III.1. Recognition of Police Chief Johnson’s 40 Under 40 Award; Mornson (Memo) City Manager CITY OF HOPKINS Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Council Members From: Mike Mornson, City Manager Date: November 6, 2017 Subject: Recognition of Police Chief Johnson _____________________________________________________________________ It is my honor to recognize our Police Chief, Brent Johnson, for receiving the IACP 40 Under 40 award. Together we will thank Chief Johnson for maintaining our commitment to excellence to Inspire, Educate, Involve and Communicate. I � � ■ � ��� I Servin� the �e�ders a f taday, de�e�o��ng the leaders of ��marr�w. The annual IACF 40 L nder 4� Award recognizes 4� law eniorcement professionals under the age of 40 from around the world who demonstrate lead- ership and exemphfy commitment to their profes- sion. The dedicated law enfarcement professiana€s sele�ted for the 20" 7 ACF 4Q l�nder 4� award are current and u�ranc�-caming leaders. 7hey serve e�er day as crime analysts, special agenis, troapers, c�iefs, com- m�ssioners, lieutena�ts, and captains, among other rales, and they represent all types and sizes o# law enforcement agen- cies, includmg state, local, federal, and military These extraoF dinary leaders are driven hy their cammitment ta improve thei� agen�ies and the persvnnel they work with. Regardless of rank, thess law er�forcement professianals have dedicated their �areers ta raising the bar for their ctimmunities ant{ for thase who serve their communities. These role modeEs irrr {�ro�e themsel�es by facusing outwardly on advan�ing those araund t€�em. They make sacrifi�es to ensure tf�at their agen- cies and their peers are serving at their very best Cespite ihe numerous awards and ac�olades many of these indivi�iu- als have already re�eived, all of the 40 Lnder 4� awardees ha�e emphasized that they are only one part of a team that is responsible for those accomplishmen#s The 40 Lnder 4d 4,� FC]RTY I�P award winners knaw that, in order to truly imprn�e the v+rorld that they live in and ser�e, they ha�e ta strive to impro�e their departments ar�d those they work alangside They understand that, especEally in the law enfor�ement field, collaboration is vital for improved ser�iCes. Each winner was chosen for his or her demonstration of strang values and commitment to the law enforcement field. The winners hegan a �areer in law enforcement ta prQtect people, especially those whocannat protect themsel�es. They emit pasitiviry, genuine �oncern, and compassion, despite the many traumatic experiences that al! law enfarce�ent person- nel face. They lead hy example hy prwiding training and men- torship far others, ser�ing as role models, de�elaping more ef#ecti�e methodologies for their dapartments, and taking a� vantage af e�ery appQrtuniry ta build up those around them. The awardees ha�e capitaEized an their su�cesses to impra�e their cammunities ihrough community service, philanthrapic pra�'ams, outreach, and eduption. They ga heyond the�r roles in the €aw enfor�ement fi�]d to impro�e their �ammunities in an effart to make the world a better pla�e for their lo�ed ones, the public, and future generations. The IACP is proud to recognize th� following law enforcement prafess�onals tnrough the 4� Under 4� award. www.pc�lirerhiefrnagafine.org 'I'}Ili PUL1Clii'lI1CI�I5lil''1'liR]}Sl�:ft 2U17 47 �� UN[]ER �� 6rent Johnson �' ' -; - Jeffrey A Jahnson Chief of Pokce , Sergeant �fopkins Poli�e � , Raanake Cvunty Police ❑epar#ment, Minnesota � � ^� i� Department, Virg�nia Age:39 , _ pge:38 4 ►r CHIEF 6REI+ITJ01-iN5Dl+1's motto is "Gaing abo�e and t�eyonri is t�e expe�tatiai, not the exception;' and i�is actions g'nre truth to his worcis_ He is always gang the extra mile for the #�eople he serves—he is especialEy passio«ate aE�out sup- parti�g youtf� and Fostering diversitywithin his community. He l�as de�eloped several programs to support young peo�le and help them deve€ap positi�e relatior�ships with law enforcement. Fnr exarnple. in aperation Recess, officers piay with ehildren at Eocai elementary schools during Eunch and recess. f_Tiief Johnson's Cops n Kids fishing program equips selec[ed ch}Idren with a life jacket, fis�ing poEe, and ta�kie E�ox ihat they can keep, and they spend a day an a local lake with an affi�er to leam fishing skills. This papular pragram �ontiiiues t� re�e�e communiry funding e�eryyear. He alsa de�eloped tl�e Big Brother& 5ister Pragram, wl�icti partr�ers officers with a"little" fram a lacal efementaryschool. The afficers in tfie program spend an hour on duty, on�e a week playing ar�d connecting witl� tf�eir little. He also stri�es to celebrate t�e diversity of the communiry. Hopkins Poli�e flepartment serries approximately 20,OD0 peo�ie who. in total. speak more than 44 diFferent Ean- guages. Chief lohnson supparts tile Soint Community Police Partnership. which allows f�is rfepartrnent ta meet with a rivifian multieuftural advisvey cammittee ta share eoncerns and learn how to k�est senre this di�erse cammunity. He also seeks out di�ers� law enforcemenE candidates, pro�idir�g them with partial funding for education and hEring tl-�em as off�cers when tl�ey sucressFully mmplete their degrees. Chief Johnson finds moti�ation in the success and initiati�es and t}�e opporEunities for him and his offi�ers to have a posi- ti�e impact qn peo�le's 1i�es. f�y ���of�vr���ar� �nr�3e; rli���ttly f+�r��}� ri�y «�rr values r�r�r} tr•u!y war�trr�g to rn�ke a di�er��r�ce in the commur�ity we serve. �very dQy I wark toward mak+ng improvements tar �he hetterment o f the nrganization nnr! the cvmmt�nity. SERGEANT1EFfREYAJ�M�VS�N's dr�e and capat�ility tv forrn strong refativnships with his emplvyees ailqws him ta manage his respansibilities with exceptional competenr.y. His supervision s�alls in his current rokes—the Bike Patrd program 000rdinat�r for the Roanvke C�unry Fvlir.e De��artment anci a team leader af the Bicy�le Response Team—and his demor�- strated ability ta bafanoe positi�ity and accountahikity inspired his peers to se�ect him for the ciepartment's Leaciership Award in 2013 and 2Q15. SergeantJohnson is also the primary administratflroF the department's social media accounts. F!e has used this pnsition to launch a variety oF social media campaigns. such as the #5eatbelt selFie on Twitter for CJi�k it orTidcet M�nth. He also i�osted "?weet-alongs' arzd initiated CoFfee witt� a Cop iri his agency to engage community members. These programs demor�strdte SergeantJohnson's cammitrnent to huilding and strengfheriing pasitive [ammunity-j�alice relativns. a gval partially moti�ated hy his own positi�+e interactions with law enforcement as a youth. in addition to iiis vthera«omplishments. fvllowing f�is as- signment to the CriminaE In�estigadons [3i�ision, 5ergeant Johnson de�eloped and implernented a new dorr�estic �io- lerice program. He createci a Domestic Volence Coordinator 4�osition, estat�is}ied a pu}�€i� educativn prograrn regard- ing domestic yolence, warked with the Commonwealth Attotne�Js Office tb enharice prosecution of repeat bffenders, derreloped a reporting plan to help identify higti-risk �ictims, and implemeizted a creat�ve lethality assessinent tool to heip high•risk�ictims connect to a Iocal domesti� �idence ser�ice provider. Tt�rou�out e�ery assignment. 5ergeant Jofinson fias consistentiy dis�iayed initiati�e and dedication in l�is mis- sion to keep his carnmuniry safe and irrvohred. Tl�e irfeti €f�c�i y���� cc��� f�e ��rt ir� tl�e car��t���tr�ity working ot� problems and da something tar�gi�ie for the community that yau rrve in is rnvrgorvtrng. S6 '1'llEi P{)[.[C'li CtlII�FISi:i'I'fiM1iEiEiR Z1Y17 w��w.palicerhiefmagar.ine.nrg