09-28-04 WSSeptember 28, 2004
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A work session of the Hopkins City Council was called to order by Mayor pro-tem Diane
Johnson at 6:30 p.m. on September 28, 2004, at the City Hall. Council members Brausen, Rowan
and Thompson were present. City personnel present were: Acting City Manager Jim Genellie;
Public Works Director Steve Stadler; Chief of Police Craig Reid; Economic Development Director
Jim Kerrigan; and Facilities Manager Jay Strachota. Also present were James O'Shea, architect;
David Chase of Kraus-Anderson; Tom Hessel, Chris Tower, Susan Hanna-Bibus and Mary Jo
Bartos of HCA, Inc.
Facilities Update
Mr. Stadler said net bonds funds for the facilities were $13,273,326.42; costs included a
requisite amount set aside for the first payment. Estimated under-budget amount is $147,041. The
school district will be contributing $350,000.00 for the extra work they needed done at the
Katherine Curren site; this amount is not included in the cost of the facilities project. He noted
some accounts have not been reconciled yet, but he is comfortable with the figures given to the
Council in the summary.
Ms. Johnson asked about the anticipated fees for Kraus-Anderson. Mr. Stadler says they
are estimated through the end of the year. Because of unanticipated delays in moving the fire
department, the construction time lengthened, meaning a construction superintendent and project
management needed to be paid longer. Their fees plus miscellaneous costs, such as dumpster fees,
run about $35,000/month. Chief Reid noted that some construction work was always being done
so they had to be kept on the job. Mr. Genellie added the original costs were based on an October
2004 completion date. Answering Mr. Thompson, Mr. Stadler agreed the original contingency
amount of $900,000 is down to $147,000. Mr. Genellie noted the summary sheet's bond balances
are misleading as bond balances can't be transferred from the first bond to the second bond, but
the project figures as a whole are correct.
Chief Reid said at present the mezzanine floor is being leveled and painting is going on
below. Amove-in date of November 6 is planned for the old fire station; then remodeling will
start on the present site. Dispatch will be checked on October 13; it will be turned on October 15.
Mr. Chase added electricity, etc. is all roughed-in. He expects sidewalks to be done this week and
hopes all asphalt work will be done before winter. Mr. Stadler said there are a few miscellaneous
things to be finished at the Public Works/Fire Station site.
Mr. Thompson suggested that the public should be informed what "surprises" occurred in
construction that added costs, such as the police station roof. Mr. Rowan added a list of those
things that cost less than anticipated should also be given. Mr. Brausen suggested that at the open
house the items donated, such as the large television set in the fire department, should have large
signs naming who donated them. Mr. Stadler said that one thing that had disappointed him was
how many things had not been included in the original plan and had to be added as change-orders;
it would have been much better if there had been better coordination with the architect before
starting the building.
Update on Shady Oak Road Project
Mr. Kerrigan said Hennepin County is starting to figure how they want to go forward with
the project. They have five alternatives, three on the "south side" (south of Mainstreet) and two on
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the "north side" (north of Mainstreet). One problem faced is the wetlands. The areas most likely
to be impacted are the residential area north of the pond and the commercial area around Nelson's
and the VFW. The current plan is for afour-lane design.
At present the County plans its first two steps to be: 1) a contract with Hoesington-Koegler
to study impacts and develop alternatives; and 2) public input from Councils, city staffs and
property owners. City staff is meeting with the County next Tuesday. He said staff feels this is
basically a county project.
Ms. Johnson said she was concerned about people who might be buying a house in the area
- they need to know this project is coming. Mr. Kerrigan said public information is planned for
the first of the year. He feels most realtors are already aware of the project. Mr. Brausen asked
how County Highway 3 had been handled; he was told it had been aphased-in project with the
public put on notice long before it started. Mr. Brausen commented he doubted realtors were
telling new business owners of the upcoming project. He is concerned about those who recently
started businesses in the area, such as the tanning place. He feels the County may not be sensitive
to those people. Mr. Genellie asked why the County could not say they are planning to update
Shady Oak and tell what the process will be and what month public meetings will be held so
people are aware but the County can conduct its process as planned.
General Consensus was Mr. Genellie's idea should be implemented if at all possible. It
should also be emphasized the Council is concerned about keeping the businesses in Hopkins. Mr.
Kerrigan said he had already emphasized the importance of single-family housing.
Mr. Kerrigan said he felt public input too early could cause problems, but that a
"something will be happening" notice might be good. He will bring it up at Tuesday's meeting.
Mr. Thompson asked what city office would be approached by someone wanting to lease business
space, saying he felt they should also give this message. Mr. Genellie said if a general letter went
out, those people could be directed to it. Mr. Brausen said such a letter should go out to residential
property owners, business owners and commercial property owners. Mr. Kerrigan said the
County's Community and Public Works seem to be willing to do more than they did for the
Excelsior Blvd. project, especially in the area of redevelopment. Mr. Thompson asked what the
city's share of property acquisition costs would be. Mr. Stadler said it is usually 50/50, but he
will double-check if this project will follow that. Mr. Rowan asked if more land is taken in
Hopkins than in Minnetonka, does that mean Hopkins has to pay more?
HCA, Inc. Discussion .
Mr. Strachota said all parties agreed the original cooperative agreement of 2000 needed to
be redone. He and members of HCA, Inc. were at the session to present a draft of a new
agreement and to answer any questions. The agreement has been reviewed by the city attorney.
The main three changes are space usage fees will now be based on percentages of ticket
income; 10% of membership dues (up to $500 for business memberships) will go to the City;
proceeds of the annual fundraiser will be shared with the City on a sliding scale. Other changes
include a clarification of usage dates; HCA, Ines input in hiring an Executive Arts Director was
spelled out; payments will be made January 15 and July 15 each year; how termination of the
agreement would be handled is explained.
Ms. Hanna-Bibus said they are pleased they will be able to pay the City more. Ms. Johnson
mentioned that when tenant leases are renewed things might be "tweaked" for HCA, Inc. also.
Mr. Hessel said HCA, Inc. ,has always had a good relationship with the tenants and feels that will
continue. He added he felt the new agreement clarified the "income streams" back to the city.
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General Consensus was the agreement is ready to come before the Council for official
Mr. Thompson asked about tree removal, noting a neighbor had had a tree marked for
some time. Mr. Brausen said there is a pamphlet the city puts out and detailed the process he went
through removing his tree. He added Ray Vogtman would probably know the status of the
neighbor's tree.
Mr. Brausen asked about the Sanders' property. Mr. Stadler said he is meeting with her
Sept. 29. Mr. Genellie said after meeting with her, Mr. Stadler will make a recommendation,
consensus will be gotten, and Ms. Sanders will be notified as to what the city will or will not do.
Ms. Johnson presented the items of Mayor Maxwell: 1) Hopkins School landfill. Mr.
Genellie said there will be a meeting Sept. 29. MPCA said it was okay "within reason" but that
needs to be clarified. 2) Reserve banquet is Oct. 22. 3) Open house Oct. 9, what is role of the
Council. Mr. Genellie will check and report.
It was noted that the police department was mentioned twice and recreation omitted in the
city manager handout.
Mr. Genellie said the Dairy Queen on Blake has been told they are required to have a 1000
gallon outdoor grease trap; they are complaining that is a $8,000 change order. Indoor grease traps
cause severe problems. For example, the old Wendy's had had an indoor one, which they ran hot
water through to dissolve the grease, which then clogged the city sewer and backed-up to the
apartments. Art Carlson told the architect that 4 of his last 5 designs had outside traps so he knew
an outdoor trap is needed. Hopkins will rely on its CUP requirement, but staff is suggesting the
outdoor trap be specified in the ordinances.
Mr. Thompson moved adjournment. Mr. Brausen seconded. On a 4-0 vote, the meeting
adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Kasey Kester, Secretary
Euge e J axwell, Mayor