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V.2. Hopkins Village Storm Sewer Easement Vacation; Lindahl (CR2016-015)
���r����c�y� 2, 2C�16 . C;itv ��c.�uir�i) ➢�c�rc�.rt ?(J1�-Cd15 �-fiQ1r'KIl'�t'S VIL�.���E �'�'+C}�,� S�''+�ER �ASEI+w��1''+�T V'A+�ATI�71"�' �t�o a���erfl A�t�c�m �taif �ecc�t������z�c3s �laa� fc>]1<��,vic��; n���tac3�a. l���v� ��a �d� t Kc.wcal�ita<�cr ?f)� C,-�6� 1� r����ir� �.)rdi��r���cc•: 7(➢9 �i-11 f)5 va��ati�-� �k�e �tc��•r�� s����� ea�sc,tnc��t- wu�his� thc. I�c7 ��aa�s ���I.l� ��1�� f�r �r�t rc�.�iir��. _ --� �v�rvn�w "l"he ����L�c�a�t, �;c>rnn��.i�-zitv' �-��.�ax�in� ➢�e�,�eic>�n��ent C�c�i�pcat�ar.�c>n (C.;�-�1��')�, arc.c�aaests ��r��atic�c� ���" thc a4a�r�r�«r�ea� �:lcarm ;���.v�r e.���r.xae:nt �x;°ithit� t1�e � 1<y��:ia�s ���11a�� �;itc. '�"hi� vac�ti�an is r��r��;s�t�-�� as par� c�f tlae a��a�caz�¢'s p�a�s t� s�abc���Fidc� t1�e su��e�t �r�p�erty a�ad prc�aax� che �ea�sti�g sur�'a�� �ai�;�z7�; lc>t tc�r f�rt�re ������lc:.>��axae.n�. �"S��ft r�c�i����t�d:� a��rrc��F�l c�f �la� ree����s� laasec� c�n t���� %r�clin� frc]in tk��x �;it�F I;a��i��eei Ch�� Chc tiu��jr�.ct e�sc�rr����t �;� nc� 1t�n�er t�u���ecl fcrr a��a}�l�c �ur�,c�;��. P'riru�arv Is��:r�� tc� Cc��side� +� (:itv C:ha�•��r "i���ca�ic.tin itar�c3ai��3s • l.:?ux�,��7eerir�� �tlr�cia��r�:; � 1�r��r�ri��aiy ��zci 1�'�:n�tl I'lat �i�si�;t�a '�ru�t�carti�� ��acume�ts +� }:�.�:�eir,�nt r,?�cazi��r� 7:;�hit�ir � E�.c��a1�.���c�� 2C)1l�-�ti� 1 � ��Y�in�r�c�°. �(J1Ca-� 1�15 � �-3c��kinw Vil���c: �'re:l�:miazar:~�r an� ��ina� I�'1�.�,� +� �,�a�].nc�.r�tis 1`��.srr��i�r� .��sc��7l.i�z�3�1`�l, rITC.:�� C:��}° �'1Gin:c��t l�ir��r7ci�1 lrnp�ac�: ��3 r� ��a���;r•tcc�. �'/I"� �c��rec: lt.c,lat�c3 1�rr�ui��ct7��; �f;�1', I?�tl'„ ctc.): �c�tes: �C;ity �;t�u���il ��e]�rr�-t :�()1.ti (il:� I'��e 2 Prirnat� Issue� �o ��rnsicier Vac��at�ca� '�tanciar�s. �,��r�c7a� 9�.(96 �f thc° ��c>��I��ns C:iey C;ha��rc��° dc:tazl� t�ic staizei�r�is z�s�d. �rc:�ces:� fa>r v�catin�; str�.et.:� a��e3 allc}°5. r'�ccca��c��i��; tc� th�: C::hartc.�, tl��. C;�r:y C�c.aua�cil �-�ay ��a��tc: ��-a c��eza�c.��t n�tc� ccai��uctir�� a t��aL�lic l�y �����rr��rir��; �ia c�r�ir��nc:� �,F�ca:tia-��; the e��c�a��s�nt c�n at 1caMt � f<-rr.�x-fztth vc>te �af it�; �n�°��1�ers. 'i"h� C;it�T C;k��rtc°r �1.�;c� rec�a��r�:s the carc�i��an�e ����rc��r�n�, thc, v�c��t.icytz iriust �e rcecarc���i �.�rit�z � �c�xr-���i�x (.�ca�anty. E�gin�c�ri�g �t�nriar�s. '1:"he: C'ityx I:A,���ine� r�z�s r�:;vie�vec� t�c: �rc��c�5� �i �74�rrt�z�t �cr����ion ici�i�tafi��l c7n tl�c ���ats �tac� 1�'�ati�rri�:�� Vac�t��a�� 1�,xh.il�it (se� �ctachcc�). ���:c;c:��-�in� t�> the f;�ty� �;r��ir�ce:�, tl�i:� s�c��tn s�wc;r ca�cmet�t c�:�z�ta�ns <� .5tc��t� �;e�uer �i�.-�c t➢�at k�a:� ��c�ci� c��sca�r,e�c:�te� �t. i.ts u�strc��x-� cnci, �iixth r�ven��e:, and z-�� l���l�;cr cc'��va�ys }�t�bli� r�r�i��a�;c; r.�1�rc�fcr.re, th�c 5ut�j�ct cas�n�c��t iw nc� ic>���e�- raceci�c� fc�r ���bli� J���r��c�sc �riel rr��� l�c: �,7acatcc�. ]G'�ap�i�� Villa�e �'"lat ��:�ign. 1Jwaric�� t�ic�ir �anu�ry 26 rc�t�la:r �i��etia��, t��� I'�anr�i��� �C:;c>�r�.a�-aissic:��a h�lcd a�aul�lic hearii��; tc� rc;�,�ic:°.�✓ I'l�rns�r��; 1te�ac,rc �(�1(i-{)1-��1U�T�, pr�lirzzirg�ry ar�r� f�nt�� ��lat;; f�c7r ��c��-��i��;; Villa�e, �nd rec�r��irfleii�leci ����rtacaal. '�"�ac� ���}�c>;;�c� I3c>�kic�:; ��illag;c. ��lat �vr>��ld �u8�d.itirir�� th� ca.i�tiai� 1.�)7-a�ca�e �r�rcel intc:� t�.vr� sc�a�ai� jaa�c��s. ]:.��t 1 wc�ut�l t�c: (�.� ��re (3`�,:r��) �yuarc %�t) ir� 5��°e ��nd cc�aat��in th� cxi:��in� ��aretnez�t ���ilci�:�-�� �vhil� I�a�t 2��c�u�t� k�� 1,�7�-acre:s (�("i37�? sqaaa�-e: frc°c.t) i�i s�r� �r�d cc>nt�in th� cxisri��; s�arf�ce: ��.r�i��� lcat. �"k-�e :����jcct. e�sc��lcc�� ���i�t� �<�stf �vvest acrc�s� IJc�t ? a�ac� tl��tx �u��:� ar�aur�ci ���e ��i�;ti.n�; l�ui��in� tc� ch� s���ath c�n I...,c�t '1 l�cf<�r� r�;cc>nn�cti�1�, w�t:h �se��cs-�tk~� xlvcr�uc. ;"sc�a��l�. 'v'a�ati�_3�z c7� t@��s �xt;�e°rrne�nc ss ���;c�s�ary as �art ca£ tt-�� ap�l�car.�t'S ��r1<�c�� ��a stal�c�ivic�c thc 5ulaa�ct �irc>��eit}� �.��c& ��rc�,arc th�: �xi�;tar�� ;���.�facc }arxrl�ita�; 4r>t E't7r f�ut.�i�-c� t��v��ca�r�'���xt. '�"i�c ��s��lt c�f th.i:; st�lat�i��i�,icat-� i4 �hat I:.,c�t ? wc>�il�:t lac �1��"al�le �a:a� f�.�aurc. ci�vcic��c�-aea�t, 5ul�je�t cc:� �I��c�fi�: C.;iry ap�a-c�rral4 fc>r t��t sitc:. A�ter�ati�e5 1, r1��xc:>`T� v��;��ic��� c�f tl�e ;;trs�rn �;ew�r c�nsc;�a�ac�3t. �iy a���t�s�ii�� va����ic�z� c�� k�� ��sernc��t, tE��: sul�jc�c� c,<��c�n�rc�t wil1 }a�° r.e�t�r�r�t�d frt~c�ara-k the; I�Ic�J�kii-�w Vill�t�e j�la�. �. I:7�;��y v�c���ic:�n cjf t�zc �tic:ari�� sc:w�r ��sctrA���t. I�v c�en}rin�; �rac�atic��� c�f tlic� ca�;�trx�c�t, thc� s�k�j�ct e�ser����t �vi11 r�rr�a�r� �n p�lac� in tk�e I�:���kii�� Vi]la�;e ��l:at a���� lik�ly <rL�st�aict futur� c��.v�]o���-ac�nt c>f 1.>c�t 2. Ii til�e C�.ty ('c�uncil cc>n�ic3�rs t�u�; altc..r�a�titir<�, �iz��in�;s �vill have �r� be idc�a��i�c�c� t:���t s�i�a�.c�e� tl�is alternativ�. 3. C����t�r�uc f<7r ���-tlaer itsfr�rtr,ati��-�. �t tk�� C�i�-y> C:�jur�cil inc�ic�ec:s tl�at �urtl�:��- is�fc>rt�;�tic�c� is t�ceele��, thc i:t�t� sk�r<>ail� la�: �c�ntir�����. x�.gys, ���� �,ona ,ms owo, £0'�S��a �ins�wu�r�y `sur�daW 'SWiI "DfpMtQW Ai �'13i1.� `MM53 ti9 B6mL t'� 1kk71NU,d6�� �...` .......'"_� ".`�.`. wcr� �,�na�nsra�� �„��, "�up °�a,waN � ptal� "u¢��� W���ag �nuan'� 4�C 6 iB£C-9F'h iZt9� �XtC.� �i �SS�t�t7C0V ,ldi��d+�t9d oo��•��«r tr�af �r��wct h�lUVli�'2�f.�cl�l�� 1N��VWdCI�I��t�O �th�S �insauu�W "sluadc�au�p�, �r ' � ooia�ir,�s��r+a�ay�s��r�.��z�� �� � �N'1��1�3� �,1�Nf���IU41+�� �e9�Q� 19&31HX� a w �wz ��a � �' � � W ��w� wg��' ua w��� � ��C? ���� � � � � q i1- ta a> h � J � Q�iCIM p�Rt3 � iy Z Z Q 4i � 'tl� � �O°uU 47^^��p � Z � � �ara? 1 �T � ( � � �. � &3S�1 `OM3'YI3 � ubst "4ra ear c � � � � s � � v� '�; ���»:����� p "" 'r� � �--� �a �' cv o y -a .c � U - ry cs �. .� 41 +� +' C r" p,y qu � � C � p � � aN � ��y '�' �C Yi v 'J�i d d � "'Z a. ��; � ��,m p u.. � �' a b U N' O C h' 'r"' S"�9 � iL G(J �L � a��.ae ci u ��� �_� �a.�" � °� w � � a ��; Y � �� i r .. o � "" y � �a 4 �c,� °' 4 u� �.,��� � r,� °:°'�N��'m,�'�Q� �' m��� '�-�"�m� °�'' rn'� aua�°i�°�"'aac° � n a � . � a� �.�� � �. � '-� � �.Y. � o .r � �' � � A .e u�i � a �� a (� �� �c� aa � o� �n-°�'�'oan'E�wen 11! o �,_. « s� o�.. a��a o�ss�o. - a ea . LLJ �q c�mxvr° LL�ii� �er �'°�"irv,� ��°'��c � V� ,� �S' C� O�,C (�1tA Q qrfih �� b'�: tl� J� 6,t„ �y d C '� P 3".mm�.� +� s�ac.., ,�.3 . �'a�� p..m i W v u � .cs � >,; �� � c ;x � °' c � _° ° �.' r' r^7 �in � � p � N � � C .� � � d b,,�- C �'� �-Y� � �� �c b 'i� �a rr�. �' °n Lli � .: `�p� � � u va � �c -- � W o � � C�: an .i. �-�- m o d7? r�« +�'i c' ar on .,,, a�- -._ 41'S �pa 3a�a��w �^^. y�ea �."m`r���Qcia�''e�- tl�r,i� ^� �p �rw.�.. c GJ �`�.O v a�:��,� pa-er c q a C� °��°r � � '� � °�'� �c. v (� � �a � � � C^ � �,,�p � � .�,�.. `" a r '� � � � lY 'D �� C � � . C f✓1 C �tl1 ,✓, p � � � `y. � CJ fle �.. AY � ,� jh� « a &Y �n� D T fly �N � P�y fA T. '4] y� � .L'. «� r � � � � � �� r �} p 'O {w,1 li .� 0„ �� m} `fy V.e' N tl U't �., =� 'a �"C p r- 4} a�-� 0 K. VI p�-rL-� 4,.CF,�. aRw b�. 43�� �� O tl. ,/� C1 �Gt O Y�J �, f� �� a* ,f� � R�]' O' ��' C� fVl9 p 3.�c' �4" e 4.YJI G Gf, V '�+' a '� ,q CY,� A y p y� M "h'..�. �'d � � � L �'t^' y �. T} :� � � � � y^� c e 3 en � w.-- �• ,�, a c� o.«� c.• a !A �G � C � o IXY Ri .- O �,�q� .0 . �� p N w � Q � � � yM y� `� G tll L`+- dS � ���� �� �-'c. � L� R W 1.1 k- f1 an� @ f+ CID U7 ... tA ». p� Wi.l� w Z 9 H1d7C?S' 3%IIW.�'/i b' /.F,�,� �f>£' ,21,,z£;5p.£'JS' y 3� "` "s, -C �� �� � � M�w _� _ __ �� ,� � �� °" �u7 n ..,ky v � �.____. �...... � ._ __m.._ a � ._. � � � � ;� 7 � � „ �,'�', , yy M ..YA t� L,� �� � � � � ��N� � y , cr9�`az _ — � �r �,.ras',s'f�:��s �os,..c�t�ara.t_ �, . ,.,, �k, . . . � -'-:• `=i` , .��mv� .`_`' � _. Q�C7'1i . �_., ,� � -� u,. —' •. -..... r I'x�4.G ........._ y ........ � w a u r.+ v� � �� -�.,"., `�rF `�" Y R iiy 0 cv Y �fC � � Z Q ""9 � Q �i C� � N � � F d W p"' � �. .. ;�" � ' ;�' ,1� , i; `,�. ,,, " � I I� �' ' � �' .16 1'1.��7�.JLW l�'1,J�'1.�9 d.`1B�. LLYY.�^'47rIl� �M�.��.7�A.��4.1��*��1.�tl AY.A;.�.l:k.�1.�iV� l: �.Y�I�JI.1'IVA�7E'a.3 �� �li� ll d-]I�.➢,'1�' �Y �.�h.�.! W'��1'V� 'A..PId�JJ��JIA��L'"IA..� d,'9i�. 2#��f�-1g�5,'�w'A�ATiT�G TI�E �°T+�M6�C,.liM ��"v�'E�C EA��NI:I�I��"''�vVi7'H�I'� "�'�-I� F�+QP'I�II"�6� V�L,LA�� �"LAT" FU�t FIR�T' REAllII�iG. '4�4°'�-IE1�EA�, �n ap��slica�nc�n i"�ar V�c�tica�i �()16_�)2-VA�" ��as l�ec� ra��d� b� �C�r��z�u�aty I-�causin� �evelc��ni���t �'���c�►�at�an, and �E�E�CEA�, tk�e p��ceciur�l h�stoa�y �a�'the ap�lic�tic�n is as �c���aaws: '�}�a� �n a�a�flicalion fo�� a v��cat�o�� �a� t�c ���rm sew�e.iA easerrt�nt r�vas ��zaci� by C'��raa�ucn�ty ��,�asiz�� L)ev��lc��rl�e�� �`orp�ra�ic�z�, on ��cr:�k��i� 23, 2fi� � 5; 2. �h�t �k�� Heap�ke:n� City C"c�uncul, �ux•sua�ra�t ��a r���1cr� �t�� publlis��e� nra�i�;e, txeld � p�b9i�. h�a��ung �n the ��pli�ati�r� �nc� rew����� �uch ���al'ie�t�on a�r� ��bruna��y 2,, 20T�: �l0 �ers�rn� prese�a v�e���e given an c�p��artur�ity ��i b� Naea��l; That t.�� w�-at�en c�i�rru���s a�n� analy�i� c�f �`ity sta�'f �r�r� cc�nsid�r�d, a��d. 4. Le�;al desc�i�rii�an oI'th� eas�r��zst t� �r� v�cat�d is sh�wv� �� Exhibi� A, a�ta�Nn�ci. �4"'�v', THECC+CE��4I�.�, BG 1�" ��'�%�l�'V�:� t��t �h� ��ty ��rui��:il ���" the City �af' �I�s��sins he�ry�la� app�crves �rd�nan�c� 2t� l Ci- 8� C��S, v�cati�� th�; �tc�rnn �ewrer• ea�eu�����ti vvu�l��aa t�� �apl�in� 'i�al�a�� �llat fc�r ��e-s� ���d"u�� b���� �� tl�e fo�l�+a�i�t�; �in�iu��� �f F'act: Th�ut tll� al�c�ve-��Scri��cY eas�rner�t ys n�rt ru�e��d fcar ��t;r�li� �awr�ase. A.derpted k�y the �.;�ty �'�ru�ciQ c��" th� City a�' H��kiz�s �I1is 2"`� day +af � cb�-u�r�y 2U 1 f�. �✓flallly� �"�ur�anin��, Mayaaz• . � I A:o�y [�c�a�e:i�er, �°iky �'lerk �xhi�"►t A — L� al T��s�cri �tion C�UCUM�hVT N�7. 388�58$ �AS�ME�ITVA�A�IIG�N C�ESCRIPTIC7N: �hat part crf the ��s�-1Nest Anl�y lacated v�rithin �I+�ck 2, West Mi�n��paGis, accardMng tm tMe recordedl pl�t thereaf, �lenr�epin Cc�un�y, l�lAnmesc�ta descre�ikr�d as f+�IN,owvs: Th��t pairt +afi said ��st-West �Pley, IyBn,� taetv�r��n th� extenscan �IprtherVyr ac�-flss it af th� �ast bau�rud�rg,+ liine cof Lot �2 and �pff the V1Ies� bc�wr�d,arr�y li�ae ofi L�� 7 said �lock 2, ►J'Jest M�nn�apr�Bisp aonci �etvueen the �xtensw�ans Nar�he�rly a�cass at af t�e 'UVest bcaumd�ry lir�� c�f s�id L�t 42 ar�d a V�r�e paralJeV k'��reto a�rrd dis�an� 10 feet Easter�y t�erec�f. D�CIUMEt�T Nt�. 3$7��85 �ASE�/NENT VACAT9�N DESCRIPTOCff�: Tha� pa�k of Block 2, West Mun�a�a�Qlis, �ccaardin� ta t'�e r�carded pl�,t thereof, Hennepun C�runtY, A�fomr�esota, and oithe v�cated alleys �n said Bl,e�ck 2, described �as fc�llaws: A s�r��a �� la�t� ir� �#r�ck 2, West Marunea�acalas, 14 f�et in vvidth, b�ir�g 7 feetr c�rr e�ther side o� tf�� fallovu�i�� descr�bed cen�er IAn�: �e�iu�nir�,g a� tN�e Sc�utl�uves� cr�rn�er off Lot 1 in said B�lo�k 2; th�ruce Saa�a'�%e��terly to a pea�nt 43,5 f�et "tiN��� a� th�e �ast lune an� 1�.2 feet ri��rth �f th� �c��t� Ilir�e �� l�a� �Q, s�aid �Iock 2; th�n�ce �ast, paraV�el wi't� �he Sraut� 9iroe of s�id Lot A�O, a distance c�f 72 feet; th�n�ce �Dc�rth�ast�rly ter the ir�tecsect��n of a lin� drawn 7 f��t (Var�h c�f and para��el ta �kve �I�rthe�ly IGne a� l.c�i 7„ saic9 BBa�ck 2, and �he East lir�� ra� Lcat �, sa��d Block � as trhe sarn� is exteo�d�d Sc�u�herly; tN�ence East al�o�� � Ain� drav�rra 7 fee� �1e�rth a� and p�rall�l ta �he Nar�k� line af Lrat 7, said B1,�ck �, to the 1/V�st lir�� af Sixth Av�na�e �nd t�e�e t�rmirr�timg, al6 ir� Vb'est Miran�ape�lis, ac�c�rdin� ta the r�cc�rd�d pla� the¢��c�f. iCi'T'�' CJ►F �i-1OP'��1�`+11�� E��nnepim� �o�nty� ]1�innesat� (��L�IIw1AT�6G� �*�P�. 2'�16-� �(�5 Afi�l C)R7���*,iA�C� VA�A7�"�1`wfC A �^I"���� ��'r��l� �.A��I�!d�]'�Y7" 'G'VITHI� H�t��'KI�S V�L�.,AG� THE �C'�►UI'�CIL C��" TH� ��T�l C1F ff-1t�I?�IT�iS ;Cb�CD�;S k��F�E�3'Y �I��A��P A'� �"+aLI..�'G�xS: Th�t hh�� i:ol���vaa��; d�.sc�•ibed a�Me�, c��' �h� fr�ll�awin� �aab�ic s�artn ��v�r��- �.��ei�ve��t izu t�a� �'�ty c.��� Hc��a�ia�s, unan���y: The �ity t�f Hap�bns ��;reby vac�t�� tlae p�ul'�li� sta�`�n sewer ��s�t��r�i .re��rv�d �y ��nr���ia� �Ca�unty R���s�°d�r I�ocur���� 1'�c7. �$���8�, 1����1y d�wca-ibed as f�l��vvs: T�at pa��t c�$` k��e �ast-'�'�.s1 Ail�y It�cat�c9 u�rithin Blcac� 2y �Jest M��p��ap�c�l��, aiccc�rdi�a�;, t� the i���orc��d ���a� tl�er��f, I-�enrve�en �C'rau�ty, :�Vitina��Sc�Ka, de�crib�� �s fc���aws: Tha� �aa-G �f`sarc� �asg-'1�1e�fi �a1�ey, �yi.m�� b�t�e�u� t�7e extexssia� l'��t-tfl��rly acr�r�� i:� t��thc �,ast b�u�dary lu:ttac r�f Lc�t 42 aa��i c�ff t�� '4�'est �p�ndary 1'�ir�� af Lc�� 7 said Slt�ck 2r VVtir"�st iVt�nn��pa�is, �nd be�wee� the �xter�sic�rr� ��a�t��rly acr�ss et of �11e '4�'est 6t�c�¢�c�ary �in� r��' s�id Lert �R2 at�c� � ��ne �ara�l�V �hez•et� �nc�. �i'a�ta��t l �D feet �a�terly �I�e��ea�f A:���fl; "["�e C°��y �f' Hc�pkQ�� �e�•eb� v��ates th� �aublflt� �t�� s�r�e�• ��s�T��ent �•��e�rv�d t��r I-�erbr���ri� G�unty F�c�,�rl-de�- �c�cua��u��� i�1�r. �87� ��5, l�e�a�ly d���ribecd �as f+��la�ws: Th�t p���t c>f �l�ck 2, "v�JJest h�.i:r�n�a��la�, a�;�e�r�i�� tc� ��� �•ec�rd�� �aVai th�ea�eca�'; Nc�r�t�uepa� �'aunty> M�nne��ata, an�i �f �he va�a�e�l a�l�ys i�r sa�a� ]�(+�c� �, c��s�,rbb�d as fc,�lc�ws� .A s�i���► c�i ➢,aa�d i�� B�o�l� �, ���t ['�'Iinru�a}aa��is, � 4�`��t ir� �ridth, b�in�, 7�'e�t c�n ez���e1 sici� �rf'the f�a�lc�wit�� cies�;���bcd c�a�ier 1i�c. �e�a��.iza�; �� t�� �arrrx�h�ve�t c��-�er ca�" Le�t � in s��d I���ck �; tNa��ce Sc�ua�l�e�s�er9� �ca ���ant 4�.5 fe�t'�?est t��'th� �a�t 1i�e aa�d ��.� feet �c�z-�� af t�e ���th li:ree cr�' �c�rt 40, said �lc�c�e 2, ���e�n�e ���t, p��°a�➢1�1 with �h� �t��t� li�c �frv sa���l La�� 4�h, � distaz��� af' 72 �`��t, thenc�: 1"�c���tl��aste��ly �a th�; inte�s�ctic�n c��'� 1in�e a�ra�n i f��t I'�c��th c>f��a�8 �a�•a1➢�1 tc� t&a� I�1�r�h�rl:y 11r�e c>f`�.at 7, sagd B�c��l� 2, and t9�� Ea.s� �ir�e �f L,c�� �, ��i�fl Bd�rck 2�� tla� sar�� i� ex��n�ie�i Sca�atlae�°ly, ther�c� Ea�t al��s,� a�i�ie ci�•�w�a "7 f�e�t �ort�� �f �nd paara]l'el to the i�Pc�rCh 1in� �f' L�� 7, saac� �'l�ck 2, to �he 'VV�st line c7f" �ix�h Avenue and il���•� ��r�mi��titu�;, �➢1 irt 'wv'�'��t Mir�r7e�p�al�s, acca����n� rtr� t�� �•ecc��°ded plat t�i�r��a% First �ea�dirY�: S��o�d R,�ac����;: I)at� +�fI�ubli�.��i�n: �►atc t�rditaa��c� Ta��s �f�'ect: A�T��T: .4,��y ��a��eIle�-, �ity �C�erk t�k'�'�t7��d�� AS �� ➢�t��P� 1��1fi) L��Ct�LITY: Ci�y A�tar�c�r Si�ru�t�a�-� ���e F�:bruar•y �;, 2C}➢f� �ebr�zar� 1 �a, 2� 1 � Fe�r-uary 2�, �� � 6 �ebru��r•� 25, 2C��6 IVia11y �urnn�in�s, ��ya�r 4 d,' q� t� q� ;� £ �8, 4& 5 w� Yr r'`•'^ h.m �' r ":S. y �. � t k l. i � t G a �` ." Y ; k x � h,. _ � Y 4" � ;;E ny I"� �:X � ,E k" �f Fn' r �> ak u s� � �� �Y � %. A ek, F tY ,✓u i6w r ° r�� pk �� E " ti a , .,. � ��<, � i k� .� L� F: i Y� `� n� �I �I n �; � 1_ � I ''., € ��. (b. � � z �� i � . _ �w �`L �x ws �n3 .ebX. '��n G� �,�� � � � �y � ����' .,., r 3 W q �, ' � / g p �u.� ... , � � .�..1����� /f / � � rr � , F, , .. .,,� .r��n, .,,w� „�.,. � .c. . .,.. ,. ¢� t .. .. ._... . '.a.., ,/ ,;,1 ,��� ..__ . T�/ j � .. � � - . ..... . .. .......... ....... ,.... _.,. . „ , �� .... _. . ..._,,... l J % I % ✓ y . � i � �.�� �r..,���,.. 1 � ... �u..,1 �K/ pNJlSL' M-Mri ,.",.i` � , _:* w:'.; .� � C kC i �I �� �� � `" /�, '� C,511GfS � / • f ' , I � � �li I ue �_.� , ...__ .._ I ( ! . � /' ���! .... ..,,.__ _ , ��. I *��" �� I ( �� � � ( � f � � 1 a� , � � � ! , .� t � �r; I � p , .�� � . � � � � � ,� „ � � � � � � rF ' x & � ,, ........_ , . ,.. �, � .� � � M � .......,_ � t�d .. ` h � I . .,. _, . i J �, p. � � �� ' ,^' , Y I` `�' � Y k c� I �`i , � � �,�� � � �.a I C� J��I,� �l I � �r� � _ . _„ �ns�rFz _�.' - � - � x _�_ i.i w� , t �_ a� -�_. dait't 3,oS.4'ricOM . *Y � �..Gi'.S0.fan� " , , , ........... "'—�-�.,�� .__ .., . .. � i. .x ...._. :. � ��, Ir i... .POlI ' ....... _ � ...... . ... tl t �� • i �.�r, � ' ...._. ��. __.� � i � � � ,���, � : � r ��.k.JR„s'RfbS M f �i . , �i^a "'� r a � < r . � , .,:;. � � � � � �y � �a � � � � 7 _...._ .. �,� p `� i�l �' ..: '' ,�.,, � _. _ _ i �, � � ..>� � � ; � �_ n �, ; . � I oz°ea� .� zo,as.zo�w ,. P ?..`., .. ... �� ; � A ; ';;�. e' � . , _. _.. _, I�s „ � I . �„ ._ _ . � ,. . � ,�,, t. ,� � � . , v. ��, , U n. TM. w I p ) z �.1 0 q,la C � a I� n a �ymi,° u a''bD 6 4 �¢ F:i�S ! CF e.l`i "w � � � ! � a , e rv�$k � r F �4 w( �?g 4 v� " td ���a r :. � � r� " pnK vs i� � 9 r! I 4 �Y W � � p' y R2 d � �@ N�;ls 1 ,. t % i :��"p �u � y "� �� f �"d � y} p � �, & K fy d �' 4 tiaj� p� Q Fy ,�' y S a� P�;� ;ry f,� a y � a 5 y p v p�s �¢ S�%Y� } � kN �f �i � � 'A$� 4 vi a r' n�i �` , � a X°�- I i xczgf n z.. .�� . . vlG�w A� � ... �d u� s ����� ��� � � �� � ��E' ,� � �' � � � � <� ,. �a � ,q� ��q��` �� � ��g� ��z�p� ��yq��p ��'' �y � 5 8 3 g p Y ky y� � ��S WY ��5AS�7 iw�Q_.t..��cMi.ti!A�SG'�Po� .�tl � ,�i R `���M�GY% � .s.vaewm�,m��.�1,� ,��,��9a ����1 �r ��4�wti.}_. , ..� �� � 4 -��_� � ������� -•--� � . 5 m i � n " � {i � F� ': &� ��+ : a � � „ � � "s; a �01� x�.��g t �eb� � 4ta k � � y � �� t a � s q i �f �y. '�1 �d G ��k��w�������� ��� u:u� �� � rr �� E mtp. � k � � � e � � �, '�� . � P 4 a r � ag q � � � ,z � S ?� o � ti 6 uY E p. y f� m.: �f Y � � K r� .� W Y�"�� '� F. a N�! 4 3� g� A �� f, � F ���i��� ����� �"� �*y °� s� g z@ v�� r, tp 4 8 �^�• �S � @. f�� e+`u 1 � ���'Cd. . �kCrl�"�"8� �;. J� �' , F ) �¢ p � a'� .. W� `. �-qY ay � r3 ;, "e� u. " �� "� µ , � �� a��;3 � �� �°� mk' 7 �t�Yi�y� Fp `� 2 rs` y a °� � � M .i «7 .- O , w���i. � � "' �CY � r; rv ". ��f�= e ���R �� �� Q m �, � W � . a �^ WW � �r'%� � I 1 � , �.� � � i� `" I � � � �.� � .�:� un� 4 £ • .v�ry �.:^�' �r/c.wY I � e . • y,LLi � I �.4 � " ._...� � ' ....._. . e..... .._..� v...._. —`.... _... '�� I � I '. I .�'.�va+ � r�,de� m Hww ���,.�. ...� � "' -._ �_..I �� �€.. ,�..�� �.1'� . � ._ . ��1; � ,� .__ � � ,_.._ � - ... __m f f' . 1`" ---- .,...,...� —A � �..� " �� � � � "� „ , - '�"�- — �t� W w r . �,c' � e� � '� ,a- � .. _`^�-- .r � . ,. ,, ,r" ,f . i . � 'kK' � . ..� � , .. ..,. r i'` ��..i �, r �� ' �'k . � �.........I�..4._ I ltl.l Ik pry 1 �. _._,.. j � � 1 � ,a � �,i � �� � � � � ,� � ._. ...__ _.. L� _ '' ^�o;"s �c���. 8� �" M����k � �..� -,� - .,._,. � ,__.. . _. _"., .I._._ ,_..._ � 9 C ;� .. �.. . iw � . .... �� . � . � r � .. ��... i� �� ' �, '�M � �M�C�S11�7E�" ��, �'Q U � T�a: C��ty' of"iI�p1C1TiS �rasti� ��e�er�a�, Cdi���c�car c�i' Eco��am�c l��v��c�prrue�� ���d Pl�rLnim� ,I���ta Lin�ahl, C"aay �l��r►�r Fn-c�an: C�ai�n�uc��ty k��rus�n� I�ev��c��z���nt Cc�r�car�ti�aa� �e: I���akin� Vnlda�e, !� 7��, Av�nu� S�utl�, I-Ic�}ak:dn� �a+cl��;r+nund C"c�a7rc�u�lity I-���usir�g T7evelc�prner�� C'�rpcar�tuc�� ("�"��1C.`.,,) a� a rta��a�u�3t �'�ve��p�r �r�d �tv�rse� a�c1 t-��ana�;�°z• of"mc�r� t➢�a� 4,3��1 �igh ��ality, a�`fi�rdab�e l��pasing �nit� nn Mirprtesata, ��HL)C is � pa�ner in �'I-lld+� I���kirus I,ir�a.ite�3 �a�°tn�i•shi� �th� ``+�wr��a�"�, t�e ��wr��►er �i`t;he E-1���ins V��la�e .�pa��t���a��s, �� 1]-s��r�, ➢6� u�v�t apartrr�en� c�c�ra��le� {th� "�.xistin� Bu�ldiru�„) it�c�ted can N�ai� �tt°�e�, k��tw�e�► 6`� .�,venue S��t�� az�d 7i'° Avei�u� Salath, �n �a�kz�as. C�anst�cted in 1971 „ the Exis�in� �i.rill�i�� c��at�i�x� a; rni� c�f"af��rr��bl� c�r�e �rq�i tw+� �SediTc�o�� �partr°�e��s �"ar s��i�rs. Tk�� Ex�st�r�� �uilda��; is no�ated �r� a� �.977 acre gaarc�el (the "P`g•+�perty"), �,r��l� th� �ui�din� its�lf` c�c�:u�yir�g th� wes� half �f ��e �z��perty, c➢a�e,s� �c� 7��' Averuue, ��d a�ar��, sur�`�ce p�r�in� a�-ea. ��a;t��npa�si:��; lh�e east h���'c�f the �'rc��erty, ai�utti�a�; C�a�' ,�.ver���. Th�� cxvst:a�� surfa�;e par��n� d�# ��c]ud�s 1 S 1 g�ark�n� spac;�s a�c� is �.u�-�z�tly unt�ea•u�flliz�d by �he Exis�i��; ��aitl�ling. l�efin�nc�e �r�+� Ren�av�ticra� +�f E�as�nu �uild�n �I-�Li� �s i�n �he p��acess of r��a.r�ar�c;i��; tih� E�xisti��� Bu�i��lir��; �,v�tl� t��e pu�rp�rse m� ir�uprravi��; th� aestl�et�cs ar��' op���eticai� �af' th� �a�i9di�� wh��e �a�ntau�ain�; tih� p�°�j�ct as a���aralale, aff�a�-dab1� resid�s7c� �'�ar �er�ic,rs. �HI�� us c�n t¢�ac� �o c�c�s� �n r���w �ina�cia�� ir� tik�e ��rst qu�rter af 2i�16. Sc�tt�duled rarg�r��v�z��nts to ihe ExYstin� Bui�c�i�-r� ir�c��de cc�nv�nc�n �rea a�d �part�ent t��u:� r���vati�,�s, anci on�c�zan.ical and �lectr�ca� sys�er� updat��. Th� main �r�traa�ce dri�e +�il� be r.�p�ra��.� �'�rz- �c���sibiDity, �r�aU� t�� �auildi�� its�lf v�rill' b� ��ai���� a:�ad win�dae�vs r�;fuac�i��ed. Cc�mz�c��a ag•eas �i➢l r�c��v� �e�u fznish�s� a��.n�vated leasi�� ana� a�a�ag�i-��nt a�'fc�, az�d a�e� z•�s�der�� res��rc� arca. Apag�ir�ent u��t wc�rl� will includ� k��clz�r� and ��thr�c��a ren�vati�ans, n��;v ��zislroes, �cc��si��l�ty ��agr�des, �nd ��vw Big�:�in�. "�*h� ��a�]dit��"s ���tin� system wvi19 be u��raded �rit}� ne:vv hi�l� �e��c��i7c:y l��al��s a:nd ��r��rs w��l� th� ��iid�n� �lec�z-�ca1 sysi�z�� wi�] �e� a��ar��pl�;��; e➢�ctri�al pa�n�l re�l�c�z�ra���, �.�� ala:rn� p�a��.l, ��d a ne�r e��er�ency� ba�;�aa�a �cz� e�-atc�r. Sutrdov�s��n Request C`H�C be�i�v�� that t�e ua���r•ut�lnz�d pab-k�rl� �rea �ep�•es���s �n ��p�rrtunity fi�s- �'�tu�e, l�i,�1�u �uality res�derLti�9 t��v��c�pnne�t. As a re�ul�, �'�DC no� r°equest� appy-r�va1 t� s�abd�v�de the P1-���rty ent� twc� r�ew l�ts iz� acc+�rdat��� +�rort� thu at��c�e�i �''re��r�ir��ry an�l �'in�l Pl�ts �a� �c�}a�C:orns ViNla�,�. L,�� 1 wi�1 inc�ue�e t�e Exis�i��?, Bui�c��n�; �nc� sun°�u�ndiru� �rca. Lc�t � wvi19 �a�c�rne a s�te f�ar f�ut�x� d�r��lc�rpn�e��. Ir� tlhe i��arr�ec�i�t� Fn�t�ac�,, t��; e�os�i:n� pa��i��; �n I�c�t 2�wi�9 1`�rn�a�in �r�d wi1'� �e �wailab�e t�r �h�e k,�is�i�n� F3�a�ldin��; by e�seel��rra�. Wit�a tkae dev�Ut�p����t c�f Lc�t 2, parkAn� n��:d� a��'the �xi�ti�� B�il�ir��; and the aaew c��vey+�pme�t rr�ril� �c; acc���m�d�t�d d.n a shared ur�d�r�¢•au�c1 pai•�in� st��:lur�. �4pprc�val of�k�e pr�liminary a�c� �'i�a1 �la�s t"c�r Hc�p��ns '"�'i���:�;� wiC1 �'ac�litate th� re�in�n�.c; of t��e �xisti�,� F3a�iQc�i��� a��d a�lcrw r�.h�b�liiataern tc� �et unc��rway quickly. Futur� �ev�e�a �nent �1HI�� and �ts jc�int ventu���e �artn��- have a preli�r�i���y rrisic��n 1`+��- th� c��ve�t��n��nt ��` Lcat � that ir��➢��es ��ew, �ra�ltn-st��'y b�i�di�a� c;�nt��nin� 12U-18�1 ��aartx�e�t umit� w�t}�u cc��a'�ti�c�n a�`�� az��r��d�es ant� un��rgrc�und p�rki�g it� a�carrumc��at� �he n�v�r de�r�lc��azrge�� ��d th� Exis�i�g; I��aildin�. �'�t�re d�v���apm�z�t w�auld ir��lu�de im�rav�����ts t� the a�°eas t�etwee� th� Exi�ai��; �uilldin�; and t�e r��w d�;v�ic�prr��a�� t� bo�st�e• aesthe�ics, p�•a��ate �►er3estri�� and veh��;�lar �irculakis�n, a�zd create v�bra�t cc�mr���n areas, all �� acc�rc�an�e with I:-1c��lcit�s' c�ali�ag ��de and d�tivntc�wn d�ve����tae�t r��ulal��n�� C�-1i)C anti�ipates t���t th� �ew �evcl��ment w���ld irrr;l��i� apa��t�nent ur�hts t�at a�e �ff�r��ble a�� �eared tativar+� wcrrkin� i�di�id���s ;ar�d f'��ilies, �lli�a� a. n�rach ncetted �a� in the izc�usi��; ;af%rdal�i]ity �p�ct�•a�z�a �fthe �rea. C��I�� ��:kne�wl��g�:� thai any fui�are d�v�lc�prr�e�� af Lci� 2 will require f�ll dev�ioprn�dzh �eview and ��anin� ap�arov�l fr�r�r th� Ci�y af Hc>pki�s, i��clr�dii�� re�e�ni�a� �r� �c�t 2. +CH1��' �ls� ��e�.c��;��ares that Lot 2 e►cc�u�ies a�rc�i°�ir��nt lcr�ati�nn �rn Nlain S�reet a�d �lans t�a t�k� the tiz�ae �a finali�e a�aa�� qual�ty, t���a�htf�l �lev�l�apin�nfi c�a�ce�k. As such, d�velaprnen� applicataans far L,�at 2 will �� �`orthc�r�aa���;. 'V�;�ation of Stcarrt� Sewc�r Easemem�t The a�tach�d �ity ca1" ��a�pkir�� ��•di�l�nc� ]"+1�. 343 (D�c�cuntie;�� ]'�J�a. �8835��� was adap��c� b� t�e �ap�ir�s �C��y C�un�Ill bn Apri�, 19ifl, 1c� vac�t� a publ�c alley, �r�t maint�in put��ic :��car� �e�ver r�� the �ar�ge��y. The attaLhcd �3ac�rn��t �c�. 3878185 �vid�nces ��art�n�c� �ublic sta�xa �ewer ��semcrat �;r�nted ira 197I .°wVe und�rst�r�d 1��a� �here 1�a� been n�r public use c�� ihese ��s�r�cm���s a��ci tltiat the �ity's �aubl�� wc�rk� depa�rtc�ent ha�s c�niarm�d ikxat they can b� vacated. As �uch, �'H[�C` re�u�st:� th�� th� ea:�ern�nt� car�tain�� i� th� attachc.d dc�cur�e�ts be v�c�t�� �:onc;urrent w�th the appa�a�r�D c��'the p��lin�i�ary and �n�1 �lat c��"�-i�pk.ins Villa��... �'�-�CiC" lcrc�ks f�rwa�d �a p9ayin�; an c�n��in�; r�le �ra �9�c dev�l�aprr��r�t c�f I-la�a�ins' alreac�y thriwir��, dQwn�c,�°n �hr+�u�h t11� i•�n�v�tran �nd iznp�•�v�zn�nt of the �apki�as Vifl1a�� Ap�rCr�e��s a�d the f'uiur� d�vele�pm��t �af �h� �;dj�c�nt �rcap�rt�. Th�an1� yta� in a�vanc� fcrr ycraaz� �onsider�ti�r� ca1` c�ur sa�b�i�ision anc� vacatiarr�s re���sts. � �:�� � a 5sv�