02-08-00 WSNIINUTES .
A work session of the Hopkins City Council was held at 6:30 p.m. on February 8,
2000, at the City Hall and presided over by Mayor pro tem Fran Hesch. Council members
present were Council members Brausen, Hesch, Jensen, and Johnson. City personnel
present were City Manager Mielke, Director of Public Works Stadler, Economic
Development Director Kerrigan and Chemical Health Commission staff liaison Connie
Kurtz. Also present were Maureen Allen of the Chemical Health Commission; and Mary
McGlinch, Lloyd Johnson and Tom Peterson for the SuperValu discussion.
Chemical Health Commission by-laws, Connie Kurtz presenter
Ms. Kurtz said Chemical Health Commission by-laws have not been changed since
1987 and deal only with liquor. The Commission feels they need to be updated to include
new issues such as tobacco, drugs, etc. They feel they have received confusing messages
about their roles and want clarification. There was general discussion about the extent to
which the Commission should be involved in the licensing process. Mr. Mielke noted that
originally they had been involved in that process but time restraints led to them being taken
from the process. The Council in general said they feel it is more important for the
Commission to be involved in education and working with violators rather than "rubber-
stamping" anapplication. Ms. Hesch noted she felt the by-laws were talking about "goals
and objectives," which could become too limiting in the future; those should be decided
annually by the Commission. Ms. Jensen suggested that anyone who is not in compliance
must go to chemical health education as part of the policy. Ms. Kurtz suggested it become
an annual requirement for licensing; Ms. Johnson thinks the Council made that decision
during the summer of 1999, but it was too late to implement it for 1999.
General Consensus: By-laws: Article III shall be headed "Purpose" and the word
"policies" be inserted after the word "licensing. " Section 3.2 shall start "The purpose of
the Commission... " and have only the first sentence. Section 3.3 shall be added that the
Commission shall establish annual goals and objectives and communicate them to the
Council for reviewal and discussion if necessary. All other parts were accepted as written.
Education will be mandatory for licensing for both alcohol and tobacco; Mr.
Mielke will see if this was actually passed in the summer of 1999. Policy shall be changed
so violators must attend further education. The 3 goals for the Commission for this year
shall be: (i) work with "reduce the use" campaign; (2) have mandatory annual training
session for all businesses which sell alcohol or cigarettes; (3) continue compliance checks.
Connie Kurtz noted the commission will do one-on-one training as needed as part of goal
2 and for violators.
SuperValu Expansion, Jim Kerrigan, presenter
This was an information update only, requiring no decisions by Council. Jim
Kerrigan said on Feb. 15 there will be a neighborhood meeting. Major issues are:
possible eminent domain exercising, although it seems the property negotiations will work
out; vacation of Sixth Avenue; relocation of Fifth Avenue South; traffic issues; height
variance. SuperValu would like to start construction in summer or fall of 2000 and would
like to secure all necessary approval at the April 4 Council meeting. Benshoof &
Associates is undertaking traffic and noise level studies. SuperValu pays for the studies and
any eminent domain costs.
Tom Peterson explained the site plans. In answer to Mr. Brausen's questions, he said no
changes are planned for the perishables building; the neighborhood gains less truck traffic and
getting rid of an eyesore in exchange for losing a way to the main part of Hopkins. Mr. Mielke
noted the extension of the berm will reduce noise as well as being aesthetic. A truck route is being
taken away -- there will be no truck traffic on Fifth except to serve the Johnson building. In
answer to Ms. Jensen's question about the corner of 11th and 6th, he said Mayor Maxwell had
suggested reducing the curve, which would take two businesses. Mary McGlinch later added if
this would be done, SuperValu may ask the city to help with that cost; no decision will be reached
until after the Benshoof study. Diane Johnson noted limiting l lth Ave. access to employees only
might help; extending Third St. to reach the perishables building might be an option; Steve Stadler
said he would have Benshoof look at it. Mr. Brausen summarized the Council concerns as: (1)
needing more information on taking out two businesses for the curve; (2) neighborhood concerns,
especially their losing an access to downtown; (3) and eminent domain -- would there be enough
information to make a good decision by April? Diane Jensen added 6th St. and 1 lth Ave. need
berming as much as 5th. In answer to Ms. Hesch's question, Mr. Johnson said the 6th St.
vacation is actually needed desperately for truck storage as their drop and haul has increased
dramatically. In answer to Mr. Brausen's question, •it was explained eminent domain usually
takes 1-11/z years but aquick-take process can be implemented which allows takeover in 90 days
although no price is set until the court makes a decision. SuperValu is willing to take a chance
on the quick-take costing more if eminent domain is needed; Ms. McGlinch said the assessed value
would be put in escrow in that event. The issue of tax effects was raised; Mr Mielke said that had
not been computed yet.
County Roads 73 & 5 Improvement Agreement, Steve Stadler, presenter
Steve Stadler presented the proposed agreement. Steve Mielke noted the County had
okayed decorative signals as a county-wide option. Steve Stadler said there have been no cost
calculations, but in answer to Karen Jensen's request he said he would guess Hopkins' share at
about $150,000. No firm figures will be arrived at till July. Some of this might be available from
a StreetScape program just started by the County.
General Consensus: The agreement was okayed. The Council would like a "celebration
of what has been done" with the task force, who will then be asked if any would like to be on a
task force for the corridor. Staff shall look further at StrretScape funding.
Mr. Brausen asked if commercial projects could be required to give a percentage of the
project cost to support the arts, etc. Diane Johnson noted houses built require $500 to the park
fund; commercial projects should have to help the community also.
General Consensus: Steve Mielke should get more information on the Los Angeles " 1 %
for arts" requirement.
Rick Brausen moved adjournment; Diane Johnson seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:20
Kasey Kester, recording secretary
Eugene J. axwell, Mayor
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