01-08-02 WSJanuary 8, 2002
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A work session of the Hopkins City Council was held at 6:30 p.m. on January 8, 2002, at
the City Hall. Council members present were Mayor Maxwell and Council members Brausen,
Jensen, and Johnson and Rowan. City personnel present were City Manager Mielke, Public Works
Director Stadler, Housing Coordinator Elverum, Economic Development Coordinator Hartshorn,
City Manager Assistant Stahmer, Activity Center director Newville and Facilities Manager
Strachota. Also present were Bill Rothstein, Jim Leary and Whitney Peyton of CB Richard Ellis,
and Reuben Johnson and L. Joe DeWit of Super Valu.
North Annex Redevelopment
Mr. DeWit said market changes have led SuperValu to hire CBRE, one of the biggest real
estate brokerage firms in the country, to do a preliminary survey. Mr. Leary said there are four
major real estate sectors possible for the site: office, industrial, retail and multi-family housing.
Vacancies for the 494/394 area are 9-12 %, and this does not include the Best Buy property.
Corporate offices are not a realistic goal as most will use existing buildings rather than build. He
anticipates 2002 will start a positive trend, but it will be small. Available office space is sitting
empty now, for example Norman Pointe is only 20% leased after being open for a year and 401
Carlson has no signed leases and opens in one month. There are a couple million sq. ft. of office
space sitting empty in this area.
Mr. Johnson noted those buildings are Class A, and asked about this site. Mr. Leary said
this would fall between A and B, and the 30 acres is a viable size. Mr. Peyton noted the site is
hurt by not having premium restaurants nearby. Mr. Leary noted the industrial property nearby
also hurts.
He went on that he is not advocating warehousing, but something like high tech, which is now at
7.6 % vacancy, but at negative flow. Other possibilities would be office warehouse, office
showroom, small tech companies. Flying Cloud Corporate Center would be an example of a
possibility type for at least part of the site. High tech/medical would be likely candidates.
Mr. _Peyton answered Ms. Johnson's question about hotels by saying they are the worst off
at present. The events of September 11, 2001, hit them very hard. Mr..Johnson added ten real
estate sales by SuperValu were called off immediately following that.
Mr. Peyton said he knows the Council is not excited about retail, but Hopkins area has the
population to support such. Generally one can figure 20 sq. ft. of retail per person, and it is not as
subject to fluctuation as office space. "Day population" is high. Mr. Leary added a Galleria-type
mall could be an asset. The maximum is 10,000 sq. ft. per acre unless there is deck parking; a
national leader would probably want 50 acres.
Mr. Rothstein said his estimate on selling times is: for retai112 months at $8/ sq. ft.; multi-
family 15 months at $6/sq. ft; tech 24 months at $4 sq. ft.; and office 30 months at $7/sq. ft.
Mr. Leary said he would recommend a mixture of retail, flex and tech as a mixture could
start more quickly. He thinks the next step should be concept drawings of different combinations.
Mr. Peyton stressed the city and SuperValu have to have a consensus of what they want. He feels
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this is a unique piece, the largest inside the freeway loop. Answering Ms. Johnson, Mr. Peyton
feels adding Alliant Tech property would make the site more viable. Answering Mayor Maxwell,
Mr. DeWit said SuperValu would like to sell the site as one piece, but Mr. Johnson added they are
willing to be flexible considering the present market.
Mr. Mielke said the big thing now is to amend the option with SuperValu so that both
Hopkins and SuperValu have time to consider options. Mr. DeWit said SuperValu is willing to
consider such an extension; their concern is if the City will look at other uses to help the sale. Mr.
Leary feels preliminary site plans could be done in 30-45 days with help of city staff.
Mr. Peyton asked about Excelsior Blvd. plans. He feels that if Hopkins carries out its plan
of East End development, it could set a new standard. Mr. Leary noted they had studied only the
30 acres, and this could really change their ideas. Mr. DeWit said he feels Knollwood and Eden
Prairie draw people away from Hopkins and that carefully chosen retail could bring more business
to Main-street. Mr. Peyton said he agreed it would add people but would still challenge
Mainstreet as it would pull people to Excelsior Blvd. Ms. Jensen said she feels some retail could
be found that would complement, not compete with, present businesses. Mr. Peyton said working
on the connecting road under the freeway could tie the two together.
City staff will meet with the Council before the end of January, and will work with
SuperValu on the option amendment. All agreed brainstorming is needed.
East CBD Design Goals and Objectives
Ms. Elverum presented a rough draft, noting the committee is working on the third
Wednesday of each month. Mr. Brausen and Ms. Hesch are part of the group. Already they are
defining things that may require ordinance changes, such as signage. She asked if the Council
would want them to look beyond East CBD. Mr. Mielke said he felt the business community
should be polled before they think about all the downtown area. Mr. Brausen said things such as
garbage enclosures and drainage guidelines might be good for the whole area.
General Consensus: The rough draft is good and the committee should investigate some
guidelines or ordinances for the entire CBD.
Activity Center Revenues
Ms. Newville said the Center had 35,000 visits in 2000. She presented possible options for
the LifeWise program, community users and teens. Mr. Mielke said staff feels "discount cards"
would "sell" easier than per visit costs. Ms. Newville said the difference between the $15 and $10
frequent user cards for LifeWise would be a local newsletter, which she and her staff would like to
do. They already have to have 5 pages camera ready for the Minnetonka one so the increased
work would not be great.
General Consensus: The $15 frequent user card with free newsletter is good for LifeWise.
The community charges look reasonable. Memberships for teens is good, as long as a scholarship
option is there. Mayor Maxwell suggested the Legion and VFW be approached for sponsorship.
Mr. Mielke will approach Minnetonka about the newsletter change. Ms. Newville should bring
back the proposal with refinements, draft letters, and a plan of approach.
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Update 13"' Ave. Vacation Request
Mr. Mielke said letters and a-mails are being received both pro and con by the city.
Answering Ms. Jensen, Mr. Stahmer said while Citigables would like no parking on 12"', their big
issue is increased traffic. Mr. Rowan said the big problem for them is getting out of their parking
lot because of poor visibility due to parked cars. Mr. Stahmer said a letter is going to each owner
about the meeting on the 15r''. Answering Mr. Rowan, Mr. Stadler said he feels property values
will not be affected if 13"' is vacated. Mayor Maxwell said he would like to see how many people
south of the lot were towed during snow emergency so Council knows if extra parking would be a
real benefit. Mr. Stahmer said a decision needs to be made the January 15 due to reconstruction
deadlines. Mr. Stadler said they talked about an agreement that if there is future development of
the property the city would get the road back. In that case, Mr. Stahmer added, Council would
deny the vacation and approve the agreement. He thinks St. Joseph's would agree. In reply to
Ms. Johnson, Mr. Stadler said St. Joseph's is saying there would be no parking by the school
except on Sunday, and otherwise that area would be used only for bus circulation. Due to the
$9500 cost of the design for the road and design time is down to two weeks now, Mayor Maxwell
said he felt any conditional approval would require they pay that cost. Mr. Brausen said he would
hate to see everything fail for $9500. He suggested going ahead with the bid and splitting the cost
with St. Joseph's. He feels that if no agreement is reached, the Legion will be able to use the lot,
but not the city. Mr. Stahmer agreed with that assessment, adding St. Joseph's had hinted at
future development. Ms. Johnson asked if the parking lot design couldn't have half the traffic to
12`" and half to 13"' so 12``' could have a "win." Mr. Mielke said this is much like SuperValu
wanting a vacation, and the city would not agree until there was a traffic study. Mr. Stadler said a
city study had been done.
General Consensus: Plans for the street will go ahead, but discussions will continue. City
staff will tell St. Joseph's they need a traffic study done by Benshoof so there is a third party view,
and that they need to provide a better design. Mr. Gorman will be talked to before the Council
meeting about the agreement that if there is future development the city gets the road back. Mayor
Maxwell asked for figures on car towing due to snow. Mr. Mielke will see if there is a statutory
requirement to act on the vacation request Tuesday. The agenda will state that staff recommends
this action, then only the action is what the public can comment on.
County Road 73 and 5 Intersection Improvements
Mr. Stadler handed out drawings of the current plan. Almost all of the 7 conditions asked
by Hopkins have been met. The only exceptions are special paving and bollards instead of
landscaping in the median. Hennepin County authorized different style traffic posts, a major
change from past history. Use of different style signage has been approved by both Minnetonka
and Hennepin County. The radii was changed from 75' to 45' which requires more right of way
but reduces impact on the northeast corner and puts pedestrian crosswalks closer to the
intersection. Minnetonka is pushing hard to have a trail on the south side of #5, which fits in with
the conditions. While the task force would like even more done, he feels they have done very well
to get the modifications they have and that the project should move ahead. Mr. Mielke added that
Ms. Hesch feels the same as Mr. Stadler. Mr. Stadler added that real estate action is required; if
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this is not done by Feb. 5 the project will not start this year. Mr. Stadler asked a Council member
join the task force. Mr. Rowan and Ms. Johnson agreed to split the responsibility.
General Consensus: The task force did a wonderful job and the project should begin.
Mr. Mielke reminded Council of the police banquet.
Ms. Jensen asked that art stimulus policy be looked at in the near future.
Mr. Brausen said he was very impressed by Mr. Stadler and Mr. Stahmer at the 13"'
Avenue meeting.
Mayor Maxwell reminded members of the HBCA meeting Thursday at Chapel View. Mr.
Brausen said he would be going.
Mr. Mielke said SuperValu is scheduled for the Feb. 29 work session. This will cover
deadlines, constraints, TIF, etc.
Mr. Brausen moved for adjournment; Ms. Jensen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 11:05
Kasey Kester, Secretary
Eug e J. axwell, Mayor