IV.4. Revise Legislative Policy 5-D Special Event Policy; Domeier (2016-007)Jan��ry 19, 20 �� �Cava��il �:.�p��t 2� � 6- �J��7 ���is+� L�e��slar�tiv� Pc�l�cy S-�1 S�+�c��d �v��ts �c�l�c� �'r�pase� A,cti�r� St�fi r�cc��rrrneaa�;� adc�ptoan �af t17� f�01�wa�g �nnti��: 1VC�ati�a�r t�iat �he 6-�+� l�ir�s Ci�t ��uo7�o1 ad� � �.es�alut�an 2�16-0�3 �evisia� L� is��tiv� �alic 5-T3 S�ci�9 �vents Palcc . t'�p�raval �ait��is ir�c�ti�a� wdll a��vas� �amg��g� i�� Pcrlicy 5_� i�� oa�d�r t,� �pda8e t1�e �i�y's �t�l'dcy �ra is�u.�in�, Spec��l E����t Pe�m��s. �9verview S�aff is r�eyauestin� �iny �ca�n�il tt� consid�r cl'�au��es kc� th� c�u��°e�at Sp�e��a� �v�nt Fa�icy. The �1���,��s ���c1�acY� t�l�� follo�i�y�: 1i. E�evise� l�stir�,g of pre-��pr�rve� activit�es 2, �Iari�yen� t��e ��ty s�ervaces pre�vaci�d fc�r �events �. F�es �nd bi�lia�g 4. �.ega�➢a�i��s ���d p�°ra��dur�s T1a� C�ty iss�aes Speci�l �v�n� �'ermats �rnly �'�r�-tJa� �ve�ts tl�at i��c�rpc+r�te the �ase o�': C�ty pu6��ic str�ee�s, side�va]�Cs, ri��t-��=ways; ��ty paablic parics �r oahe� �Cu:tiy pubUuc pra�rerty, an� a���d+��c qariva�te ��rty, anly vvhen the prope�°�y as p�� �r�"� s�e�ial event v�r�t tl��� ii�cl�a�es �i�y publi� g�r��ecty. E�°ea��s or or�anized ac�ivi�w�es for ��r�e �r�rwc�s t�at xnay at�vcr1v� stc�e�t �I�sur°es t�a� ��+�uir� c��� coc�rdina�ioi7 t�f�i� d��artme�ts c�u� othaa� a;��ncies fcar th� a�se �f alc�a}�a9, ara-s��� c�e��:omg, f�,od sales or 6�r��-s�a1� �e�r��errary� structur�s �5'�i�ally �r� �ev�ewed ���rau�;�u the �peci�l �w°e�t �'�t�rr��� �rcacess. �xamples iz�clude festi�rals, parac��s, �-��r/vva[I�;s ���c� eat�er p1a�ti��d gar�sup activ�ties. Th� ;�e�u�� �ve��t P'er�i� $35.(�a �'ee pat-tially af�'s�ts ti�e �ras�s �f rewa�win� a pert�uit a�rp�ic�ti,�a� and ��ardi�7�t�r,g t1�� even� revie�v pr�c�ss. ��wvever, �la� �'�� d�,�s cl�rt ccav�r any add�����a�� �nsts ass�aciated wit�, p�ersc���nel c�r re��u�rces pr�rvided tc� �h� �we�vt �y �i�y +�e�a�rtm�uerdts. E"�es �'�,r specdai �ve�ts wi�1 vary d�pe��aiia7� ��pc�n the �zn�ru��t erff �ity se�°ices r�qa��r��l. �t�ff}ras dewel�sp�cl � zz�v✓ ap��ac�tio�l tl�at v�°i�l i��c��ud� ��n�ca1 i�formag�an �bc��at City charg�s f�rr c��ai�a s�rvic�s. �t�f£wil� w��rrk s�ao�h �1�� �pplic�n�s t� c8et�a-rr�ir�e actti�a� cost� after receipt a�d revie�v +��'�he �p�adicatiar�. P'e�yr�at� �sst��s t� ���sider; � Th� a��ouo�t r�f�dm� a�cE �-�so�rces sta$"iex��r��s c��m s��c��l �vents ��wn�aartin� I�ia��naki�m: � Pesos�ati�n 2(�16-�143 d �t�vis��l �'�rl�cy 5-I� Sg�ecial �w�er�ts Pc�Gicy ��� Array I)�n7�i�r, Cirty Cle�k Fzma�ci�� Iraapa�t: $ Buclge��d: 5c /1'� Scr�re�: R�l�t�d ]�r�c�m�nts ����, E�.P', etc.}: �i�te�, C°i°°�""Y tl�F �IiC)Y�I�I�I� �]�l�TI�1�P�N �C�U��"Y, 1�INd`�l�S+�b"i'A4 ����4L�TT4� 2C�i6-0p� I�VIS�I'�1G �..,E���"LA�T"V]� P'�ML��'Y 5-LL3 � S�"l�C'�A� �V�;il�d�`S P�L�C'�r' '�v�'H�R��,,S, �h� �it� ��a��cn� �f t�� +�ity �f F-�+�pk��s has ag�prc�v�c� � c�acu�r��n� ��t����+� ��e Le�;is�at�v� Ft�l�cy Pv�ana�al t� �rc�vide unbf�r� gu�de��n�s e�rn �ity p�a���ie� s� thai �ctior�s ta9c�r� are ct�n�,szste¢�t ��d �'�air; arb�i V4'��It�A�� t�e ���y �a�r�cnl has establ�s�i�d Legis����v� Pa�icy �-� in arde� t� set �`ortI� pr�rcedtare� t� la� fca�lowed by ���ana�ers ��' ��+�cia� �.v��is wha w�sh �aa a�s� C�ty pre��aerty ar�d/�ar reqraire �Ci�y s�rr�v��es� ai��fl WH��]�A�, t�e City �aun�acil �af t�ae �ity �a�'�--Iapl�ia�� �as de�e��nin�d �h� �xisting pol�cy rueeds �� be rev�sed ta up�at� the r�vise� 1�st�t�� c�f �re-approved activita�s, cl��i�'y �he Ci�y s��vices prov��ed fc�r ewents� pr�avide a fe�s �nd bil�in,� p�r�ce�s� an� u���a�� t�e cegula��ic�r�s �nd pa�ace�ures. . P�'CiW �'H��.�F�l� B� �'T ��"�i,V��, th�t th� �it� �a��ncil afthe �Gity c�iI-��pki�s her��ay �dr�pts �h� r�vi�i�ns tcr Legislatiw� P+��a�y 5-� ����ial Eve�ats �c�l�cy as prap�sec� in �cruncil I��pa�t 2� � :�-t}�7. A��a���d tay ��ae ���y �u�r�cil o�'t�ne +�ity �t" H+�pkirbs t�iis � 9��' ��y t�f,�anua�y, �(� I6. F3y: Ni�lfly �a.lr�r�irugs, �vl�yor ATT�ST: fi�rr�y �olneie�, �C'it� �'�erk i � i '� . � ,� � Il. P'�SR�'CiSE l.�l "The p��os� caf ��is p�licy is tc, �et �'�rth pu��e�a�r�s t� b� ��ail��ed by �rganize�s af �p�c��l ����ts wh�a vv��k� tc� t�se c�ty �rr�p��ky �ndla� rec�uair� �ity �ervices. A� c�r ���zatican, w°iskaia� ta � c�n��r c�r ll�eald a� ecial Event in t�i� Cit caf �a kin� w�l� b� r� �ir�d t� c+�rr� �ete th� � ecia� Even� �'��rmit � Yicatian. T�� �Cit �,vi�l cc���uct a c+�m leRe aewiew c��` an ��cia� Ev�nt P'�r�t��t A 1ica�ua� ��d anf�r� tla� a l�c��� i� th� ��ent r� �:I�a�red. ���i�� Ev�r�ts are d��'�r��ci as an aaracle ��ce ��c�ss�on �arniva� c�mr���it icn�c �c�l�bratir�n ft�a�d�ra�ser d�arace c�ncert l�r e assern�l ar c�ther s e�ial �v�nt an �it �� ��-t �vathll�a ihe c� �,rat� �'ra��its o$' �h� �i� �#` I-��a kir�s. !�„ .� r. . . . . r . . _ ., � — .� w ..«,. �. ,�:�� �w i ..,�.:.. r w .e.,. �..�, a� � � .. M .. � ,. . :. . . w, �. �n � ,., . r ,. w .. ., , . � w " � ' • '� • w :.: . s . � �� r ..�� I .• . '. • .w . � . w .. �, ., .. .� � r . �, . . . .�., .. . r. e . � .. .. . � w . .... �. .�,.,... �+w . ��. .� � �. �� ��� �.. . � .. � « ,w, �..... �.�i , .. � .. . . �. .. r .. � . I . � � � . . . ._, ,. �� �� . .. � � , � . � � s. . r a , �r ', . � � �, �. �..... � w �. �r w.. .. r �' � � � �� ,R � � r� � � i '� ..,r, . ... .. .. , r . ! n. . ,r � � a ., ,. , • . .. I . . � . ,� . � « . .. . . � » � , . . .. . �I Ir « ♦ .r . .. � . M .« � c� ta��+�;,�irs,, r-�„„ �a�,.,,.a,� �. u�„��,,,�.,�,;,,.� cr�,,�,aa � ���;,�a, rr�;,�.�� �.. � ����m��G� .. �.,�,�a��+..��,r n��,�. Q.: _.,_____._,.__.__�n..�.�:. � ac,—�ua,�`'.a-��o�: � �d��;k� .� T'A.��r�-. .�. 'k.-A.��i ���1,.��.'4._.1:Pk7 �P►'�l7 W l�P�J'��Y �'�l.l'.[l, r�Y�L' �Ilt�l,� PLr Y!�.L�U ll. s..7� �.�1 P"re-A r�aw�ea� Ac�ivw�i�s: :P'r�-A rave�i Act�v�xies ase s�ci�l eve��s �"�r r��.ach the Cii r�v�des sarru� �a�sic ser°u°�ces wl�hca�� c���r e. I�r�-� r�a��� Act�vrties imcl�ade: �. �I�sic In the F"ark ����vaties �. �t. P'at�i�k's 1�ay �'a�r�de c. �.a��pl�errv ����iv�1 d. �Id �'ashi���d �aliday e, ��ir�s��ee� ��vs �'. F�a�er's M��'ket �. h�a�'ranal I'�i h� t C77�� 2.�2 Clth+ea- �vent�: A r�val ��t�� falll�awi�a ��ve�ts as at t�e s�a�e �fli,screti�t� a�`the Cat �f �-I� ki�s. �ver�ts nnust be det�r�ir�ed �c� be in the >er�er�l i�i�rest t�f �h� ublic. Evera�s rnust also n�t �� war� e�cessav� st��'�" s� �rrt �'rc�m �h� �yt . A �c�va� �f �� eve�t ��a�s ���t r� �i�e the �it tc� a�c�ve ��rnilar e�✓��ts c�r e�rer� the re e�t o$��h� sar�ae �v�n�. �ach e�er�t �ri1� be revi���d ��p�:r�,te9v. �.�3 +�a-� c�ns��red Ev�a�t,�, �'h� +�it �� �+�-� �nsar ce�tai�n even�s wz�ka c�fh�� c�r ar�u�ati�rt�s �v��n t1v� �it �c�un�'r� �eterrn��es that �1�� �v��� is in the �n�ra� ir�t�rest tt� the ublic and ad�am��s t1�e �it "s ub1��: iz�a �. Th� �it �ri11 r�w�d� fin��cial sG� a� t� tl��se ev�nt� �s de�ea�c�ir�ed ita �h� �r�nu�l bud efi a rc� �iatiar�. T��s� even�� rn�us� r�e�k t�ae ot�er re �aire�raera�s afthe ��cial Event 1��+9ic and ��ast �r�imbuars� the �Cit �or �n Git c�asts im ex��,�s af t�e s�a a�r� level �a�k�i+�rized b�h� �i��i et a ra ra�ti�an. A, raval �aff ar� cvcnt �oes rvot re a�ire the �it �� a rav� si�il�ar ev�r�ts �rr �ver� the �`� ��t a�'t�e s�me eve�t. �ac� ever��t �rbll �� revaev✓ed s�pal�at�d� 2.�q� +��1��r 1'���u-�'r�a�i �v�en��: 7��e Cit ma rc�v�de u ta �3�0.�� i� Ci� 1�k�ar ctrst� and rela�ed f"rin e��nefit c�sts and us� �af Ci� e u� rmer�t �� �.ssist S�cial �v�n�s � er��e�l b r�a�- rafit €�r ai�izat➢���. Thes� �v�nts rs��ast rmee� the �e u�rer�e�r��s �af th� 5 e�ial E�em� T'�lic ��d tra�s� a��iml�urs� t�e �i� fc�r �m c�st� in �xcess c��fik�is s� c�rt Nevel, l��o� ��'ilin �� a l�catic►n �s � 1"��aarn-�'ra�� �v�r�t rrrt�st b� able tc� suabz�nit ��urre�zt Il�� SIJ� �3 'St�ter����. A rcrv�l t�f` au� ev��� dc�es z��at r� �ir� th� �Ci� �c� a rr�ve sam�l�r' events ar eve� nhe r� ��� c�� k�e sarme �v��t. E�ch �v�mt �aail� be �•ev�ewe�l se �r�tel . 2.�� �ith�er IFor-I?'r�i►t �vents: `���e �ii �� alit��ra c�t��� S ec��� �v��iks o�r�ted b fc�r- roft s ons�rrs that are bene��ial t� th� �it a�tid the c�b1�c. Th�s� �v�nts �re S�b'ect ta �r� addatiar�al �as�e char e�'c�r t�e us� c�f tf�e �.ubiic r� e�t . Ir� addition, t�e�e eve�ts rruu�st � 1��J°1� �a� a�l Cit �asts related ta th� �v��t. "��ese everats �iust tr�eet the �ther r� uiren�ue�ts n� th� a eci�l Eve�it Palic ar��fl rr���t �r�irnburse the �Cll� �'aar ar� �it �c�s�s in �t�dit�r��a� �� the � mer�t c�ft�e est�blislhed ��a��t �`�te. Th� mi�im�ur� �ddati��al n�s� char e s�ialL �e �250.0� er` d� . A z�c��a�l �rf ar� evea�t d��s ncrt r� uia�e ��e �it te� a r�ve sim��l�r �v�nts �r �ve� t�e r� ��t �f �h� sarne eve��. Ea�ch ev�nt vwill b�e review�d sep�r�teD�. �. �"E��" FCII� S�E����, ➢�V��1T"S 3.�M1 Houra ftate �ha1� b� fhe hcrt�r� cc�s� �"�rr an �rri la� �e �rcyrk�� �aa� a��c�a� Evern� as ��tab����ec� b�i� Adrr�i�istr��it�r�. P��a�� nc�t� that �h�se r�t�s a�� revr��r�cil�d"�nste� �r��t��ll . Y���a�e refer tc� A,tt�c��ernt A. tt� cc�n�ra� r����. Tk�e �Tc�t�rl R,a�� s�i�ll ir�clude �� en��s r�latied �a th� �rn �c� �e �u°�cirad�n fraiv � ber�e�ts. 3.t72 �"u�ch�s�+� a�� 1�.ental Nl�►terial� sh�ll i�clude al� d�r�ct ��sts im�° �1� rr�ater��ls urchased ar re�ted by ih� Caty r�f fi�c���in:� for �se a�t the ev�nt 3.�Q3 E u�i ,�n�nt C'har e� sl��l'1 be the cu�-e�at � wi rn�nt usa ���t�� as ��t��l�shed b t�e Gi#� �g Hc�p�ins. �.t�4 �► Re i�ce�rr�nt �C�s� �xll �e bill�d iar missi� ar�dl�ar d�r�a ed � a�i r�aernt and su ��es. �. L�ILLIfi1GS FC)R ��P��C`I,t�L E''�'Ei"�TS �.�}1 ���i�l Evem� �ullin ��1�� Cat shatl be itennized b th� e� 1� ee iim-�e �i`�'�k�1ic Vw'orks ��r]ice �;nd �'�re� �ra wa�chas�cC +�r rented c�a�ea-��.ls� e ui r�e�t ch�r �s• �a�d an re lac�a�ent co��s ft�r �i�s�n c�r d,�rn:a ed e�ui mea��rsu 1i�s. 4,�J� Iia rc�ve� event s�ans��s wha ➢��ve revir�wsl h�sted the sarr�e �vent i� fi�e ��r ricar A7*�ID ��d t➢�e�r boll i�a � tir��a�l �ar��er vv�ll lae e�t�n�ed th� c�a�rte� �a�' a�n �,�1 �it �'e�s ���er t�7eir �v�n� �s c��ra i�ted a�d ��11�d for th� c�arren� ea��c. 4.�� �f � rcrv�d �ew even�s ar e�ents tha� ar� re eatin anr�ua�1 az�d �id l�t(��' a t��ir b�1� in a t���ae� rna���r t�aus� �ubmit �it.her a cas�i d� asii ch�ck wi�}a � mer�� a�' iS% �afi estiar�at�� �� en�es i�� wsed �s � de �sit tcr b� cre�it�d a a��st t�1e �r�al a rn�llt. 1C7� �osit %es n�ust �e �ld n�� less ���r� 3d� da s r�c�r t�a the ne�l schedu��d ev�nt. �. REGULATIt7wi"�S A1''�i� PTT�„C�CE,I�U�.�S �.&�1 Am�y p��s�rr� c�a� +�rgar�izati�r� vvishwng tc+ s�crn,sr�r � Spe�ial �v�nt �t�st �bt�gr� a ap�ci�� Eveivt �'ermc�it ra�t les� th�� 4� day� �iefc�r� t�� s��;cfl�� �ve��. . ` ° • � �„�a,,�.,� �.x.�.,�� •-�- _ =_-Tm� � . �_a=. �.4�2 A�pplicatia�;s f�r a��rrr�i� �a� a Spec��l �v�nt wa1� �e �va��Iable a� th� City ��erk's cafffic�, �r�d ��f aip�rc�v�c�, sh��� b�c�r�� � par�t af the p�a�raait. I���rrnpl��� a�pl�c�t�a�s will fl�� r���rned, 5.�3 T➢�e ��ar��.�t fe� s;���l accaan�any ��� ��p1�ca���n. 5,�4 Spe�ial Eve��s w�i��i ar� ��t spons�ared by �h� Ci�y �r �de�raled �'r�-A.�prc�v�d may r�quire a dep�sit af �at 1e�� ��an $2�1C� �+� �� �ert�r��ran�d }� the �i� ��r�� �c. S.(1S T� ��� c�sh tfleprasit �ai1� �ae c�lc�l��e�i �as��G a� the am��cipat�d a,nd pater�t�a� �ca�� �e� ��ie City af �+��ki�s, anc� s�a�l b� s�uk�r�ai�tc� �� less thar� th�rCy (3{�� ���s be�ore ��e spec��l cve��. 5.�6 T�� r�ta�r� �f �kae +�epc�sit �s c��ditia�ra�� a��aea� th� a�apl��ant ha��ng n�t r�qu�st�d �or �`e�eflv�d s�rvice� wvh�c�i ��e a cos� ta tk�e �ity c�f �t�pkv¢is an�3 a�e app�ican� cai�sin� �a d���i�e ta �h� prab�i� c�r priva�e prop�rty �fl7 the ���y oi` Hop�ia�s, and furt4��r cc�nd'�tic�n�d u���r� �h�e fa�� t�at tl�e �p�,➢xc��t �a��t a��rr��ve ��1 �l�r�, pa�er, litter, �r �,�her r���aris gea�e�at�e� k�y its +�y�eara�i�ns, f"r+�rr� tk�� �ite ��' t�e ever�t �nd th� �dj�inin� ���rr�is�s ��ra� cc�r�p��ti�� �i �he �v�r�t. �.CMi �s��ua��� r��' a��e��al �r�e�� Per,�rt dt�e� rn�� c�or�s���u�� � r���v�r ��` ar�y �'���r�l, ����e a�r L�ca1 l�w�. r"��a���c��ts are r�s�r�ansible fo�- �a�p�yen� �vi��a all' �p�rl�c�b1'� F�dera�, 5����, a�d L�c�� �a�v�. 5.�8 �s��uall�e �f ��'pecial Ev�n� �'ermit d�es ra��, Yn ar�y way, irn�ly �C��y s�rc�r�s�rs�ip �f th� ��e�i�l Ever�t. 5,�� Tra�`�c Cc�ntz+al Me�s�res: A l�car�t ps �e �����i �� a�ll casts ft�r �rai�c c�ar�t��� rrne�s�res and traffc �antr�l �ersanr�el 5. � fi� T'��%�i�c �ar�rcades: �`h� a Iic��t s�ap� tl�c�r� h a b��na �d� cc�r�tr��tt�� ravi�e i�st�.1l �ar�d r�anov� �0� �h� e ui me�t �s st� ulat�d b tl�� k'ub➢uc ���ks �►� �r�merat. T11e a�asta�latz�n and rem�ava� c��"ba�ricad�s b Ho ki�s �'ub��c'uVr�r�Cs I�e ��-tment is s���'�ect t� th� F�ca��rl �i�#�s ]�s��d ian Attaclzz�r�nt A. �.l 1 T�i��i�e to �"ro �a� +C�wt�ers: T&�� � licar�t ra�a be re e��red �� r+�vrde a��-cia nc�aic�e t�a all r� �rt �wners abc�i�t � S��ia� Evea�t as sti u�ated b t�ic �it Adrraimi�tr�trc�n. 5.12 In��r�t�ce: A 1ac�n� ra��as� rt�vide t➢�e �'rt r�,�ath ��erti�i��te ai.�n�urar�ce s��win r��f ��' er�ea��1 l��ba��t insur�r�c� ��tcr��tt�bIl1� liab�l:it �r��uurar�ce i�'a �icabl� ared li u�r 1i�i9�ilit insua�a�c� if a�uca�le m��ti� ��e �'c�ni�r�rdnu aa�inirr�urr� r� uarements:. � A]icarn� sh�l� �t�c�r� ar�d m�i�tain for t�n� d�r��ia� �i �h� ev��t c��n���rcial ener�l 1�at�iI�t i�sur�nce �r e�irr��e�¢ s e�iat �v�e�t c�vera es r�tec��.n gt �'r�aa� �1air�s f�«r darrna �s �`c�r b+adiY i�`u �r�d ro er� d��a e which zz�na �,rise fra� a�r �� c�a�n������ vvith t�i� e��a��',� r� �rati�an �rad �:�se of th� �it 's r�r erR �n t�1e �nz�ui��t�rn �rr�c�un� r�f � l ,O�O�,�fi��► per �cc�arr��c� ��f aua�c�traabd�es wi1➢ �i� us�� dwrz� �h�e �v�nt A Ii��r�t sh�1� �avi�� �utt�r�c�t�ii� ���bi�i� �rusur�nce wit� � rr��n�mu�r� �ar�t�in�d ��r� �� limit c�f $ � Ci��1 �1�0 �r a�cuarrer���. ��v�ra � sl�all ar�c➢ude �ialarl�t fi�r c�wraed nc����wa�ed a�d l�ired ��at�rnc�laires, � T�" �1c�r�i�a1 w�ll �e sa�d oa� served A li�ai7t r���t �,ave �d uor lia�bz�z� drarrrt sh�a in�urar�rc� an the m�nirn�rorn armc�u�a� c��` � 1 tJ(�d� �a�J �c e��crarrc��e. � T�e Ci� s�al'1 b� �ndc�r��d �s �� �t9d�iiorq�l ir�su��d a� a11 �i�bil�t c�licies. r'� l�car��'s ins��ran�� sh�a�1 1�e rnr��.r . � T�� Cit r�s�rves th� �i �t �c� a�aa�o� �I�ese ins�ra�v�e z•e �uir���eru�s c�e �rndin +�� th� r��t�ar� a�e� sca � �f'th� �v��nt. 5.�� �l�irras: r"� �ican� a rees �a� def�md amd ha��d �h� �it h�.�rr�9�ss ��arr� clairr�s derm�an�� ���icans c�r causes �f ��t��ns of a�� �ata��e o�chara�cter �c�s��a �u� +af ar � rea�s�ara caf' c�mduct af th� �v��� ��thor�z�c� ��uch remi�� ext�ns�a�a �nc]ts�in at�e�rn� fe�� aa�d �l� �x��rnses. 5,1 �. �atr�a es: A li��nt �vill 1r���rrr�ni�" th� Cit f�r �I1 damrna �s t�at ma res�.alt tc� �it �ro��r�� �s � �es��t c�� a7n ev�n�.. S.15 �u �tt�v����an: f�, Picar�� ws�I rna�r��a�r� �d�ul� s� �u-�rasio� of �h� ��rerrt at a�l �ia-�es. �. l�ca�t w�l� re�vrd� s�cuarit �s st� u�at�d b�h� ��ireiaf Pca���ce. �e�ur�t wilC be bilied �t �he H�ur�l I���� a�tlo��� �n ��tack�rn�nt A S. � 6 +C1ean-�a : A li�ar�t �ri�l at r�� c�st ta tk�e Cit �m�nec�i��e1 �1ean a� ��r�t�v� and tl�s c�s� ��'�.11 litte�° t�r srr��te�ia➢ �f �r� kar�� which as lace� ar le� �� t1�� street �ecat�s� c�f t�e event. If°the A�i��n� n�e l�e�s or f�ils tr� rac�e�9 ��rtl� ��ear� u w��h:a�u � twc�-haa�� er�crd ir��edi�tel �'��Ec�win ��e ea�d �r£'t11e event or 'rf ��e clea��a rs ��a�� i� a� �n�d� ��te r���ner tlae ]��r�c�c�r of l�ublic '�V�ri�s �s auutl�c�rized tr� c�e�mn� and ch�r e .� �ica�t fc�r c�e.aa�-�a at the k�I�ru�e F�.at� slzt�w� ia� Attacl�nerat A. 5. � 7 Us� �►f ��� ��ilit:►es; �°1�� A. 1���nt wil� nc�� �se Cit util'atzes �'ar ara event um�l�ss e�iss�tar� h�s ��en rant��d b��e I)'sr����ar �f �'�ab�ic Vtr�arl�s. T�e e��ctrical circwits i� th� Cetntral ��.�si:ne�s L�i�tu�ict laave a�irr�ated �rn era 7e ca acit . 5.1 � �'�a�d �'��i�s. Th� A licant sh�11 �rb�ain � 1�✓i�r�raes�ta �7� ��-ttwment +�i H:ea�th f+�oc� ➢i�ezY�e aa�c� sh�1� �arrn !�x a�l times v�'rth �he a�ic�ble he�lth cades a:r�d �r� uYat��ns. Pr�a1Fc��' fli�er��� sh�➢� t�� rov�de� ta t�� �;�� �ler� �� ➢e�st sev��n �d� s�ef+�r� th� event �izai I�� t an sit� �"a� i�nra�edrate �a�s��ct�on 5. l 9 `�'ermin�tior�: �'he a���ant rirr� t�r��nuiraa�� �l�is a�eerr��nrt at w�1➢ l� ivi�� 1� da s writ#er� r�atice t� th� Cx� . I�less than 2� ��a�rs�' ��a�ice is i�r�n xo car�c�l a� even� tha�� �e uire� c�nta��ct�d r�ar� st�ff u�x11 �e c�m e�sa�ed f�r a 21�aur rn�r��rm��a-� char �. �it sta�'f h�s t➢�� aw�har�t ta� c�r�c�l �rr st�r ar� ever�t or 1�ce add�tir�r��� res�rictioms a�n ��e �verut ifit is deen�ec� �hat tBYe �bii� h��1t&� safe� �r w�pfare w�tddd �� �etter �erved �°ith a�ditit�r��1 r�s�z��cti�ans. 5.20 ��t sta�'�'a�7a race �n acldit�c��al re uireanent� a� �� �vent, T�ese re ui�r�rr�e��s �a incl�d� s eci�c s���`i�ev��s i"�a� �'r�li�c� ��a�� �'w�1ac �v'a�ks �ar+�thee ersc�nnel. Ex ens�s �vrll �e �i��e� �a the s�n��arz� ar �z���;atica� u�a���� t1�� t�rar�s �a�"��ais olic . �stabYished: SlC9f8� R�vis�d: V 1116/93 1����v��s�ed: �i l /�191'� � C�ty r�f I-�opkir�s AT'�A��1'�Cl�l"�IT A �F��IAL EVE�T 1��� ��'�TEII[J1LE 1���. �SET�"�w'�I�� (ihis f�e s�he�u�e �z�r� b� revaew�d and u,��ate� a�nuc�lly by the �.�it,� �c�,�zir�ist��ati��a,� PubUic 'VV�rks l�ersant�el Cas� Per H�ur I'�'Yini�nucn Z.5 h�urs e� er� �+� �� c��i-in � �r��aer�l Laborer �36 r��u1�,r tim�ry ��4 �T m ��� ervisor �64 P"�aRice �►e �rt�aent �e�rsannel �,ast �'+��- H+��ar � �'a��ice �7ff cer ��'�.�5 Fir� Iy� arttun+ent P��-��a�az�e�' �C'os� �er ��u� � Fir�� ht�r � 14.95 'Vehicles �Cas� Per H�r�tr � �'r�b� � �r�c� �'�0 � �'ick LT ta�uck ��� � �uar� tr�ack $9�Y a Bac�m �z-��ck �9(} � Fare ttt�uck $250