10-30-01 WSOctober 30, 2001
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A work session of the Hopkins City Council was held at 6:30 p.m. on October 30, 2001, at
the City Hall. Council members present were Mayor Maxwell and Council members Brausen,
Hesch, Jensen and Johnson. City personnel present were City Manager Mielke, Finance Director
Yager, Public Works Director Stadler, City Engineer Steve Bot and Facilities Director Strachota.
Also present were JoAnn Olson of LSA Design, Inc. and Gary Brown of RLK.
School District 270/City of Hopkins Transportation Study
City Manager Mielke said the study had been funded by a grant from the Board of
Innovation Cooperation. LCTS will fund the implementation of some of its' findings.
Ms. Olson said they had wanted to find ways to create the efficiencies and share resources
with city transit and school transportation. The project team decided to focus on a group with the
following criteria: the group has a transit need; the group would support future expansion of the
Transit Plan; the Plan would be able to be duplicated in other cities; the effectiveness of the Plan
could be measured. Adult Options in Education was a suitable group. The team found out that
First Student, which buses regular students, was not interested in adding hours to its drivers'
schedules, but wanted them to remain part-time. They found that Hop-a-Ride was being used 75
by the Adult Education students; senior citizens were not able to often use it to go to doctors, etc.
As the study continued, Metro Transit expanded its system so that almost all of the students were
within 1/4 mile of a transit stop. Adult Education is now working with its students to utilize
Metro Transit, which is cooperating by issuing reduced rate passes to those students. Thus
students can use Metro Transit for more than just attending their classes.
Responding to Ms. Hesch, Mr. Mielke said the Hop-a-Ride provider was contacted about
meetings, etc. but did not respond; he will not suffer financially as he is paid by the hour, not by
ridership. Ms. Hesch suggested a letter be sent to Park Nicollet showing how their earlier study
had bore fruit. Ms. Olson said Nancy Anderson was thrilled to see ridership open up for seniors
General Consensus: Nancy should be brought into talk about seniors and Hop-a-Ride. The
new program should be brought back for evaluation after 6 months.
Lots 500/600 Change Orders
Mr. Stadler said the total cost due to change orders had gone from $639,824.40 to
$710,035.72. Much of the additional cost was due to additional storm sewer utility costs, adding
$34,511.91. Engineering fees were up $22,000 because of the additional time required to finish
the project.
Gary Brown of RLK said a large part of the increase was due to the additional meetings
needed with the neighboring businesses and a protracted construction schedule; he later added his
company had written off $11,000. He explained each change order. The reclaimer was not used
because it would have had to be brought back four times, adding 1-2 weeks each time, which he
felt would make the process too long and make the business community unhappy. Mr. Stadler
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noted the additional costs cannot be assessed against the businesses. Mr. Brown said there would
be a few minor changes yet, but should not exceed $x,000. Ms. Yager noted the additional
$35,000 from PIR would not have a big impact.. Mr. Stadler answered Ms. Hesch saying the
additional time did not incur penalties because some of the additions were due to city staff
underestimates. DMJ kept someone on the job all the time; they were not at fault. Ms. Jensen
asked why "no parking" signs were still at the library; Mr. Mielke will talk to them about it.
Mayor Maxwell said he felt RLK had not improved its relationship with the city with this project,
and asked what would happen if the Council did not approve the change orders. Mr. Stadler said
DMJ would not get paid and would sue; RLK is a separate issue. Answering Mr. Brausen, Mr.
Brown said the extra 7 weeks were basically caused by 2-3 weeks more work for storm receptors;
1 week delay caused by Minnegasco; the rest for miscellaneous reasons. He said he would
provide a complete breakdown of RLK's costs. Ms. Hesch said roughly estimating the extra time
involved, she did not see the hourly rate as unreasonable.
General Consensus: Staff and RLK will provide more detail on why the job took 7 extra
weeks. RLK will provide a breakdown of its charges, including the extra $22,000 and the
$11,000 write-off.
Budget Discussion -Public Works
Mr. Stadler noted most of the 7.13 % increase is due to $60,000 more in personnel costs;
$21,000 more for utilities; $22,000 for equipment (hydraulic broom and asphalt tack applier); and
$20,000 for city hall skylights. Ms. Hesch said she thinks Hopkins' public works department is
better than most cities'.
Answering Council concerns, he felt public works facilities were well-protected. Ms.
Jensen mentioned SuperValu warehouse might be vulnerable and that the police should liaison with
them. Mr. Mielke will speak to Chief Reid about that.
Budget Discussion -Cable Budget
Ms. Yager said the MRAC matching grant could come from this budget. Mr. Strachota
said fiber optic capabilities are in place at HCA.
General Consensus: Staff should research what can be done legally with the cable budget
monies (especially the state franchising fees), especially looking at telecommunication, fiber
optics, and revenue-producing equipment.
Art Center Discussion
General discussion centered around Mr. Mielke's suggested topic list.
General Consensus: #28 should be the definition of success "Success is a vision shared by
all parties -tenants, staff, Council, users, community, etc." All liked the basic divisions he used.
Not all topics were covered. Those covered were amended as follows:
1. Annual facility fundraiser with involvement of all community
2. Available/affordable to community groups/users
3. City does not have to subsidize Center
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4. Balance between tenants and community, providing more time and variety of
progra-iuiling for coin-nunity
5 Developing a youth arts group (club/participation) and serious youth arts initiative
beyond current groups
6. Expanding program series to other forms of entertainment: music, lectures, comedy
7. ®penness to art at all levels of expertise
8. Greater use of HCA as a place for business activities, etc.
9. Better exterior signage and advertising
10. Equipment should be changed/renovated to improve the facility (this may need
.11. HCA has a welcoming atmosphere with directional signage/equipment in the lobby, and
a "concierge/greeter" on the first floor at busy times
12. No more white walls (add art, color and exceitment, starting with the community room
and the classroom)
While "Tenant/Community Users" was not discussed, it was agreed during discussion it
should include "Leases that are flexible enough to promote maximum usage of HCA."
It was agreed that the matching funds grant money should come from the Cable Fund. It
was further agreed that while the arts would always come first, HCA should be open to the
business community for meetings, etc. Ms. Johnson suggested staff always give a short "spiel"
about HCA at such meetings.
Mr. Mielke asked everyone reply to his e-mail about the police banquet.
Ms. Hesch moved adjournment; Ms. Johnson seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.
Kasey Kester, Secretary
Eugene J. well, Mayor