IV.5. Schedule Public Hearing for the TIF District Establishment – Johnson Building Site; Elverum; (CR2015-142)��, + "•s au NaVet�rl�a�r 1�, ��15 r � „ ,. �,, ,� . , � � �� ��� ��� � � �� ; �•• _� +� ,� �t�ff rec�acrnmend� �d�rpti€�n +�f tl�� f�l'I�ve+in� rn�tA�an: �r1�v� �� ap��crv� Res�l�ti�an� 20�15� �9�1 ��ch�e�ulliru � �r�li� �uearan an Febru��a� 2 ��16 t�a �ansader i�n� �;�t��rlii�hm�n� �f � fi�x 6n������rt fi��r�ci� TIF �listri�ct tt� ��cilit�te th�� r�deve�lc� mm�r�� ca� th� �Oahrus�vc� �uil�o�� si��. '�lith t�ui� m��i�ar�, publi� Il��:�ring n,�ti�� vvill �e publ'��V��ed ��nd �p���r�rpri�t� �c�titi�� n���fiedi. � T�a� �p�r�r� �c�r�p�n�e� p�ar�c���sec� the Jo�nr»s��n �u�ldir�g si�fie ��rlie�- tl�i� y�;�r and h�av� I���n �r�+�rkir�g wi�� ��a�f �n t�e r��l�v�;lvpr�`a�nt c�� �P�� sdte (�nd �dj��e�t �ity rigN��-�f-w�y)� in�q� �ppra�iirna�el� 24�1 �nn�irk�� r�t� �,��r�kr��r�ts vvitk� �nder+�r�aum��d p��ki�� �c�d � 9�l �t� gr�,d� ��binc parking� �t��ls. �,s �art ��F �h� p��j��t, #fi�y hav� requ��t�;d fi�x rnc�`e�n��pt ��n��nc�ng �TI�) �ssi�fian�e i�n th�� ffc�rr� a�' a���-��-ya�u-��a TIF ��te. Thi� �c��ean s��rts th� prc��ess ��a �reat� ��u� �I� dNstri�t k�y s�t�ir�g �he pub�i� h��rin� fa�� i�� establi��r�nen� �ru'���r��r�r ,�, ;��1�. �'f'9�is acticac� an�y� s�ets� �h� p�'�I'u� hearunc� date a�r�d �aes r��t �c�rnmit the �ity tc� �s�a�lish th� TIF district �� pr�v��9e fira�n�i�4 as�ist��t��. ,A�t�a��chr��nts: � r �r �r 1 '� '��' '"�'�� �� � � � � ����M�,, �� ! ,. _ ,,�"'"� ,��"� �� `�, �"" ,�,.,�- ������w�r �V ��� " �iir��t�r � PV�r����r�� � ��w��l�����r�� �.mmmm ..�... ____.__...... ____. Fwr���r��i�p 1r-�p���t: �.��....� ��r�g���d: Yl�l 5�a��r+�e: I��I�ted �c�c����ts ���IP, E��', �tc.�: �'TTY C��' �IC7��I�:�1'�S HFl�f�ri��'I�i CC7�.Jl�tT'�' S'�'.�T�: C�� �1�1'wIN���7'A F����t�I;tJ�"I�N �1C). 2(�1S-��B ��"S{�I.bi'l'�t11� �AL�.�I�G �"�7►i�. ,�►, �i7BLI� ��;�►�TN+� B"'Y "i%��: �CIT`Y C+Ci�Y��'CC� fl►fii 'I"��E �"R�P�S�II� A,UQ�P'�'�fl�l'�1 ��' �w. �47�I1��F�C�T�(�J'�+i T� '1"H�: R:�:�1�;V�Ld��'P�'��l"tiC'T �LAfiv ��1�. 1�.Ei)�'4�E1L��'IVIEN'�' PTdC)J��CT ��. 1 Al"+dll T"��� �`R()�"QSEI� F,'�T,?�,:aL�'��1"1��1°l" +�F "TAX: I.�ICRFPv'TFN'I' k:iNAI�C:�1'�+G ll��T1�Y�T �''�d�. 1-S T���FC.FIlw1 Ad"�It[T3 TH�, t�,�TIM+aP7'I�'l� @� TH&J 7"AX [NCR�PrI:El�`+8'�' �'I�+Y�A,P"'�+�II'+1� �"I..A.� I`HF,I�CFF"CD�. BE IT RE�C�LVF� l�y t]a� �"ity ��u��cil (th� "�'aur�c�l°") �"�aa� t�a� C`ity r,ft lE�ap�i�a�, 1'�ina�es�a�,� (�.he'"�"ity��)> a� f�allc�w�: ��c�i�rr� 1. �'ul�lic I�e�ra� .��'his Caunc�l sha11 rL��e4 car� �^e�ruary 2, �t715, at ap�aroxilnadely 7:(�C� I�.�if., t� ha�d a p�l�l�u ��arin� an tk�e p�-�rpaseti adoptian �af ��'ll�cdifica�ian tc� th� �'.�developrnc��fi P'l�n C�r Rede�elcrpme�nt �r�,ject 1'�p. 1, t}�� prap�ased establ�shme��t of'°�'a� Incc�r��ent �iz�as�cun� I)ist�•ic� l�c�. 1-5, �(a r�cievel�p��ent dist,�ict), and i➢roe pra�pr�sed a�o�ation af a Tax ��crement �Lnar�c��,� F'la,n tl�ere:fti�r, a1Y �ursu�nt t� and in aec�rt�da��:e wi4h t'�i�a.��wgc�ta �5ta:t�at�s, �e;ctic�r�s 4�i9,��1 t� 4��.�647 , aa�� �e�ti�nzs 469.1'74 to 4f�9. � 7'�4, inclusiv�5 as artz�i�ded, bn ai7 e��'�r� tca cncraur��r; th� el�velcapn�e�7t and redev�➢apr�en� af ��rt��n desi�n��ed �reas w�t1�i� th� C�ty; ar�d Scctia� 2. ��tic:e �:F Pu�lac �-�earan ,�� �'i1xa��; c�t �1��s. �i�� stai'f�s auuCl�c�r��ed ar�� di�-ect�d ta w�ark wutla Ehl�rs tQ �re�a�-� a M�,di�cati��� ti+� the 1Z�develr��ranea�t f'laGv fc�r Rc���veVapmer�t �ra�j�e�� ��a. 1 an�d a T�x I��c;���ae�a� Firra���:�� T'lan ��u° T�x inc;��nrue�a� �'a�aaaci�� 17llstric¢ �+�. 1-5 and t� f�r�ar� r�c��.urne�t� C�r th� ���rc��riat� ta�in� jurisc�sctic�a�s i��cludiHi� H�nriepin �c��snty at�d Inde�endenR �cl�s�al �ist�ie� l�f�a. 27�1. Tl�� �flty CAe�k is a�th��-ize� and �i1�e�ted tc� cause n�tice c�f �he 1�eari���, kc��et��er +:vith ar� a�prc���aate �r��p ���; re�uire� by law, ic� be publds��ed �t leas� �al�ce a� �lx� r��'£�c�a� ne�s���e�r �f tlr� C�'i�y nat 1aCer than ]�, r��ar more t�ran 3d�,, days �r��i- te� �^�1����-y �, 201 `, �nd ��o plae� � cr�py cst` t�ie F�l�ras �r� ��e a� th� �"i�y Clerk's r�ffice �t City H�11 ��ad t�r znake �aach c�apy av�ilable �`rr ix�sp��tQa�� by t��� gubli�.. I�at�d: Nove��aer �7, 2�i15 Ad�pte�':. Eu�e�e Ma:xur�ll, Mayc�r A°�L"�'F 5T: Aa�ay :C�am�uer, �C"a�y C,`➢e�k.