �.ea1 Prc�pert� ��d t��eir res�ectiv� �ucce�sc�r� �r�d ��si��a�, an� sha�1 c�p��a�� �s a c�v����ar�t passi�� �,r�t�i th� t�tl� to the l�e�] 1��-0���� a►��i a;�y �art ther�o�. �y �c�eptir�� a ��������^aa1c� �rfa�l �r �ny ���-k ��"thc titl� to �ll or ��x� par� ��`�]ue �e�1 l�r�ap��-ty, e�cl� c��'the suc�esse,�-s �az� ��si�ra� �,�' L�ev���rp�r a�;�e�s ��a �e b��ia�� 1�� �11 �af th� ��r��ns, �avr-�a�ar�ts, c��c��ti��a�s. ���l�il��ies a��a� cr��i�atic�r�� irn��s�;d by t���s T''i�Ci A�°�ee�er�t. A�� �f"said tc�a-�s, cca�7d'nti��ns a��d r�estra�.�ia��s are i���c�sed ��c�� t�e R:�;�l �'rap��t� �� � servitr�d� i�� fav+��- c��'�he City afi H�p➢�lns, Mi�:���s�t�, �`��� its t�e�a���t �Y�� ffor th� bei���it �af T��v�lr�pc� �undl its s�cce5sc�rs �g�d �s�i�,��s. �,a�ch subse�u�Il�t ca�r��i�, ta���s�`�;ree ar a�s����ee c�f� ��v�Ic�per sk���� �u�su��� i)��r�la�er'� c�bli�d���a�� �a��r��r tl�as �"UT� A�;re�zn�r�t, �rc�vfldc�d, �wc� assi������ai si�u�ll yda�t rel���r� L)�v�el�per ��' � lss.�����zr��.�ai a��y c�k�➢��;ati�ai� ar���r�� �ar��,�M �c� t�l� ��'%c��v� ��t� a�'t1�e �ss��„���ru�nt, l�evel��ec- ���y c���ate�-�1Jy aysi�n nts ��titer��� ii�u tl��s f�UC� .A�rer�nn���t as s�c�ari�� fcar �zz� fi��arti�i��� c�btained &�y I7�r��1��e�� ���� �}ae develaa����r�� �r i�n�z�c�r����1�� r��'i}�u� F��al P'a�c����y, ���-c�vi��d a��y s�u�;1� as�i�a�a���bit �h��1 ruc�� �-�l��ve LL��velc�p�u- �,�' �t7y c�f i�s li��ilitics, �l�li�a��€��^�s �,r und��-takii-��5 �u��lier t��is �'1,�p A�re�r�ler��. �'��e �eg-z��, c�rzrodi�icaz�s ar1+� i-�s�ta�tu�an� est��lis�e� b�y tl�i� P'[.II) �.�r��rr��r�t ar� �p�rpet�ual ��� ���°atia�� �x�ept t�iat, ���a� �evelc�p�e�r's cc�k�nple�ac��� c�fi'aI1 t7fth� �'u��i� �in�rea��z�����t� ���d �ccep��a���ce ��lerecai�y kh� Crty as pu�c�videc� ira �hi� ['U� A�a-�e���r�t, ar��9 upc�rti �v�-urt�en� r�q��st tl�ea•e�'ear fr�a7� D��e�rel�r���, t�� C�ty sk���1, �s �e��n �� �-e�s�,ryal�ly ��ss�:b��, ���c�a�� ar�� delzver tc� Illevel�ap��� ��'�r�i�c���, i�i rc;�c�rd�blc ��r��nY ce��k��yit7�; as t� L7��r�lca�a�r"'s c���npl�a�c� �r�tl� th� �rcavisi�rr�s �af"tl7�s A�r��rrae��� r�fl�ted tca tl��e cca�st�-ucti�a� �f th� F'ub1��; ���t��rr-c�v���7�ei���. �irz�i9,ar�y, upea�a �ev�����;r's ca�z��plctic��� cs�"tl�t� l�e�el�,pe�° T���zMc�vetr����ts, �r�d �dp�r� vrrit���� ��equest t�ere�'�� fr�� L3�v�lc�}��r tra �1�� �`r�y, t9�� �i�y slxall, �s sc��n a� rcasr�rza��y p.c���ibl�, �����ut� ar�d c�eliv��- fic� D:��v��a�ga�r a��r�d��ak�, �n r�;�crrd��le� f��-u�, c�rd�fyie��; as t� D�ve:1�p��r"s cc�z���r����c.e wAt�� tl�e p�-�visuc�z�s af I�;��a�ra�l� � 1 a��hi� A�°ceane��t r�:]�tcd t�+ �r�ra�tr�act�c�a� c�f'tD1� l�ev�lo�aer 1a���rc��u�t��llts. Iu� ra���I�zM �� %ci��ta�e t�� �b��iniry� caf ian����;it�� �'i�r ��� a�;q��sitian o�t1�u� I��a�l F��•c���er�y a��d cc�rast��acta�n �at`t��� Prc�j�;ct, the �i�y a�rc�s tt� sul�c�rcHinate tlie �rcavnsi��� ai�t��is �?U� Agree���er�� t�r tlqe d���urr��;�ts �x�:c;�a�c�� i�� �,c�n��,e��ican vv�th �u�;h ��ian��n�;. Th� �e��9ca�aer ������ that ��ae ��;qu��iti��� ��aa���in� frc�� I.,�caU Ii�itiati�es Su����t �`�argaa�a�tio��, +w�ich cu�r����l�r 1����� � x-ra�ar��;��� �an ���c F��al F�rc�p�rt�, wi�l b� i�e�aid �arqtlz t1�e �zew ca���st�-u�tic��� �����acxn� and saic� z��a-t���;� w�ll n� lar���;r 1�� �n �;�c��rtbr��lce �ii �1�e ��al Pr�pe��t� at �h� ti��� erf ����z�rew��e���rea�t ��' c�rnst�uct��t� �r�`t�e I�rupr�v�imer�ks. �'�ic, C�ty ��,n•e�� ta sa��e��-di��a�e th� pr�vus��aa7s caf t�is P�YL) l��„�-��m�r�� �c� ���e d�acr.�tn�nts �xecut�d i� �anne�tic�u� w��t9� the ce��asiructic�� fi���ncin�; but �a��1y t� th� exte��t t1�at �i) t�� ��ut�taz��arr� prr�a�e:i�aal b���ance c��'s�.acl� ��7�uu��i���; dca�� n�r�t �xceed the tota]. c�ast ��' cc�nstructu�n, ii�c�u�itii� reas�,n�b]� ��-����a�c�i�rr� cc,�ts an� (�i) au�y su�l7 cc�ru�tru�tic,� l���de�rs a�ree il�at, ��� c+���us��-u���c�z� �r� t&le �r�ject Y�a� �r�n��r��r�cec� b�z� r��t ��eru c�mpl�t�d az�d t}�� c��r�str�uct��n ic�r��3�r t�ke� pc�ss�essic�a� a�f t�c I'�-r�per�y, the c;�a��tr�ctic�a� lle��i�z- will �itl��r (x) �r����ple�� cc�z�str�cti+�n e�f"tl�� �rc�,�ect ara� ac�c�rc�a�lce vvbtl� tl��� �'�.ICr A��•��;����t c�r CY� rei�n��°� a�l ��rR:��l�y-uc�rr�ple��d i��pr�r�r�'�ez��s, ��a�� ���d �c�d ��ae P'�Q��er�y, aa�d re�ai�. �r�d restare ���y r�istuar�i�ec� �ubiac� �rcaperty�. lU ���.�����z��+�.��� 14. Se+�r�ri�� �r�d C`lairr�s. `��� ��u;�rau�ty I���relca�a�;c�"� cca���plua��ce v��tt�� th� te����ts �f���i� �'UL� ,�gr•��m�ei�ut (irnclur�i��� a�zy wan�ar�ti�s pravic��d ��ar lh�r�i��), p�y�n�itit e�ff'ihe cost c�f ��1' 1?a�1��ic �ro��pr�,v�a�err��s �i�c� c�in��l�tyc��� �af�ans�r��ticwn ther�c��, ��;ve➢c���;r �l�al� �I�I�v�t° �a� n�z� C'ity t��� fa11��Fi�Y� L�t��;��s� c�f �r�edi�, sur�ty b�i���s� �� ��� f�r�ivan�:� b�a�le�(s) r��soavai�ly ac��ptabl� t� �,��� ��� f'�vo.r of`th� Caty (���� "''S�c:��i�y��} �s�u�r� by �����C a�r �u��ety r����c���uak��y �c�e}�ta�fle t�a t�� C�ty �fH��a��n� A. T1��: S�c�ri�y fa�� tl�� l�nelscapi��� ��mprc�v����M�ts c����p��isi���; ���a�-t �a�'tl�� IZ��a�c�v�ni��t:� sh�ly kse d�l�vece� t� t11� City b�f�r� tl�e iss�aance c��a b�a�lciz�s� p��i.t �� I��vel���:�. Thc ai�a�u��t �f's�ch ��curaty f`�r Ia�a�s�;a�in� i���a�-c�v������t� s���l kr� ���aal t�a� ] 5(� p���ce�lt �f the �s���n�at�� cc�st, as �csfiablis�ed �ry a�r�tten �stir���� s�ubunoth�d by G►e��l�p�r'� 1����'�capiun� �ar�tr�:ct�tt�, a� al➢ l�nd�ca�a��� i��u�r�����e���s su�;�� as �r�e�, ��%r�a�a:�, p�9a��tizx�s ����H. c�t�ic�- v��e�a�u�ia �1������c� ta� s�a�ci��a� ir� tl�� �'1a��ti�� �"1a'7 (F'1ar� �-2}, t��� ��c1�u�li���; �;���s, ��atti�d �lants ai�u�i a��:r��,��1 plaa�tis. F�. �h� S�ca�rnty fc�r th� Pub�z� Irrm�rc�v�g�e���� �t�all t�e +��eli��a��;d t� tl�e �"�ty b�f�ar� �c�rn�me��e����z�� ��'cc���srtr�a��roc�t� ��'t1�e I'�i�lic I�r��rc�vetnez��s ��• iss�aai�ce �f � �e��mit �y �fl�� ��ty pera��itti�z� cc�rnrn�ei��e�n�axt c�f" constz�wactic�a� �f t]�e C'ul�lic I�i��u-cav�me'�rts. "�"��e a���c����t �rf� sa��1�. Se�ur�ty fc�r n��e �'�1b�i� �mprcrv��r�ei�t� tc� be �ar�struct�c� �yr D�vcl��er, �t�ic� t���� l�x�dscapi�7�; �a�p�-�,vea���a��, s��91 equal l�� perce��t c�f t41� cc�st e�f �ucl� �uhlic �mprov�m�ruts a� �st�blis���d by� i� t97� ���iimat�� cc�st �f c��r��le;tnc��� �f cc�nst,�•u�����an c�f wucl�u l�u�lic ��n�r�av��a��a�ts a�s s��ted it� fi1�e ua�-it��a� �c�rytra�cts �r su�ca�ntx�c�s f"or th�i�- cc�rustruc:ti�an ��ze� arrstallati�n vv�t�yt il�e �orutractcrrs c�n. s�ta�:car��ract�rs r�tai��ed la�r ���a����p�^r cr�� I)�v�1���r�'s ��zze�al cc�t��r�ctor (r�a1�i�� �vr�dte�z �cai�t�-ac�s �r s�abu�r�trae��s s��al1 1�� �eliv�rcd t� �h� �`it��r ��r ii� a� wv�i�t��� esfi�:rt�at� ft�e��n �+ev�loper's �.���;i�e�r a��rav�d �y the ��ty �,ngi�7ee�r. "���e Se�u�r�ty �N�a�l �e r��si�dit:a�rned �a�a�n �33�ewe��per's c��npletic�a� �at tl�� �'�b1i� ���p��c���;����ts fc��° w��i�h tli�: Se:curity �s �r�c�vic��d, �ac�f��r��r��e ca# ��v�itr�e�ps +�az�azx�y �a��dea� 1'�ra,��'�pl� � �af kl�is �"6JL7 .�,�,�-��1n�i�t in��uc9iz7� �•���ae�crm�n� c�i an�✓ �ef�ctiv� �r ��a�rlcc��fcaz-rnil�a� I�u��ic 1b�u��rav�cnex�t� a�i� p�aay������ ��t:�e e�-�ti:r� �cys� the�-e��', ��y�r�ent c�f r�i�vbu�•sabl� c�r�ts to t�e �,'z�y ur��l��y ��rag���71� 9 c�� th�� P[..JI� P��r�errm�i�t, a��c� �he fc�r�r� �ncl c�r�t��zt af"t�� �ecwri�y sha�ll 9�� s�al�j�e�� to tl�� ��as�rua��e �p�r�rv�1 �a� itk�� �'ity. '�"he p���ei��a�r s��all ���a��rb�ait� ta��; ��:c�a��i:�y it� �:�"fe�t f�a�� a te�i� �nd�i�� twc� (�} ye�rs �:fiter ���e <i�t� ��� ����ic➢� l�eve����r l��s s�ubst�i�tially ce�xa��le�e� t��� Pwhla'� ����rc�v�rr$err�s �`cyr v,�hvch t��� s��u�-ity,,�as �r�rvid�a� arr�. 1� V�S.;'73732�tb.()1 �e1i������d }ar��a�'u� pa������ut il�ere��a� tc� t1�� ��it�r �tk�� e�ld ��f`su�c;l�r a�uc� (�) y���� tea��a �����c� %e�•��a� r�fe�u��c� tc� as t9ae "�'�`�gz-�-��na��a�� I7a��"�, I�e���c�p�r s]�all ���iti�lly �le��vcr tc� t���: �`i�y �h� c�rr�;ar���. ��cw�ity ��piri�l�; nc� �.��•�i�r �l��,t� �a�a� (1) y���µ ���e�� t��e datc �rfc3��ivc�vy c��'the a�-i�;ia��� �ec��rity t�a t�ie �'i�y. �'�zer���tex•, A��a later tllart t����-ty �3f�) days ���'a��� �l�e �x�arafii�� af tNae ae�uriiy l��v�lc��eu� ���all �i�l➢v��- tc� t��e City ra��;i�1�1 wrMitt�i� ���d���c��, in t�,r� reas����bly �c���a���a�e tc� t�1� �'i�y, c�tez�c�iax�; tH�e te��i c�f`t�� �ec�a�i�y fr�r s���:ce�s��e �z�e (1� �e�r p�crio�ls, bwt i� t�� �v��t �;xt�a�cii�a�; �a�yc�rvd th�; Tcr-���:ir�atic�ru I�a�e. I�`��v�l�per �ails tc� �eli�r�r s�ck� c�ri�;x���l wvritte�� evi��rbc� ��"�xt����i�aaa ea�'tl�e Sec�ri�y at lc��� �1���-ty ��C)) da�rs b�fc�r� e�p�z°atie�n c�f"tl�� ����ri�y, �evel<7p�r ����lti 1�� ci�e�v��d tt� 1�c nn ���a�:llt uu��Ver t�is I'Q.JT.� A��r°e�zner�t a��d �k�e Ci�y ���y d����v w�on �}�e ���urity. L]�a� rec�i�t �rf �wi��;s�c� �cc�pta'��� Cc� t�x� �"ity c��'�ayz��c�n c�f �t�a��cia1 cab1��;,�tu���� relat�ti 4�a �1�� �a�i�t��actie�fl� �f tl�e �'��lic Trr��r�v�i���ruts, �lhe S��wr�ty s��a�l I�� r�d�ce�i i������ �ir�e ta i�fl��� as �r��r�cial �bli���ir���s r�la��ru� t�r tl�� c�a�stru�:ti�a� c�f the �'u�1�� I���t��rc��✓�t����nt� a�•e �aard, k��rt in nc� �;��€; sl�all ��� Sec�a�i�y be z-�da�ced t� a�r� arn€��'-�t l�;ss x��ai� �he ��e�ter �f: i� ���� l�u:��dred �'u1Ety �ercernt �1��°'/�� c�f't���; c;+�st �a�'�c�����al�etic�a� �y�a1-�y i�cr����rle�e P"Nat�li�: l�r��r�rr���nents, �r ii) �o��t� per�;e�nt (��°i/o� r��t1a� t�tal ���t c�ft�c �'u�ali� I�pr�rv��e��t�s �sa�ch cast tc� �� de�e��G���d i�� the ronan.n�:�� s�ec�fi�e� i�� ��b�a�-a�,�rz��ah ��f°tl�is l��ra,��ra�h 14) �a��til tl�e T�rrnina�ti�� 9��te. ��at��thsta��a��r�,�, t��u p�c�visi��s c��` �l�e pa°�ec.edi��;� sentcrrc�:, �lh� S��u�rity fc�r t�1� lati�d��apn��� i�r��rc,ve��ne���s cra�npr�s�ry�; a par� o��17e I�r�parc����r�er�ts a��ay nr� �� a-ed��;eci, ar�d s���.�1 �e �n���a��i��ed �t uts �rg�irnai a���,unt u��uti1 ��ga� ��) ye�r ai"t��• ����r�lc:,tac��� c��'su�:l� �a�xc�s�:a�.��a-�� i�i��rc�v°�tn��ts. T�� �"ity rnay �1raw la�r��� ar e��i`�arce �l�e Sec�a��y ��r �ny vi�l�ti�,r� ��`�1�� t�;r�n� af tl��� F'i�� ,��;�e�in�;�� w��i�;h is rar�t ��a���N �rith��� t�n (� (�j ��.�sun��� d��s aft�r �uratt�r� �a�tice �e� �h� Cr�v�elc��a�r, prc�vided, i� t��: ev�rti� tl�e r�efa�lt �� s�c�� fha� it c��in�fi Le �ured with reas�anal�le dnli�c�ia�� wit�xi� ten �14�} �i�si����s ��ys, t��e C"�t� sl��l� ru�,t dra�v ���r� ��h� S�curity �c� icr�u� �s I��v�ell�apc� �s �rrc�c��e+�an�; vaith all ci�ae dili�e��cc, tc� t1-L� r��sanablle �atisfa�ctiags crf �Yn� �"�ty, t� �u��:: suc�� d�ef��a�t and s�uc�� d�f��l� is, i�7 f`�c�} �urec� �w^ut����� �uc�i ��ld��ic��s�� p��;�ic�d ��'tax�-�� as i;� i�uec�ssar-y t� cure t1�� cCefa�u�t pr�c���ita� wit� al� d�� ��li�e�-�ce Sulaj�ct �e� �h� �`�rr��c���a�;, r�th� P��lic ��npr�v�r��;�a� �r� ��a� e:arr�pl���d �r� kl�� d���; �p��cif��� a�a ��r��,m-a�➢� � � �f �his �"i11� �,�re��rnei�t, tl�e �i�y ���ry als�a �ra�aa ���c�ru c�r- ernf�rc� t��c ��;�:urat�. �i`tl�� S��;a�rity is �ir�wr� upc�r�, nlroe dc•a�a s91�1� b� ���� ta �ur� th� ¢���"�u�'� (Qncludi���; ����pleti�an a���l�� �'uLli� �����,r�rve�n��ts h�r t��� �"�t�r, ��crvi�i�d thc �ity sl���l l��ve r��a c�k��i�atii��aa t� �a1����c�e t1�� H'�a�a1f� fl�n�a��a�������ts) �,r�d �nay ��s� b�: �a�;�c� �c� �Sa�y �.�r rev'n�ur��; t��� City f�r a��y � �a�,�r����z���.�,i c�s�, �xp�a�s�� �r ria���a�;c� �°��caverab�e �r:n��r �"��°���a�l� 1�i �r�tl��s PUC� A��-�erom��zt relat�d ��a th� �°a�fll�re c,� T��v�➢c�p�r �r� cc�n-fl�flete t17� �'�a�1i� Ii�prcrrrei���ats. Th� '�ec��ru�v s����1 �ae are��ased t� �►ev�lc��e;�- �+�� ����: �'en�n�i�at�e�� I:���e. ��7 tY�� ��r���t tl�� �i�� r��ei�Fe� i�+�nic� af €rr �]aid�ro� fr�fl�� llabc�rea-s, �r�ater�a�i�e� c��• �tl��rs ��r�t�-i��ti���; t�a ���� I"ub➢ic I�rbprt�vc��n�nis t��a� arwy a�r�c����s d:ia� the�� 17ave �at ��e�z paid ��-cr� ��a�,, ��ad sa��91 va,b�re���, ���:a����a������ c�r c�th�rs �re s������� payz�er�t �aun c�f �1�� S�curi�y or iz�ike�ld ��, assert claasn� a�air�st the �City, tla�e ��abli�; �:a�g�rc�ve���e�ts e,r the land c�r� �hic1� t11e P�l��ic �cmp�c��°e:��cnts ��av� �aeera i�astall��, an�i ef'�uc1� c�lai��a�� �r� �xa� �iuUly r�s�lr�er� at l�a�t rniiroety {90} days I�ef��-e t��e �ecuarit�r vvill �a�p�r�, tl�� � i�y ��ay �r�v�a G.apc�rti ���� �nz�c�a�c� �he ��cut•ity, but �r�Iy i�� thr� a�a���r��r �rcava�ed fac i�� til�u��, �'a��a�,�-apNz l4, f�r il�e ��a:�-��,se cy� d��cl�aar�;i��� �a�y ��ck� cd��ra�s (��-+�vided t��� �"ity �}��1➢ h:av� na �bli�ati�a� ta ���� up�r� �I��; ���tarity car c��sc��,r�;� cyaur�s� ���d ��y �1so ��aw �a��n �ar er�f��ce ���e ��cw�-i�y �� pay c�r r�i���ru��e tl-►� �ity fc�r ar�y c�a�t, exp���c �� dlazn�,g;c�� r��;a��eral�➢� u��d�r Pa�a�ra��1� ]�i c�f t��ris PtJ� A,�;r���n�r�t uellate� kr� ���1� clai����; frc,rr�►1abe�r�r.�, t���e�ia��ner� ��• at�7er� c:c�r�tributir�� tc� t1�e Puabli� l�al�r�v�eru�i�ts, ar�d L)�vcic�pe;�- auth�ari��� t�7e ��ty t� dravv u�pan s�r e����arc� �h� 5����°ity �'�� t�h��� ��rp�s��. Tl�� �cv�lc�per a�rc�c�s than it s�all pz-�t��.t, �r��������i�v �r�d lxc�ld t�i� �ity �nc� its ��;et�ts, re��-��e����tive� ��� earu��l�yy��s h�nmle�s fra��ru ,az�d a�;aun�t a11 1os�, d�����;es, li�k�i�iti��, i�c9udi��u� re.as�rz�u��ale a��crr�e��s' �'��s �nd Cc�u�t ����,s, r�suQtarn� �°��arn �r i��wrr�d i:�r c��vn��cti��� vvi��� ���e P'raji���, ta nl�� �xtent c�a�s�d by t�e n�e�;1i�;��ce �r +�th��� v�°�•���;fu� ����uc��acti c��'tl�� �9eve�a��r �� z� �3�si�a��ers, �����ulta�xt�, �c��a�ra�t�,�-, sul�cc�r�tra��o�-�, ���apli�rs, t�r ���r�t�.. i5. R.ele�se r�f P�I) A�r���ent. I7evelc�p�r zm�y, a� az�y tv�ru� a��� in its sale d�scr�t��arr, �ietc���i�z�e tl�afi i� �r�ll nr�t p�a�:��c3 vvial� cc�m�truenc�rr�r���i� ��'the �''ro�ec�. �£�ev�:;9�p�r h�s z�at c��n�n�nc�� �:ite c�r c�nstrezcti�r� �v�ark an k�e Fr�j��a t�7�i�, �apc�a� vvr�tte�� �request il��refar fi-o�n �7�ve8c���r, t�� �'it� sh�l➢, a� 5��n �� reas�s�ataly �a�ss���e, exec�a�� an� de�ive�° �c� �i�;vel�g�er a�.�leas�, irn ��;�;ard�ble ftrr�, re1�:a�irr� L)�v�:la��r�r fa-c��a� all caR�l'��;�tic���s �ursu�nd �a� �,�� ��r�a�inatir��; this P�.1D �.�,�r�ern��t, exc��C �l�at L��ra�➢�ap�r sl��il r�rn�i�� ab�i�;���c9 t� �eii�t���s� an�r �ax7��id c�r�ts �t�c�a�red k�y t1�� �`i�5' �r�:u�s�,�a��� t�a ��ra�,�r�pft� '9 �ri�,� ta� tl�� da��� �af` T7��J�la����•'s ��q�i�st f�r � R�l�a�e. l.J��ar� �a��l� c�cc;ua�ret�c�; �}�� ��r�rr�valls �r��7t�� �n Re����:utia���s �e;�cribed i�� }�e�cital P����;�-��h �" ar�d a�y �ai�t�u�i�►�d wnt��in this P�I� A�,�e��r��r�t �a�e a�u�l a��d ve�i� a�d nc� 9�ra�er c��' ar�y� �`or�e aa�d �ffect. ��.����������.��, i� li�, �n�`c�mce�ner�� of FL�� A��een��nt. T��� ten��s, ccana�:itic����, �-���i���ne��t� a��� �-�s��-icti��s �st��rlisl��ed by tfliis I'i.:JL7 A.�,�reet�n�g�t s�xa�11 �e ���f`��yceable ���luslv�U�y by t�1e p����s t�a t1��� �4�I3 A��°cc�r��,z�� a1�d sl�all �� ���foz-����1� k�y inyullc��v� p��lie�, ���c��il�itiz��e ca�• an���ci;�t��ry, tc� ���r�ei�� t1��; lare�cl� �af �r ��fiarc� �e�•fax�na��ce �c �abservan�� e�� ��� t����s, c�car�c�rtia���;. r�q�i�e���u�t� ��x�l r�;str�ctir�n� �sta��i�l�ed �y fi17is �'LJL� A���en�erut, �r k�y �:r�y �fl�er �v�alabl� 1���1 �n•��c��din� e�r ��ra��dy, ��a���ei- �lY�t� c�r�s�c�u�nti�] d���a�;��) d��cl�r�:ata�;, buh ���t 1����tet� ��� �. i.e�;a�➢ p������in�;� fia re�c��er� cr�ll��t, �ay c��- reer��t��:�rse t1�e �"f�y f��rr� tl�e ���t c�� ����}`aZ�tiIl��; �u�ns�ru:ctiaan at ar�y ����ic� �zn}�r�v�;�n���ut� a-�qui�ed �� bc cc����ti-u�ct�;�' �� �cvel�a��� a��� nc�t �n �����ftru�tcd f�rll�au�7n� ex�airatica�7 c�f �i�y ���l�cable �ure p��ic��l stat�� iza 1:N�i� �'L:�T� ,A��;��e�a�ent. b. T�l'�ci�z�; w�hateve�- a�ti�n at 1a�;v c�r i�� �q�ity as rr7�y b� reasraa�aN�1v ��ecessarv �z4 d�si�-able t� �c��'�z-c� �earl��a�rra��c� a�ad �l��erva���e �f any a# tl�u� vb�i�at�c����s, a�r�e�rr�ent� c�r ��v�raants c�f ��� �ev���a���- �r�ci�r t��s P'LIT� A�,�r����e��t. c. Re�:�v��-y r��' a11 ccrs�s �x�d �x��ns�s irnc�:ur�-ecl t�y th� Caty aa� �uri�a� a�y ���`ault by L�e��lc���r i� t���; ���f�r�naz7e�e �rf �n-�y t�� th� ��rrr�s, c�v�n��ts ���i c�anditic�ns �f �1��� P"LJi� A��-��rner��. c�. Recav�ry �a�`all rea5ea�abl�e c�sts, f��s �r�d e�xpci�s�� fc7r ������r���;i-in�, l���l �.rqd �d��u��i�tra��v� ��es arad exp��zses a�vc�ara��:d �y the �i�y nr� ��forcin� T�e�ellc�per's perf�r��ance c��'this I'�J�► A�reei�zera� c��- �1�� cca����ale��c�n a��`ccr��snr�c�tiic�r� c��`��� �'u���ic ��n�raweza-�e�ts ��yuir�� tr� b� c�����►�leted �y G��ev�;���rer u��d�r �}�i� F'U� �1�����n�17t �ar a�y al�er�draz�emt tl�er�t�a. e. Ai7y� at�i�r r�lnedy �or s��actic7a� p�-�vid�d by Mlznr���cai� 5�����es c�r t�e �rdi��a�ces �f tl�e Ci�y c,�` ���pk�r�s. "I'he �i�y ag����s �ha� it s➢��1➢ ��vc. T��ve;l��-r�;� vvri�.t�n ����ic�; ���d � r�a�a���abl� ���+�rrtu��lity �r� c�ar� a�iy def��l� �y L7evel�p�r in the �er����na��� �ii�� c�l�li�atfc��s un�d��° tl�i� F�UI� A�recrn�nt �c��'c��� i�cu�-in� t�irr�-�aarty ��s�� azac� e��aea�s�s ��at �re �ecc�v�rr��i� �'rc�rm ��v�1��r�r uar��er Suub�aara�r��r��s �-� c��t��i� �'aa�a�;ra��� ➢�, p���vid�d T��ve;�Q�r��• ��i�11 �rou��d wit1� a�1 ciwe dila�e��rce t� cure ���� sa�c}� c��f�u1� and sh:a1➢ ��ur� tfl7� sa��7� �itl�in tl�irty (�0) day� a�t�x� deliwe�� ��` l'��,tic� �f'���ault t�� TT��v�lcrp�r, pr�avid��, i�`tl�e �iefa���lt �� ��'��c1� a t�ature t���t i� ca�.ia�� la� cut•e�l with�r� �hnr�y (3Q� ��ys7 D�v�➢�a�er s��al� �a�✓e s�uc� �dc�rl����al ��a��ci ��`�:�n�� t� curc� sucl� d��a��alt as is ��ec�s��ury ex�rci�ir��; a�� ��rc��eedirn�; v����a a�l �u� �i1i�;���c�c. I�` ��v�lap�r �a�is t�r pay a�y 14 �as.�����r����.�� i �����aunt due �� �he �Ci�y u��tid�a° gl�:i� P9�I� A.�;r�e�nent i`c�l��r��ri��� fi�7a�� ac�judicati�an ���� a��ac���t i� du� ar�d payal��e, aflld t1��rea�'t�r fau1� ��, ��y sracl� ar�c��a��t a�'ter t�i�-ty (?�(l�) ��ys' �Fratt�n r��ati�.e tcr �e��l�pea• d�����t�r�i�x� su��1 ���n-n�r��, L��v�fl�p��- a�;r�es tl�e City s�i�1� b� cr�titi�d ti� ]e�y a�pe��al ��s�ssrnent ��ar��st tl�� R�al f��-��erny ia� �Ivc; a�rne��uiit st�tea� i�� t��e �fc�ti�e t�a ���e����er in acc�r�aa��c� w1t1� �v'lgr�n. �tat. C'1�a�te�� 42�, a�a� �ev�l��e� w�nv�s �11 t�&����t��ar�s t� c�r �p�a�al� af t3-�� fir��L atn�u��t �f su�c}� �p�c��a1 ����s�;im��7� levied a��ain.st tl�� �eal �rca�a�rtv. �evclap�r �c���c����d��s tl�e ri�1��s c�f �h� �Yty t�a �nf�rc� �er�c�r��n���ac� �� t�7� t����, �c,��dit�a��s, rea�w�r�evrn�n�� alu� r�;st�-a�.tic�t�s esta�i���he�l �y ihis PTJ� A,,�re��a��nt �re s���c�al, t���i�ue, ���d �a� a� �xtrac�rdiruat•y ch��r�cter ai�d �l�at, i�7 the �ve�t l�ev��c�p�r vic�la�e� ��- t��ti� ��- rc�fa�s�� t�a ����`arc� a�sy ��rm�, c����tac�an c�r restructi�n e�tak�li�lY��3 l�ay ���is PI�I� A�re���e�i�, the �C'�ty sl�a➢1 h:av� ne� ����u�t� rez���dy �� �ar�. D�vc1�p��° a�rees, ik��a-ef���, �hat iz� t�l� �v��7t I�e�r�]�p�� vi�laties �1�y tcr�n, ��r�dit�c�n �r re�t��cti�ux e�tak�lis�ed by this ����� A�r�etr�er�t, th� Cit�r, i��y, �t its aptiar�, i��u�ti�te �a��i �rc���cute a�c� a�c��r�n tc� s���r�c�1�� �et�fc�rc�e t9�� �a�rfor��a��� c�f tl�ue xe���-�s, c�ancl�ta�ns �r�d r��tr���uc���a� �;�tablisl-��d by �17is �'UI� ��r��n�r�r�t. �lca re�ruedy s���ifi�.d br1 t�xi� .�UL� A.��-e�i-���t is u��t�r�ded t� bc �x���asive, �nd e,a�,h z•e��edy s�all �r� c;����a�9ativ�, a��d ia� addi��c��� t� eac�� a��d �v�ry c�t➢��r r�rr��c�y. �'aii�.ar� c�ftl�e �'ity ta� e��f+�rce �ny c,f �lh�: ����s, �c�n�l�ti�anAs ��d re��ricti�rl�s est,ablisl��c� �y this ��1� A�;r���r�c�7t i:n �uny �arti�ul�e in������� s�-�a�l i� na� �v�r�t l�� de��ru�d tc� b� a r��iv��- p�'��e �-i���� t�a �� s� �.s t� ��y subs����;��� �ial�t��as�. �ev�lap�r ��;rees flti�t, iti7 tih�� ev�r�t �ev�.la��rer dei'��ults ir� t��c �ez�fer��a��ace or ��servan�e af ar�y a� it� �at�lr�atiion� �r ui7�ert�ki��� uz���;r �hi� 1'UC� A�;re�ex�u�nt a�r amy �n�ca���r�e�t t�i��-�tc�, �r�c� ��p�r� f�7x�1 adj�u�acati��-� �y � c���t c�fi �err��ct�r�� j�ari��ict�a�� c�f`su��1 �efauit, ��vel����� s��lll pay th� �"aty's re�sc�r���ie �ttcara�ey�" �e�� a��d �xperrses v:n��rred as a res��ti �af �u��1 a�e��ult. ��r��lt��acc a�d tihe �ity ag�°ee tha� ju�-�sd��.�i�n a��d ���:��e f�ar �a�y ��-c�ce�din� rta �o�f���� amy a-��h�s, �-ein�di�s ca�- c�bli�������s ui�cler t�1i� P'I�� .�.�re�z���t sl�a�l be u��u ���e [�istric� C�u�� c�f H�t�n��ir� �C"���n��, i�r'��n�7�sa���, and tl��t �r�y p�ra�ceedi�a� te� er�f�rc� �h� pr�s�rs�c�r�s c��'t]��s A�r���;tn����t s���pi b� fi]��fl ia� said p���kri�t �a��ai�t. 17. 1'�ati�e�. Any nc�iic�;, request car �tl7�r ca�nrn�nicatu�an rec�u�r�d �r �rc�vu�i�c� t� l�� �;i�xe�z u�z�d�s- �l��s P�iJI� A,�rc����nt �r� a��:y� A���nd��n�n� the�et� s1�a11 t�� an w�a�i�ia��; ar�d s➢xa1� �r� c�����d tc� ��: ��Iy �i�rez� �v��n del�v�red perso���91y tc� aza c�f�c�� �,r ���ana���• c�f' C��v�lcap�r �r �c� �h� �"ity �w1ar���er �f���e City, �rr tll�e �ext busa���:�s �ay a��r� �I�p�c�sLt w-ith a rc��ta�ll� d�.11i�ery �ervi�� su��1 a� �J�'� �avea�rai�;��:� �r� �'e�1e��i1 Expr�ss ��aara�tec�n� r�ex�-c��y �1el�very r��- two {�} 15 �J�S.7�7�7�2t�t7,d�'I bu�aa�c��s r�ays aft�r ➢��:vi��� be�r� ���ai1�d by fir•st c��ss U��i��.d S�at�s 1'"�ai�, ��sta�� pr�pa�fld, addre�sed �� fc��lr���; T'ca l��v��caper: �xfi��c� �rrc.�i� �.i�C' IO�S �:a,�t �rar�klrn A��nue �irir��a��,l�s, Mt�1 5S4C�4 .fi�it�: F3�r��r� �Vl��"��-�nuc� T�a �;'i��: C`it� c��'1-I��l���s 1 f�1 t� Fia's� Str�;�t ��ufh H���z�-��, M:l'� 5��43 At���: �"itiy �'laa�a�e�- Afl�y ��rt� n��y �I�az��� uts ad�'�°e�s £csr t��t�c� �r�u�-��s�� ta�a« ter� (1 �} d�:ys �►at�ce t�a tl�e c�tl7�r party �ra th� i�r�anner r��ui�r�d kay t��i� Para�;rap�7 1 i. Ar�y rvcrtticc tc� C?�v�lc��a��'s suc�e��sar� i�� tat1� ��, t�i� F�e�l F'rc��e�fiy s��11 t�e de�t�e�l ���ap�rly� �iv��� �n� de�i�er�� ��t� a11 �u�~�ae,s�� i� fe��warr��d to �hc �,�dress a�'the �-�cc�rd �w���r�s j r�f the �eal �?�c��c�ky at t➢1� ti�r�� nc����� �s �iv�r�, as su�i� ��dciresse� are s�a��d ia� t��� rec�rd� c�f t�ie �-�e�n�p�ni �'�ur��y Prap��ty '�'ax ���ar��r�ent, ] �. S�veral�ilitv. I�1v�lIl�a�a�na c�� �ny r�f th� ��a��;, ���nr�i�ir�r�s, ���c�wus����s �r rc�s�ricti�Il7s �rf"this �UL) A�z-e�in�:n�, wh�ther �,y cc��art c�rd�r car� ath�rwise, �}7aull ic� ��u� way �f�'ect ��� e�f�1��: aatl�er �ea�a-�s, ����c�itic,�-�s, �r�av��ica��s a�v�' re�t��cti�nw5, �1� c.�fw�k��c� �]�al� rez��ir� i�x f�li f�rc��; a��c� �;f�'��t. 19. �����ia��s. "1"he ��e�di��� aAxd �aptic,�s at tk�e be�ir�:r��i��s �af para�-a�hs at'tl�as ��:;➢L� ��;re�z�ez�t ��e f�a� cc�z�v�r��er��� ��'r�f��°��c� or��� a��c� sl�alll ���t i��f]�a�n�.� its c�a�stru�c��an. 2�. �xe+�u�ti�m c►� �c�u�mt�erpart�. T�Yis �[1�7 A�,�ce;�r�ent may b� sirnu]ta�e�usl}� �xe��ted �r� sev�r�� couz�te�aarts, ��ch �t w�iich shal� �e ar� c�ri�;i�na�, ��zd a1� �af wh�c}� s�a�l ��a�s��tut� a��c, an� ���� s���� in�t�r��ne��t. �1. �a�rtstr�a�t���. TYris P�:1Li A���;�rm��� s�u:a�fl b� a�c7r�st���c� a�� e��f�r��c� im ��c�rdao�ce wvit�� t�� laws ��` tl�� State �a� N�ar��es��a, �2. Evflde�uce �a�t 7�'vtve, Reec�r+datia�m a�" �'UI) ��reer�ent, �Wlc�������+�°s �ratec�ti�n. I?'�-i�r t�a k��e ���cutian �� �l��s �'I�I� A���rr�����, I��;���ap�r s��a11 prc7vu€�� t�� C`r�y �ritl� �vi�'����� ��" ti��e t� tli� ��al F�r�p�rty, �� T��v��oper�°s �°��r��as�, ��� �1�� fc�a�n c�f a��ra°�r�t �'c�a����i�r��c:nt f��� �r�rn�rs' '�ICz�De lr��ur�r�r;e �AI.,r�"A �c���n�. 'T"��� "�'�t�e icasu�-�nc� C'ca���ny:➢tr�nerut s�xali s���w �;�a�ac3 alti�' 1��rV�����1� ti�U� tca tl-�e �.eaG 6�rc����-ty ixx I��v�l���.a- su���ct t� such �nat��:z-� as a�-�c ���s�r4a�ly �c�c���a�1e tcr �l�e �'nty �nd�, s��,ject t� P�ra�i-a�l� ➢ 3�'��r��f, �r��ich dc� nc�t a��`e�.t tl�e pric�rit}� c��. ���.����������,.��� i� en�f�r�e��iqi�y c�f`tll�is I'L1TT� A�;ree�i�n�c�1t, �c�c� s1�ua1� �t�7er-�r�se �a� a��a���1��aly �cc;e�ta:h�� tr� �f�� ��ty .�,tg�rr��y. ��;v�lt�pe� sl�all �au.1�e t��i� �'L1� A,�a���in�r�� tc� b� ��e�w�t�d l�y� �l� cc�i���t��e� tc� �y �11 �ersc7��s l�c�l�ix�� �z�y irrotere�t i�� t��e tii�e tc� t�i� R��� F���perty, c��- �ie�� �l�e�-e�a�a, �s a�'eern�d n��:�ssary �a�r ��nc Gity. D��r�➢a���t� a���es �c� ca:�as� ��i� I'LIL� A�r�ei-n�e�,� �a� �a� ���r� t�ar rcc�ra� a� ar� er��u�bb•�r�c� ��ai�lst tli� titl� tc.� t��e R��� �'�a���r�y. 23. QJ►w��rs�ai �°�ainu�c�am�e ��n+� &�.� ae�- �i Irr�rt r�av�rr���nts, Th� Ci�y shal➢ �arat be ����cr��s�:ta9� fi�z• tl�� �rca�e�t�i�a�-�r;e �r a-�pair caf a�y c�f" ��� ��rvp�c�veim���ts c��l�er t�aan ���c P'�al�lic Io-�pr�rv�rt�eruts ���aiZ tl��it� �cc�������e 1��+ th� �i�y i� a�c�rdar�ce �rit1� tl�� t��°�r�� c.�£this �'LJQ� �.�;r�e����s�t, a���I' sl�nll har�e ��c� l��l�iNzty wl�a�sc��ve� f�� a��y� c�s��, exper��e�, 1i���1�ti�s, al�li�a�ic�a�s, �1�a�a�� �rn� c���nands re9atied t� �r a1-isin� fi-��n, ci�l�er di��c��y e��- �a��ire��9y, ���e desn�r�, can��r�uctian, �7��, ����i�����nc�, �-e�a��-, �-�cc��as��ua�;�aes� c��� a��place�a�e��t c�f s�c�� [r�pr�v�i��n�s, t�y;�etl��r w�t�i al1 ra�c�c�if�c���ca�1s �r �•e�1a�.�rr����ts th��•�afi�ar �dd�ti�a�s ��earetc�. "�"�e i.��v���aper sl�a�� �rc�te�t, ����V�m��i�'y a��d h�rld t�e C'�ty, at�� its �a�'�c���s, r��r�s��tat�ves, a�;�ruts arzc� ����pcay�;�s, �1ar�-�le�s £�i--crr� �nd� a�ai��s� al� li��ilrtr:ies, �,�lli��tiuns, ���spr�n�ikaalit�e�, cl�i���, c¢��ts, ��pe�s�s {ip�c9t�din�; �•e��c�x�a'�le at���ey's f�es}, ¢��i�a��c�s �n� cauwses crt a�tic��� rclaftgrr�; tt� �r �x�i�a���; e�u� a�,. dire�tUy a��° ���direct��, rtl�� d�si�n �a- c�r�stru�ctic�i� c��` t��c: �u�1i�; l�n�ar�vc.l-��m��� requirea� �� be c�n�rt�-u�t�d kay �e�r�l�a��r, i�claa�ii��, but x��t lirr��teel t�, clai�s fi�r ir�ju:r� �� p�a-st�z�� a�i- �arr�p��r�y. l�lc�twi�i��tarb�i�7�; th�e f+�a����in�, k�� �tity s9��1� be �-����x�si�1� i'�r c����rs��i�, �s�, imannten��c� �cid rep�ir �afthe �ubl�� ���a���v���eaxt:� �c�lfla�ri�� th�ir ac:cepta��ce b� �l�e Cit�, b�ut s���ect kc�: �} tk�� �7cveleaper's warra:c��y ��`t�'�� �'r�blic I�rupa°����r��nfis, iu� tl�e �rr�v�s��ra� +��`a�y �C'itiy ��-dir�a�n�� a�ff �ein�ral ��plic:ab�lity ii�pas�ng a�p�a�n pr��erty �avv���rs t1�� c�bli��tic,:n ts� �a�r��a�� sr�c�rv and i�� �-��n�val �ar si��ilar rrn��rutenan�ce ��'p�al�Iicly �aw�e� i���rca��i�mc�xts s�ucl� as ���e �'uk�lic �rr��arr�v�m�r�ts; aa��d iai� tla�; Ci:�y's �ut}�arity pu�-su��a�� �� stat�te �r��i Cryity r�r�in�r�c� c�r cha��er prr�v��ic�ns tc� D�vy sp�cial a�s��sime��ts t� pa�r c��sts �i'r��air c�r i-��al�c�;��ent �af ��a�ali�ly �+�w���d ��a�pr��ren�er��s. ��s°i��7e�lz�rc t��,�e'�.1`'nl1'���rr,� 17 RJ�r.77�7�?�().�14 Id�V 'Va�I�`�IES� 'V��'�-IE1���F, �i��velc��er aa1a� ��Ze C�ty l�ar�e c�c�cuted t�aas q?�.1� A��-e�i��en� a� c�f t9�e �8�te ���d y�e�,r fiir:�� afl�c�+✓� vw�ritt�n. ��v���p��° +���'C➢R�7 G�:�,�:t� �.L�' �y: �aa-bara �c�'c�r�r�i�k �ts: �'�-��ideiut ���� �`l�:i��` 1Vla�xa�er ST.��'E 4�F M���+1���� A } )s�. C'c��:PNT�' Q��" HE1�1�1��'Ilr'� ) T1�� f�re�c�i��� �i�ustr�ra���t ��s �c���r�a�°I�a��ee� ��f�re d��� t�ais dz�y �a�' 2�7I �, b� Bar�iara ��;�'�r�-�ick, tl�� Presid��vt a�� C:l�ui��` �+![an��;c� af �����rd ��-e�.r� I...���', � 1i�itec� Iaak�il�ty� �;�r�g�ar�y u�der th� �a�� �f ��c a����: oi� t'v�inx�e�c�ta, c��u beh�lf e�f tD�� w�i�pany. l`�c�tary ➢?�i�al'i� �� �us.�7���z�ci.�au STAT"E �bF" �v11�]'�N��C)°i'A ) yss. �"4�UI�'TY �i1 ��i�11�fEP�N )� T'�ie f�a�•e�+�ir��; instz-u���et�� wa� ac�C�7�+wl�d�ed �cf�r� �m� �has ____ d�y ��` _..._ , �� 1 S, �y _ t�ae ���c�r, ��d �h� �'�ty N��na�er, �f�h�; ��ty �f`�a��k�i��, a �nu�ici���� car�c��a��a�ro u�7��r nN7e 1��� �f"t�e. Sta�e c�fMi�n�sa�t�, �n �r�l��l�'e�ft��� i�ux���:ipal ccar�ac��•a�i�n. �1'ot�ry I'ulal�c TI I�1'� ��1�T�.lJ�VIEI'�"�' WA� D�A�T�T� �Y: Fae�a�� I�aker T�ar�iel� 2'��t� '�'"�lls �'a����, C�°�r����° '�i7 �c�uth '�eve��t� ��r��i �✓Iim:r���p�Iis, N�� S54C�2-3'��11 �� 1 �� i�r-iac�d� 1� l.i,"a.773732�fP.R)1 E:�H �� I"� A L�C�AL l��'S�`l�.�P'��I��1'� CC�F T��, REAL P�C)P�R"�"Y �'�rce�1 A: �hc '�1�Jest SS f�ea �f` til�� ���� 3�5 ��et �f t9�e ��u�� 4� f�e� ��' Lcat (�� a�d t��e �v`�st 55 f��� a�'t��e E�s� ��S ��et ��`t9�� I`«l�rtl� 98 f��� �,��I..c�t ?�1. �,uu��t�r's �u�d��°�sfl�n T�1��nrrb�m� 23�, Hen����n C"�at��a�y, 1Mini���e��a. ��rc�l F3: '�'1-�e'a�"e�t 55 �'e�� c��t1�� East 3:�CY �`eet �afth� Sc�ut� 4�i fe�� c��`1��crt 6� aa�� t��e 'UV�est 5� fe�� c��'tfl�c �as� �3� feet a�ft�� ��a-tl�w �� f�ee� r��`Lat ?�, Auc�i�car's �S��c��visa�u� l`�w�n�e�• 2?�), ��ez�n��in ^��u��fiy, �inrresr�k� Pa�rce� C: Tl�� "J�csfi 5S �`��t c�f �l�e C�st �75 f��t ea�'tihe S�uth �Q �°e:�t �iL,�rt 6S� �r�d t�e'�1�st 55 f��� o�'t�ae �ast 27S �e�f e�ftl�e ��rth !�� ���� �f 11c�t 7Ci, �'�,iadit�a�•'� �u�dav�siu� �8<�. "���, �.��i��e�rr� G�ia�u�ty, N�in�7��t�t� F`aarc�l L�: Th�t �a�t a�ft��e S�r�th 4C� �`eet of��t C�9 l�ying W�st �f tl�� �a�t 4�5 %.�� C1���-�;��`and th�t ��r� ��" tt�e �G�a-tl� �� ���t �f�.,�t 7�1 ly�r��'o�'est r�f th�; ��st ��5 fe�t ther�c�f, ��C�F'T t�l�e West �3 f�et ��aer�c.�f, in A��atar-"s aa�b�ivi�iaz� t�6a��nlbe� 239, ���nne�g�� +C"�ru�x�y, Miz��esc�ta �1�� ex�e�,� al� t���t part c�esi����t�d aa� '� deliz���ted as Parc�� �f��., Hcnne�rin �"�uruty R.i�;h� �a�° �Ja�� 1'��� T�er. 2, �I�nz���a��� ��u�ty P�r�c�l E: �'�� W�s� �S �'��t a�Ttl�� E�st 49S fc�t �fi th� �+��at�i �WCi �`��� t��L,c�ti �r� �r�d t��'�'�st �S feet c�fEast �95 f��i e��`T'��i�C1� 9� �`��t �f �.�cs� '7�, Au�ii+���'s �u�divisior� 1`�u�rr�t��r �39, H�r�r��prn �'ar���y, I'�inr��esc�ta T'aa•��;� F: Th� V�Iest SS �cet �ft��� �ast �4�� f"e�t �rfthe �rauth 4� �'eet of L.�at 6�, and �1��'�J'�s� 55 f�c� ��'t�e E�.st �4(� fe�� �rff tl�� Nc�r�l� 9� �'��t of L�t 7f�, ,�,�aditc��'� �u�bc�ivisic�n �Guu�alber ���), �-lei�z�►�pia� ���a��ty, �9v�zr��s�ta �A�sta���t �'rr�l���Y� A�.1L'1"4� �E �.�-�I�A,TTED f��. C.ot l, T�lc��;� 1, ��for� Vil➢a��, ��a�����i�� +C+��a�ny, 1�vlinn��t�ta (A�rstract �rc7pe�y} 2(� illS.7737�?£i(Y t:)1 �.��-1I�I'� � �?�V�L�PME�J"� 1�:�'�Z�� S�,�N�+A��� �. T���att. Tlxe ��a�case �ffthis �vcrl�y zouae i� tc� c¢�e�t� a Plan�aed [J��it T�ev�l�p�mc�z��. g�e��lttim�; tl�e d�ti��l�p��uer�t, �o�struc�va�a �ra+d op���ticar� crfA:r� �p��rr��i�� builcii���; c�n�plyu��,� w�itia� �l�c; �er•��r�itt�d �as�� a��d ci�:si�i� sta�����-c�s �����d 1����ii�. T�e �a�A�t�s� a�d �s�. ��'t��� a�r�rla� T'41� rc���vn� allc�w�r �'�r �n��-� fle�a�,fl� c3�ai�� sta�d�,rds. �'��� ur���z-lyan� Cw�ix�d LI;�e �c��in� �i�J rei���Hr� iru e�'�'��t ��ad �ny f�ut�ar� uuse ca��r�p���� vaitl���� th� PU� �a�r�r�ay zar�� ��:us� bc c�iti�ist�nt ���d ��� ���xfc�r��i�y r�°i�h �h�� ur�derlyirn�; �ixcd i�s� zat�uir�,� and �he I�T�T� c�v���]a� zc,�liei�. II. �+erm�itt�d L1ses. Th� �ren��i��ed �as�s �rv �h�. E'fl�D a�eu-lay z�iz�e a�-�e di�rnite;d kc� ��ae per��itted �ases allc�v�ed ��� a�u'Iixed L�S� zo�zin� dlstr�ct ur���r �he Z�ni�� �"c��� ��f't�e �"Aty,�� ���k���s. I�I. �'�r�u.m�, ,A,r+�� a�d ��fb�ck Rec�.�i�r+�m��nt�. I���k�r��; ar�a �r�d setb�ck ceq�air�rr����t:� s�aal] b� t�7� sa��� as ��p�ica��e �n �}�c �anderlyir��; iV�i���i Use zcax�i��; d�s�ric�, v��ith �h� �"ra�����in� �r��da��aitacan� an� ex�eptiar��: a. �`i7e rnflY�i:��urn fl�or ar�a �-��u� �"FA�t°') �'�r r�s�c��ntial us�s ira 1'�Iix�d i�se ��a�u��� I�����-icts is ��.�za� t�e inaxixa�a��x� is ?�. �4 nnn��a:n��al� �'A� �f fl.5 v✓i�� t�� p�rani�t�r� 3�� t���. �la� �v�rlay Z�rr�c. G�. Th� �r�e��a1��d f�-�an� yar� �c��bac� alc��,� F3�ak� �e,��l i� ���ed tJs�: I�is��i�;ks is l5' — 2�"� F"c�ll�win� t91e �x�aailsiayl �� �la�e: f�.caa�1, th� �-��tx y��� ��tbac� �itl�� ba�ildan�; wil� lac � ani�i�r�:uim �>� l�.S �"eet. "1C�.e �r�nt ya�� s�tl�ac� c��'t�� er�try catuc���+ vai1�� l�e a �nirL�i�umrl �f`6 f�e�. Tl�� ���axi����� rear �ard s�tbacic in Tt�ix�e�l L�s� I�tis�ri��� is 1�9 fee�. �, r�dr yard �et�ac� e�f32 fe�t �rn�l b� ��r►�it�ed ii� �l�e �"�1T7 �v��l'�ay Zc�r��. �i. La��dscap�z��; shal� �,e ,�r�avi�c� i�7 accc�r�ance witl�r ���e k�la�ati�� P1�r� �ppr�ve� �y th� �nty ��u��u�i➢ i�n ��s ��scrol��ic�ra T'��. �OU �-�13� ���ar�vi��; t�e sirte p�a� �'cr�• tih� �6ev�1c7�a��n�z�� �f the R�a�1 Pr�p�ea�y. Th� v�lu� �f t�e Da��sc�pi�r�; �n f1�e f''�,JL) ��rerfl�y �;��e wi�1'�e p�r�n�tted tc� �e les� th��a ��i� rmla�irnuY� 1 p��rc��nt af �.a��str�act��� c:casts. �. St�uctwred �a�d�:r�-���d p�rk�r�� sl��➢� b� ��ervic9ed it� ca�rr��lia��� wi�l� th� �,ark�rn� �`c�uur�l�e�a�s �rf`�he �"it�r°'s Ccad� ��"����ila�tces. Abc��re �;�-a�u�c�, �ansi�� }�arkin� sha�� alsaa l�e pr�videc� ir� c�t�npli�nce w�t�a t�i� �P�rav�c3 P'lans �ppz�r��,���i �y ��� Cvty C;�a���c�l Arti it� ��s�la�tic��71`�c�. 2��14-(1�3� ��p�r�vui�� t��e si�� p�am� far� t�a� c���e�c�p���nt c�f�tl�e F��ad ��`a�erty. �i ��s.�7������.c� � �"�. �M�si��u St�n�i�rds. `T"1a� f�a6l�r�i��� r3es�,�r� s�ta�a�da�ds s���a11 a��ly tc, tl�� ix��u�rc�v�rn�z�ts �:�ar�struct�d �a�� t17� �ea� I'�a��er�y: a. Bgc���e ��r������u�; s1�a1� b� ���vi��d at ��u�i��i�nuix� r��uc�s c�f�aru� �c�z�� te���7 space p�r twc� ��usieY� wmi�s pl�� car�e s��cr�t t�n�l s}�a�;� p�t� �(7 ��c��six��; ca�Yi��. l�. Tl�� �xt�r��s� �a�at��ials, fi��i�l��;�� �ac��ies ��a� �tl��� c6��i��� �l�z�-�eruts �f ��-n� b�ile�i��gs ca�nstru���ed c�r� t��e k��a� �r�}���ty sl�all be s�k�s��n��a�azy ��� ac�c�rc��z�ce v�i�h �l�uc� �-e��d��i���� su��n➢t��c� ta a�1d �}��arov�t� �� �1ro� ���y ��r���c;�l iz� its �:���l�t��r� T�Ic�. 2� � 4_ (� a8 appre�vi��; ���e s�t� p1��� f�r d�v��������nt e�i'rth� ��al' �r�-��eri:y. �'�t7�►enti�icrus �b�r 1�cr�rd vv��l be �erur�itteci as a pri��a�ary ext�r�e�� #�r���hin��„ t�-eat��uen� �s d�epic�ec3 in s���� a��rov�d T''1a�7s. "��". pro�u�kaited iJse�. Th� �c�llc,v�ri���; �s�s sh�]fl t�� prc�l-�fh��ter� w�flt17i1-� �1�� i'�1D c�vea-��y Zr�rr�, as �i���r p�rirr���y �ar aa��es�c,r� us�;s, �,vhet���a� ur rn�t �}ae sa�ne ar� p�����itted 1�y t��� �s��d�;rlyi��� I'�!�ax�d U�� ��rr��r��; ��:�t�a��a�bil� sa�es c�r ]casi���, a�t:c�r��bile ����ir �r h�e��iy s1�c�p, ���slt establis��enk, adult �rticatic��� pic��ur� theatea-, ac�ral� �s�v��tv l�usi�ess ��� l�r�c��Csta��e, an�ws�me��ut �ev�ce es�ab�ush���nt, ����n��, �1�ct�-Lc��, ���atiz��, Plr�r�b�i7�, upl��l�t�r-y c�� ai�- cc���uditicrl��n� sal'e:� c�r ���-vAce sl�c�p, ��p�r� �a�le� ��c�t, pau��� �9�cap, d�-�ve-t��ru r�sta��rat��, war�➢�a�u�se, ta�i ���-rrmmin��, cur�-erucy ex�ha���e c�r �c��ac�c� ���c��. If �n� r�f the vv�rds and �rh�r�s�s it� th� �rec�di��� s�er��e�c� nr� d��n�ci it-� ih� ��pl�ins ���ie c�f ���diz���la��s, s�Gc� wo�-ds �u�d ���ras�s, w➢a�n usec7 in t1�is �ara�xa~��1�, �ha11 hav� �I�� sa�r�e n���r��a��� stateai ir� �l�e H�pki�xs �`cr�c af t��-di����ces. 22 4;S.ii37�?2�C�.d) N �.��-I IB' ["t' �� r"�LL�S' �.EC"��5�"R6:.,��'�"TC�I'� �'�,R.EA �(��s�r� Exl�i:�ait Ne�.t A.� �Ie�� �'a���� 2� �is.�a.;��z��r.�ia ...... .... ..........___ ..... ...,,. . ...,�+� .. . ...�.._._ ,—.. „ ..____ . ..,�....._.. � �"�c`-C�C�.. � ...______...__.____ .... _ ..__... . .... _ _______..m__ .. . ... ............___..._.d..___._.._�� � , ... .� .. .�.,, _ �,.. s _ � � � ��':�p ',; � � ,���� �Y �\kcn �1� � ���St,A,TMI'eY1e'Y'PN�"����� I 1 i � ..�___ ' ��� �� ,I I.r g��� ...� 1 I ���r �„ q� � � ; ���� � ; �._.. � mmI G� � a � ��m� :! � i , C� .-' �, _ ?� � �� �: �� � i ; � i � �� ; ' c.a �.. ° i v� Y i K , �a,.�� i