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IV.5. Declare Cost to be Assessed and Order Assessment Hearing - 2016 Street and Utility Improvements; Stanley (CR2016-009)
������//�/� �'�� � � ������ rl ����/ /I � , rr, � � �� Y "� ��� ruf"1!�ll�j7l � �11�,. ��j/���i�.. � �i��/�/ �% I��� r %i/� F�br���-� �, 2f�1 � ��u�1�g� Rc�p�r� 2C�16-(�U9 II��+CLARE �+Q��T T� F�E ASS�SSE� A�dD �EtU�Ft A�5S���MET+JT HE,AR�1'�G 201fa �T�EE'T A1''�1I� I.JTTL��TY IMP�+�M�w'��^'I��+1T� C�TY ��+�3J��T I�1�. 2��15-�� �'ray��ased �►cti�a� �tafi'rec�arr��rne�ds app�•ov�1 �rf t�ne f�l�¢�w����; ��ati�.�a�: ad�a � F��s��wt�c��a 20�64�!�QS �ie�,lariz� T Cc�st t� t�e Assess�d and t7rde�in �"re a�ma�ior� ��`Pr� �s�d �ss�ss�n�r�t� �ra�i �t�sc�luti+��a 2,�16-��6 b��sal�ti�a� �"�r H�ari1� �n �"r� c�s��9 A��e:�si��rats 2a1� �St�•��t ��d Utilnt �r� rc�vern����s Cii �"rt�j�ct �'�15-1�. Thi� ��tac��� c��rztir��c�s a�n �sses��ble �rc�yec�.. ��vervi,ew Tl1e b�� ��a��1i�z� fc�� t��� ��llb �tre�� a��c� IVifiilit,y In�p�r�v���aez�t� w�� 1��flci Ja�nu�ary 22, �d�16. T�� ���wv laad �vas $3,�93,76�. �4, sub��it�ed b� l'�c�r�hwr��� �,s�a�7a:�t, I�ca�rp�rated. A�e��a� e�f t�n { 1 Cl'� b��c�s were r��.e�vc�. Asses���er�t c��c�l�ti�sr�s �ai11 �e �r��a��d ba�ed �� the �aw�:�t r�s�oms�b��e bz� �nd ��7�➢ut�� �.S�r'� c�ar�str�cti��� �.c����in�;e��cy an�9 � 8°r'o indir�ct c�st. PcT�ac�a�� �ss�es 'i'aa Ca�sid�r � ����r�cc�� C��ts a��d As��ss��nt� + F'�t�li� Infca�atic�n. • ���ec�c�l� � F��carm��er�dati��� �� � �"�.,✓� �� �" ������ F �`��� � ���� �,. � �� ,. _ .. � � . . e_ ..:� 1`''�T�t� 'S��TD�t��, �'.E. �1��' �T9�1i1���" Su arti�a �r�f'arrt��tion � R�s�lutic�rt�;: 24�1�-0��, 2(�16���J�� FIlz�anc�al I�r�p�c�: �TIA l��d�;eted Y/l`� � �c�t.rrce: �[tiG/A �el�t�t� I:��ca�i��r��s ��"8P, EF2.P', ��c.): Nca��s:. � �ra,��c� ��sts a�a�1 A►ssess���ts �3�sec9 �� �he lc�w �i�i, 18% an�irect cc���s (e�a,�ineeri�a��;, a��rzanistra�iv�,le��i} a�d � 5'°t� cc�z�tin����c�y tl�:� t�tal e�tim�at�ci pr�j�ct cost i� �4,71�,7t��. �'�e currer�t e:stirn�t�d p�€��e�� a��+��arnt �s l�wer �fl1an the �revi�us �stim�te, and k��� c�rs� savin,�;s a�� �eflect�d i�� l�wer ass�ss���r�ts, '�"alalc 1�r�vid�� a s�r�mary �+f the ass�ssrn�;r�t in�"e�r�nat�c��� f"ar rc�idcn�ial prc�p�rti�� in tl��; nci�hb�nc���d. T�bl+e l --1�es�+a�er�ti�L h'rn�►erdy ��rrem�ar� ��r��t �r����ain�ry Fina� Assesse+� ��s� D°e+cre�se �4,ss+�ssm�ent �+�st ��ast Ii��t � �7'�' t�Y�V� �1 � �1,7c�4 - ��,E17�1UI71i ��,31� - ��,�firl/Umllt �32� - �82�i/L1ti1r�t __ _ _ ___ � �`�' Ave i'� �3,$�7 - �9,754IUnit �63,74t� - �9,5151�tm�"rt �� 19 - $S�Shc7�►it .______ _. 19cr' Ave fi� �1,i6� - �'$,0"�8/Unit �1,31�3 - �7,$A��lU�it �2�39� - �446f1.1�it �tJ`r' Av� �G �1,�i5� - �'�,�1S�fLT��it �1,3C��3 - ��,B��ILJ��� _m__._ �0 -'�2f38filr�it 21�` Ave 1'� �2,��� - �11,�241�Jr��t $2,933 -'�11,Q?�/T.1ni� '�0 - ��3+�/U�it Assess��i�t c�as�s for c�ua�o���rcial pr�r�aerti�s �uthin ��� �aroje�t �l�o hav� ��a��� c��w�ti. Tabl� 2 prca�i��s a:�urn��ary r��` camt�cmercial �r�a��rty a�s�ssr���t in�`��r��atiiar�. Tab1e Z -� �o�tr�r�uercial property� Su�rr��ry Str��et Pr�e�irr�u�uary �"��ual Asse�sed �ast I�ecur��se� �ssessment �°ost �o�t �.���� ____��.._ IMaz�star�et �7,$�'� - ��1,�'7�/�.Ta�i� �'3,'10� -'�1Ca,�SS/fJni� �2,174 - �8,33]llJnit_ Z`���; i��ter��t ra�� wi�l l�e 2 p�;rc��ta�e ��i�ts ab�v� thc� Tot�1 Cr�t�r�st �C�ast (T�C�") �f"t�� bc�nc�s �a b� sa�d far th� pr�aj�e�t, it is anticipafi�d t�a� the r�t� wi�l be bc�twee� �.�°/4 and S�'/o fc�r t�is ���jec�. �ta�'f rec���e�ds at��aptua-t� a]�-��ar �ez��u �'�r t�� �sse��aa�ae�a� as d�scus��d at pr�ev��,�s �aty G�a���il un:a�etir��;s. � P�����c ��%�r�atia� 5����`has sc��edul�d a public i�7ft�r�r���i�� m�ctin,� fi« p�c�vide addi�z��al i��'�anna�ic�n r�laii��; t�a ���e assessa�ea�t �r�ces� anci ��aswe� c�u�stac�a�s ���r Tl��rsc�ay, �"���ua�y �S'h �t t�e �-I�pkins Cul�uter �or t��� Aa�s. Tihi� �n�eti��; is i:n respc�n��; tc� th� �1�:a�laer r��qu�stio�i� aracl cc�ncer�� he�rd la�t f�11 fi•+�z� resi��:l�ts r�g��-din� a�sessrrf�nts. � �cher�ule C3rde¢� A�sessrn��t H�ar�z��; Febru�r� �, 2(7 � �a As��ssm�nt �-i�acin�;/Ad+�pt A,�s�ss�n�nt Raal1J F��ar�u�r� 2�, 2�16 �ca��pt Bids/Award �+�t�tract � �ec+amm��ud�iioc� Staif rec�z���zn�ncis tha�� �;���r-tc:il �rd�i• �r�•���r�ti�an t�i tht; pr+�pt�s�d a���ssrncnt and sc}��dule ��ublzc hearin� for ��e �ssess�n�nt f�r F�b�-uas-y �9, 2� 1�, CIT'Y ��" �-IC)�'"�1�bS HEl'�'i��'E�'�fi�i �C4�J�TY,1��N1'�1E�(�°�"A. I�E�1�I�L�TI�9� �OIl�6-(��� R'.;���LlJ1�"I�N ]����AT�I1'�+� C;t��ST "�+CN �� �i,S�ESS�T), A�iil �CM��ERI�1� PF���"AIiATI�M�r1 QJ��' P�:CI�"�S�U A���'��➢�"��N�' WH�I�I�A�, c�����; N��v� i'�e�� d�;t�rmi�e� fcar t��� i�r��rov�za�e�z� e��� 1�t}�, v 9th, 2�th, �i�d �] si Av- �i�ra�� 1'��rth, 2��, �rd, and 4th Sfi�-��t hic�rt�h; a�e� tl�e a1l�y �r�a�� 1�th Rvernrra� �ia��t�x ��r thc �ast �;ri�l�a�u t�� Hen��t�.pin �'��r�ty l���i��a1 I�ailr�ra� A�ai�r�rity r��l�u�-�f-way, a�d �1�� baa� pa-ice i+a�- ��xcN� 3r�np�ea��in�nt is �3,�'�3,"7�2.�4�, ��xd t�e �xp�n��s i���u��re�l �r �a �� in�c�:urr�d �1� �lh� ��r��kiaa� ��:�sa��a ar�npr�rverrr�es�� aru�caunt �o '�71 �,877.� 1 sr� that tl�e tc�tal c�a�� �ff the i�tzp�-av�tnent wi�I be �4,? � 2,,6��. ➢ S. �'AIC9'U4', THEI���CiR;�, B� ['L' �,ESfl��.,�'�1) �r� t�� C;`iay C�u����� caf F�crp�ins, �viir�n�sc�tta, t��t. l. "I'l�e �c�rt��n c�f t�l� �e�s� ��" �uc�i a�n�rc�ve�-ra��� �� �e paid h�y tl�� city is hereby° ��cl�r��i tr� �� �3,4�1,�7�1.03 a���d �1�� �r�rt�carn ��` �h� ��ast tc� b� as�ess�e� a�ai��st ber��fflt�d pr�perty c�w�xer� is �le�����;� �c� b�: $1,27I,5��.1 �. ,2. Ass�ssrnents ��1��1 �ae p�yable in eq.a�a� a����z.ual' i�st��lrn��t� extenda��,� �uer a�r;riad' c�f v S y��rs, tlae �rst ca�` t�� inst�u9la�e��ts tca �� �aaya��� on r,r �ft�� the ��-�� IV1�ruday in J��nu�ry; ��ll7, at�d sl�all b�a�- vnt�r�st ,at th� rake 2 p�e�ce�ta�e �a��a��s ��r�o�e th� �r�u� ii7fier��t �c��t raf ��� �a�nc��s sc�ld f�rr th�s �rc�jeci. 7"l�e city cl��k, wi�h �l�c� ���:i�nau-�c� �a� tl�u� �flty �xx�in��r, s�-���1 �e�rt�iwi��� �:a����ulat� �rr� ��cap�r a�n�uu�� tr� �� sp�cx�lly asscs�e;� fa� ��ach Ar��p�ra�vei��rea�t ���ir�st ev�ry �s�ess��rl� ic�t, p��c� or �aarc��l �f l�n� vvitl�in fifi� district �fi�ected, r�ithcrurt re�a�d t� cash v�l��ali�ad�, as prc���aci�d by ��w, and sl7e s�i��I �il� a cc��y �af such �ar���s�� ass�ssrne�i �c� he�r a�f£�ce ��� �aubli� �rb- ���������. �. Tia� ���rk sh�all �pa�r� tl�� cazr�g�leti�r�n c�f s�ch �a��rpas�ci assess��era�, A�a�t��'� t�e �;c���c�I �h�r��f Ac9c��t�d �y� t1�� �;i�y �c�uaa�cil t�is 2„`� d�y at 1�ebr�u�u��, �C�1�. E��eg�� �. Nl�xv�a�l�, 1�,�1a�yc��� �any ��rn��e�, �'�ty �lerk. �C'�'�Y �AF �+i�F�l�� H��"�li'wd�PT�' �C°t)LbI'�iT�, �k'Ii��G�S��'A ��SQT.U°�`�+I��+12C�16-�Ob �E,�S��U"l�"�t�l'� �i?�� H�AR�1'�� ��+f P��Pt3SED A�S�S�1M'IE.I�''�I' '�4'HEI�EAS, by � z�e�a�luetz�an pas��� by �h� c�wrti�i� on ��eb�-u�ty 2', �i�� � tl�� cit� �le�k �vas �3�- rec�t�cd �o �re�ar� a pff�ap���ta a�s�ssin�n� �i�'�h� cc�st a�����rovin�; 18��, 1! �th, 2{�th, ai7d �➢st A��- ryu�s 1�Ic�rt�; ����, �rd, a:nd 4th S�k�-��t I'��rtl�; a��d �l�e al��y �a�� ��th Av�nu� �1crrt�� tc� t�€; �as� �viti�ir� �1h� Hcnr�cpLu� �`�a�a��ty ���;�c�raal R��ir�aad .A�thcarity r��;ht-�af-way, A.i�� '��w'HER�A�, �1�� clerk l�as be�� t��re�fie� t� ��t�pl�t� the �u-�a�c��s�a� asse�srne�t ai�d puut it an �1� in hre�- �fif�ce fc�r pub➢��c �;n��ec��a�, 1`��W, TH�R.�F4)��;, �� �T RE�'�C1L'�'�� b�y t�u� C�ty �"r�ui��i➢ �f �a�kir�s, 1'v�im���sc�ta, that: A h��arir��; s9�a�➢1 �� �nelci �a�-� t�� 29��' r�ay c�t F"��r�-uary, �(�l � i� tl��. ci�� �aa1l a� 7:�� p.���. t+� �r�ss u���u �u�l� �r�ap�sc�i �s�es�rnent �nd �n s�ci� ��a��e ���d p1�c:e; al� p�rsc�ns ��aa�i�� �r�p�rty a�'- ��ct�d by s�tch a�nprc�v��ner�t �v�l] b�; ,�av�� ��� ��p��a�riuty t+� l�� h�arc� w�th r�f�;s�e��c� ta s�u�h ass�ssrrn�nt. 2. �Cl�e ci�y �]c�rk �s herek�y direc�ec� tra c�u�� � a���ic� r�� the i1��ar�iti� �i� t1�e prap�s�c3 a�scss�n��� �c� be p�ab]is���d �ao�ce in t��e c��'��#a1 rre�vs��p�� at lcast tw� vv�eks �a��r t� t��� l�eax�ira�� arfd ��i� �l�al1 s�at� i� t�e �a�ia�e t➢��: t�t�1 cos� c��`�h� ir�prc�v�z��ea�t. a�e s��al� a�sa ca�s�e ��ailec� r7��i�� tcr tae ��ver� tc� t��� r�w���r �rf' ����-� �~�a.rc�� d��c�-i��d in tl�c. as�essrn�r�t �-�al� r��at �ess tl��z� tw� w��ks pri+�r t� tl�e h�a�-ia��;s. 3. Th� ��z�er� �i'ar��r �rc�p��y s� a����s�d rr�ay, �t ar7y turc�e �►�!c�r �c� certi��ca�ti�rr� �i�1�� as����� a-rxe��� tca ���� �����ty autl�t�ar, pay k1�e �nrh�1� �af tl�� ,a�s�s��r����r� c�rn su��h pp-�apea�y, vv�tl� i��er��t a�;c���d �a� �l�c d���e r�� �ay�nent, to �I�e a��ess��e�t r;l�z��, �;xc�;pt �1�a� nc� in��re�� s1�a01 b� ch�r�ed i��1�e �r��i�-� asse�srr��rri i� paic� ar� �r be�'ar� Jun� 3�, �{�l �a. A�y su��h �rwner �rnay at ��y ti�ne t��er��ft�a�, �ay tc� t�e ass�ssr�z�:��t c�erk �1�� en�ire a���au��t r�f ��� ass�ssrnent r�Aa�ai��- nz�� a�i���id, wwtith int�l��st acci-u�d �ca ��e�ez�be�- � 1 a��t�e ye�� a�� which su�ch payir���� is t�ac�e. �u��� pay�rr�Il�t ir�us� �� zna�d�e t�e�c�re S�Iav�rn�b��• 29, 2016 ar in��ea-�st �✓al� �e ch�r�;ed thrau�til ��c�m�e�- 3� c�f` ��e su�����i��� y�ar. Ade�pted �y t�ic �������i� thi� 2"� �ay c�f �"ebr�aar�, �41 �a; I'v���1� C"u���.ir�un�s, l'v�ayc�r A��y L)�u�ct�i�r, �C'itiy �°�er�