3. Emerald Ash Borer Discussion; StrachotaMemorandum
Public Works Department
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Jay Strachota, Streets & Parks Superintendent
DATE: April 7, 2016
SUBJECT: Emerald Ash Borer Discussion
The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an introduced pest that is killing ash trees in
Minnesota and as close to us as southwest Minneapolis, Apple Valley and Piymouth. At
the April 12 work session staff will present where we are at with EAB in Hopkins at this
time, what we have done and are doing currently in regards to EAB, and what is
reasonabie to expect in the future as EAB moves through our urban forest.
While EAB is the catalyst for this discussion the discussion takes place under the
umbrella of the city's shade tree program which includes not only EAB disease control
but control for other diseases, tree trimming and maintenance, and reforestation. With
that in mind the following topics will be presented:
• Potential shade tree disease control ordinance changes
. Discussion of the use of preventative chemical treatments on trees
. Clarifying the city's role in inspecting and advising residents in regards to their
trees on private property
. Reforestation practices
• The costs or savings and potential results of changes in the delivery of forestry
services by the city.
The results of our discussions should provide the Council with a better understanding of
what to expect from EAB moving through our city and give staff direction on potential
changes in our forestry services delivery that make dealing with EAB more manageable
and also fair to the residents.