IV.5. Approve Gallery Flats Parking Agreement; Stadler (CR2016-124)Dec 1, 2�16 Council Report 2016�124 Approve Gallery Flats Parking Agreement Proposed Action. Staff recommends adoption ofi the following motion: ;Move that City Council approve a parkinq lot agreement between the City of Hopkins and Sidal Realt� Co. LLLP fior the use of the citv parking ramp. Overview. In early 2014, City �ouncil approved a 5-year parking lo� lease agreement with Sidal Realty for Gallery Flats tenants' exclusive use of city parking lofi 750, 36 parking stalls. The owners ofi the Gallery Flats apartments sought the additional tenant parking to help meet a relatively short term demand untii the Green Line Extension Iight rail is operational. Currently, due to increased parking demand in the parking lot 750 area, the city would like to now convert the 36 stalls in lot 750 to public permit parking. This will free up stalls in the nearby lot 7.00 for more short term parking. In order to return parking lot 750 to public use, the City will issue 36 parking permits to Gallery Flats management for use in the City parking ramp only. The attached proposed parking agreement terminates the current lot 750 lease and provides the terms and conditions ofi the permit parking in the parking ramp. The City Attorney's office drafted the new agreement and Gallery Flats management (Sidal Realty) has reviewed and approved it. Primarv Issues to Consider. • Agreement terms and conditions , � The lease term runs from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019. r The annual rent to the city remains unchanged at $24,000/year, paid in monthly installments. � - Either party may terminafie the agreement with 120 d�ys notice. -- Gallery Flat permit holders may park in ramp area designa�ed for permit parking - Sidal Realty responsible for administrative tasks related to issuance ofi permits • Impact to public parking in the ramp - Based on Gallery Flats�very limited use ofi lot 750 over the past year, there shouldn't be much impact to public users ofithe ramp. If there were an impact, it would be on ev�nings with large-draw events downtown. During the day there are typically 75-100 permit parking stalls available in the ramp. Supporti nc�information. • Proposed parking agreement • Downtown parking map Steven J. Stadler, Public Works Director �,�� �' , :�_ �, ��� �� �� f �l��������� '�']HC�S .�►.GREEMEI�I�' ("Agreement) is by and between the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporatio� ("City"), and Sida� Realty Co. Lirnited Partnership, LLLP, a Minnesota limited liabi�i�t,y limited partnership ("Sida1") (collectively, the "Parties"). , , WITI�IESSETH: �ti'VHERE�A►.� Sid.al owns an�d o e�ates a.� a artmen� build�n located at 50 8�` A�venue � p p g South, Hopkins, l�ZN, known as �allery Flats Apartments (c`Gallery Flats"); �UVI�EREA�, City and Sida1 did, on or about Apxi� 13, 2014, enter znto an agreement entitled "Pa�king Lot Lease" ("Lease"), �n which Sidal Xeased parking spaces on a parking lot prope�ty owned by Cit�r, mainly for use b� �esidents af Galle� Flats; ti'VHEREAS, the lease included a�o�visxon that Sidal sublease a port�on of the parking lot � . .. � � . . « . for use by �he profess�onai bu�ldzng Iocated at 29 9 Ave N., I�opkY.ns, M�nnesota ( P�cofesslonaX Bullding"). . . '�'YHEREAS, the Pa�xes have agreed �to terminate said Lease as_ of December 31, 2016, and replace it with this Agreement; - �4�YHE��EAS, Sida� has agreed ta te�m.i.nate the sublease with the owners of ihe "Pxofessional Bui�ding." 'W�IEREAS, it zs the i�tention of the Pax�ties that this Agreem�.ent .be used to permit the occupants o�r guests of Gallery F�ats to park motor vehicles in thirty-si� (36) spaces of the City �arking �am� located at 26 10th Ave. S., I-�opkins, Mlnnesota ("Ra�n�"). T�TOW THEREFC�.RE, in �onsideration of the mutual ��om.ises and. agreements he�ein contained, the Parties hereto stxpulate and ag�ee as follo,ws : � � l. Recitals. The Recitals hereinabove are he�ceby inco�o.rated as te�rns of this Agreement. � ; , 2. Term:ina�ion of Lease. The Parties ag�ee thai the Lease shall terminate an December 31, 2016, vvithout fi.zrther notice or action taken by either pa�rty. 1�Totwithsta�ding t�iis Lease term.lnation. da.ie or any languag� in the Lease or �his Agreement to the contra�y, those pe�son,s cu�ently au�tho�ized to park 1n the parking lot that is the subject of the Lease sha11 be perm_i.t�ed to continue do so unti� B:OOp.m., January 1, 2017. After that time, the Ci,ty may take al1 authorized parki�.g enforcement actions, including w�thout �imitation the issuance of citations and. �owing of vehicles, as necessary. �1V�thin ten (10) days of receipt of an invoice ar si�rnilar evidence of expense, Sida1 sha11 reimburse the City its reasonable expenses associated with �emoving any veh�cles that were previously authorized to park under th� Lease but were not timely relocated. � 1 488045v8 BDL I�P145-19 This Agreement �s conditioned on the written termination of the sublease between Sida1 and the Professional Bullding, a copy of which shall be p�ovide�. to the City prior to the ef�ect�ve dat� of this .�.greement. The City is the sole beneficiary of this condition and may waive 1t in vv�iting. . 3. Term o� A�eement. Notwit�standxng the effective d�.�e of this Agxeement, the term of this A,eement sha11 con�rn.ence on the January 1, 2017 ("Commencement I�aie"):, and sha�I � te�~minate on the December 31, 2019, unless earlie� te��ninated. as provided under this Agreement. 4. Gxant of Ri�ht to Use and Ass��nment o� Such l�.�hts. Subject to t�e �imitatxons, te�cm.s and conditxons he�einafte� ��covided, City agrees to gran� to Sidal, fo� the use of the occupants or guests o� Gallery Flats, �he nonexclusive �ght to us� thz.�ty--s�x �3 6) parki�.g spaces i-� the Ramp, for the sole �u�ose of ��ovid�ng parking of non-commerciaX passenger �velucles. Sidal shall be entit�ed to asslgn vvzthout t�.e City's consent, ind�v�dual, no�exclusive parking s�aces in the Ra7m.p solely to occupa�.ts of Gallery F�atsa Sidal xs n.oi pexmitt�d to ass�g� any paxking space or spaces �o pe�csons or en�tities who a�ce not then-cu�xent occupa�.ts of Gallery Flats. 5. ��n�n.ual fee. Sidal agxees to pay to City Tweniy��'our Tho�.sand. and 00/104 Dol�ars 24� 000.0� ar�n�.all aid in twelve 12 e ual mo�t�y payments, the first i�.stallrnent to �be pai.d. (� � � Y� � � ) �. in advance o�. or before ihe Comrn.encement Date of this Agree�nent, and �ach subsec�uent monthl.y installment to b� aid. on ox before the �'�xst day of each succeeding m.onth, said pay�ments to be � made each and every n�.onth �.uri�g the term of the Aglceernent vvithout demand th�refor. ��da1's ann�.al aggregate charges for al1 of the R.amp pa7cking spaces �aid for by the Gallery F'lats occupants, as measuxed begin�ing on t�� Comm.enc�ment Date for ihe following 12-�n��.th period and for each �ucceed�.ng 12-m.onth per�od, may not exceed �he ax�nual total paym�.ent and other expenses and. cha�rges paid by the Sida� to Cit� or othervv�se incu�cr�d or paid by Sidal for use of the Ramp un�.er . t s g�eement. Each paym.ent due un.der thz.s Agreexn.ent made m.o�e than t�i7cee (3) days l.ate shall �esult in an automatic late fee ena�.t o� T,vtTo IIundred and DO/100 Do11a�t�s ($24�). Late �ayments m.ore than. � Y 4� (for-t,y--five) days late shall accru.e xn,ont�a.�.� i�.te�est from the due date at 1.5%. The late fe� an.d inte�est, if any, shall be paid tiva.th the subsequen��y mo�.thly �ayme�.t o�, z�. the event t�.a� it arlses �om t�ie late a en� of the Tern�, vvitk�i.n ten (10) days of a wr�tten �.ezx�.and froxn the City. � Y� . 6. Ta�es and. s�ecial assessmex�ts. S�da� sha11 pay a pro �:•ata sha�e af p�ope�.-ty taxes and special assessrnents fo� the Ra�x�.p, ca�culated as a�atio of th.irt�y�si� (3 6) author�zed parl�i�.g �permits to t�ie three hunci�ecl a�.d eighty (3 80) total parking spaces in the Ramp 3 6:3 80. �zdal shaX� pay the City its share of th� property taxes withit�. thi�ty (3 0� days of �eceipt of evidence of the prope�ty taxes. If ihe term of this Agreement xncludes on a partial calenda.� � y�ea�, the �cea� estate ta.xes a�.d installments of specia� assessn�ent payable by Sida1 sha�l be prorated o� a da�1y �basis so that S�:da� a s only the real estate taxes and installments of special assessments for those days during v�l�.ch �Y . the term of thx.s Agreement is in Effect. _ 7. Maintenance and Repaira City sha11 be responsible, at �ts sole cost, for ihe maintenance and. repair of the areas used for �ar�g and any access points ta public streets, and shall be likewise �esponsib�e fo� the removal of 1ce or snow accumulaiions on such areas, but only in connection with its custorn.ary practices of maintainxng, repairing and servicing such areas. If any� 2 � 488045v8 BDL HP145-19 � � damage is caused to the R.amp by Sidal or �idal's em�loyees, customers, agents ox sublessees, City may, but shali not be required to, repa�r such damage. Sidal sha11 reimburse Ciiy for a11 reasonable costs and expenses inc�urred in completing such repairs. C�ty sha11 have no duty or obligation to provide secu�rity for �the Ramp. Sida1 shall permit City to enter the Ramp at aIl times fo� the purposes of performing m.aintenance anc� xepair �ork, and there shall be no abatemeni of the paymenis �.ue hereunder by reason of such entry by City and City's agents and employees. No alte�.1ation of the Ramp sha�l be made by Sida� vc�ithou� the p�rio� consent of City in writirta.g. 8. Te�m.i�ation. Sida� n�ay terminate the Agreement by p�coviding advance written notice of terr�a.xnation to City no less than one hund�ed twenty (120) days �rior to the effectiv� d.ate of the �.greement terrnina�ion. City may terminate the Agreem.eni ,with notice to Sidal no� less than one hund�ed. twenty (120) � d.ays �rior to the effectl�e date of the Agreement te�mi�atzon. Szdal's. par��ing xights u�der this .Agreement sha11 te�ninate upon �x�iration of th.e te�m.. The pa�ties sha�� execute and record such i�n.st��ents as reasonab�.y necessa�r fo� any such �e�mxnat�on of x�ghts. _ 9. Destru.ction of Premises. If the Ran�p o�r a po�tion of the Ra�n.p sha11 �be damaged o� d.estroyed by any cause so as to rena.er it unfit for the parking uses granted to Sidal unde� this Agreemen% without the fault �o�r neglect of the Cxty or any person for vvhose conduct the City m.ay be �xable, the City shall undertake to repal�r such damage o� destruction at th.e City's own expense. I�o�wever, this A.greement sha11 rema�n in fu1X fo�ce and effect following such. dam.age o� destru.�tzon, an..d. the fees payab�e under paragraph 6 of ihis .Agreement sha11 not be abated so long as the City �s cond.�cting such �epairs, barrin.g evidence of a lack of due diligence, If t1�e destructzon or dam.age was caused by the negligence or intentional conduct of S��da1 or S��.al's agents, asszgnees, o� employees, Sidal sha1l be responsible for �epasring such da�n.age at its sole expense and thYs Agreement shall remain in full force and effect du�ri�.g the course of such �epairs fol�ovving such damage or destruction, and the fees paya�le u�de� paragraph 6 of this Agreement shall �.ot be abated. 10. Lia�bil�ty and Indemnity. This Ag�eeznent is made on the exp�ess candiiion that, except for Injury o� damag� cause�. by City's neglzgence or vvillfu.l mzsconduct, City shall be free f�rom a1I liabilities, clairn.s, obligat�ons and damages for or by reason of any injury o1� injurxes to any p ers on, p ers ons or prop ert� of any kind o f nature ,whats o ever �esulti�a.g from the us e of the Ramp by S1dal o� Sidal's agents, assignees, o� employees for any cause whatsoeve� d�ing the term of this Agreement. Sidal fu�ther ag�rees and covenants to indemrv.fy, save9 hold harmless and defen�. City f�om a111iabilities, claims, obligations, damages, cha.�ges, expenses and costs, xnclud�ng �easonable � at�orney's fees, arising out of o� resulting f�om the u.se of the Ra�rn.p by� S1�.al o� Sida1's agents, assignees or e�ra.ployees. N`othing in. this Agreement sha11 constiiute a waiver o�.� 1�mitation of a�n.y i�unu�.ity or linuta�ion on Iiability to which the C�ty is entztled under Mi.nn.esota Statutes, Chapter 466 ox otherwise. This paragra�h survives the �e�mination of the Agreement. 11. Insurance. Sida1 shall, during the term of the Agreement and any extension tl�ereto, m.aintain comprehensive ge�.e�ral public liability insu�ance ins�xring agains� death, personal injury and property damage occu�ci�g as a�•esuit of or in connection witl� Sida�'s use of the Ramp in a s�ngle limit amount of not less than $500,�00 fox personai injury or death, and not less than $500,000 for proper�ty dam.age or a�y other claim, and not Iess than $1,500,000 for any number of claim.s arising from a�single occ�.rrence. Such insurance po�xcy shall name City as an additional 3 488045v8 BDL HP145-19 insured, and Sida1 sha11 provide City, prior to using or subleasing any of the parking spaces provided herein, ar�d upon vvri�ten request any time thereaftex, with certificates evidencing Sida1 is maantaini-�.g such insuxance. Such insura�ce sha11 also require the �.rlsuxer to give City at least 3 O da s rior vv�ittex� notice of the canceXlation or term�ination of said policy. Y p 12. Default a�.d ternn.i.nation. ,A,. ,A�n.y one of the following events shall. constit�.te and Eve�t of Defaul�; i. Sidal fails to pay any znstall�ne�.t of �ent o�c payme�t for rea� estate ta�es or s ec1a� assessments as �rovided ir�. pa�agraphs 6 and. 7 of th�is Agree�nent when said p p payxnen� is due; xi. Sidal violates or fa11s to pexform any of the oth.er �erms, cove�ants or condit�ons of t1�is Lease a�.d such d.efault sh.all contin.ue for ten (10} days after not�ce from t�.e Ci�.y, unless such defau�t cannot be cu�ed in. the exerc�se of xeasonable diligence witk�n sa�c� ten (10) day period., iz�. W�ic�i event Sxda1 sl�all be allowed such additzonal time as is �.eeded to cu�r� such �.efault with a1� due diligence B. If any Event of Defau�.t occurs and contlnu.es vv�thout a ti�nel� cure as pxovided above the Cit xna at its sole option by �'itten notice to Sidal terminate the Agreemen� � Y Y ef�ectxvely in�m.edia�ely. I�Teithe� th� passage of tim� afte� ihe occurr�nce of the Ev��.� of Default nor exercise by the City of any ot�.e�r remedy v�ith regard ta such Event of Default shall �imit the City's rights under this. paragraph. � C. If an Event of Default occuxs and tk�e Cit� retains an attorney to prosecute the en.�orcement of a11 or any of the te�ms, covenants, agreements or conditians of this Agreen�emt, the collection of an� fees ox ta�es due or �a becom.e c�ue, or other xights �n.d.er this Ag�eem.ent, Szdal ag�,ees to reimbuxse �he City, for the Ci�ty's �easonable atto�rrx.ey's fees, togethe�r with the actual cost of nlai�n.tai�.ng any action comm.enced xn ��.w or equlty by said at�o�neys fo�c the service af the atto�r�.eys, VV�.e"�%er Suit �.S �i�e�. o� riOt. Suck� �ce�bursement s1�all be payable within thirty (3 0) days of demand t�.e�eof. - D. U on tern�.inatzon of this Agreement, Sidal sha11 �aca�:e �the Ramp, and remove a11 � personal propert� belonging io Sida1, its agents, ass�gnees, o� emp�oyees. 13. �'erm�t Adm�inistratio�. and. Park�� Enforcement. The Cit,y sha11 ar�nua�ly rssue ibirt,y-six (3 6} pa�king pe�nni.ts in the for�x�. o� numbered caxds, color-coded �o ref�ect the year of zssuance, to �idal. The City sha11 xssue d.uplicate pe�mit cards � xn the �e-vent that cards are lost or not return.ed by a Pe�m..it I-�oldex to Si�.al. Sidal sha1l be responszble for a�l ot�.er adminxstrative tasks related to the issuan�ce of pe�mits to and use of ermits b th.e occu ants of Gallery� Flats ("Per�mit Holde�s"). Permit Holders ma� p Y p �� ark in any area of the Ramp des�gnated for permit parking, except for the upper uncovered deck. p. , , . , . . , S1dal s�iall notlfy all Perm�ts �Iolders il�at the permlt cards must be placed �sxde the vehlcle s 4 488045v8 BDL HP�45-19 windshield and be c1e�.r1y vis�ble from the drive aisle of the ramp. No contracts between Sxdal and the Per�m.it �Iolders shall extend beyond the term of this Agreement. ' Contemporax�.eous wi.th the execution of an� contract �with a Permit I-3older, Sidal shal� provide a�w�ritt�n notice io tl�e Pe�mit I�older that her/h�s permit is subjeci to the covenants, te�m.s and conditio�.s of this Ag�reem.ent, including without Iimitatzon the City's right to �evoke the permits in the event of Sidal's defaul�. Sidal sha11 obtain a vv�itten acl�.now�edge frorn. the Perm.it I-�oldex of the recei�t of this notice and prov�tde a copy of such acknowledgement to the Citye Although Sidal �.eed not provide a copy of this Agreem.ent to each Pe�m.it Holdex, zi sha11 a make the agreement avaxlable to the Perm�it �older for review upo�. xec�uest. Througliout the �erm of this Agreemen�, � Sida1 sha11 m.aznta�n a lis� of all Pe�tnit JE-Io�ders, along �with each Fe�m�.t �IoXder's mailing address and e�ma�I add.�cess, zf any. Sida� sha11 provide the Cit� vvith a copy of such lis� withi.n thl.�y (3 0) da�s of the Co�imencem.ent I�ate and. sha�1 prov�de an updatecl copy of the list at the end of each successive sxx� mo�th �erxod. Upon the provision of a notice of �ermination of tlus agreement for any �eason, including d.efault by Sidal, Sidal sha11 be �esponszbXe for notifying a11 Permi� Ho�ders that t�ie permits sha11 no longer be val�d upon the te�inat�on of the Ag�eement. Notwithstanding this requ�rexnen�, the City may also, at any dat� subseque�.t to the provzsion of the notice of te�nination to either party to this Agreement, inform the Permit Holders zn wr�ting that the permits s1�a�l no longe� be valid u�on the Agreement's te�.nination. . The Cxty shall be responsible for general pa�rking enforcement �� the Ramp, but Sidal sha11 be responsxble for enforcing the ierms of its contracts wxth the Pe�mit �Iolders. 14. Notices. Any notice r�qui�ed o�r �ermitted. pursuant to the ,A.greem.ent shall �be �n vvriting and �.eemed ��operly given: (a) on the date of personaX de�ivery, o� a�tempted pexsonal delivery if refused; (b) on the date the notxce 1s �.elive�ed, ox attempted io �be de�ivere�. if refused, by a�eputable overnight delivery se�vice with p�oof of del�very or xefusal; �r (c) ox� the date of actual �eceipt if by certzfied. mai1. All notxces shall �be sent to the a�.�.ress provided belo�cr or to such other address designated by p�ope� notice. Refu.sal to accept delivery of a notice ox th� inability to delive� a notice beca�.se of an add�ess that was �not p�operl� given sha�l not defeat or delay the glv�ng of notice. , A. City addr�ss fo�r notice puxposes: City of Hopkins ' 1010 —1 S� Street S outh �Iopkins, I�1N 55343 Attni.: City Manager B. Sida1 address for notice ��urposes: Bruce P. Ru.biriger � General Pa�rtner Sidal Real� Co. Limited Partners�i�.p, LLLP 673 0 Walker Street � St. Louis Park, I�2N 55426 5 488045v8 BDL HFI45-19 15. La,ws Governin�. The Ag�.�een�ent s1�a11 be goVerned by the laws oi ihe State of Minnesota. � , 16. Assi�nment. The City� �rx�.ay assign its rights and. obligatians under this ag-�eem.ent vvithout the consent. o�f Sidal. Szd.a1. sha�� be a�lo�red to as�sxgn its rigl�ts unde� this Agreem.ent (e.g., the right to assig.n. th� individual permits to occupants of Ga1l.ery Flats), without City's consent, to ar�y eniity' that con.trols,ls controlled by, o� is under com�m.on control with S�daX. .As a co�.d�tion to any pe�cmitted assignxnent of Sidal's inte�est �n t�.is Ag�.,eeme�.t, Sida1 shal� provide City wiih a v�rritten asslgn�ment of Sida1's xnte�est in t1�is Agreeme�t whe�eby the assignee �agrees to be bound by and. perfo�m aJ.� of the terms, covenants and cox�dxtions of thi.s Agreem.ent.l�I�o asszgnm-ent of Sidal's interest sha11 z�elieve Sidal of Si�.a�'s ob�igations und.er t�i�is Agreex�.�nt, all of �which shall suxvive . any suc asslgnmente 17. Waiver. The failu�e of Czty� to enfo�ce any term, co�renant, G�ndition or breach of the Agreement sk�aXX not be �.eem.ed. a�raive� of the �cxght to �.o so thexeafte�. The acceptance by C�ty o� �artial payment shal� �ot be deexned a waive�c of any te�.�rn, covenant, condxtion or b�each of the Aglceement. No waiver of any� te�m, cove�.a�.t, conditxon. o� b�ceach �sha11 b� efFect�ve unless in. wri�ln.g. A vvritten v�razver of any term, covenant, cond��ion o�c b�each of the Agreem.ent sl�all not be d.eem.ed a waxver of any subsequen� term, covenant, conditio�. or b�each, whethe�c such subsequent term, co�venant, conditzon or b�each xs th.e saYne o�c difFerent, ��cept as speci�ed in vvriting in the waiver. No waiver by Cxty sha11 constit�.te a waiver of sovereign �r��nUni.�y or any othe� r�u�nity from liabil�ty provided fo� by statute. `This paragra�h su�vives the te��nir�.ation of the A.g�eement. 18 . ,S e�ve�abilit�. If any term., co�venant, or condxtxon of the .A�g�eement o� the app�xcation thereof �o an erson or circumstance �s, to an� e�.tent, invalid or �une�.fa�ceabl�, or in con�.xct with y� �l�e 1aw of the juz-isdictiox�, the �emainde� of the Agreem.e�.t o� the ap�lxcat�on of such te�rm, covenant or condztxo�. to persons ox c.irc�stances othe� than those as ta w�i�i.c� xt is held ir�.valxd or unenforceable, s1�a11 �ot be affected a�.d each term, covenant or con�.itxon of the Agreemen� shall be valid and be enforced to the f�.11est extent per�i�ted �y 1a,w. 19. Bindzn� Effect. This Ag�r�e�nent is i�.tended to be binding on t1�e parties l�ez•eto and their �espective assigns. [remainder of this page left blank intentio�ally] 6 488045v8 BDL HP145�19 � DATE: , 2016 � DATE: DATE: 201� 2016 _ 7 488045v8 BDL HP145-19 CITY OF I-�OPK:IN�, MI��7�TESOTA By• . . Mol1y Cumum.i.r�.gs, Mayo� And . By• . Mike Mornson, City Ma�.ager s S IDAL REALTY C O. LIMITED PARZ�ERSHIP, LLLp By Its General Paa�tner F Downtown Parking Map Comments or suggestions regarding parking facilities should be submitted to Hopkins City Hall, 1010 1st St. S., Hopkins, MN 55343, or call 952-935-8474. 11 t h A v e N 1st St N 1st St S 9t h A v e N 8t h A v e N Mainstreet 11 t h A v e S 10 t h A v e S 9t h A v e S 8t h A v e S 400A 400C 400B 700 600500 800 200300 400 500A City Hall HCA Downtown Park 10 t h A v e N 750 Municipal lots are enforced Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., unless otherwise posted.Enforcement Hours Parking Revenues All revenues derived from parking fees are dedicated to the parking fund, which is used exclusively to sustain the existing parking system and provide future parking lots. Lot Location Duration Total Spaces Permit Spaces 200 8th Ave. S., ½ block south of Mainstreet 3 hr 67 16 300 9th Ave. S., ½ block south of Mainstreet 3 hr 69 36 400 Ramp between 10th & 11th Ave. S.3½ hr 380 200 400B Around ramp —south 1 hr 5 None 400A&C Around ramp —north & southeast 3 hr 29 None 500 11th Ave. N., ½ block north of Mainstreet 1½ & 3 hr 96 None 500A 11th Ave. N., ¼ block north of Mainstreet 3 hr 21 None 600 10th Ave. N., ½ block north of Mainstreet 3 hr 137 26 700 14 8th Ave. N., ½ block north of Mainstreet 3 hr 73 None 750 37 9th Ave. N., south of 1st St. N. off 9th Ave. 3 hr 37 37 800 1st St N & 10th Ave N Free 95 None Total Parking Spaces in Municipal Lots:1,009 315