IV.9. Memorandum of Agreement – SW LRT Public Art; Elverum (CR2016-30) February 23, 2016 Council Report 2016-30
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Memorandum of
Agreement between Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) and the City of Hopkins .
With this motion, the agreement will be executed.
Public art has been incorporated into the first two light rail lines constructed in ou r Region—the Blue
Line and the Green Line. Art at the station helps to give identity to a stop, tells the rider something
about the people who live nearby, creates ownership, reflects pride and makes using transit more
interesting. Transit art is something that has been incorporated into most light rail systems across the
United States.
Unfortunately, when the SW LRT project was faced with escalating costs and the need for cuts was
apparent, public art was eliminated from the project budget. It has been determined that art can no
longer be incorporated into the station platform components, or integrated as required by the Federal
Transportation Administration, but there still is a desire to bring meaningful art to the SW LRT line.
To that end, a committee has been formed (PLACES), a fiscal agent identified (LISC), and a
consultant team formed to develop and implement a fundraising strategy.
As a SW LRT city, Hopkins is being asked to contribute $5000 towards the $50,000 contract for
consultant services. The intent of the consultant’s work is to develop and implement a development
strategy to generate $3-6 million in funding for a corridor-wide, public art program along the SW LRT
line, with at least one signature artwork in each of the five SW LRT cities.
Primary Issues to Consider
It is unlikely that the City of Hopkins could realize the same level of support for public art that this
effort will generate. It is staff’s opinion that our desire for art at our station areas will be best met
through participation in this collaboration. The City of Hopkins’ contribution is the same as the other
cities, and is being matched with $15,000 from Hennepin County and $10,000 from the Met Council.
Supporting Information
Memorandum of Agreement
Kersten Elverum
Director of Planning & Development
Financial Impact: $_5000________Budgeted: Y/N _N Source: _Ec Dev Fund _____
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): _______________________________________