03-25-03 WSMarch 25, 2003
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A work session of the Hopkins City Council was called to order by Mayor Gene Maxwell at
6:30 p.m. on March 25, 2003, at the City Hall. Council members Brausen, Jensen, Johnson and
Rowan were present. City personnel present were: Assistant City Manager Genellie, City Attorney
Miller and Finance Director Yager.
Review of Gambling Policy
Mr. Genellie said Hopkins Youth Hockey Association had asked to have their application for
a gambling permit continued to April 15. Attorney Steiner has said some language in the present
policy could be confiising: the "principal location or office" must be in Hopkins and more than one
organization may operate in one location but not two at the same time in the same place. Attorney
Miller said that it is his legal opinion that "principal location or office" are synonymous terms and
mean the permanent place where records are kept. The Pavilion cannot be used as a "principal
location" for the hockey association just because theyplay there. Mr. Genellie added that a permanent
location must be put on the state application for non-profit status and Terry is going to check with
the state; they could not use the Pavilion to meet the state rule. Terry had found a 1993 address as
126 9t'' Ave., but it is not on the present application. Answering Mayor Maxwell, Mr. Miller said if
the hockey association comes with that address now it would require a new application.
Mr. Miller said the existing lease that lasts until December 31, 2003, is enough to deny the
application as the city would not want to interfere between contractual parties. Ms. Johnson said she
had heard that a letter had been sent indicating the lease could be given up but she did not know if
it had been authorized by the Raspberry board. Mayox Maxwell rxaentioned the five-year waiting
period. Mr. Genellie said the ordinance reads "engaged in activities five years" so it does not mean
they have to have a principal office in Hopkins five years. Mr. Miller said he felt the ordinance should
be looked at and redrafted given the questions that have arisen; a moratorium would make sense.
While several Council members expressed disapproval of youth associated with gambling, all
agreed that should not be part of the discussion.
Ms. Johnson said the hockey association's application was not done properly; they submitted
the application, then had the required meeting. Mr. Miller noted that if an application is incomplete
and it is pointed out before the meeting, the applicant can correct it. Mr. Genellie added as far as he
knows, the city has not received the minutes.
General Consensus: The Pavilion is not an acceptable address for the Hockey Association as
it is not an office location and is city property. Staffneeds to find out if, in fact, a letter with proper
authority was sent about the lease and, if so, said letter should be reviewed by Attorney Miller. A
moratorium effective April 1, except for current applications, should be put in place.
2003 Budget Discussion
Mr. Genellie said that Mr. Mielke and Ms. Yager will be meeting with department heads in
the coming week. The budget will be reviewed further on Apri18, with comments and suggestions
from staff. The Council members came up with various ideas for cutting the budget and increasing
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Mayor Maxwell said he had a meeting with Mr. Sauer last Wednesday. ALC is losing its
Eisenhower School space and looking for new quarters. Mr. Sauer and his faculty looked at the
upper level of the Pavilion and said it could work. He said everything is still in a very preliminary
discussion stage. Ms. Yager said Hopkins would pay for the initial improvements, such as the
elevator, but ALC would repay those expenses over four years plus pay a yearly lease, which would
probably run $5 0-75,000 per year. Mr. Brausen noted this would make the facility adaptable for more
uses. Ms. Johnson asked if the Activity Center could be used, where an elevator would not need to
be installed.
General Consensus was the idea should be pursued and the Activity Center suggested as an
alternate location.
Liquor License Fees
Mr. Genellie said license fees have not been raised in about 20 years. Alcohol-related city
expenses are approxunately $75,500. Revenue is about $59,510. Present fees are $800 for a wine
license and $7,500 for an on-sale license. The police favor a compliance program which would offer
a 10% reduction for a training program run by the police. Plymouth has such a program which has
been successful. Staff recommends increases to $10,000 for on-sale liquor and $1500 for wine
licenses, with a 10% reduction incentive. He added staff expects strong reaction to the proposal.
Mr. Brausen said he would like to see what the city gets back in DUI fines, etc. and figures
for the costs in more detail. Ms. Johnson said businesses are hurting now and thinks raising fees
should be done over time. Ms. Jensen asked if other cities phased in their increases.
Staff will come back with the answers to the questions raised.
Mr. Genellie handed out figures on city employees: 114 benefit-earning fii11-time employees;
49 part-time; 36 fire department; 65 seasonah 25 ofthe part-time are Depot employees. Mr. Brausen
asked for the total hours worked at the Depot.
Mr. Genellie said Mr. Stadler said he would be putting every other flag up this week because
of the war. Mr. Rowan said he felt this would say the city supports the war. Several Council
members said this was not a message they were comfortable with, even though they support the
actual fighting troops. General Consensus was the flags should not be flown.
Ms. Jensen said she had received an e-mail about the concealed handgun bill. Some cities
have passed resolutions in non-support of the bill. Ms. Johaa~san said she would want to actually see
the bill before deciding about such a resolution. Mayor Maxwell said any action should be checked
with Chief Reid. Mr. Genellie will e-mail Council members on status.
Mr. Brausen said he had an e-mail from Fran about a 20 minute presentation on the Depot
budget, which could be presented at the April 8 work session. He would like to see it. If staffhas a
negative reaction, he would like to hear that also. Mayor Maxwell said he would like Ms. Yager's
reaction. General Consensus was to put it on the agenda for the Apri18 work session.
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Ms. Johnson moved adjournment. Ms. Jensen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Kasey Kester, Secretary
Eugene J. ell, Mayor