Joint Meeting 12-9-1975 A joint meeting of the Hopkins City CounciZ and the School Board, District No. 274, was
heZd on Tuesday, December 9, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. , in the CounciZ Chambers in the City Ha11.
Mr. Robert Harriman, Chairman of the Community DeveZopment Citizens Committee introduced
Mrs. Mary Blomquist to both bodies. Mrs. BZomquist is from National Biocentrics, Inc. ,
the firm that conducted the Community Center Attitude Surve�.
After considerabZe discussion and a question and answer period, the joint meeting was
concluded. Mayor MiZler and Chairman Harriman thanked the School Board and Mrs. Blomquist
for beinq in attendance.
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At this time Mayor Mi11er called to order the reguZar Council meeting of December 9, 1975,
the time being 9:00 p.m.
Present were Mayor Mi11er, CounciZmen McDonald, Milbert, SZaton, and Vassar, aZso City
Manager Cotton, City CZerk Richardson, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson,
Building Inspector ICohnen, City PZanner Hawks and City Attorney Vese.ty. Absent: Operations
Director Beecher.
Reel 190 Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the 3 items
Side Z under the COPJSE'NT CALENDAR, be approved.
I. Minutes of the November Z8, Z975, CounciZ meeting.
2. Request from Northern States Power Company for permit to install one pole
and a street light in the area of 350 - 18th Avenue North.
3. Request from Northern States Power Company for permit to provide under-
ground distribution system for the Hopkins P1aza CompZex, First Street So. ,
and St:1 Avenue South.
A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr.
Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mas�or MiZ1er, yea. Motion carried unanimousl�.
�r �r �r * * * * �r
Action: Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the expenditures dated
708-814 December 9, 1975, in the amount of $99,285.29, under l�arrant No. 46Z, and the
amount of $'404,5Z8.35, under Warrant No. 462, be approved and authorized for
payrr�nt. A po1Z of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea;
Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, z�ea. Motion carried un-
Item: 75-132-L. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the liquor
8Z4-836 licenses for ZA76, for Lodgings, Inc. , dba HOPKINS HOUSE;; Lodgings, Inc. ,
dba HOPKINS HOUSL' OF LIQUORS; and DonnelZan Properties, Inc. , dba TREMONT
PLAZA MOTEL, be approved. A po1l of the vote was as follows: lylr. McDonald,
yea; 17r. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, z�ea; and l�layor Mi1Zer,
yea. Motion carried unanimousl�.
Item: 75-138-Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that upon the re-
836-846 commendation from Zoning and Planning a Conditional Use Permit to allow
a beauty salo}n to operate in t�e Icnollwood Office Building, be granted.
A po.ZZ of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea;
Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZato.�, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried
Item: 75-Z37-Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution
BLOCK 7, BELLGROVE" (Z4 Loring Road) , be adopted. A po1Z of the vote was
as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, z�ea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr.
Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Item: 75-131-L. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the request
897-963 for transfer of License #179 and #216, On & Off Sale Non-intoxicating
Malt Liquor, to BROf�JNIE'S BLOCiC HOUSE, be approved. A po1Z of the vote
was as follows: Mr. McDona.Zd, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr.
Slaton. �ea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Minutes of the December 9, I975, Council meeting, cont. Page 2.
Item: 75-I40-Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the Council
963-1130 rr�et as a body on January 13, 1976, to stud� and discuss the final draft
of the proposed Zoning Ordinance with the corrections suggested in Mr.
Arnold's letter of 11-25-75, and that City Planner Hawks be in attendance
to clarify any questions raised with regard to this ordinance. A poll
of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, nay; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr.
Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried.
Item: 75-141-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Council approve
the review of plans for a Launderette by owners of Kenny's Market, Zocated
on the Southwest corner of Cambridge and Blake Road North. A poll of the
vote was as foZZows: Mr. McDonald, nay; Mr. Milbert yea; Mr. Vassar, yea;
Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried.
Item: 75-Z34-A. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, to continue to the
1220-1312 December 16, 1975, Council meeting, the request from Hennepin County
Highway Department for approval of revised Layout of Project 6742, CSAH
18, from 5th Street South to 2nd Street North. A po11 of the vote was
as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr.
Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Item. : 75-Z35-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution
A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, �ea; Mr. Milbert, yea;
Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried
Item: 75-I36-Z. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution
SECOND AVENUE SOUTFI", be adopted. ( This street services the Hopkins
Nursing Home and MinneapoZis Floral) . A poZl of the vote was as• follows:
Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea;
and Nlayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimousla.
Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the rr�otion, that a Fire
Lane be designated on both sides of the pri vate road from the south end
of Second Avenue easterly to the fire hydrant located approximately 425
feet east and the City be responsible for maintenance of same until
future arrangements can be made. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr.
McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and
Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy.
Item: 75-139-Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that upon the
Z428-1444 recommendation from Zoning and Planning, Council approve the preliminary
plans for the proposed 5pantex BuiZding to be Zocated at 5th Street and
16th Avenue South with the following corrections: (see attached)
I. Truck loading and unloading berth
2. Car parking and curb cuts
3. Landscaping pZan
4. Green bouZevard
(aZl corrections to meet the Zoning Ordinance)
A poZZ of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea;
Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried
Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the meeting be ad-
-I450 journed. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea;
Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and M�r Mi1Zer yea. Mot ' ca ied unanimously.
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Dorothy M. Jo son, Se etary to the Council
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