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IV.8. Approve Cedar Lake LRT Regional Trail Cooperative Agreement between the City of Hopkins and Three Rivers Park District; Stadler (CR2016-014)
,��I"Il.l�t"�+' ��, G���� �t�a.l�l�l� �£;'�C}I"� ��'��'7—�!'�� Appir�ve Cecf�r L�ke LF�T Re�i�ar�al Tr�bl �a�p��a�rv� Ac�re�m�nt be�+,rr��n �k�� �i�y �af I�apNcin� �rrd �h� Th��� �ivers P�rk C7Qstrpct Pro�ased Actiac�. St�:f� r�c�armrm�nds a��p�ic�r� caf ih� F+�flc��ring �ne�tiar�: Mc�v� fihat ��o�n�il a�apr�ve ���d�r Lak� �.�T �e i���l Tr�il C�a� er�tive A r��err��r�t b�twe�rn th� �i# �ef Ha�kir�s �r�d Thr�e Riv�rs �'ark �es�ri��. �vervie�. Th�s ag��em�er�t ccrve�s the ��rtrc�n �ff ��►� reg�c��al trail �lon� the r��rtt� e�g� �f �xceasi�r �B�uC�;v�rd un�a� ��0� C����t ��fif�� Hause arrd' alang fihe +�rest edge �f Ja��C��� Av� �. Thas seg�ent �fi trail �,r�s put ont+� ,�6ace dr� arder �� rr��v� �ht� �xcefsi�r Paulev��c� trail crc�ssing �r�m th� Niilvv�uke�i��ck��ar� F�v� unt�rsec�%c�c� �� the e�st Hv�ry 169 ram� i�t��sect��n �t the ��pat �of%�e Nvuse. �7h�� �ity is �rar��ir�� � p�ccr��ro�n� Iimdted �s� p��rrruit far tr�iV ,�u�p�as�s tca the Park C�istrict. �'�ae �gree�n�n� i� reqe�ir�� iu� �rdeu� tca ��inc� �his traol s�gr�e�t int� the r��it�r��� t��ol syst�rri und�� i�� jaa�isdi��i�an, cap�r�tioru �r�d rro��nten�nc� �i th� �Ghre� RGv�rs Pa�k List�i�t. Th� a�r��r��er�� d+aes �eqa.aire ��ue �ity �c� pay a�'32,�c�C? sha�e a� �h� �ost +�fi realugning �he tr�il t� �his segment. - • - • .. «� . . �u�po�tirt�� �r�f�r�roat�c��n. � M�p shr���w�gi tr�fl segmer�t � Prcap�� �hree .�. St�v�n J. �t�dV�r �'�ub�ic 1Nar1�s C7irec��ar B�ivers ��rk �istri�� A�c��rr�eru� _.._.___.._._______ _..... w__. � .................... . � �'�r�anc��l Impact: $ �2,5t��1 �u�g�t�d; "Y/N "� S�aur�e: CIP — �r�r�waal Ped ��ce�s i�p�c�vemen�s R�9�t�d CDc�cura�ent� (CIP, EI�P, etc.}: N���s: ������t �c �c�t�l�� �"������� ��r�������: ��~������bl+� ��r�it��d ��� ���-��� ��� ��r���a��� .._ �� ��° ���C� �. T` � �i�r��� 'C���A , •, ; w� �,; » ��,,�; � � ,� � F . �, � „ , � ,�,�,. � . ��� r� .� ,� . , ,� , �, � �., � ��, � �.� . „, � r� ,�,� . : �,�. , y :. ��i� ���'��men� (the "`Ac�reerr��rrt") is �-nad� �nd er���red' Pnta �his � 7L� day a�f C�ec�r�l��r-, ��D1�, by �nd �etr�re�n t�w� Thr�e ��.iver� P�rk �7is�ri�t, ��a�y ccarpc�rat� a�ad' p�alitic ��ad � pc�fi��c�l s��rdivs'si�n �afi t�e St�te r�f MiPnn�sota („��rk Ci�s�rict,,)� ��r�d' t�ae �pt+� of Hapl�in�, � N'+�1innesata r`r�urwi��p�l ca�rpr�r��ian („City„� �"�I�����, �I�ark C�ist�ract as � p�l'it�cal �ub�ivisia�n� �af t��e �t��� o� ,�i►anes�rt� �w��h�rrM�ed @�y s��tute �r acquir�, �s��blish, c�p�r�t�, �nc� a-rt���t�in �a�rk �acidNk��s ar�� r�gi+a�r�al trail syst�ms; and �J���I���, Park �istiruct pr�crrroufga��� mn�ster p�lan� f�r the devel«�pr��rrt t�� p��¢~� ��c��ntues �nd! re�i�a��l tr�il sy�terrNs; �n�N '��"i����,�, �r�l'{C �lS�I�I'G�"S �i"1e�5��'I" �1�c�f�5 �N"�' �Ui�p'F"Il���C� �C) iii� ���I"�j�Cd�lii�Cl C�unci� �ar �y�pr�a+ral; �n�d "�'�I�����►�, P�r� Dastrict"� First T��� "I'"r��ds, �re�n°��ys, ar�d' V�ar�s M�ster �I�n inc�udes C��ar �a�� LI�T f�egi�nal Tr�il (�`Tr�il"� thrr�ugA� t�k�e C�t� �nd �I�R�J��, �n �uly �p13, tlhe �i�y r�qu�ste�i a r��fi�nrraea�� c�f t�u� �"r�i� �o i�rp�+�v� t��ffi� fl�aw al�n� �xcelsi�r �r��aev�r�l �nd 'r�p�n�e t�ai,l saf�ty by e�qrn�nat�u�� the �rail crc���in� �t �he ����I�ia�- Bc�ulev��-d/�tila�v�uk�� S��-eet ��a��rs�ctia�a; �r��d 'V�'Fi��,'���, �h�e F'���C �"rs�rict �greed tc� caarrtpMefi� tl�e r�rr�rav�� �f i�he ��i��ing t�r��l cr€�ssir�g in the fall c�f �C�i3, v�r�th �he Cit� �gr��ing �ca c�au�p�n���� the d��rk Di�kr�ct by o`undp�ug fu��ure pr�v�nt��iv� rr��ir�ten��ace caf �h� re�ddgn�d segmerrt; �rrd ���I�F��I�S, th� P�rd� I�iistri�t �n� �ity d�sir� tc� ent�r n�ru��a �r-u ag�e�r�t�n�t �r� esta��li�h �ar�g ter�n pr�perty righ�s fi��~ t�re re�lig�red Tr��V s�ctian; an� 'W�1'H�'F�.�,��, this agre�m�nt defir�es �he rs�Nes arr� r�s�arr�si�Lil'iti�s �crr the f�a��rk Gisiric� and' �ity f�r til�� r��d6gr��d s�grr��rr� c�f th� T"raila �'�� '���i����li�,'�� N'�N �CCt1S�C�E?lic��l'Cti1 C31� ��� @T1U�tl�N C+�V�?�I��1�S �I�f'�If1, ��iM`� a�her ga�r� �nd v�P�abl� ec�nsid�er��ian, t�r� �uffieienc°� �r� vvhicPu is h�r�k�y ackn�av���W��c�, �Ci�y �n� �ar� C�flstrick ��r��e �s f�Qf�awv�: �. ��c�ata�u-�� Ric�Iht�n City ���PI ccanv�y tc� P�rk �7i�iu�i'�t a P��-m�ne�t Irr�vac��l�I� Lir�ited �'s� 4�er�nit f�r k�ra�V pt��p�as�s at����e�N ���r�ta a� Lx�ribnk A-- Ll�� (her�inaft�� "�.U�") �rr �he �r�il r�ut� o�n �;u�y N�i��ut-of��lw'�y. �aid LUp� s���a� pr��vid� a�+a�r��ir�u�us �nd ���d�igrac�u�s Trai'I' c�rricYor, �r�d sh�l'B i�� �ar�er�y�� u���n �xec�utic�n �� t�dis Agr�e¢�re��. �f �r�y ��ils t� c�an�rey the #�LlP t� N�ark di�trmet �rhich �Su-ovides cca�tir�ua�s and c��t��ur�u� �"�a�� ccarridr�r wvith�n six (�) r�r�rr�ths f�ll�awfr�g �xecu��i�an af thi� Agree�e��, the A�re��n��t rrra�y I�� terrnir�atectl �y P�rk CrNstrict. . r�; 1n �he event �he r�g�-u� tc� sa rru�dntaln �"��II wr�l��� �9�� LU� ws I�ast �y v�c���.��nP ccarrt��r�n��ti�an, rerr�c�tic��n a€ li��n�e oa� perrrrat, a� �theruvis�, �ity �,ri�l ac��ire �uch acp�itNcarr�l r�ghts, �itl�s aru�l inter�sts �s are a�ee��s� �c� �ss�re ���ntin�aa�� and' cc�ntPguaus Tradl' c�rrid�r tk�rc�u�� t'�� �.�,V�. �� tP�e Nass �IF such c�i�gh�� ta rrroa6ru��in � tr�if w�o�h�ru right-r�f�vu�y area� ��curs, af��r �c�n�tr�cti'on af �h� ��r�ul, �h� Crk�y sh�ll a��q�G�e sa�ck� adda'tic�n�l r�ght, tq�l� car i�o��r�s� �r�d �~��c��r�st�u�t �h� Tr���, A� nc���ss�ry, at �ity �x,�en��. TW�e �Cw��r r��r�sents th�t n� ��,�-re��ly h��s t�h� I�g�N r�gP�i ��d �utharity ta ecans�rw�ct arrd rr��int��r� th� �r�ql' v�ritJ�in ald �r-e�� w�rh�re �i�y is pr�vidir��� �� LIJ� i�r� �cc�r�l�nc� wUith Ex�Nk�it A. a �i��u�ci�a�� As cam�aensatu��a for t�� �ity's sta�,re �f k�e ��ast� �ssaeiat�c� ^�vith remavor�g ��I�e �xist�i�g tr�iA ��assing �� ��cc��s��ar �ou�Nevard ��c( t�ulwauk�� Stre�t, �it�r �,ri�fl o�eimb��se P��� ai��rict f�r �r�v�nt�tiw� rrn�interr�nce p�rc+j�ct or� the rea�Pi�rre�i se��r��n� �s c�e�ict�d irr �xh��it A�. ��r�e Gas�r�ct shail sub�it c��c�r�r�����ta�rn af actu�N cr��ts f�� �ar�+a�nt�tiv� �aa�terr��r�ce ta �i�y �n�1 r�im�burs��ent sN���d� n�,t e�;ce�d tv�,relv� thau��n� fiv� hundred (��,�,�r�p) r�c�6��rs„ Cu�y s�adN reirrnCaurs� Par� C�istrac� �Atho�ro 3�J d�y� �f reir�b�.o�-ser��nt r��qta�st. T�r� ��ri� G��ta�n�� shal[ kae r�sps�w�si�l�l� fs�r �h� bddd���g a�ud e�a��sfiructi�an a�ia�inist�atior� �� tl�e pr��r�n�ative �-n�ir��er��nc� prc��e�t. +�. P"�r�a�s a�c� A�s�+�s�rr�e�t�. City sh�all ��t un�e���p���ly vvit�h�f� �ity� a�aprcrv��s, �ity ��rrr�i'�s, �nd o�her officua� City p�rrr��iss�i�ns n�e�s��ry far �he d��rk Ca�stri�t tc� o��r�te, rr�airr�t�in, �nd r���n�tru�t th� �Tr�id. gn cansiderati��an� a� t�e ���k C�i�tri�t"� per�c�rr��nc� tander �f�i� ,�gr�err�erp� inc�ud�r�g i�ts a�r�icrt�nan�� caka�����i�ns, City h�rei�y �gr��s tkaat �h�e P�r�k Di�tc�ic� s�ra�V u��ta� b� �ub��ct ta �ssessm�rrt �y ith� �Caty �a�rt��u�ai'n� t� o�prave��mts r�nade �an t��e I�nds in�clud�d fn, r�r ada�ac��t �c�, th� LL�F�. [�. ��car�sn���r�� �� �afi�. Co�y, ��� i�s�Pf, ��s s�a�c�ss�a�s �n�d asspg�� V��r�f�y c�v�nants th�t it vvidd rac�t cc�n.�t�ruct ��ar �r�n� at�er°s tN�e rN�ht t�a ccrns�rucfi ���Y ��ructur�s �au- d�rrp�rcavem�nts r�it�in t�re ��l� �rea, vv8�ick� ar� inc�an�i�te�r� °w�ith t'�� ragh�� �n� ��ater�sts �aerein g�r��t�d t� I��rk �i��ri�t, b�at �ity s�all �at��r+��se ��v� the righk tc� use the L.4JF' �n�1 �� gr�n� tr �rtheu-s su�t�t raghts. �. �_a��an �ro� ��rnt���r�ceo Pa,r�C �istr�c� �nd i�s �e�er��s �n�W lie�ns�es shall h�ve �he s�rl� ���1 �xcrusNv� r�ght �nd ��t�ac�rw�y tc� �rp�r�te arrd cc�n��ral the T�raiis an�i �+� est�lbli�h �ul�� ar�d r�����ti�ans gov�r�ru�ag ��s ��e �� �he �x'�ent �tca� ir7 �n�w�li�� °�itN� ��-din�nc�s a� �he �City. Park C�istrt�ic� w�ll b� r�spa�os�C�le fcrr tR�e ���t�v��ia�r�, �-�µal�c�mer�t, r��a��ir, i�r�u�tenan��, �u�d ��r�kee,p �f �h� Tr�il except s�ructurc�s �r�s�ed by �a�I�ers. �a�-� [�i�t�ic� sh�Nl be sc�l�ly r�sp�csn�dka�e ��ar est�blishir�g mair��t�n�nc� �t��dar�f� far the �"r��6s� v�hich �ri1V b� c�ar�sustent d�stri�t wad'e. P��-� C�istr�ci sh�fl ncst b� r�sp�nsibde �or t�h� ro�atirr� r��ir�t�na�ce ae�ja��ent ��a �he T�r�iC s�ri�hNru th� LC1P Ar�� ir�cNudin�, �,ut nat �imited ta, u-nrawin� �r���s c�r r�rr�c�ving vv��d�. Par� Cist�rpct ��s�rv�s i9�� ri��t t� r�rr��rv� any v��et�ti��a� �a� t�b�e�t th�t r�ka�iructs �he ��� c�r saf�t�y af �h� Tr�il inclu�dinc� ad�ac��a� sa��ty z�an�s v�ithin � �ee� �af t�e ec�g� caf �"rail. �l�y� 2�, �f�.�.� �'� g e �? o �.. � . . �,. r .: , ^� , � , ,�s q� � ... � ,� . �. �, " ' " . .,' �.� . � .. ''� �` � •: �' � .:v ,. . , M ±4 ' r • • i � , '" w I i ' id s - � ,� .� r � �� « � * � .�y �r M ' f r r rw - VA � �� �M � � ,� ,., ..i � y . .�: � " ° � ♦ � . �+ � r �. r •- - � � " • " ; • � • r ,. s - ,, � � . r •r• - . �n ad'dit�carr, mc�tar v�hocles u��d by �he ��ity �r P�r�k �istri�t far rr��i�m�enan��, I�w �nfr�r���-r�nt or ath�er publ�ic u��s wi#I be �ae��rnit��� an th� Trai�s �n e�er�en�y sr�uaiicar�s, r,vher� requir�d far � speclfNc rr�aPnt�r���r�e �a�- ���r�� �c��va�y, vvq�e� �he rra�a��r v���icle �a�wr��a� Iec��Cfy a��a�r-at� or� �d�e ��ree�, a�d/'cor� wher� �� ad'j�c�nt r�aac��va�y ci'a�s nc�t ��ist. R���ir�e rr����u�enanc� �n� ��tral ti�r'rth mokaa� ve�hi���s w,�iil �e �r�du����& fr�arn �d������ r�aad��ys �wrk���-� feasibPe, t�. �J�nte�- U��n As a�� tlhe c��t� �� this l�gre�men�, �ark [��s�rict �ad�cy i� ta I��v� th� �"r�il a,p�ua t� th� pu�bri� an vvint�r, k�ut �r�rf�w-�-n n�, �,rint��- rra�aintena�t��. P�rk C�istrict r���:�-ves �h� �rGgh� �� �aperat� a�d ��pr�tain tP�e T��rC fo� wdnte�- �r�� in P�s ��al� dis����is��t. �ity �ay r�qc.��si � P�rk G�Astrict "�`o�r�er l.Jse Pe�rr�r7it tcr a,��ra�te a�d r�n��w��air� t�e Tr�il dur��ig �rrnte�- u-�c�n�hs. Sa�c,h pe�r-�it �vill r���uire City, amcaw�g �at��� t9�n�ag�, �� �ssurn� res�ar�sibuNity fou� t�acp m�u�Cenanc�, ���r�tior� a��ad �r�bilitie� �s�a��d�ted v�itih ww�r�ter us�. . !�e n� �e. P��-� C�ist�-i�� sl�al� b� r�spa�asibRc �� fu�c�ni�h, a�r�st�ll, �c7d rr��irat�in the t���l infarr���i�an �ugn/"kr�s� pr�gr�rr� �t �'�a��k G��stric� �xpens�. P��dc D���ruct sd��lA P�e re�pc�nsib�e f�a�- prervic�un� �"rail srgnac�e. �ic��a�g� vti,rill i"�nc�ic��e �ha� �P�� �r�iC is � regi�n�V tr�il af tf�� Parl� C7i�tr��t. �fty rr�ay prc�°�ide �dditi�anal signage v�ithin th�� r�gi�nal tr�iC carri�i�r, p�-t�vi�ded how�ver, that I�arl� C�istriefi sh�ll ���arave addG�ic�nal �i��rage, ��d kh�� �e�y sh�l! b� respc�n�itaPe ff�i�° �rcrvi��cra� �nc� r�r�i�r�t�in r�speet'i've sGr�n�g�. TP�� p�rty r�esp��a��A'�le ��ar tr�if recc�nst�-u��isan s��C� pr�vR�i� �NI �trail reg��N�tc�ry si�n� as pr�scru�+�d ay t��e Minnesata I�anu�f �� Unifau�m Tr�f�ic �CcrntraP C�evic�s (�1n h'�UT�C+), a� ��a�rt t�� th� �i�si�gr� �r�d cr�nstr�u��ti�an of the Tr�i'I. ��rk C7o°s��ri�ct shaaN be re�pansikal� for th� ��rr�ke�ance �fi rer��a��t�w�^y sr'gns at P��r➢� [�istric� �x�a�ns�. City �h�ll be ��spc�nsibl� f�r �arc�v�dir�g _and main��i'�r�mg �a�d�+�y crc��sir�g tr���r��rpts ��c#� �s p�c�estri�r� stripang, �-o�d s�gns ��d/�� c�tW��r tr��firr��nt� �� pr�scrit��d by� Mn MLITCC�, pr as ap�pra�rdat� �rher� ��� Tr�ils �r�a�s a C��Yo �ca��uty �r ,�tat� ra�d�vay wher� a C�ty �a�,li�atno� �xi:s�s �. l���l��ie�. �ity �ha�ll �t �fl times ret�in t�e r�gh� tt� m�int�in, re��w� c�r irep��c� any �w�i6u�ie� ��d r�l�ted f�c"rlitues ��, c��u, c�r u�d�r s�id Trail ancP irrst�ld �uch q���i�itie� a�a�d �-���ted facilu�ties p�rc�vi��d, th�� a� �n� �ucl� �cfiivities by �V�e Ci'�y �h�ll �r may d�m��ge c�r JGumit �he use of the Tr�rl, t�e �City v�,+ill �nrr� �:I�e Park dis�u�Pct �h�r�� (��1j d��y� pruor �urwtteu� nc��dc� af fihe s�rra� (e���p� �rr ca�s�s �af e�n�rgen�c�r), an�P in any even� t%e Cit� v^rill upt�n ca�pl�ti�r� �a� suc� activctpes �c� aff��ting I�h� Tr�NI �r �ny p�art�rn �h�r�c�f', �-e�tcar� th� Tr��il' as �de�r �� p�ssi�ule t�a its c�anditi�rv �xis�iiruc� I�efc�re su�h m�a�int�nanc�, �r�;pa��, r�pAac�rrae�� ar o�her �cfiivi�i�s �a� t�d� City. � �. . * w � "' 4. , � � « �. �. � r: � f '. IN . � � '" �� . . '/, �. � i � . �� � . . � *�, . .. �• � r li� �^ ..�.. y��. �. � � '/ ` � � �+. �.. �: " : �'i � � • " A:... � . . �.. � w . .. � . :�� �.a!� �r���,urce��r�ts 'T"he �ity �rifl �a�trcrl �nd p�Ni�� t�ae T"r�i1 in su�:�a �mar�ner,��d �y such ,��r��n� �s the City shall de�m n�ec�ssary, arrd �t-�,a��r er,fe�rce ��I ruie� �n� c�rdin�nces a�'tP�� �ity ex��p� �s �ravic�ed he�e�u�, I��a��rithsta�ndin� ��yt�7irr�, her�in� ta the c�a�akrary�, the Par� List�-'rct s�adN'��ve the �rf�h� �q ��f�rc� ��s rule�, re�uf�tia�ns ��nd a��din�r�e�s �+rit�i re����t tra tt�� Y�r���N, �ity sh�ld n+�� p�arnr��g�t� a�ny �au�din�rrc�, �ru�e c�r reg��atio� w��icfn cor��ra�wen�� arry +�rdir�a�ce, ruNe �r �'�g��atia�r r� park �is�ri�� vv�th r�spett to t�a� �r�il or �,rhich ��ntr�ve��� �hi� A�r��rr�er��. �o �'r�d+�m��fi��ti��. Ea��F7 ���ty Ps respan�ibN� fc�r u�s a�vn a�t� �rad amus�iorus �rr°�d t�ue re�ults t��ere�af tc� �he �xtent �u��h�riaed' by f�vu. (��p�n�s��� ��tatu�e� �Cl��pt�r �6� an� c��h�r a,�plic�bGe d�� ��v�r-n t�e part�es` lia�ail�ty. Tc� t�e f�aCl exter�t p�r�nit�e� by I�w, �k�is �gr-�errbe�i� is A�t�n�ed �a �ae anc� shall ka� c�nst�rue�i �s a "cao,perativ� �ctivAty"' ��ad it us tl�e Pr���nt �rf th� p�rti�s �hat th��y s�u�RP �e d��rr���" �""�i�gl� �,c�v���rrrr�nt�1 ��u�it'" f�r the purpases �f liaba�nky, all ��s se� fiaw��k� ir7 Minn�scrta Statut��, S�ct��an 4i �.59, �ubd� 1a (��a prcav�c�e�i fiurt�er tha� ��sr p�rp�s�s af th�� �t�tute, e�ch p�rtg� �a �his Ac�re�rrue��t �x�ar�ssiy declin�s �es�c�nsib�i�ity frar �h� acts �rr c�miss�cans o� th� c��her p�rty, �rn �dditie�n ta th� f�r�eg�ring, n�rtd�a�ug h�rein s�aalp �� eca�rasiru�d �a +r,��iv� �r I�r�it an� Ar�r�munitgr ��-c�r�, c�r limit�ti�arr �n, dua�kailit�r �vail�ble t�a e�th�r ��rty, �vh�tl��r se� fo��l� i�n Nlinnesot� 5�����a��s, �Cha�pt��- �C�S c��r ath�r�,rase, I�. ��ic��s�c�r �r�� ��si+�n�. �h� Ag�e�rr�en� shall b� bir�ding up�� td�e parti�s �r�r�tc� �rad �h�ir �r�sp�ctiv� �ucce�s�ars ar�d a��igns, prmvir�ed', hr�r�v�r, �h�at rr�ith�er ��p�y rr�ar ��rl� Cistri�t �h��B h�v�e the rG�ht tca ���ic�n it� �-ig�r�s, �b�i��ticrns ancP ir���re�ts in car u���ier �his e�greeu�r�nt t� �ruy a�th�r� ���rtyr vvith�a�ut �h� p�-i�ar �rr�tt�n c�ns�rtt af �he ��her par�y, �'9. I�wC7't�t1i�1"�'"IIL�P7�. �ilt"�N���,�'�I'+a� I��` '�c��V'��". f'�CD ��'T`I�t14�P7lt�fl�, N71�"J(�I�IC��1{7f� C➢li v�raiver �af ar�y e�u�di�ic�n, prt�v�sa�an ar ��rrn �� tY�is Agreerrm��� sh��l'I b� v�alid �r �� ��ny eff�ct unles� �n�,d� in writin� �nd sic�n�d by the ��a-�y �r p�rts�s ta be �r��wrr�, ar its duly �uthc�riz�d r�pr�sentativ�, Ar�y wai'v�w� �ry �ith�r� party sh��l8 �� e��eciive �n�ly �nr��h r�.�pe�t Co t�e �ub��ct u�n�t��r �he�recaf arrd �h� ;parti��l�r acc�arrenc� �i�scr��ed th�r�wn, an�d sl���l �a� �ff�ct t�� �-i'ghts �af �itl��u� p�rty wi�h res�ect to arry �a�il��- or- �AAssir�ail�r �ccurr�n��s in khe �aatur�n . lRical�t� au�d �t�im�di�s C�rrnul�t�v�. �"9�� ri�hts an� rernedi�s pu-ovid�d �y this Ar�reerra�nt ar� ctara-aul�tive �rrc� n� ri�f�� a�- u��mec�y �t I�v� �r a� eqtarty v,rhit�m �ith�r �aart� h�er�t� rrnAght a�her�+ise �av� by virtu� �f � d��ar��� a��der tC�is Ac�u��eme�nk n+�r �h� e�c�ccrse e�f ar�y such ric�ht car r�med'y by �it��r p�rty vuilN irr��air s�a�h p��-�y's s��nt�6��g t� e��r��s� �ny c�th�r ri�ht �i� rem��y. �. �� a4�q�e��r�� N'athin� c�u�t�air�ed h�rein �n� n� �c�ican �y eo�h�r �arty h�r�ta� �ill b� dee�ne� �� ccanst�°u�d by su�� p�rtic� c�r by any third� p�rs�rr� t� �r�at� t'�e r�latiau�ship of p�rirtci��l �nc� agent c�r � p�rtn�rshu� �� a�airrt vent�ar� a�- �ny r�tl��r assac�atia��r b�t�een �r �ma�tg th� part�es h�ret€�. � �, aR:,�y �, � � � �. •' � li ,, r IM Yi ' � ,r M +. . ,r. w � .. , », , � � �; �.. *� � w �. ,�� i w: �� � '" ,� ' � . �. � � .... � � . �� � n�. � � � �� �i e ! It r! I III: e i• �� � � '! � a'. w �.� � ���� � �.: �W ��. �4 ' �� ^ �.. " ` ��.. . � � M ' . • ..� � . . * . � � „ .' . � • •' . I� 4�5. �"�rmmn�ut��n. ��is Agr��m�nt �r�y fa� te�rmf����a� �ay ���r� �7istrict c�r �i�y by r�u�u�l ��r�e�ment t��° �s �t�n�r^�vis� I��°o��deci ar� �his ,�gr�e��e��t. T�dis F�gr��m�nt s'�O�I'I b� t�rrr�ur�a�afe �y e��l��r �aarty +�perra � mater��Y t�r��c� I�y k�ue crth�r p��ty. The ,�r+�v�isic�ns +�� S�c�i�ar� � survpve �errnir���i�c�� vvith r�s�ec� fi�a cl�i'ms ����t �rise �r�rr� �ctia�r�s �r r��c�u�ren��s ih�t a�ct�rred pris�r tc� i�rrninati�an, a �c�v�:rn�nq ���nr�p This Agree�era� wil� be c��ast�ue� ��r� �c����i�r��� v�ith th� ���rs caf �h� ��a�t� �f Minr��sc�t�� �o "iitle,, C��y �nr�rrants that i� r�wns �cr�d and' ma�rk�t�ble �itl� ta t�e �l�f� �nd t��t the un�e�si�ned is �uth�raz�d to ex��ute th�i's Agr�eem�n�. �"� �l�cwt�ic��. Any ���u�� g"rve�u unc�er tha� Agr��rrbea�� shall b� �de�m�d �iven �rn �h� �irst busine�s a�ay f�Pl�wing tN�e d�te �fire same is de��su�ed Ar� t�ue U'nited Stat�s Maiq (��gist�er�d c�r ce�-�i�i�d) pc�stage ,�r��paid, �ddress��i a�s ��d���,rs: Ff t�a t�de ��rk C�istr�et: �up��ri�tencdew�t "�l�ree Rvv�rs P�rp� �is�rict c/� �ega� Caunsel 3�O�1 X��riur� L�ne I�c�rtk� P�y�no��h, P�l� 5�441 ll� ica Ci�y; �i�y �lan�ger cJ� k���a9 C��n�e� �ity cf �iap�ir�s � �1C7 i`;c �t�'��t �`, �'i��7�iC�fl�r �� ����i� �� �� �r � , ��; , � f ��� -� � � • . � •.' . _ » ,N IM, w +, + � � i � �Y � � _.� . _._..._ n �._..... ........._________.... �y . � _.__ �__........_.._�...�._.�..... T�s f'�layr�r Tts r��rt� �h�i�r �Y. � _ ............... _..�-_ ._... _.. �Y � _____� _.._..� �—... ... ........m. �_..._.....__ Its �ity �I'��d��'�u- Its �up�riu���n�e�r� ����b�t �� � �i� 1'��rl �+� �� ����� �r��rrz���t��� �� �t� 1��� �r �� �r� ,�+��°�� ��r�t �� �� L�ke ���" ec�ic�r��l `�Tr�il �����i� � �� ��� r �� ,�� �� ��r��� ��������a �� �,r a�� �r�� ���r��� ��� �� ���� � �- �` ���� � �,�� M,� -�� �"his Putrlrc T'ra��P�,ray P�a-��rr�nt I�rr�v��abl� l�.irr�pt��l Us� �err�ni� anc� A�r��m�nt (N��erein��teir "`�..I.JP„) �n�de thos �7�r, �f�y af �7ecer�dN��rr 2C1�S, �y �nd b�tvu�een tN�� �oty r�f I���akfl�s, a�linne�a��� r�runi�ip�l ca�rpnratiam�, {`"Gr���ar"°�; �nd �"N�r�� �a+✓e�rs P��Vc C�istrict, � pc�lA�ical �ubdfv�sii�n r�fi �he ;��te of t`��nn�s�ta, H'ertnep�n �c��ntY, #�inr�es��� �""�rar�te�"). ���'Ii"A�.� 'N�'H�����F Gr�nfior ��d ��ante� �u���red' into � Tr�ilvv�yr C�a�r��r��ive A�reerme�k f�r� Cedar �La�� L�.�" R:�g��rna� Tra�il (,"Tr�G�I'") c��ted' as �af C����rr�ka�u� � i, �t�� 5, (�he "`T�ail�w�y� Cc��,pe��tiv� Agr��rr��nt°"); �r�d 1�FFfiEl�E��, p��r.�u,�nt ta t�n� "�'��ilvkr�y� Ca�p��r�tiiv� �gr�erne�i�, ��r�ntc�r a�reed tc� ��r�vey k� �ra�r�t�e �'�irrbrke� �.,is� �ermit as furth�r cfescribed her�in an�' �r�nte� �a�r�e� t�a ���ept Lirnited Us� P�rrrrit �ccr�r+�ing t�a t��� ter�s �r�� ��nditP�an� ca�tain�d �ereir�; �nd �W'�6E����, ��rant�r As the �ee ��+n�r of ce��air� �r�au ,�raperty in h�er�n�pin ��unt�r, I�innest�t�, d�s�ribe� ��d de�ai,cted �n Exhibo� �41 ("Pr�aper�y'"); �ndl �HFI�G,V�A�,�r 5�,1� d��q"C"ip���i l.�S� PEt'i1'71� (�V"C]VI��'d iJ'}� �il� �fl"�t��C�l' �tJ�� �M�� C{7�IVE:�" �av,rner��iip �f lar�c�s �a�thn�r t�� Li�iter� Use Perrr7i�t ��e� fi�a th� �r��pte�, IV�C1'N�f T�II��k���W�E, un ��w�sudeu�atia�n af u�ut�al ca��e�aau�ts I�e�ein, �r�� rth�r g�a�� ��n� valu�tall� ca�suder��t��n, t�� �uffici�ncy �f which �s he�r��by aekr�owf�dged� �h� p�rtn�s �gree t� �� fi��Vl�rvus: T��fi'fi�� �bF �,�'dMl�lr�'�7! �Ii�E ����t�9'�1"° 1.mj �r�nt c�f �imd��d Us� P�rnr�it. Grarrtar gr�r��ts �n� cc�nv�ys t� th� �u��ntee tP�� Li�ru��e� L,�s� Pe�rmit (LU'P) d�scruk�ed �n�i �epiieted c�n the at��c�ned Ex�t�i�bfl� A.. �.) Sc�e,,, csf I���nm�ted U�� F'ermsri. Th� p�rp�tuaq nc�w�a-�xc�usi've t��rlu�r�y 'LI�P c�rant�d 11����� �n�ll���� 6i��'' ���I I� ��� �II'� ��l��l��'X f�:� ���L�C�'��C��t 1�����0...�a C��i4,1 '�I��'�Q���'� �� I�rcate, uns��fl, cc�n�truct, r�c�rts�ruct, �����t�, r-n�rr���ir�, in����t, �Iker �nd repair withu� th� ��scrj�ed �U'P �re�a �rry �f �h� fall�a�Prog ��ci�i,t�es �n� �r��r�i�tdes: ,puk�l�ic sic��ynrallk r�r ��ai�, tr�ii sigm��g�e, infic�rrr��t�canai ki�isk�, be�uc'��s, bil�� ra�k�, �r�d �a�y aa�h��- �rail re��ted stu-uct;�are. T�roi�s @aer�p�tu�� nar�-excl�usi'v�: firailv+.+ay �t�P sR��ll �a� fir-n�i�eck ir7 �riidth ta � i���c�at �i�le �trip �f 1and, t��le�� c�therv�,r�s� �crt�d �n E�chitaut �,. The a�r�a i�c��d�� vur�hin th� ��rpeta.��l n�an-�x�Pusive tr�u���y+ LU'� �h�pl be c�ntered' �r� �h� traif c�rpt�rlin�, unless �therr�ls� nat�d �an ExP�ibit A. �any �I'ker��ia� ��r tl�e c�urr�n� hornzan�k�R r�r v��r�i�al Ia�a�tGe�n c�f the tr�ul' v,�P�i�h �ff�cts the trail c�ruter I�r�e anc� Icac��nr�n af the p��r�{��tu�l ncan-excl�sGv� tr�iVvuay �UF" m�ust be a�a�rr�sv�d by the Grar���air. � .. ��h��tt �o ���r� �"��u� �� ��w ���r�� �rr������C� �,� ��� �1�� ��� �� ��� � r�� e�� �� ' �r �.�1�� C� '� � i�r��9 "����I a ... �_..� . .._ �.._.�_. - _. .... .... ....._ — _.____..... � .. .__ ._....._.. �._. .�.,_.w.. ..m...� __......... 3,) "�r�i0 ���_�nd P����es.d ��h�s �wtJ� is �a�ar �a�bli� �rai�wa�y p�u� �ases ar�l Th� Tr��� s��ll b� a�p��n ta t��e �e��r�i publi�, �nd b� �s�d �x�husiveNy �ar es�,��,eac�r r�erea��ian ��d cr�mrnutin�g in�ludin� �ut r��� luor�N��d �a� v��lken�, j�9���g, s��fiinc�, �i'��in�, ar�� �ses a��cs°�v�d �n�er S���e and ��deral d�v� a�r�cR�+dinc�, b��� n�t Nimited' tc�, �s��o�r per�ana�l d��ver� r�n,c��ile�y �devi�es (�IPD�IC7°s) a�rrd e�ectri�: p�rs�n�f ass��ti�� c��vGcesW In �d�uti�nfi mcrt�� vehi�ies us�r� Fc�r re��Prr��en�rr�ce, la�,r en��mr��r��ne�t �r +�th�r p�uka��c u��;� �vill V�� per�nitted wit�in tw��� L�1P �r�a�. 4.j l�arr�_nty c�f Tit��. Th� C�r���c�r +�r,r�rrants it N��s t��� �igk�� tc� ��nv�y t+� �N�e �r���e� �he p�r�it hereir�, �.) E�nvirc�n�-ner�t�PmV��utters. �rar�tar s�n�l� �rravide �r��mt�� �nrr�it��n dc�c�rra�r�tati'��rn af �ny arrd �il previau�ly and'/�r c�arr��utiy pr�sent t��z�rd��s rr�at�ri��s, paNflut�ants, ar �rther ��nt�i�nm�r��� v�rithin khre L�1� &�rc�p�r�yr �rdcrv+,+n �a ti�� t�u�ar��c�r. �Gra��t�e sh�lf nc�t �e �esp��sa�le fau� �n� c�as�s, e�ipense�, d�mac��s, c�bViga�i�ns, a�clud�ng pen�lti�s and re�s�n�l�le at��rn�y's ���s, crr Icasses r�sufti'ng fc�rn �nyr cp�irn�s, actic�ns, s�its �r praceedings base� a��,��t t��e rel��se e�r' th�r��t rf r��e��s� aa� �ny I��z��r�dc�ws s��bstarrc�s, ���1N���nts, or �a�nt�rnin�nts v+�fl�ich rra7�y h�v� �xisted arr, �r v�+��i'��i rel�te �ca, th� �UP Pr+���rty pri�r t�r ti�e d�te a� thi� instru�r�nt. �.) �in�lu��a �Effiect. TI�� t��rr�s ��d c�n�li�i�,�us �af �his ir��trumer�t sh�l'I ru�r� with tP�e la�n�J ar�d b� bindirr� o�n th� Grantc��, i'ts s�cce���rs and �ssagrrs. . « ,. '. � � `l ^ + �' �r; «.. �. ,r . �^� . ,r r . . _ � . .r, : � �� - s . . �' «� �� �r - -� � � �� � IR ` w � .. N4 .� ����� �a� Mo-nrr€��ata ��urr�y �� H�nrt�pin �..�.. N4 It . � r ti; �t4's �Q�"�'' ��I"Ir3(�'�'I" Th� fcareg�air�� in�trument rrv�s acknc�wlecl�e b�fcame rne tN��i's d�y �rf _m......_......._........_ ...................__.....w_.__.........J� �, 4Y J. J� r'^'��% ..._____........_....._�_____.__......._.. c� 1i C.J .�....._......._....__ �., tk�e o�rayc,r �u�d �i�� ur���r�c�er, respec�irre�y t�� tl�e �ity a�E Hc�pkin�, a� �iirrne�crta �+�ur�'rcaq�a�l c�arpcarat�can, �r�ntc�r, r « ..+ r r �.Y; �t�t�e c�f I�inne�ct�a � Cca��s�y c�f HennepN�c� � ��, «� : '"� ► '" �.� M. "" " " I M w'� i "" I � II� � �r �'+" u : ;� � il . ,� , � � � �r .�. x , �� � �", i , 'y �� ;. * � � � Th� f�ar�g�ing in�trum�nt w�� ��Cc�a°�vl�dg� befr�r� me �his �`� ��y af � J�" , 2 � �. 5 , b y� �� �i.��w� � �t '�'�a �. _ a r� d' _�...._ . ���f".�'_...�__.�..._._........_.........., t6�e E�ca�id �h�Nr �r�d �uperir�t��r��ient, r��p��t�vely �r� t�e Thre� I�iv��rs i�a�¢�� C��strrvi�t, a�r�aliticaq subdirri�i�rn saf th� �t�te r�f Minr�eso�a, I�eir��ue�in ��untv, Minn�s�ta, �rarrtee� �lot�ry ;t�r7r�p �r �eal �"his i�rs�rn��rr�n� c��af�ed t�y: Three RCver� P�rk Cr��tric�t �Oq�1 X�ni�rr� �..��r� f�r�rth F�P�ytmc,�t'��a l�f� 55441 _.._._ �.�.._...�.�._...... N�a�ary Pu �,� � � � u� M� R�i � � �� ��I � ��� �� �� �� � ,:� �, � �11M � II � ". � C � I � �j�i��� � . , y rl - �. �r� � �1 ' . r� W + s i i "' ,� - % *^ � � a � ;� F � a • i �. * �� � �r, '" ■ k � ' . . , �i ... �; � � �, � � '� � „�r �' / M � ,