05-22-01 LETS TALKMay 22, 2001
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Mayor Maxwell welcomed the attendees. City Manager Mielke first recapped the Hopkins
Vision and Mission.
CBD Parking System
Mr. Brausen stressed how Steve Stadler had worked to get the assessment down from 25C
to 9G pers sq. ft. and gave information on the CBD Improvement Fund.
Audience Response Discussion of this centered around exactly what could the money be
used for; business people commented on how this needed to be tied in with alley/dumpster
programs, but in the context of getting the business people to spearhead that program but they
would appreciate Council support/ leadership in backing such a program. They commented open
dialog must continue between business people and the Council. A couple specifically thanked the
city for lowering the assessments.
East CBD Redevelopment
Ms. Jensen explained a combination residential/retail usage is planned for this development
and said major concerns are relocating present businesses; working with surrounding neighbors;
increasing viability without cost to others
Audience Response. More definition was asked about potential renters; condo ratio to
rentals (answer: unknown at this time).
As to RFP's, people wanted to know how specific the Council requirements were, deadline
(answer: left largely open to learn more about market; first of June deadline).
There was discussion about what property was actually purchased already; where the
process was with other property owners.
East Hopkins Land Use/ Market Analysis
Ms. Hesch explained issues of the study include land use, streetscaping, urban design and
market analysis. She also said "Smart Growth" concepts are being incorporated, and hopefully
funding for that may be forthcoming.
Audience Response. One person commented the Council's "instincts are right," and that
Excelsior Blvd. could become definitive for the southwest metro area, even though Mainstreet
would always be Hopkins' center. Another commented years ago "big block retail" had been
considered and suggested warehouse retail as a possibility. Comments were supportive of the
market study.
A couple people suggested Hopkins would be a good site for a place that could house large
meetings, especially with catering facilities, as the west suburbs do not have such a site.
One person said he is involved in a new community theater group, Shoestrings. If it
succeeds, they have no place to go in Hopkins as Stages controls the main theater in HCA.
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Audience Comments on Business Concerns in General
Bob Miller stressed that property owners need to feel they get "something back" if they
reinvest in upgrading their property. He specifically commented on landscaping/alleyscaping.
Mr. Berg said much of the discussion onlandscaping/dumpsters for the CBD also could be applied
to East End businesses.
Medica/North Annex
Ms. Johnson passed around a concept design and briefly described the project. She
stressed neighborhood meetings were an integral part of planning; local traffic planning had been
a high priority; and that the corporate headquarters would employ 1000-1500.
Audience Response. Attendees seemed excited about this project, especially as it might
apply to employing Hopkins residents. One mentioned it would give a real "identity" to Hopkins
from the freeway.
Public Works
Mr. Stadler handed out sketches of the plat layout, equipment storage, etc.
Audience Response: Details were asked as to exterior of the new building (answer:
concrete panels), if all would be on the present site(answer: yes), if other sites had been looked at
(answer: no), how much equipment would be housed (answer: all).
Chief Reid presented a slide show showing the overcrowding of the present site, explaining
how it is hampering the efficiency of staff. He stated a new computer system is a must for
dispatch, but there is no room to put it. Hopkins is the only city in the area that has to "hot bunk"
its staff. He will find it extremely difficult to recruit new officers when the facility has so many
drawbacks .
Audience Response. It was asked how much staff had grown since 1980 (Answer: 10,
mostly civilian). The major response was concern, surprise at how well the police staff could
function under current conditions, and "How do we fix it?" The indoor shooting range was asked
about, and Chief Reid explained it had been closed as it no longer meets air pollution cut-offs.
Someone asked if precincts being set up would help (Answer: no). He was asked to prioritize
needs (answer: facility, radio system, 12-hour shift assessment).
Several commented they had not realized the constraints the police were under, and felt that
the public needed to be made aware of the problem. (This also applied to fire dept.) One speaker
said, "If the public understands the problem, they will support the new building."
Chief Beckering stressed that equipment storage is a major issue, and response time is
hindered when machinery has to be moved to get at proper machinery for specific hazard uses; this
is especially critical as Hopkins is the response hazard site for a five county area. There is no
space for squad meetings. Pagers are so obsolete parts are no longer available on the market.
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Audience Response: Asked if more equipment was needed, Chief Beckering said no, the
problem is storing what is already present. Someone asked if Medica would add to the load
(Answer: no).
Ms. Johnson announced Hopkins had been chosen as one of the cities for Taste of
Minnesota on July 2, 2001, at a meeting at the Depot.
Nelson Berg announced the first fund raiser for HCA on June 2, "Evening in Paris."
Several people who work, but do not reside, in Hopkins complimented the town. The
librarian specifically cited the cooperation she has received from the police force; Nora Davis said
city staff have always been very supportive.
The need to rp omote Hopkins, both to its own residents and to outside communities was
brought up by a couple attendees. Someone commented that coming out on Excelsior Blvd. one
does not know when one comes to Hopkins. One person commented he had attended a Land Use
meeting and speakers from around the country were explaining their programs -all of which
Hopkins already had done. This needs to be told to Hopkins and surrounding areas. Mr. Miller
suggested that when study results get done, they should be publicized, and the public get
involved. Different groups should be asked to endorse those results. That way a referendum can
succeed if it is needed.
Meeting closed at 9:10 p.m.
Kasey Kester, Secretary
Eu e J axwell, Mayor