1971r A reg-alr_ meeting of the Zoni.n;; and Planning Commission of - the City of Hopkins, .7as aId ..r; '1t;'nb mar, 23, 3971, at 7:30 P.1 %, :.:e the Council Clear�t•ers of the City "All. Pr..:ent sere Chairman Lohminpn, members Hussey, Shirley, Sidla and Slato;.. Ise present were City l :anager Novak, Zoni-V Administrator Blomquict, Assistant Lngineer Anderson and Er. rya from Mid Brest Planning and Reseerch. case 3I0. 70 -29 Continued hearing on an application by Northwestern ]sell Telephone J' ompar :f to consider the vacating of the following described alley: Part of the Ilor•th -South ,alley from the Borth property line of Lots 7 and 18, to the South property line of Lots 9 and 16, B;.ock 7.0, U es't Minneapolis Second Division. Cletus Dor•ar',s appeared as representative of Northwester Dell Telephone Company. lie stated the willingness of Northwestern :sell to furnish the City a three foot easement for alley purposes along the south side of Lots 9 and 16, Block 70, IIent Minneapolis econd Division, a fourteen foot easement for alley purposes along the north lino of Lot 17 Block 70, . Iinneapolis Second D ivision, and a severe fact by seven foot triangle easement agreement for alley purposes from Thomas 0. Kocanda to provide turning space at the junction of the 1 '..lest and North -South alley. 11r. Blomquist, 'Zoning Adminictrator, informed the Coounission that 1'r. D;icrscn Greenberg, reprenenting Gelco Inc. had inforr..ed him tltrt the Grossraans have no plans to improve their property at this time so do not feel obligated to give any land for alley purpoces at this tine. • Action: Er. Hasrey moved, and Er. Shirley seconded a motion to racer. :vend that the Council vacate the north -south alley fron the extensions of the south line of Lots 9 and 16 across said alley to a point '4 feet south of the north line of Loto 7 and 18, Block 77, l•IeEt Einneapoli :. Second Division, subject to the City receiving the easements as described in -the first paragraph. Lotion carried. Case No. 70-31 Continued hearing to consider changing the terminus and exiting of Hiawatl'ca Avenue on the Comprehensive Plan. Chairman. Lohmann ordered this item continued to I:arch 30, 1971. Case Ile. 71 -04 scaring on a petition to re -zone from III• -1 (industrial District) to op -d" (l :ultiple Family Residential) and "B3 -b" (General Dusineco District) the following described property: That Cart of Lots 75 and 76, Auditors Subdivision 11o. 239 lyin. '.:act of the Fast 635 feet thereof and Southwrly of the Ilorthwecterly 30 feet thereof. The site plan as presented choirs a 300 foot by 303 foot squere at • the intereection of I:onk and LSccelsior Avenues to be re- -zoned to "B3b". The balance of the tract to be re- .zoned 1 IR -4 Plano for the R-4 area are intended to accomcdate 165 apa.rtmentc, a nursing home and raedical center. Jo proposal for development of the proposed L3-b area was, presented. rr. `, hirley voiced a concern for the front yard setback in the proposed B3 -b District because the B3 -b regulations de not require a!4y front yard. All the industrial propertice to the east have substantial fro.'.: yard:. Action: Er. Shirley moved, and Yr. Hussey seconded a faction to rocommtend that the Counca.l rezone the total parcel to the `R­4" District.. The motion ca.ri.ed. I:r.. Shirley suggested that the owners present a plate for ' uce of the proposed "133 -b" District for further considexatiun by the commission, prior to the Council actx.oe.. Case No. 'f1. -05 Hearin, to consider granting a Conditional Use Permit p to a 269.42, C:ubdiviwioe 2 (10) of the Zoning O.rdi.nance •co alloit :arnufacturiag, t ^bri,atirg assmnbly and repai =• of elactri.c.al . ^ d mechanical aguipment on the fol'! of -ring described property- That part of the SR; of the IILq lyir4,r Northeasterly of - . - Il: I :inneapol.i.c & St. Lcuir R.1ilroad right- of -ca;l, Section 23, Toi,n:chip 117, Range 22, also knoum ae 350 11th Av- :,nluc The propo a .l ro c epair, areemble and cell elec•ts�i ca: : ip I t r,as deemed a cuitable use for the property. hc'"ion: I'r. Sicl? tiaveol. 10 Er. 11u• :sey aocondcd 2 motio to rccoran2nd that he Cc!.. cs!. e�- 'the Co; d :.tiona :! ? sc = c.rr. :i.t se requested. Eotior. aarried. r Zoning t..rd Plnn:iin6 Commission minutes of Febro.ory 23, 1971, continued. I•t Hearing to consider the follouring amendment to the I:opkins Zoning Ordinance: Add to the permitted uses ill -the 13-3 District the conducting of Day Ilurseries and Nurcery schools. Action: Mr. Shirley moved, and [:r. Sidla seconded a motion to recommend that the Council adopt an amendment to the B-3 regulations adding as a permitted ane the conducting of Day ITurseriec and ITursery Schools. illation carried. Item: Hearing to review the Hopkins Comprehensive Plan as it effects the south half of Section 25 (that part of Hopkins located south of 7th Street South). i:r. Ilovak commented on the status of Valley Park, the proposed Public tlorkc Developmont, ITine i:ile Creek happenings, and the Sanitary Lard Fill. Mr. Aslanidis of Midwest Planning and Rzorearch reviewed the policies and reasons for the patterns of use as proposed in the plan. Action: I1r. Shirley moved, and Er. Sidle. seconded a motion to reownend that the Council adopt - the proposed Comprehensive Plan for that part of Hopkinc lying south of Seventh Street South. I:otion carried. • Iten: Flood Plain Zonina. Chairran Lohmann appointed Dr. Slaton and i:r. Shirley as a committee to wok width Terry Novak to formulate a proposed draft of a Flood Plain Zoning Ordinance. I:r. Hussey moved and I:r. Shirley seconded a motion that action on any proposed resolution concerning Flood Plain Zoning eras premature because of lack of information. Further study should be made by the committee. I:otion carried. Item: Proposed amendment to - the Zoning Ordinance permitting and regulating marquees and canopies, continued to I-:arch 30, 1971 meeting. Item: The comminnion discussed - the prohibition of billboards in the B-2 zone and decided no action was desirable. Action: I:r. Shirley moved and I:r. Sidla seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned. • ATTEST: Paul'Lahn' n, Chairman — EMBERS: 0 4 regular meeting of the Hopkins 2orsing and Planning Commission mac held on Tuesday, April 27, 7971 &t 7:36 P.I.. in the Council Chawber: of the City Ball. Presant won Chairman Lohmam, members Blake, fl►sesey, Mirlay, Sidla and Claton. Also present were 'Zoning Arkninistrator Rlomquict, City Dagineer S�trojan and City Plw zor Hawke. Case 110. 71 Hearing to consider approvinC a Prelininasy Lend Curvey pursuant to Section 350 of the Hopkins Code of Qrdin:snoee on the following doscribed property c All of Lots 1 through 19 inclusive in Block 20, including the North -South alley heretofore vacated in said block; and all of Lots 1 through 14 inclusive in Block 21, including the Uort>7.-South alley heretofore vacated in raid block and all of that part of 12th Avenue Couth vacated 13ring between said Blocks 20 and 21 and Southerly of the Uortherly lines of said Blocks 20 and 21 extended and lying tlortherly of the Northerly line of the right -of -way of the ChicaCo and Nor'ahuestern T,ailroad Company, all in :lost I_inneapolis according to the map or plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Fecister of Doeds,.Hennepin County, . l:innesota. Also that pest of the Southeast Quarter of the Couthvect quarter, Ceetion 24, Township 117, Range 22, and that part, of the Fortheast quarter of the Northwest quarter, teption 2,F Township 117, Range 22, designated as the right- of« -wsy of the St. Paul, 1'. & I:. R.R. Entchinaon Division, on the plat of 1 4cet l:inneapolia which lies Uest of tho exteanion North of the Last line of Block 21, '!est : :inneapolic, except the !7ect 33 feet thereof. (Southwest corner of County Road 3 and 11th Ave. So.) Andreas Justus explained that the purpose -of the platting tae to pn_snit four different uses on the property, that tho numerous parcels were to allow granting accese eaaemants to all properties from the available access points. A letter from Herbert 0. Klosaner, County Engineer, requenting %hat i:r. Justue "Dedicate all that part of the deaoribod property wh►tch lies in the southwest quarter of Section 24, Township 117, Range 22 as additional right -ef -nay for CSAH 1 3" was put in the record by the Chsairxaa. Pemite for curb cuts from the City of Hopkins and Hennepin County ac show on.the preliminary plat and plot plan were noted. i.r. alcmquiot read a letter from Ray fla,ik, Attorney for the Nine Ft, s Creek ?laterabod Board, confining satisfaction with the reap easement of 541 feet from the centerline of the creek. Actions l:r. Shirley moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded a notion to recommend G 1 to thy+ Council approval of the preliminary plat as presented, 7 t G and mots for the record that any uceoec to Par,celr" •FO 9 0 , and mutt 1[ be thin Pexcela •• and 'J' or OC+ and °D• and not directly to CSe1ft 3. I:otioa earned. Care No. 71-47 Request by Richard Ileslund Conrtruction Compegq that the boundary ctroet of 11th Street South be called "ertbrooke Boulevard. 11r. Hazes en%w- crated these facts: I. Mt' venth Street South is the.baundary between Unnetoaka and Hopkinz . 2. ''!e;;t of 17th Avenue and Fact of 5th Avenue extended, the road will be totally in i:innetonka. 3. Prezenv plans indicate that the proposed !!estbrooke Boulevard wi:U meet Doniniek road at Shady Oak Road. 4. Naming of the street should be, mutually agroed by Hopkins and TArmatonka. 10 Action[ A motion to infam the Counoil that the Commiosion has no objection to the Council Joining with 1- innetorkA to rrnvtx�e Eleventh Street South to lieatbroaka Boulevard carried b5r a veto of 4 to 2. Item: Dr. Slaton moved, and 1 Nuasey seconded a motion that the subject of private encroachment of public property be referred to the City Attorney for a import azd guidance. l:otion curried. r ' d• P T:inutes; of April 27, 1971, coatinued. Ytems Ur. gawks agreed to report Rally on the matter of regulating mrquees: and canopies on private property at the meeting of Lay 2 5, 1 371. Items Report on Mood Plain Zoning continued to Eny 25, 1971. Items Me rubject of car washes was discussed at length and a decilion to not take any action on the matter resulted. Actions 1'r. Shirley moved. and Mr. Hussey seconded a motion that the Item meetinC be adjournod. Lotion carried. ►i"PEMS FM Lobmsan, dS • YMBOM t •