2007 . CITY OF HOPKINS PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES January 8, 2007 A regular meeting of the Hopkins Park Board was held on January 8, 2007. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Park Board Chairperson Dick Niemann at 6:36 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Present were Park Board members: Kari Kyllo, Kate Reilly and Richard Niemann (Ron Helgeson informed Steve Stadler via email that he would miss the January 8 meeting). Also present was Hopkins staff liaison Steve Stadler. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR NOVEMBER 20, 2006 K. Kyllo moved and Kate Reilly seconded a motion to approve the minutes for the November 20, 2006 meeting. On the vote, the minutes were approved 3-0. • IV. BUSINESS A. Park Board Mission Steve Stadler provided the Board with the proposed Park Board Strategic Plan, including proposed objectives and action steps. After much discussion,the Board requested the following revisions to the Strategic Plan: -Add a goal #5 and objectives: Develop and promote recreational programs (Jt-Rec Board and non Jt-Rec Board programs) - Add an action step under goal #1 to catalog open spaces - wetland, upland, dominant tree species, wildlife, etc. -Add an objective under goal #1 to revise the park dedication fee formula to provide some incentive for developers to build more densely and thus create/maintain natural areas. - Add an action step under goal #4 for periodic "park spotlight" articles in the Hopkins Highlights as well as providing information to the public on the Park Board strategic plan. B. Neighborhood and City Park Improvement Planning Steve Stadler provided a memo with park classification information including 1990 park category descriptions, 1999 Hopkins Comprehensive Plan(Parks, Open Spaces and Trails section), Park amenity . matrix, and two options for neighborhood park minimum standards for amenities. The memo also City of Hopkins Park Board Minutes January 8, 2007 Page 2 of 2 included some proposed park system resident survey questions and optional methods to survey residents for feedback on their neighborhood parks. Following discussion by the members, the following action was taken: Staff should clarify the classification system to reflect the actual number of residents within 1/2 mile radius of each neighborhood park. Staff should continue with the "Chart 2" classifications and standards (see attached). Kate Reilly moved these staff actions be done, seconded by Kari Kyllo and the motion carried with a 3 - 0 vote. Other related items: The Board asked for the specifics of the School District'sarea lay policy. The p p Y Board asked staff to draft a sample letter to residents regarding the Strategic Plan, neighborhood park standards and seeking general feedback on their neighborhood park. C. Park Area Assignments Report: No report at this meeting. Park assignments are: Kate Reilly: Maetzold Field, Interlachen Park and Shady Oak Beach. Kari Kyllo: Hilltop, Buffer and Burnes Parks Ron Helgeson: Valley Park, Central Park, Oakes Park Richard Niemann: Cottageville Park, Harley Hopkins Park, Elmo Park Doug Datta(new member): Park Valley Playground, Shady Oak Nature Area, Downtown Park, Hiawatha Oaks natural area • V. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETINGS March 19, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. City Council Chambers VI. ADJOURNMENT Kari Kyllo moved and Kate Reilly seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion carried on a 3-0 vote. The meeting adj•urned at 9:30 p.m. • Attest: ditelipr,jak , Chairperson • , • CITY OF HOPKINS PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES March 19, 2007 A regular meeting of the Hopkins Park Board was held on March 19, 2007. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Park Board Chairperson Dick Niemann at 6:34 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Present were Park Board members: Kate Reilly, Richard Niemann, Ron Helgeson and Doug Datta Absent was member Kari Kyllo (Kari Kyllo informed Steve Stadler via email that she would miss the March 19 meeting). Also present was Hopkins staff liaison Steve Stadler. Chairperson Niemann welcomed New Park Board member Doug Datta to the Board. Doug then introduced himself, described his interest in the Park Board and mentioned his past involvement with the Hopkins Area Little League, City of Winona Jaycees and State of Minnesota Jaycees organizations. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR JANUARY 8, 2007 • K. Reilly moved and R. Niemann seconded a motion to approve the minutes for the January 8, 2007 meeting. On the vote, the minutes were approved 4-0. IV. BUSINESS A. Neighborhood and City Park Improvement Planning The Board discussed the proposed park classification system and the chart showing minimum equipment standards for neighborhood parks. It was decided that the Downtown Park would be classified a "Special Purpose Area." Further, the Board decided that they would prefer to label the park features that would not normally be considered at the smaller parks (less than 2.0 acres) or at parks that do not have reasonable off-street parking. The park features that would be allowable at any neighborhood park would be: tables, BBQ grill/s, benches, passive open space, drinking fountain, play equipment and picnic shelter. A revised chart will be provided at the next meeting. The discussion then moved to the proposed letter to residents and attached neighborhood park survey form. The Board suggested some minor changes to the cover letter and requested that the second page of the survey be revised to a chart format that will provide feedback on both number of different age groups per household as well as how each age group uses the neighborhood park. The Board asked about mailing to individual apartment units - staff will check into this. Steve Stadler mentioned an upcoming City Council Work session on April 24 to update the Council on Park Board actions, including the neighborhood park improvement planning and the strategic plan. Park Board members were encouraged to attend this meeting. ,0 I, t City of Hopkins Park Board Minutes March 19, 2007 Page 2 of 3 B. City-wide Survey Staff reported that the draft survey is still being developed but that members would have an opportunity to review and comment on the draft survey form before it's final. The timing is to conduct the telephone survey in late April/Early May and have results within a month later. C. Park Board Mission Staff reviewed the proposed 2007 Strategic Plan for final Park Board approval. The Board requested a minor change to the Mission Statement, to add purpose statements to the action steps under Goal#1, Objective#1, and add an action step#4 under Goal #1, Objective#2 regarding the city-owned natural area adjacent to Minnehaha Creek @ Hopkins Crossroads. With the aforementioned revisions noted, Kate Reilly moved to approve the 2007 Strategic Plan, seconded by Ron Helgeson-the motion passed on a 4-0 vote. D. Comprehensive Plan update Staff reviewed a March 8, 2007 memo to the Park Board members regarding the three upcoming neighborhood meetings on April 30, May 3 and May 7 and on the plan to meet with the planning consultant at the May 21 Park Board Meeting to discuss proposed updates to the Park, Open Spaces and • Trails section of the plan. E. Capital Improvement Plan - initial review/input for 2008-2012 plan. The Board agreed to move the Co Rd 3 Beautification Corridor project from 2008 to 2009. This project should be separated into two separate projects: memorial gardens - $20,000 and miniature golf course - $60,000. There were no other proposed changes at this time. F. Park Area Assignments Report: No report at this meeting. Park assignments are: Kate Reilly: Maetzold Field, Interlachen Park and Shady Oak Beach. Kari Kyllo: Hilltop, Buffer and Burnes Parks Ron Helgeson: Valley Park, Central Park, Oakes Park Richard Niemann: Cottageville Park, Harley Hopkins Park, Elmo Park Doug Datta: Park Valley Playground, Shady Oak Nature Area, Downtown Park, Hiawatha Oaks natural area V. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETINGS May 21, 2007 at 6:30 .m. CityCouncil Chambers p • City of Hopkins Park Board Minutes March 19, 2007 Page 3 of 3 VI. ADJOURNMENT Kate Reilly moved and Ron Helgeson seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion carried on a 4- 0 vote. The meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m. Attest: , Chairperson • . CITY OF HOPKINS • PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES May 21, 2007 A regular meeting of the Hopkins Park Board was held on May 21, 2007. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Park Board Chairperson Dick Niemann at 6:30 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Present were Park Board members: Kate Reilly, Richard Niemann, Ron Helgeson and Doug Datta. Also present was Hopkins staff liaison Steve Stadler. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MARCH 19, 2007 Ron Helgeson moved and Doug Datta seconded a motion to approve the minutes for the March 19, 2007 meeting. On the vote, the minutes were approved 4-0. IV. BUSINESS • A. Comprehensive Plan Update Presentation and Discussion Lance Bernard, HKG, Inc. provided an additional handout to the members and explained the remaining Comprehensive Plan Update process and schedule. He stated that a draft update to the Parks, Trails and Open Space section of the Comprehensive Plan would be available for review and approval by the Park Board at its July 16, 2007 meeting. This would precede the second round of community meetings. He then discussed the Metropolitan Council's system statement regarding the projected population and number of households increases through 2030 and touched on 1990 &2000 census data trends regarding age and race. Kate Reilly mentioned that she'd like to see the plan show the need for trail connections along Minnetonka Mills Road connecting to Burnes Park and the Cedar Lake Trail and from the north segment of the regional SWLRT trail to Excelsior Boulevard and the southern segment of the SWLRT trail. Lance mentioned that the plan would show the projected future Edina/Richfield trail connecting to the SWLRT trail at 11th Avenue. Dick Niemann stated that the plan should show the need to upgrade Cottageville Park, including expanding the park and improving its visibility and accessibility by acquiring the residential property abutting the park along Blake Road. B. Neighborhood and City Park Improvement Planning The Board discussed the proposed implementation plan for the city-wide park survey as shown on Steve Stadler's memo. Dick Niemann would like to see the new park system chart reorganized to show the neighborhood parks and allowable amenities grouped together. Steve Stadler said that this could easily be done. The proposed staff plan is to complete the surveys such that results can be compiled and , City of Hopkins Park Board Minutes May 21, 2007 • Page 2 of 4 discussed at the July 16 Park Board meeting. Doug Datta moved and Kate Reilly seconded a motion to approve the park survey plan as presented by staff. The motion passed on a 4-0 vote. C. Park Board Mission Staff provided a revised document and reported that the goals/objectives/action items had been updated per Park Board member comments from the last meeting. Additionally, action steps were added regarding: obtaining a long-term lease agreement for the Zion Lutheran Church parking lot that abuts Burnes Park and periodic Recreation Dept. briefings to the Park Board on budget, programs and participation. D. Capital Improvement Plan Staff provided informational sheets describing proposed new 2008 - 2012 park projects and the resulting Park Capital Improvements Fund (301) working capital report. After some discussion, the Board agreed with the proposed projects. It was stated that the upcoming park system survey may yield information leading to revisions to the proposed CIP program. The Board requested that staff investigate how other area cities generate revenue, besides Park Dedication Fees,to support park improvement programs. sThe Board supported changing the location of the new shuffle board courts (2007 CIP project) from Burnes Park to Maetzold Field. Kate Reilly moved and Doug Datta seconded a motion to approve the • proposed 2008-2012 park system CIP. On the vote,the motion passed 4-0. E. Shady Oak Beach Committee report on season passes Kate Reilly discussed the Shady Oak Beach Committee report with the Park Board. The goals of the new season pass plan for the 2008 season is to: improve convenience and customer service regarding purchasing season passes, keep costs competitive with surrounding facilities and to generate revenue to cover expenses and assist with future beach improvements. After some discussion, the Board supported the Committee's recommendation to charge a$12/user season pass fee with an additional $10/transaction "convenience" fee for passes purchased at the beach. Example: a family of three would pay $36 for three passes plus an additional $10 if they are purchased at the beach. Kate Reilly also mentioned that the plan for the 2008 season was to be set up to use the bar code on the passes to track facility use,program participation and improve record keeping. Kate stated that she felt the Joint Recreation Board would call a meeting in July to consider the Committee's recommendation. Final approval of the new season pass plan would be through the Hopkins and Minnetonka City Councils. F. Nine Mile Creek Bank Stabilization and Habitat Improvement Project Steve Stadler explained the scope of the proposed 2008 project and the differing types of improvements planned along the creek corridor. He also stated that the intent was to improve the buffering and access along the creek by obtaining easements from abutting property owners plus constructing a trail along some of the creek. Further design information would be provided for Board review/comment at subsequent meetings • , City of Hopkins Park Board Minutes May 21, 2007 Page 3 of 4 G. Park Area Assignments Report: Park assignments are: Kate Reilly: Maetzold Field, Interlachen Park and Shady Oak Beach. Vacant: Hilltop, Buffer and Burnes Parks Ron Helgeson: Valley Park, Central Park, Oakes Park Richard Niemann: Cottageville Park, Harley Hopkins Park, Elmo Park Doug Datta: Park Valley Playground, Shady Oak Nature Area, Downtown Park, Hiawatha Oaks natural area Doug Datta reported that there is erosion occurring around a concrete base pad under a picnic table at the Shady Oak Nature Area. V. NEW BUSINESS ITEMS A. Review of April 24 City Council Work Session Steve Stadler reported that City Council was supportive of the plan to survey residents for feedback on their parks and the Park Board 2007-2008 Strategic Plan. The City Council expressed interest in: investigating additional potential revenue sources to support park maintenance/improvements, moving the shuffle board court/s to Maetzold Field to take advantage of seniors already gathering at the Activity Center, adding the Steiner property donation to the park system chart, acquiring a long-term agreement with Zion Lutheran Church for use of their parking lot and that the Park Board stay alert to the potential to expand existing parks, wherever possible. B. Hopkins Youth Hockey Association proposal for covered hockey rink on north side of Pavilion Steve Stadler reported that he had just received a proposal from Delano Erickson Architects for a feasibility study for a covered ice arena and related park master plan. The HYHA has stated that they have up to $500,000 to contribute to this project and that they would fund 2/3 of the cost for these architectural/engineering services. The proposal include services from the local land use planning and design firm of Brauer & Associates, Inc. to prepare a master plan for Central Park, excluding the current softball fields. This plan would likely include options to install another softball field, relocate the tennis courts, expand the open ice skating area, new warming house and parking improvements. The potential city cost is $5,000. Steve will keep the Board apprised of future developments as any decision to proceed beyond design would likely involve significant additional city cost. C. Park Board Membership Steve reviewed the current membership and term expiration dates. Board Chair Dick Niemann will complete his third and final term on June 30, 2007. The annual organizational meeting will be held on July 16 - election of officers, chair and vice-chair, should occur at this meeting. Dick Niemann said that he could attend the July meeting to help with the officer transition and provide input on the park survey • results. It is anticipated there may be two new members selected by the July meeting. city of Hopkins Park Board Minutes May 21, 2007 Page 4 of 4 VI. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: July 16, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. VII. ADJOURNMENT Kate Reilly moved and Ron Helgeson seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion carried on a 4- 0 vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. Attest: , Chairperson • • • S CITY OF HOPKINS PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES July 16, 2007 A regular meeting of the Hopkins Park Board was held on July 16, 2007. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by outgoing Park Board Chairperson Dick Niemann at 6:38 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Present were Park Board members: Molly Cummings, Richard Niemann, Sharon Paulson, Aaron Kuznia (arrived at 6:50 pm) and Doug Datta. Absent was Park Board member Ron Helgeson. Also present were Hopkins staff liaison Steve Stadler and Kevin Bigalke, Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Adminstrator. Park Board Chairperson Dick Niemann opened the meeting with welcoming remarks to the new incoming Board members and then each new member introduced themselves and shared information about themselves. ID III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MAY 21, 2007 Sharon Paulson moved and Molly Cummings seconded a motion to approve the minutes for the May 21, 2007 meeting. On the vote, the minutes were approved 4-0. IV. BUSINESS A. Election of Officers Steve Stadler stated the requirements for replacement of officers and called attention to the excerpt from the Park Board Bylaws covering the process. After brief discussion, Sharon Paulson moved that Doug Datta be nominated as Chairperson, Molly Cummings seconded. The motion carried by a 3-0 vote. Outgoing Chairperson Dick Niemann relinquished the Chair position to Doug Datta. The Board then decided to hold off on nominating the Vice-Chair until the September meeting when ifs anticipated that all members will be present. Sharon Paulson moved and Molly Cummings seconded a motion to table the Vice-Chair nomination and voting until the September 17 meeting. The vote carried on a 3-0 vote. Dick Niemann inquired as to the terms of the Board members. Steve Stadler responded that Molly Cummings,the first new member applicant would fill the position vacated by Kate Reilly whose term expired on 6/30/2008 and Sharon and Aaron's terms would expire on 6/30/2009. Therefore, the terms of the current Board members are as follows: • City'of Hopkins Park Board Minutes July 16, 2007 • Page 2 of 5 -Ron Helgeson, third term expires 6/30/2008 -Doug Datta, first term expires 6/30/2009 - Molly Cummings, first term expires 6/30/2008 - Sharon Paulson, first term expires 6/30/2009 -Aaron Kuznia, first term expires 6/30/2009 B. Nine Mile Creek Bank Stabilization and Habitat Improvement Project Update Chairperson Doug Datta allowed this agenda item to be moved up as Kevin Bigalke,Nine Mile Creek District Administrator was in attendance to brief the Board members on this project and answer questions. Steve Stadler made some opening remarks about this partnership project and then Kevin Bigalke gave a detailed explanation of the project goals, concept design elements and projected schedule. The project is divided into logical segments based upon surrounding land uses and physical barriers. Several different bank stabilization techniques are being considered for the different creek segments - each was described. The creek will be slightly realigned through the Valley Park area to improve aesthetics, sustainability and habitat. Kevin described how the creek is anticipated to be aligned just east of 9th Avenue through Valley Park, at the community gardens area and also through the city property (Steiner property donation)just south of the Nine Mile Cove residential development. Sharon Paulson cautioned against moving the creek away from the community gardens as many gardeners use the creek for watering. Kevin stated that the final alignment should remain closer to the . gardens than currently shown in the concept plans. The planned additional easement areas and their purposes for creek bank sloping, habitat buffer and/or trail construction was explained. Kevin described the anticipated project schedule to be as follows: - September/October 2007: Public Informational Meetings -November 2007: Final Feasibility Report completed - December 2007: Outside Agencies, City and Watershed District final design approvals - January 2008: Public Hearing and Project Approvals - Fall/Winter 2008: Construction start(northern segments, including 5th St culvert installation could start sooner) - Winter 2008: Upper segments completion(north of 11th Avenue South) - 2009: Lower segments completion(South of 11th Avenue South) C. Neighborhood and City Park Improvement Planning Steve Stadler presented the survey results for Interlachen Neighborhood, Hilltop, Harley Hopkins and Elmo Parks. The discussion focused on the responses to the question, "What is the No. 1 way this park could be improved?" and responses to "potential future amenities". Summaries of the survey results are attached to the minutes. Steve Stadler mentioned that sending the surveys and going through the responses is time consuming but he hopes to have for the September 17 meeting results from the other park surveys and staff-recommended Park Board and City response actions for the Board to consider. • City of Hopkins Park Board Minutes July 16, 2007 • Page 3 of 5 D. Capital Improvement Plan Steve Stadler reviewed the 2008-2012 CIP that was previously approved by the Board at the May 21, 2007 meeting. Stadler mentioned that the CIP plan can be amended if the park survey results compel the Board to recommend a change and funding is available E. Proposed 2008 Parks and Forestry Budgets Steve Stadler provided copies of these operations/maintenance budgets with the agenda packet and explained them to the Board members. F. 2007 Livable Community Demonstration Account Grant Pre-Application Steve Stadler explained the scope of this grant application and how it would improve Cottageville Park by purchasing residential property adjacent to the park and redeveloping it to expand the park and open it up to Blake Road and Minnehaha Creek. Its anticipated that we'll know by the end of the year if we were successful with our grant application. G. School District Central Park Area Lease Steve Stadler informed the Board that the School District had approved a 30-year easement agreement granting the City rights to improve the property north of the Pavilion for any recreational purpose and providing to the City the new playground equipment area that the School District constructed in 2003. Stadler mentioned that City Council will consider approval of the agreement at the July 17 City Council meeting. H. Park Area Assignments Report: After short discussion, the Board decided on the following park assignments: Aaron Kuznia: Maetzold Field, Interlachen Park and Shady Oak Beach. Sharon Paulson: Hilltop, Buffer and Burnes Parks Ron Helgeson: Valley Park, Central Park, Oakes Park Molly Cummings: Cottageville Park, Harley Hopkins Park, Elmo Park Doug Datta: Park Valley Playground, Shady Oak Nature Area, Downtown Park, Hiawatha Oaks natural area • CItyiof Hopkins Park Board Minutes July 16, 2007 • Page 4 of 5 V. NEW BUSINESS ITEMS A. Review of the 2007-2008 Park Board Strategic Plan Action Items Steve Stadler reviewed the plan and briefly explained actions that have been completed, what is underway and which actions are not yet underway. Future Park Board agendas will include a copy of the Action Plan with an updated status of each item. B. Update: Hopkins Youth Hockey Association proposal for covered hockey rink on north side of Pavilion Steve Stadler reported that the HYHA Board is currently considering whether or not they want to fund 2/3 of the cost of a feasibility study for a covered outdoor ice hockey rink and a Central Park Master Plan. Stadler reported that he would update the Board if a decision is made to proceed with the study and master plan efforts. C. City-wide Survey Results Steve Stadler provided the results from the recently completed survey, including a copy of the graphs and charts used by Decision Resources, Inc. to present the survey results to City Council on July 10. The results were very positive, including the feedback on the maintenance and adequacy of the park system. D. Shady Oak Beach Fee/Operations Committee Report Doug Datta reported that he has replaced Kate Reilly on this committee. The committee is in agreement that beach fees need to gradually increase. The committee is considering different options for how beach passes are sold and handled. To assist them, they will be investigating how this is being done at several other beaches. There is concern regarding the impact of the 2008 Shady Oak Road reconstruction project on beach attendance and operations. The committee will meet again soon and Doug will update the Board members at the September 17 Park Board meeting. E. Staff will provide feedback on the following general items of interest: - The Board would like to know if the city would consider using disease-resistant Elm species for replacements for diseased tree removals. - The Board asked if there is going to be a scheduled Joint Hopkins-Minnetonka Recreation Board meeting any time soon. VI. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: September 17, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. The Board would like to do a park system tour at this meeting. Molly volunteered her van for the tour. • Cite of Hopkins Park Board Minutes July 16, 2007 Page 5 of 5 VII. ADJOURNMENT Sharon Paulson moved and Molly Cummings seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion carried on a 4-0 vote. The meeting adjourned at 9:19 p.m. Attest: ����, �:L�;,, L d/ , Chairperson • • � T • CITY OF HOPKINS PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES September 17, 2007 A regular meeting of the Hopkins Park Board was held on September 17, 2007. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Park Board Chairperson Doug Datta at 7:45 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Present were Park Board members: Ron Helgeson, Molly Cummings, Sharon Paulson, Aaron Kuznia and Doug Datta. Also present was Hopkins staff liaison Steve Stadler. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR JULY 21, 2007 Molly Cummings moved and Sharon Paulson seconded a motion to approve the minutes for the July 21, 2007 meeting. On the vote, the minutes were approved 5-0. • IV. BUSINESS A. Results of Park system tour Prior to the Park Board Meeting the entire Park Board and Staff Liaison Steve Stadler toured all city parks with the exception of Shady Oak Beach. The general concensus of the Board was that the parks are in good shape. B. Neighborhood Park Improvement Planning Steve Stadler presented the survey results for Valley Park, Park Valley Playground, Oakes Park and Burnes Park. Molly Cummings compiled the results for Oakes and Burnes Parks. The predominant responses to the question "The number one way this park can be improved?" for these parks were as follows: Oakes Park: Need a bathroom available and play equipment upgrades Burnes Park: Clean up and resurface tennis courts, allow dogs on leash and security/safety concerns Valley Park: Improve security/safety of park, allow dogs on leash, upgrade park equipment, daily maintenance Park Valley Playground: Upgrade play equipment The Park Board members agreed that they should consider the issue of dogs in the parks and if a change is needed regarding the current regulations banning dogs in the parks. Possibilities include allowing A City of Hopkins Park Board Minutes September 17, 2007 • Page 2 of 3 dogs on leashes, leashed dogs on trails only, an off-leash dog park or allowing leashed dogs at select parks. There was a questions about the status of lighting in the parks - Steve Stadler will report back on this. The Board agreed that portable bathrooms should be provided at Oakes Park and, perhaps, extended beyond the Labor Day holiday at Valley Park. The Board generally agreed that feedback on the survey results could be adequately provided in a Hopkins Highlights article with reference to specific park results on the web site. After the discussion, Steve Stadler stated that for the next meeting (November 19)he would bring recommendations regarding feedback to the neighborhoods and improvements that can be considered based upon the survey results. The Park Board agreed to continue this item for the next meeting. Summaries of the responses from all nine parks surveyed are attached to these minutes. C. Report on Shady Oak Beach Operations Committee The Park Board supported the recommendations of this committee regarding beach fees at their May 2007 meeting. Doug Datta reported that the Committee decided to go with the fees as proposed in May 2007, i.e., $12/use season pass fee plus an additional $10 transaction fee if purchased at the beach. Final approval of the new fees will be through Hopkins and Minnetonka City Councils. D. LRT Regional Trail Winter Activities Permit • The Park Board approved the winter trail activity permit with Three Rivers Park District. Aaron Kuznia moved, Sharon Paulson seconded the motion to approve the permit, on the vote the motion carried 5-0. E. Park Area Assignments Reports: Aaron Kuznia: Maetzold Field, Interlachen Park and Shady Oak Beach-nothing to report. Sharon Paulson: Hilltop, Buffer and Burnes Parks - nothing to report. Ron Helgeson: Valley Park, Central Park, Oakes Park-Ron Helgeson mentioned that the Oakes picnic shelter drip edge needed repair and the restroom/warming house door needed replacement. Molly Cummings: Cottageville Park, Harley Hopkins Park, Elmo Park-nothing to report. Doug Datta: Park Valley Playground, Shady Oak Nature Area, Downtown Park, Hiawatha Oaks natural area-nothing to report. V. NEW BUSINESS ITEMS A. Aaron Kuznia mentioned that the Park Board vice-chair position remained open. After brief discussion, Aaron Kuznia nominated Sharon Paulson and Ron Helgeson seconded. On the vote, the nomination to appoint Sharon Paulson as Park Board Vice-Chairperson was approved 5-0. B. Review of the 2007-2008 Park Board Strategic Plan Action Items City of Hopkins Park Board Minutes September 17, 2007 Page 3 of 3 Steve Stadler reviewed the plan and briefly explained actions that have been completed, what is underway and which actions are not yet underway. C. Staff update on various items of interest, as follows: - 2007 Livable Communities Grant: The city's application for grant funds to expand Cottageville Park was not approved. The city intends to reapply next year. - City Lease of School District property adjacent to Central Park: This lease agreement is being re- worked as the original signed agreement did not get approved through the School Board. Potential concern of the School District's is committing to a long term lease agreement in the event they choose to sell the old Katherine Curren school property. The city has a planned 2008 capital project to rehab the tennis courts which are within this lease area. - Nine Mile Creek Bank Stabilization project: Upcoming meeting with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Board of Managers and Hopkins City Council. - Hopkins Youth Hockey Association proposal for covered ice hockey rink on north side of Hopkins Pavilion: The HYHA Board is no longer interested in pursuing this project. - Comprehensive Plan Update: Plan to have a draft Parks, Trails and Open Spaces section update for Park Board review/comment/approval for the November 2007 or January 2008 meeting. SVI. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: November 19, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. VII. ADJOURNMENT Sharon Paulson moved and Ron Helgeson seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion carried on a 5-0 vote. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Attest: , Chairperson • 1 . CITY OF HOPKINS PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES November 19, 2007 A regular meeting of the Hopkins Park Board was held on November 19, 2007. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Park Board Chairperson Doug Datta at 6:30 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Present were Park Board members: Ron Helgeson, Molly Cummings, Sharon Paulson, Aaron Kuznia and Doug Datta. Also present was City of Hopkins staff liaison Steve Stadler. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR SEPTEMBER 17, 2007 Sharon Paulson moved and Molly Cummings seconded a motion to approve the minutes for the September 17, 2007 meeting. On the vote, the minutes were approved 5-0. 41) IV. BUSINESS A. Neighborhood Park Improvement Planning Steve Stadler presented a recommended multi-year park improvement plan based upon the Park system survey results and Park needs. Necessary funding was briefly discussed and the Park Board approved a revision to the CIP eliminating the $80,000 2009 project that included a miniature golf course and community garden along Excelsior Boulevard. It was decided to put an article on the park survey results in the January Hopkins Highlights with more detailed park-specific information on the web site. Molly Cummings volunteered to draft an article for Park Board member review. Sharon Paulson moved to approve the recommended park improvement plan, seconded by Aaron Kuznia. On the vote, the motion passed 5-0. B. Report on Shady Oak Beach Operations Committee Doug Datta presented a handout explaining the proposed 2008 season rates. There will be two fee structures: one for pre-season purchases and one for once the beach opens. Only individual passes will be sold for the 2008 season. Pre-season individual passes will cost $12 each up to 3 per family, after the third pass each will cost $6. A family of four will pay a total of$42 for four individual passes. The 2007 cost for a family of four= $35. Other proposed changes include hiring season pass "specialists", installing a more efficient beach entry gate with dedicated lanes of service. Molly Cummings made a • ' City of Hopkins Park Board Minutes November 19, 2007 Page 2 of 3 motion to approve the beach season pass changes, seconded by Sharon Paulson. On the vote, the motion passed 5-0. C. Hopkins Rugby Club The Hopkins Royals Rugby Club has been using a field at Valley Park for the past 4 years. They have requested that this field become their permanent home field. Also,they would like to partner with the City to install drain tile under the east end of the field to improve spring/early summer field conditions. It is anticipated that Bollig Construction will install the drain tile and the City cost share should be no more than $2,500. Dan Johnson of the Rugby Club is soliciting donations from various organizations to help pay for the work. Regarding designating this field as their permanent home field, this is problematic. The Recreation Dept. needs maximum flexibility in programming the various athletic fields throughout the city in order to meet the needs of the many organized sport groups. Ron Schwartz, Recreation Dept. will send a letter or an email response to Dan Johnson explaining why we cannot dedicate this field to the Hopkins Royals Rugby Club. Sharon Paulson made a motion approving of the City partnering with the rugby club on the installation of drain tile, seconded by Aaron Kuznia. On the vote, the motion passed 5-0 D. Update to Park Board on Interlachen Park ice resurfacer shelter project. • City Council approved a lease agreement between the City and the Hopkins Better Ice Company for the temporary storage facility and operation of the ice resurfacer at Interlachen Park. The neighborhood group changed the design of the proposed temporary shelter to sectional, insulated panels and, when assembled, the storage shelter will resemble a large walk-in cooler/freezer- Stadler showed photos of a similar facility on the north side of the Park Tavern in St. Louis Park. City staff is working with the neighborhood group to get the electrical service work done. A letter will be sent to residents adjacent to the park explaining the project and allowing the opportunity for questions/concerns. E. Dogs in the Parks - discussion on current regulations banning dogs in the parks. There were many park survey responses that mentioned a desire for the city to allow dogs in the parks. The Park Board members discussed this issue without coming to an apparent consensus or majority position. Options considered were: leave as-is (leashed dogs on regional trails only), allow leashed dogs on Valley Park trail system, allow leashed dogs in the larger parks. This topic will be taken up again at the next Park Board Meeting. F. Park Board Strategic Plan Update. Steve Stadler provided a review of the plan and status of action items. G. Park Area Assignments Reports: Aaron Kuznia: Maetzold Field, Interlachen Park and Shady Oak Beach- nothing to report. • ' 'City of Hopkins Park Board Minutes November 19, 2007 Page 3 of 3 Sharon Paulson: Hilltop, Buffer and Burnes Parks - Portable toilet door handle is broken at Burnes Park, question on dumpster container at Burnes Park. Ron Helgeson: Valley Park, Central Park, Oakes Park- no report. Molly Cummings: Cottageville Park, Harley Hopkins Park, Elmo Park-nothing to report. Doug Datta: Park Valley Playground, Shady Oak Nature Area, Downtown Park, Hiawatha Oaks natural area-nothing to report. V. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETINGS: Joint Meeting with City Council: January 8, 2008 at 6:30 pm. The next regular Park Board Meeting is January 28, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. VI. ADJOURNMENT Sharon Paulson moved and Aaron Kuznia seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion carried on a 5-0 vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. • Attest: , Chairperson