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VII.5. Concept Review – 810 First Street South; Anderson; Anderson (CR2015-106)
��pt�t-���r 3Q�, ���� � �'rot�os�d A�tica�u � �, � �� . I I I'' i ""�`"l�a� is � cc����.e�a� rev��v� t�i�t r��uire� a�a� acti���. A��y c�rrvrn�s�ts re���-c8iz�� �h� d'��v�lc����ruent �src�wl� be 1��1���"u➢ ta �he a�pla�a�zt fr`r�r fiu����e ap�lica���c�s. �J+ver�ie� '�"�� ���plicar�t is ��-a�pc�si��,� �c� ��a7s�ru�� a �'4�-�unit ar�ark�t t��te ��ar�r�ne�at �r��l�din� at � li (1 Fi���t a�r��t ���rutl�. 'f�P�ere i� c;�a��r��at1� a�t �fficer�ii�dus�rial bw�ldu��� ¢�r� �1�� sitc. �"��e �xisti��� biu�l�ir�� �,vil� ��c �-az�d �7�� �1�� ����av ��n�d1��� �aAl� l�e cc�rastr�;uci�d. T��e qaro��s�e� ��a����fl�t t�uildnn� will h�v� � t��lrrw ��c��n�i ��r�i���; are��, a� �� �,�r�d� p�����a�; area �n� fi�e st��-��� ��f �part��e�:ts aLc�v� ���e �aa�-�i:r�� ar��s. �"�icre vv�l1 �� a pati�l��re�1 �r�a ���- t��� resa�ea�ts ca�� ��e '�ccc�r�d fl�r�r a£ tfl�e �Di��E� ,�ves�n��: snd� af the �ra�l�i��: S�c��u� ��r�e�i �c�Gu�l� w�ll �c: vaca���, au��l the b�u�lci��x�; �"c��tg�r�r�t �ili �xt�rr� ���r�r ti��us a�•e�. Primarv Cssu�s tc► �+ans�i��r � 'ti�l�aC �� �:lx� z�a��in� �a���c prca��:��ty, �zr�� he�v� l�as tl�� �e�aro��r��terusi�ve P1�� �esi�����d il�� �ul�j��:t s�te`> � 1�I�i�t a�� Rhe �arelix��u�ar� s���i��cs ��"t�h� rede�r�➢c��an�nt ���p�s�il? � '�1hat lis th� �pplic�n�'s tit��el��1e'� ��N�aat vvil� h�v� tc� +��;c�ur %r tl-�is d�vel��ra���t t� p��oce�d;� � Wl7�t wa� th� d'asc�as��ca�� at t�� ��ni�� ar�d 1?'1��n��nn� r��eetid��;`? �u o��'r�u ��cum�nts Ar�alys�s c�1i ��so��s �'r��i�n�r�a�y si�e plar�� �, �.... . �� . . ; �� ��� �rw�� �1�r�cy A����rstr��, AI�F C�kv Pl�n���r �'��a�ac��l ��r,p��t: � �JA ;B�d��te�i: "���i�i �a�a�z-cea Re1'ated ���cu��ue�lts (�`IP, ��.�", �tc.�: . . . ......._.__.__. ........_ N�ates: C'1[� � S- fl ��6 �a,�;e � �"�-a�nar �s��es t�r ��ansider � "'��'��Q i� t�e z�mim� �a� tl�e �r�+��erty? ��vd ��w ha� t�e �+�rnpre�ensiv� �'��t� �1�si�n�te�9 �h� sulb��ct sit�? �Th�e a:ca��i�Yg; a�` the �;xastir�� p�-�apea�y �s 1-1, l��adu�tmi�l. Thc �"��1��r�lti�n�7rre 1"1a�7 fl1�s dG�i�;�aated �1h� �itc� as ��ix�c� u�,��. �°�xe p��c�����ty vvi�� bc �A�c�crt��;e� tc� r����ed �s�, ��iv"hat are t�ac purel�ar����ary sp+�ci�cs �a�'th� r��edew��a��tm�unt �r�pas�l:� F�il.dling Th� buildin�, as �r�a�c�sc�d, wi�� b�c a�L�s-st�vy k��i��ii���� +�J�tl� pa�rkIlr�,� on �%� fir�� i�crcaa•. A��u adld����r�al pa�r�a���; ��•�� �r1Ul �i� bel�w �,�-�uu�ai. "C"h� fir�;t flc�a�- p��-k��� �r�a w��l �� ��w�li�, �m� �h� k��l�w �;a�c�urtid parl�it��; ��ea wil� he �`�r ��srd�nt ���kitti�,. A��rn� 1�i�i��� Av�c��� �h�i-� �ill b� �n ��utd��x ���1 ��a� �he �e�:�na�' fl��r. Td� add'iti���� t1�e k���lc�iro�; �a�l� �i�v� aaa����iti�.s s�acl-� �� a �ta�e-cz�" ai� �at�le�� cem:�er v��th � �p�, ���� �i�s, �,t�lli��; kitc����ns, c;c�a�a���r�ity err�ert����tr�er�h r�c�r��s, ��sit�e�� c�nt�r ���ti d�a�t ����. ��r�c a� tl�e �s�its wvilfl �av�e wa�k-ua� �rutrar�ce� ala��� Ei�;���h �v�nuc. Tl�� buil�i��u� �ill �� a sc�:a�re t��i�dirl� wit�� sec�u�:rity �a�r��ras. �`�rk��gdAc�ess Ac�es� tc� ���; parkid�� a�-�as �vil� b�; fr���z �"iz•st Staree� S�utl�. Th� �r�G�li�. an� r�:��c��nt }�a�kdru�; a�r�a� �au�l ��a�v� �����rate �s�rki�,� eititra�ti��s, T�e �c�v�c��� �esider�t ��r�irt� wi�l ��a�rr� :2�5 pa�kin� st�l�s, a��3 t�ie p��li�; ��r9�i���; w�ll ��av� 1�(� par�v�ti� �tal]s. IIm�teri+�r "Th� tlx�. �.par7tr�e��t� wi�l h�v� �;rar�it�. e:c�ur��c�rt�p�, vaa�}i��s ��� �a�ic�a�i�s. '�h�re �i11 �ae c�t�e, twa-a��ri �hff�c-l���dr-�,c�i�� a�a��-ta��a���uts. �1�� �nix c�f t��s� ��zits is t�r�t �n�r��. Em��iun+eerin�J�'a�blic �J'N�r�s d �ry�rs, Iar�;�; �1�s�ts �t�d As c�f �he d�te; �f �1�i� �-e�cr��, T�,� applicar�t i� a�ar� c��` t��; rr�}�r��r����c��s c�n Ei�fia��� A����e a�Yd r�ai1� �v�rk with tl�� �Ci�� ta r�ne��� th� �u��rlli�;�z�t"s ��v������r�c�nt �,F�t� th�: Ei�,hth A�ei��� �v�prav��ru�1���. N Z�� aci�i�kan tc� �he i��upz��av��r��:��t� c��a Ei�����r �v�r�u�, �h� site wvili h�v� sn���ra1�C �ur�ou��d���� 1��� ci�tiz-� l�uil�u���;. �'�w.�5-1�� I���e � .� - : "Y"l�e a9?P�ic��st v✓i➢l ���eci �a��;�:��ec� d�s�r-i�� a}�purc�vals, �a�rr�►un�l��� Us�es Tl�� �ate i�s s�cra�urrodea� by E�c�lsi�r �lv�i tc� ��xe �srau��h, �csi���u�tial Ac� t�� �asa �neN �c�rlfl�, a�a�d t�� �'a��t ��'fi�e �a �1�� west. � '4�Jh�t is t�a� �g��la"cant's �im�lfl�e`' �`�e ���i��ar�t is �rc>���i��� �r� ra�� �t-u� ��:u��cii��� ia� I��,v�i�k���� �i�ri I�ec�rnb�z- aw�� st��-t c;c�nst��cti�ai7 u�� t��e s�u�i��,�. 7"�� �p�luc���t �i�� b�; at kh� +�c�c�1�e�- Zc���dr�� a��l I'lani��n�; ��e��iru�; tc� se�k a�p�°��r�ls f�r stitc pla� and rexc���:��a�. � i�h�at w+�il.� �ave �t�a �a�c�rr �`�a�- t�ris clev�lapm�ezn� t+� p�ac��ed°� �d�� f�l�sav�ir�� a�-e t���e �c�ica�a� rtN-��t u�i11 fl�a�e ta �ccur f�r �tais �ev�l�a����aer�� tr� �aiT�c�ed a� �yr���a:��d: � �ite pl�ur� appz�c�val f�,r tl�e c���stm�actic�n �aft��� ��aiN�'i��� � I�.epla�tin��; �f th�; �i�e; t�r �d� Secca�c3 St�•��� 5cru�h � I�c��n��lg t�r R'v���ed lJse � Vacatiic�t� o�' �ec+�nd �tc��t ��ut�� � V�hat r��s tl�e a��s�r�ss�an �t �li� �'.vna�a� �n�dV �`�'an�in�, r�e��in�? �Is. A��►der-sa�ti� ��wic�r�d �he �c�t����� �1att� wi��a �'�in�raiss�c�i�. Tar7y I�.ue�l�l�, �-��r�s��tnr�� the a��lica�crt, ��}����ar�.d be�"c�re t��� �"����rai�sie�n�. Pv�r. K.ra��:l�ulc r�vi�:�ree� t��e �re��c�se�i a�a��tr�����t bu�l�it�� wi��� ��ae C�c��xa�tnassi���. Mr, I��a�cl�le d�sr;�ssed th�e p�r����g� are��, ��nea7i���s ��� �1�� buildir��;, th� t�nkiz�� are� fi�r t�ie pub�i� ca�a Fi��th Avei��a� a�r� �x�;�;lsticr� ��ulev�rd, arMd ���t��t�c�s tr� gl�� �ruilr�nz��l"��cki��� �reas. ]'��r �,�re ap����ee� �t ���e t��etin� r��ardiv��; t]�aas it��n. .�� . �� ��� �� � � `�""� °`�t� urrwa+t,sau�bal:�k,c�rr� tz���027 4��,VaewaV�er �"�r,ve, su"�e'3t11� I�SdmuITt�EPf1k�1, I�AM 53�#�73 Y4';�.�A'!'6.GG'H4lcfep�hnnc Tb3A75.8S3;� Y�CSinEiIC; En��n�emtlr��15 ��In�pl�"�anr �Blrmir���m�r�l ��I�C�� �•"� • �'"�� . ,, �, � . � . . ,.�. Loca�6car� 1� � � Y iCEC�1�1!G��1147MI1 � �I I"i1PTq � t°Yf �a���;�P��a: r�Jas,�,:Y;,, a,pPonvad: �i•,k/'Pa�a: WF a a _.. .�r Im�i{ia0lsa d dl+4,dU'aS �'�'�'�SI:7M1"� i'�IS��If'}f hia.�latekly 5u..:trrnrtta�l/Revisiorr S�ee4l�c�, �evis$an �� Preaj��t IN'ca. C1�7���397 5l�512e715 t� � °��?:r"°' �"dv1 �I�rl�l�{�t7 59�� V'iG�7�iC1V79, Mlrti �PaJ'ZCViI 5 'i 2 �, 65„�0 6��rlh�p P#�r�akiieiv, M��V "�Jlt3l2fP1`��� ti2:55�:4k:i 6'P� ,��r�h�r��sean ��yt.� �Xrp�kilr��s�, 'duRhV ,�7f£',Y241�i 5 12':41� :,"'i7� f'yCw1 i"i47�'.7��,�IY'd5, iviVl� • .. . . ... � .