IV.7. Second Reading for Ordinance 2015-1102; Anderson (Memo)��Q: '�'.I�j�' �C7l�C"OCVI Frc�m: N�c�cy Ar�d�rs�n C�a�e: f�lc�v�rr7k��er 1' 2, �01 � �ubj��t. ��c�r�d R�adir�� far (����c�arnc� ,��i� �-�31 �� fi�tt�ched i� �rdi�r��c�ce 2t11�-11�Q2 fiar s�;c�c�d r�ac9i��g. Th�i� +��dir��ar��� v�ri�� r��c�r�� 810 �irst S�r'�et S��tf� �nd the vac��t�d Second �tr��� ��uatN� b�tv�re�n Ewght ar�d' �Jir���n Av����;� frt�m I�d�us��''r�ll ta Mix�� l..lse. Th� Cut ��u�r�ci�'s �cti�� is to � r�v� �r�ir��u��e 2�15-� 1�� f+�r s�c�a�d �'e�din a�rd �r�er the �rdi���n�e �E�lish�d, At#�clh�m�n�s: €��di:nanc� ��1�-�I1�� CITY C��' E-CC)F"KTl'�� �-i�r�r��;pir� �e��amty, MIr�Il�es��� d�R1��NA��� T�iC). 15-� 1�2 A?� ��i���1AN�� T�E;��i%II�T�G �1�9 FIF�ST �TG��Efi iC)�.J'�ryl-� FR��M d-1 � 1fi�dl.�STR�AL, '�"tJ NIIX��r Q.1S�" TZ�� �C"C)Ufi�P�'1�, C��' '�"HE �'�T`r'' C)�' ���'���� .I���J�S �T��.��Y rJ9�.�A1fi�1 AS F��L�''vVS; �"��at th� �xes��xt �a�ain� �las�ificati�al� �f I-1 �r�c6:�rstre�l �a�►�t� t1�� fa�l�a�in�; �e�cr�l�ed �rc��ise� is here�y �•epeal�d, ��� il� 9i�� �h�re�af, �lae said ���t��s�� ��c h�r�hy ��i�ed as 1'u��xec� �s�. The le�a1 �e��;z-i��ic��u a��'tl�e �r�pcl�y �o be r�z�n�d is �s �`all�a+�vs: Lc�[s �', 3, 4, �, �, 7, 8, �, 1�1, 1 l, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1� ar�d 2(�, a�ll �x� �1��:� ] 3, '4�Ie�t I'�i��r����a��lis, T"�a��:��€;r vvitl�: T1���� pa�tis c�f ti�r� a�pc�il°tin� ��a�t��-sc�r��l� a�lley ��c� af t��e a�1�o�nin� c�s�er1�- v;��st�rly al➢�� �dlje��ruin� said Lc��s tha� �ccruec9 tc� sai� La�ts by �•�a�c�n c�f the v���ti�r�� th�r�c�f; and '1�ca�e���er r��t�i: �"hat p�r� c��' 2ra+d 'Stree� �o�th ad��ini�i,� �aid �l��l'� 13, �y���; ��u�rt1���-1y �f k1a� �e��t�r �ine therecaf, aa�d �yu��� ���v�r�;cn ti1� ex��r�s�ar�s �c,r�ss it c�f tl�e w�sn ar�d �a�st li�es af �aid �i�ck l 3. T�r�et��er wi��; �,�rts l, 1+�, 17 a��� ��; Tar�-e��s Prcrperty Tc���tller w�th: '�k�at pa� c�f t�7� a�j�i�i�x� vac�t�:d N��th-'�c�lath a11ey lyin,� 'h�T�st �t tl��; ��r°�t��-vi�� ��eree,f a��d ���we�n t1�� exte��.�ia�s �cr�rss it c�f t�-ie S�fc��th Yin� a� sai� Lc�t i 8 and t���. ��ut]-�eas�erly �in� c�f' said L�t ➢ 6; "Cc�tt�r�a�s �r�aper•fty T�a�eth�or witl�: Tl��t part c�fth� ��ij�ar�ur�� va�a�e� �'�st�rly-1�e�tcrly alley ly���� l�D�rr�Y�erly ��` the c�t�t�r 1�r�e tl�crcaf a�ad bet�v�;er� tl��e �xie�a�i�ar�s a�: rc��s ifi �r� tl�e We�t �i�� c��' said L�t l� a��l tl�e ���t�a� lir�� �,f ihe �d�c�ia�ax�� vacate� �a�t1�-S��t1� �l��y; `��������er with: '�l�a� pau�t raf a�zc �d�o�n�r�� v��at�cl alley ly�z��; �ast �f ��e ce:����r �ine il��re�f a�d ���vw��n tl�� �xte�sic,��� a�r�a�s a� +�f a�e l��r�tl� arq�l �cau��� 9i�c�s caf° �a�d b�c�t 1; �1c�c�C �3, '�Vw�s� 1''ulinr�e���1is'". T�rrens �rc�����ty T'��;e�1�e� w��h: T��at �a1-t rf �r�tH �t��e� '�ou�h a�jcri������ �l�rck l4, W�st N1��n�ap�lis, ly�ru� souti�ie�l� a�' t�e ��nt�r lime t:hereca�', �nd Iy����;, bet�ve�n th� �xken�iom�s ��;r+��s i� �af" tl�� �r�st an� ��s� 1�1��s �f'sa�d �lmc�k 13. Tc��-ren� �'ra�re�y. A��c� t�� v�c�t��U Sec�n� St�e�t �as fo1��v�rs: T�7�t pa� a�T ���3 S�r��t Sau�th� �s dedi�ated c�� tk��e �alat a��' WE'�T M���,11�A�'����, accrardvn� ta the �-ece,rd�d �la� ��erecaf, �-Iet�ne���� �"au�ty, tviinr�esr�t�, ➢;,�u��; be��re�n t��� sa��u��xer�y e��er�sam� c�f t&�e east l�rne e�f Black 13, �ai� 'wt�EST I'v�IN�EAI�C►�IS, bei��; cc��ru��on �arit�� tl�� west ri���t �f �ay li�� oi �t�i Aven�e, ���d i�e sa��t9��;�1y cxt��isie�m �a� tlue �e�t lirr� of s�id B�crck 13, be�r�� c��nrn�� wi�1-� t�ie ea�� ra�l�� �� �,vdy� I�i�� crf �th �v�x��ae. �ai� 1ia�e ��t�ms�c��is �� �e prolc����;ed �c� ter�n�n�t� at ��� s��th�r9� ri�lit �f �w�y 1Lgle �f �z�d S���et Sc�ut�u, ����7;� ���°r��nc��� with tl�e ��c�r���. r��1�� r�$"v�°ay nin� ��' �3.�.S�A.I�. i'�c�. 3 Fi�s� R.�a�ir��: '�e;�.o��c�' R��difl��: i�9c��a���ber 2, 2�l 5 �G�av��nbe� 17, 2Q� l 5 T.�at� �f P�aN�licat���: �Ic�vci��re�° 2G, ZO l� I�at� �rdia7a��:�� Ta�C�� Effect: ATT��T; �,i�xy T�c�rr�eti�r, C�iiy �"��er�C • � . ♦ � I � i� � � • ' � i. C'ity �,,t��a�-rrucy Siglza�u:�`� I��t� ��ve�aber 2'6, �C�15 �:u��u�e �vt�x�a�ld, M�y�r