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VII.2. First Reading: Ordinance Amending Section 1200 of the Hopkins City Code: Sale, Consumption and Display of Alcoholic Beverages; Domeier (CR2016-006)
�i�/ ��/�j ��j � i/� �%%�9/r ii �� �//%%�i %/i / � %/ . ��j/I � q/���/ �'lN�� //�%���,,. ���, �� �� i � ri i//�%//i � �%/ � %%.ii;% ���D�"i1�I"�' �',, �� � �J �wC7U91�w11 i�.���1� �'�� �9^^��� Fir�n I�eaa�uru�,: (?�dirtaa�ce Arrne�din� �+���i�aru ���(� +�f t�t� �ar���tus �C°it�° ��d�: ��1e, +��nsua�r�tic�r� a�uri �►isp��� �a�' �h,l�ohali� I��evera��s �`r+a�c�sedl �►�ti�rn 5ta�'�` �ec�a��m�n�d�s ad+�pti��� c��` �hc� ��a11��win� �a�t�c�n: 1`+�c�ve tc� �c3a���� ���rr �r;�t x-ea�c�iu��; �7rci�n�ac� ��� 6- fl 1�4 An �re��r��.��e A�n����`r� Secti�r�7 12�� S�]� �a���u�n �ac�r� ��d L}�� �a afAl����o�i� �3e;vera ���. ,�,�9�ptior� �f �his t��tic�n �rail� be�ir� th� p���ess af �rneru�irro�; �e��i��u 12(�� �af th� H��ku�� �u�y C"c�d� t�a a�9lcrw fc�r �stab�isl��ru���t� def�n�.d �s �`tl7�ater" tc� �r�tair� �n-sale �i�u�+r ln�ed��es aa� �n-s�1c� �ir�� vvi��� �.� p�xce��i a��l� lae�uc�r sal��.. +��v+�rvi�vv At it� w�rk �es�s�a� ��a �eceaa��e�� 8, 2t� l���a� �C"�ty �c�u�u�c;�l re�iew�+d a����ue�t f'r�+r� �'i:c����� E�la��fich at�d Ter�sa A���r���, �r�rn�rs �a�" 1�.a��1 Ca�v��dy T}���tre, askim� tlhc �i�y �cr�m�sl t� c�rrrsid�r a�n�axd���; �i�y �Ce���; ��;c�tic��l 120�b.�S t�a a��c��a ft�� �m-sale luq�ror �ic�nses no 1�e iss�ue� �c� pe�-f�r�n�rti� �cts ��a��tr�s Va�cat��3 u�� �c��ki��� wzth��t �h� �al� c�� �c>�dl re�ui��zs����. �"urrert�t�y, �h� �"�ty �"a��i� �tatc:s tkaat a�l crr�- s�l� l'iceruses �h�l�' b� a�s�u��3 ��a �ta]y l��ti�fls, v➢�a��, �°�:�i��ara��s a��d be�wlu�� c.�n�t�r� w�h�r�c �t le�sk �i�y pe�-c�nt c��'t1�u� �;rc�s� r�ce:ipts �'ra�m t�x�: ��ece�ia��; busiz�ess y��r �r� �ttril���a�ble tc� t;l�e s��� crf f��ac6. f'v�i�n��a��a �ta��te 34�A.40� �Il�r7v� cities t� issue az�-sa1� �y��a�xi�ati��� �ic�r�s�s t� va�ica�s e�ta�lisl�u�n�ni� �nc1���n� ti�ea�er� �s �e�e����ac�c� belc�v�: r� �i�y ��ay ess►ac �t� c�r�-s�ie �nt+�xicafii��� 1�quc�r �icer�s�, �n c��-sal� win� 1��.�n�e, �a� ��� c�n�sal� �aaa�� �i�u��- li�ce��� tc� � tl��a��� vrut]�u�� t�-�e �.�ty, r�+at�witl�s���d���� a��r lava, ���aca� ��c�i��anc:e, �r ch:ar��r �pr�vis➢���. � iflc�r�:�e issu�ed u����ler- ���is p�ra�r-aplh au�hori��s tfl�� �al�s �r� all day� +�f ��� +a�ee:k t� ��rsc�u�s att��dir�� ev�nts a� th� t➢��:a���. `� �ie �"�t� ��u��icil s�pp�rte+� �rt�v�r�� �'i��-��a�d vw!ith t1�e ��q.��st tr� ar��r�� t��� C��y Gc-tic��: n� a11�� fiar s�ec�al t1�ue���� sal��. T�e C:°�:ty �caua���� rec{uest�c� tlxe c�rdi���c� uncl�c��; �a���;�ua�e wit�.� lilni�a�i�r�s �ar�. f��; ���arurs �nr� d��s �f"��l�s. �'l�� cira� c��di�yanc�;l�a� b��ez� revi�vved by t�7e �it� A�t���1�y. �`ri��r �ss��es �a� ��nsi�er � L)e��z�itl��i �f "th�ai��r" ��r t1�e pru�c�se �f re���vir�� a 1ie��ea�• 1rc���se � I,ir�i����ca� c���u �}�e d�ys a�� i�aurs c�f'sal�s f`a� ��ue �heater ]ic�ense.s � F�es �`ar c�bkai�in�� th� 9vc�ns� Su �r�tin ��c�ur��ee��s � P� ��a��d C1rdi�a�r��e 2C� 1 �'a-1 � (➢4 � [�ra$� ����lut�c�ru ��1�-��?� ��t�a��� �"�es � I�..��guc�t �`r�r� Niz�h��1 Ed1'av�tcl� a��l "T�resa A.���ie�, �vv��r�s ��` F���a1 C���n�dy� Theatir� 4 ��b�,°��� ��;°�..�' � ...� Aiaa� T�c���ei�ar, �"i�y Clerlk �'rim��y Is�ues ta �'c��u�i�ier I)e�nitio� of "�h�at�er" f�r �1�e �ur�p�c�se +af rc�c�ving ��iqu+ar li+ce�s� F�ar �u�-p�s�s c��" 'Scctian 12�J0 c�f t}�� �it� ��a��, "tl�eater" ��a11 b� loa�i�ed tca th�r:�� establishra�et�ts as de�ii��c� it� 1�!Ii�nes�ta Stat�te�, ���ti�r� �4�}�,.��i�, �u�c��v�si�ar� �7�a;: ,"Th�a��r" rnc�ans � buiflc�i��� �;a��taini��� ar� auditc�riurn i� whsch �iv� �r�m�tic, �u�sical, da�c�, �ar laterary perfe�r��ran�es ar� re,�u�arly pr���:ntcd tt� �a�l��rs �f'ti�;�C�ts f�r �has�e �er�c�rr�a���c�s. Exc���t that nc► a�c��+�l rr�a�r b� s�r��d a��y establ��hrr�e��►� �hat is ��en tc� tfl�e ���erail ��b1ic and whach �11ows adrrtittaryce fc�r peg•��ns wh�a ��e l�ss tl�ar� �] y��a�s c�f a�;e. Alc.r:�h�l ��nay �a�ly kae sc��d t� tka��;e ��trc��� �vl�� ��ave pa,��•chas�� � tick�t t� ait�:r�d a live per��rIl-ma�c� �k � th�ater r�l� t1�� r�av �ff tltc s�1e. Lu"t�it�tia� m� t�c day� �r�d h+aurs a�' sales f�rr t�e �'he�ter licer�se� A theatex �hat hc�Id� a�n �n-�al� ��tc�xic�tir��, '�Jin� c�r 3.2 �'cr��r�� Malt Li�ur�r I,ic�i�:�� �n�y anly s�1� alcc�l��l �iet�w��n tl�e h�uu-s r��`�s:3� �.ir�. a�d 11:�� p.�n. �n a1➢ days c�f"the w��k. �'ees for �a�t�i:�ing t�ie In�c�eas� The �`�e� f�r the T�n�at�r 1iqu�r 1���n��s �re s�� �y �ity� �`e��ancil ��sc�lra�ac��a. ��af�' as }�r���sa��� t�� f'�ilr�vuaira�; %e�;: 1. ��1-Sale, Theat�:r �. ��-�a.le W�ne, "�"���aker �. CJn-Sale 3.2 �'erc�r�t Ma1a ��c�.uar, Tl��ater �S,��Id �a�.r y���r �8�1�0 p�� y�ar ��a��} per year A11 c�tkaer �Ci�-'��1� 1iq��r lice���s a�� ch�r�;c��l �7,��D� p�r y��r }�1u4 �a�� addit��anal $�C��J ����� Su�d�� a�l�s. �taff 1s pr�p��ec� a r�duced ��a�e f��• �1�� `�'��at�r 1i���r �L�enses �a���d ��� xh� li7nited ciay� ara� hc��i•s c,i' s�1�.�, T'��e ��� �c7r +��a-'�a�e �vVine ara� �a�-Sal� 3.2 �'�r�;ea�t N�alt Li�war us �.+�r�s�st��� wit� fihe �'ees el��r�ed tt� �urrer�fi �vt;ertis�d b�s�ur�c��s�s. C`.�zty �;c7de a��c� Stiat� �aw a�laws tr�r restauran�:� with �.ra t�rx-�,ale 'V�JirL� az�d 3.2 �erc;��t Mal� I..�q�c�r Lic�cns�e t�a serve �trrare�; bee�•. ��ca�se tiae theater wi11 ��c�t be se1���� f�c�d, it w�ll n�t qu��ifjr t� s�rvc ��ro�� be�r. �i thc th��tLr wv�ulc� acc�uirc. a�� �n-�al� ��ce���e it wc�uld �e �bfle t� ���� strc�ra� t�ee� as v�e�l �� win� and �iqu�rr. R�eeor�.rrre�d�d .A,�ctio�n. �t��"f rec;�a�a�m�nds ap�r�vin� �7r�ir��nc� 2C� 1 G- � 1�14 fa�- first ����i��;. 'l�'�a� s�c�nd readin� is t�nt�tiv�ly sc�hedul�d f�r ��ebr���-y 2. �I'�Y ��' FI�FT��� ��I�l.�l'�TY 4f��' HTl'�'N��'�1'� C��.��� ��I'�f'"�1���I��C�fiI�I ,i 1� �` �1 I 1 1 <�1 I i I ��, �, M; ar � ; , � ��' i I � � � , � � �I i f � M I � � "� �' , _ � '� � i � • �, , ���.����'�: ��e�tia�1� �. T��� the �i'�pki�s �i�� C���� Sec.ti�a�� �`��l(�.0� l�e aar�e��c��e� tc� add �t��, c�'.�a�abl� _. �._.. �ur�d�rli��ed rr�atr�ri�� ��d �t�-i�e �h� �� i�a���a°ia� �.s f�1fl�,�rs: �uk�c1.8. �`�� ak�c�v� �rc�vi�i�ns shal� n�t ap��ly �� �r�y bwsi�l�ss hav�n� a� ��x-s�➢� �ic�a��a� lUc�r�sc �rnaa� ��a J�ly l, 1���� ����i a,�ill ���t �.f�'�et t�� futture ��ne�ra�1� crf t��e a��-sa,l� �icens�s �`a�° sue1�. busi�n�ss�s. Th�s� pr�vusic�ns sh�ll y��n �p�ally t� �e� lu`cet�s�� issu��cl f�r e�c�stin� est�.lalis��z����ts, �u�; tca ���e �r t��i�s�'�r u�' ��vn�rshi�a e��` ��c�� �st�bflisl�m�nt�, ��nl�ss the es���lishr����� h:as ���r� �]c�s�c� a��d vvatl�ue�u� a liq��ar 1���;u-��e ���- at l�ast ��1� d�.ys. Thes� pr�avisi���� sl'�a11 a1�cr m�t �pp9y ��a a��y �ew or�-sale 1io��or li��n�e f�r a h�iel� c�= ��ww��i��; aliey�r t�eat��-. S��.tic�n �. Tl�at �1�� �c.7��in� �aty Cad� '��c�ie,r� I ���.�5 �a� �r�����d ka� �dd t��e �d�uk�➢e.- ��id��-1i�1�d �ater�al ai�d str�k� t�ie ���1� ��ate�ial as f��lavv�: 1.2!�f� ZS I'lae����s ....1 c�r the._�au�°�ose� e�f` t%es wws�ct�a�� "twheater' : sha�l_. b�,....lxar��t�clw.. t�_w �hose �s��i�lrsl�,rn:ents...as....de��e�]_in IVi'rr�aesana w'�tat�.�tes�_S��tso�ww34�A _1(�1_�, su���v�s�a�.�,7��_e�x�e�t wt���t ���a �Icc�1�r.�1 �r�a�.l�e se�ed �n_ �IYV..�s��bl�sh�xac_n_t_ t�i�t i�_cn t�a....�he_�c��er:�.l �ub1�� .and_ wl�ic�q al�ic��v�....adr��itt���� i"�ar�ers��ns �v1�e�w are_lcss �ha��_� Y....���rs::c��' a�� ._�Alcc�}��ca.l _���ay �a��lyw.bc s�ld_�� ��as��tr�t�s �rhmc� l��v�a��ch�se�_a tick�� t� qan��e��d_�w�wiv���f°�n��r�ce �t_�1�� t1a���t�r +�n t�i� d� cr�"t��� sa1�. '�_�u1� �..:..m �'h� C��,a�a�_a�ss�� ���. c�n�.sal�...��tcyx�_c�t����laau�ar �zcer��e. ar� _�aza�sa�e �:i��� Qrc�p�s.�� �r �n__�i� sa1� �-n�l�mml�uor license_ta_a.._�heat�rT__A._la,cen��e.�sswe� unei:�r tl�is_��ar_.�r__�--�_��?: ��t4�a�riz���saties w�r� a�1i.m�da,�� e�f thc w�,�k ��_per5�xx� atte�rd�:��_e.v_��ts_�t R�ae t��ea��r.. �5ubd._..3�._Th�ater sales. A tl��ater_���at �Yalds an ��Y sa�e inh�a��c�t�r�� Ly�uc��....�ifl�e c�r....�,2 ��r��ru� r�aa�t la��r�� ��.ce�-a�e.nr��� aa�l���.�ll �l�c���al_�a�tv✓e�r� �17� ��u�-s_c�f 6m3C� �mr�.:....��d...1 �:3t7 rr�x�. �n, �➢l d��s,��`the_w�ek, . ��cti�n 3. Th�; �f�"ectiv� d��e c�f t}�is �rdi�az�c� shalt be th� dat�c ra� p�}�li�atic��i. First �eadi��,�: �^�;br��ry 2, 2�11� ��;�;c�1�d R:�adiz��: I�'��aruary 1 �, �Q l� L)akc c��Fu�l�li�atran: F�Y�I���r� 25, �f�16 �Da�e ��d�zx�r�ce T�k�s Eif�ct: ��k�ruary 25, 2�16 "► .�TTE�'�". A��y �r�i��o�r, �"flty �'l�;z°k N1�,1�y Cu��.�aa�:n�;�, C�.ay�r rC��'�' �1� �-1�M�'`�I1�1� H��i�'�,���1 ���:9��"Y, C!��i�[���S�TA� 1�,�,SCM�,TJ'�Ii7rfi� ��)1t�-��1�2 ��'�5��.,UTI+[�i� ��T'T"i]"Mii+C� F°�ES �'(JR '�'E-��A'V�� ILI�[�+C��: L�C�1'�11�E� �^'�E�Cr�S, �1�� I�a���ui�� �'rty �C"��de autl��a�ires t�i� ���ty �c�ul�cil �� ��t f�cs k�y R.e��al�t�or�; �nd �'�IE�EF�R� �3� �7' f��CDiJV �,��C;1.�'�� t��t t�e f�r�l�wi��� f��s ��c�uld b� cs�ak��i�h�� ��a- Assu����e cr#'la'��c��� 1i��e��s�5 hc� Tl�c;at���; as �efi���d i�� C)r�i�ar��;c 2(�1G-11�4 �S�bd. �� fl. ��r-'��9�, �"�ieat�r• �S,�d4�()� ��er y��r �. 4�n-'�a�e'4�'i�e, rT'h�ak�r '��CJ�I ��� y��r �. �i�-Sa�e �.2 ��r��rrt Ma�t Liy��r, �'��e�t�z� �6�� p�r y���. Adc�pt��6 �ay �l�c �°u�y C'��nci� �f t8�e ��ty ��`�-�o���.i�s t)�a� �`a� �flay �f Fe���ary, �47 � �. Mc�llly �wir�c�r�it��;�, 1'�!L��r�a� A�ny C)arruei�r, �ity C"lerk fr i". � � I �" J �ri� � ��� / 16 iJ i !,� �pmr ��✓ 4�; % i iv i I ,��,,,�f / fJ J � � � / (� � ' f ( � f r �� � � ��if f � � rf n1 �l �� f� � .rf �r r � ,i�yrr� �oa f � ���Il ��,�u � ��� � '"" i pJl �„�lC �fl .�J� �l�r � i . � � �� �. � � � � i i� i � / r � / � 1 P 0 �.1/l. u�NnflPnf...r,f �iN f/i,l./ .UTA�IN.IAUA/I/,/ Nlal:,/l//.!li,%ff lll./49%l�'f/61%f II.,f�ll II. 1 f/�ie/'�/Ifl...i.. n.l.11llY/4 U ,IINIII✓//lNU,G/,/pl,�Bifl,vlllll (U 10....1. /1 iiv�i�rl ,.Dl I��Vrro�����u����a�r W��I���s�'ec�� (6� %� �i��7-'��,�.� c�a�ral�c�r��Y��yi�nr�'rzi�r���u�,�;�r� I'�R�'�����ru�7l�i��� 1 C, :'C�'�"� C��sr �iity a� Hap4�irrs, �te ar� �rr. �.L.i r�� �;c� �-�qu���t t�7� ai7�en�Irrr�rat �a F Hc�pk i r�s �; �ty Cade Sc�ct� ar� � 2��1. �°� ta �rl.lawv fc�r �rr--��1.� `�-i�:��7s�s te� b� �iss�a�c� �cr �t�eatre� �L�ac�t��l �r7 �'�apk���a, MI�. C)aar �i�v��rrtu�,r� i� t:ca u�aeo� �c�yr�l. Cc�m�c�y 1�I�e�,�r�e y�r�s�rrtin�; st�n�l-��ip �;car��dy rr-� f��ins���€�t, Hr�pk-ir�s. �� hc,pe tc� sr�l1. �c�n�c�ss��c�r�rs i�� �h� �cak�t�y t�efc�rc�, �'L�r�ir��, �r7c1 ��Fte�- e�cl�� 5t�c�w�. �aan�cessic�r��_, ��a �ir��lwad� ��c�ailc�lic t�e:^✓�:r-a�e� -ii�r sim�lau� f�,�s�7-uc,rr tr� ���r�y csf' td�c r��::t�er- tl�e���rc� -ir� Miri���p��.�is �r�rci g�rvc����� �1-ir�o7�scrt�. IM�i�rr��s�i� St�t��t;e ���Dr�a4U4 Su%d�v-�s-mc��r _l.. r.l� s����s ;�A city m�y .�ssu� �n �an—s��le -irate�xic�t-mr�g ��iqucar �.icer��e, �r7 an�-s�1� �r��re lace��se, +�r aa� ca��-���,1.� ma�l� l�iqu�su� �.�icense ia a th��t.er�. w.i�hin tl�� �7ty..." �u� �a�t�ntiar� is �a kae �per�� i�aesc�ay — S�turday frc�un �p�7 �:c� �.�.,3�+�uo� �v°i�h p�r�orrnanc� � st�rt-�ra� at 9�a�r. B�e��s� m�u� ��rfarm�mc�s ��gir� ��ter d�irsn�r �-im�� �t is c�ur �x�aec-t��ii�a�r �h��t iP�� �m�j�ru�7t�e c�f our att�nd�es �r���i. hav� �1r��dy �at�n �� a�n� af �h� r�s���air���fis ��r���y es��bl-i:sh�c� c�r� N���rws�r�e�, Fl�ap&cins. �+Jh�ile sorne s��rrd_up c�smedy v�ruta�s ap�r� �s re�ta�t�r�n�s a�-i�h tf�e �bi17�y to serve �inrrerr� b�f�ar-�: �h� shcrw, �rre �cs�u�l�d ipre��r �r� �c���is r�r�, kar-in�;i�n� �r��t �t��r�—�rp c��m�dy �� Ma��str-��t, ��;p�c-����y ��r�ce �Ic��k�i�c�s �1r��c�y �h�s many �rcrn�l�rfiLw1 d���r��in� o�pt��,r7s. Ad�.a.t.ic�����y, ta N�� a�ucce�� w� �rr�u�d u�eed tr� s�r�� ��c�ri�a1 as �u� �rs�a�Ld Cae ar� ame�7-it.y exp�ct:�d' by c�ur p�trar�s. Sir����r�1Yt M°a�V7�e� �c��..�vit�h �r�d .i.��r�s�s An�;i�r