2016-067 Appointing Election Judges for the November 8, 2016 General Election CITY OF HOPKINS
WHEREAS, Minnesota El-ction Law 204B.21 requires that persons serving as election judges
be appointed by the City Council at least 25 days before the election.
BE IT RESOLVED by th, Hopkins City Council that the following election judges are on file
in the office of the City Clerk and .hould be appointed as the Primary Election Judges for November 8,
2016; and
Diane Albrecht Ryan emauer Nancy Mattoon Rolette Wolke
Bill Arthur Amy endrickson Shawn McGerr Margaret Young
Pete Aune Peter irsch April Morrill
Romaine Bechir Kathy oagland Kathy Newcomb
Sheldon Berg Jeanne Jensen Gary Newhouse
Paul Bertrand Dougl. Jensen Carol Nordli
Corinne Braun Emily ohanneck David Nordli
Glydewell Burdick Bill Jo son Constance Olson
Jackie Bynum Kirk J i hnson Susan Pauly
Carol Carlson Jennif:r Jorgens Grace Prochnow
Sharon Cizek Bonita Kearns Wanda Rehmann
Bobbie Cook Janine Keller Betty Schumack
Dawn Cruze Jackie I esterton Timothy Sneer
Mary Culver Jessic. Klugman David Specken
David Culver Axel ,ornfuehrer Jacqueline Steffel
Maureen Davis Daniel Krawczak Nikki Storebo
Sheila Doran Terri ' ger Lisa Stroessner
Carol Dunn Quent'i Kubicek Jeanne Terhaar
Lisa Foland Mark uhl Dar Tolasek
Carole Frane Rebec a Larson Myra Underdahl
Patrick Gambill-Read Joan ee Joan Vesovich
Theresa Gmiterko Mary ein Barbara Weiss
Elizabeth Goeman Steve ewis Kenneth Weldon
Esmeralda Guajardo Mary indquist Mary Ann Weldon
Patrick Guire Andre Marlow Grace Wells
BE IT FURTHERRESO VED the Hopkins City Council also appoints other individuals and
all members appointed to the Hen epin County Absentee Ballot Board as authorized under Minnesota
Statute 204B.21, subd 2 under t e direction of the Hennepin County Election Manager to serve as
members of the Hopkins Absentee :allot Board; and
BE IT FURTHER RES I LVED that the City Clerk is with this, authorized to make any
substitutions or additions as deemeā¢ necessary.
Adopted by the City Council of th= City of Hopkins this 4th day of October O1 . ,
Molly Cx ings,Mayor
A IA A 2. I
Amy Domeier,City Clerk