01-28-03 WSJanuary 28, 2003 Page 1 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION -January 28, 2003 A work session of the Hopkins City Council was held at 6:30 p.m. on January 28, 2003, at the City Hall. Council members present were Mayor Maxwell and Council members Brausen, Jensen, Johnson and Rowan. City personnel present were: City Manager Mielke; Housing Coordinator Elverum; Police Chief Reid, Fire Chief Beckering; Administraive Service Manager Connie Kurtz; Public Works Director Stadler; and Parks Superintendent Vogtman. Also present were: John Cooley and Hillary Federer of the Downtown Design Comrnittee; and James O'Shea of Collaborative Design. Design Guideline Discussion Ms. Elverum said it is hoped to have Zoning & Planning look at the guidelines in February, and have the 15` and 2°d readings by the Council in March. Ms. Federer said contact information was published in the Sun Sailor. Ms. Elverum said the boundaries for the overlay remain the west side of 6`'' to the east side of 13`h and 15` St. S. to 15L St. N. Mr. Cooley said 6`'' was chosen to include the entire "Mainstreet" area. There was discussion if the north/south boundaries should be the alleys. Ms. Johnson noted there were some residential units in the larger area. Mayor Maxwell said Park Nicollet is worried about the parking lot standards. Ms. Elverum agreed she found the recommended fencing is expensive when Park Nicollet and Lutheran Digest contacted her. Mr. Brausen said he feels most rules should remain standards rather than guidelines because when the present Council is gone, guidelines would not have the force needed to keep downtown looking good and that parking lot rules need not be as stringent. Mr. Cooley added standards could be changed in the future, but the process would mean the issue would be really looked at. Discussion followed on the materials list. Ms Federer said the Elks representatives seemed happy to get guidance and were willing to work with the committee. Mr. Brausen noted that some types of brick look better painted. Ms. Elverum said exceptions would be granted for safety, unique site characteristics, situations where standards would hurt the business purpose (window requirements where privacy is essential, for example), greater public benefit (as the Art Center). Financial hardship alone would not be enough. Staff would handle minor exceptions; significant exceptions would be handled like variances . Ms. Jensen asked about signage. Ms. Elverum said it was not brought up at the public meetings. They have been asked about neon signs that are largely open but are large sized. Mr. Mielke noted standards would apply even on projects that fall below the CUP limit. General Consensus: All agreed 6`~' to 13~' were good boundaries. The committee representatives agreed atwo-tier set of guidelines/standards would be drafted using less stringent rules on 15C St. N and 151 St. S.,~ especially for parking lots. All agreed the committee had done a ` good job. Facilities Project Update January 28, 2003 Page 2 Chief Reid said the Council would be asked authorization for bids February 18 for Public Works and the Fire Dept. Mr. O'Shea showed plans for the police facility with the present courtyard space incorporated into the building, noting the old exterior brick wall will be retained as a focal point and the fire tower incorporated as a skylight to reduce cost. Chief Reid said the added 2400 sq. ft. would greatly help. He is using largely open areas to allow more working space and make reconfiguration possible in the future. There was some discussion of parking issues; Mr. Mielke said he plans to bring everyone together to discuss that issue. There are no major changes in the fire department plans. Mr. Mielke suggested crosswalks be added to the plans for it and the public works area to see if those areas can be tightened up. Mr. Stadler discussed plantings and walls to be used as screening. He said using aconcrete/fabric construction for sand and salt storage could save $130,000. Ms. Jensen asked if the parking ramp could be included in the security package. Mr. Mielke said Mr. Kerrigan is looking into the ramp security issue. General Consensus: Council members liked the plans. Pedestrian crossings at fire/pubic works and parking at police/city hall should be looked at. Mr. Stadler should find out about colors and ventilation in the fabric structure. Council thanked him for finding an alternate way to save money . Police Radio System Update Chief Reid said he sees only two viable alternatives since the idea of working with Eden Prairie has been stopped by licensing restrictions: re-allocate the present systems or join the Metro 800 system. Reallocation would work short-term, but in 2006 something else would need to be done. Some of his objections to Metro 800 have been satisfied, although he still is uneasy about using a system that has never been done anywhere in the world before and has already had some failures online. It would also mean Hopkins has no control. Advantages are he could talk to any law officer in the 7-county area; grants are available from Metro Radio Board far up to 30% of infrastructure costs (up to $90,000); Johnson equipment is now available as well as Motorola. The county is sending an engineer Friday to work with him. The North Main (Plymouth and north) is in use; Dakota County was up, but is now down; South Main (which would include Hopkins later) is scheduled to be up in three months. Ms. Kurtz added there is a lease/purchase combination option they are looking into. Mr. Mielke noted that not joining Metro 800 would mean Hopkins would be "an island." Hopkins would retain its VHF system so that the fire department could be communicated with. Downtown Park 1-2eview Mr. Vogtman said staff feels the central area between the flagpole and monument is the best site, with the bandshell facing northwest. Ms. Johnson said she spoke to the Jaycees and they agree they cannot share the bandshell. General Consensus: The location is good. Mr. Vogtman should see if a bandsheil smaller than 800 sq. ft. is available. Yard and Brush Program Changes for 2003 Mr. Stadler said the hardest issue is free neighborhood leaf pick-ups. He would like to start January 28, 2003 Page 3 the new program May 12 after the spring pick-up. General discussion followed on how to bill neighborhood associations. General Consensus: Mr. Stadler will see if a mandatory charge to associations would be legal. Meetings should be held with the free pick-up areas to get feedback on how they want charges to be handled. All agreed Mr. Stadler should say there would be charges; the issue is how they want them handled. The start date should be set for fall to allow time for dialogs to take place. Other Mr. Rowan and Ms. Johnson noted Sun Sailor delivery is sporadic. Ms. Johnson asked that Council members get the information on the Elks project. State of City. Mr. Mielke will have staff prepare talking points for Council members. Divisors of topics will be: Mr. Brausen, 5"' Ave.; Mayor Maxwell, budget; Ms. Johnson, Art Center; Mr. Rowan, facilities projects; Ms. Jensen, infrastructure. Discussion will continue on Feb. 18. State Budget Issues. Mr. Mielke attended a business council meeting and received a lot of information. Ms. Lager is working on adding Hopkins figures. This will need discussion. Employees also need to be informed as the state is talking of freezing salaries of public employees. Ugorets Lawsuit. The parties will be going ahead with depositions. Ja cees. Jaycees are considering asking if they can do the "tent dance" without a tent at Raspberry Festival. Mr. Mielke has told them there may be a noise isue. Ms. Johnson moved adjournment; Mr. Brausen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Kasey Kester, Secretary ATTEST: d~~ ~,' Eugene J. well, Mayor