8-19-1975cc A regular rr�eeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday,
August Z9, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. , in the CounciZ Chambers in the City Ha11.
Present were Mayor MiZ1er, CounciZmen McDonald, Milbett and Vassar, also City Manager
Cotton, City Clerk Richardson, City Engineer 5trojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Finance
Director Nielsen, BuiZding Inspector Kohnen, Operations Director Beecher and City
Attorney Vesely.
ReeZ Z86 Mr. MiZbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the
Side 1 two items under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved.
1. Minutes of the August 5, 1975, Council meeting.
2. Additional 1975 license applications: COCA COLA, Tom Stevens for
Creekwood Estates, Vending Machine; RAINTREE INN (Tremont-Inferno)
for Dance Ha11; ACORN VENDING CO., for Ramsgate Apartments, Vending
Machine and Cigarettes; HOPKINS SUPERETTE, transfer of Lic. #I01
(Gasoline Station, Groceries, and Mi1k; MOBIUS, INC., (Mr. DoNut)
Restaurant and Mi1k.
A poll of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr.
McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Action: Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that expenditures dated
336-405 Auqust 19, Z975, under Warrant No. 454, in the amount of $293,849.43, be approved
and authorized for payment. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald,
yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; and Mayor MiZ1er, yea. Motion carried
Bi d: Pursuant to noti ce bids were opened on August 7, 1975, at 10:00 a.m. , for
Insurance Coverage for the City of Hopkins, and the following bids were received.
(see tabuZation attached)
Action: Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. MiZbert seconded the motion, that the contract for
405-562 Insurance Coverage for the City of Hopkins be awarded to The Home Insurance
Company for Fire, E.C. & Vandalism, General Liability, Workmen's Compensation,
LandfilZ Liabi.Zity and Fleet Liability, in the amount of $88,713.00, and to the
Chicago Insurance Co. , (Roger Hennessy Agency) far Excess Umbrella Insurance in
the arr�unt of $13,110.00, and to the Hartford Insurance Co. , (Roger Hennessy
Agency) for Vo.Zunteer Firemen Insurance, in the amount of $535.00, a11 as
recommended by staff. (see recommendation attached) A poll of the vote was
as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; and Mayor
Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Item: 74-373-P. Mr. McDonald m�oved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the request
562-576 by residents of ViZ.Zage Apartments for a stop light at the intersection
of Excelsior and 7th Avenue, be continued to the first Council meeting
in November (the 4th) . A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Vassar ,
yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi1ler, yea. Motion
carried unanimousZy.
Item: 75-46-P. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the Petition
576-715 from citizens residinq in the vicinity of Cambridge and Texas Avenues for
the installation of two additional stop signs, making this intersection
a 4-Way Stop, be referred to the staff for a study with St. Louis Park
and come back to the Council with a report showing concurrence of St.
Louis Park for a need for a 4-Way Stop at this intersection. A poll of
the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar,
yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Item: 75-52-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the proposal
7.Z5-992 from Hennepin County Hi ghway Department re: CSAH I8 & 3, & Insert #3 dated
7-24-75,as requested by General Resource Corp. , be disapproved. A po11
of the vote was as follows: Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr.
McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Item: 75-83-0. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Ordinance No.
the second reading thereof and accordinq to law same to be orderedpub-
lished. A poll of the Council was as folloras: Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr.
Milbert, �ea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; and Mayor MilZer, yea. Motion carried
unani mous y.
Minutes of the August 19, Z975, Council meeting, cont. Page 2.
Item: 75-49-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the
1008-1O8I reco�ndation from the Hopkins Police Department for posting "No Parking
50 Feet" north of 4th Street North on both sides of 12th Avenue North;
also "No Parking Anytime" signs be posted on the dead-end barricade, be
continued to the November 4, 1975, CounciZ meeting. A po11 of the vote
was as follows: Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; and
Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy.
Item: 75-84-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution No.
be adopted, and the Hearing date be set for the September I6, .Z975, Council
meeting. A po11 of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert,
yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Item: 75-85-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the revision
1156-1492 of the storm sewer systera in the HRA area be tabled. A poll of the vote
was as fol.Zows: Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and
Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Item: 75-87-L. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the request by
1492-end of tape Rudy Luther for a C1ass A Car Dealers License at 701 - Excelsior Avenue
West, subject to the approvaZ of the Inspection Departrr�nt, be approved.
A poZ1 of the vote was as follows: h5r. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea;
Mr. Vassar, yea; and Maz�or Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Item: 75-86-L. After consi derable discussion on the performance of the Landfill Compactor:
Side 2 Mr. Vassar m�oved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that we request
from the Contractor, Borchert-ingersol, a 30 day extension of the expressed
Warranty and a written maintenance agreement be drawn, subject to approval
bz� the City Attorney, on this Landfill Compactor. A po11 of the vote was
as follows: Mr. Vassar, yea;Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. N1cDonald, yea; and Mayor
Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Action: Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the meeting be
238 -288 adjourned. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr.
Milbert, �ea; Mr. Vassar, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un-
Dorothy M. Jo on, Secre a to the Council
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