04-13-99 WSMINUTES
A work session of the Hopkins City Council was held at 6:30 p.m. on April 13, 1999,
at the City Hall. Council members present were Mayor Redepenning and Council m inhere
Jensen, Johnson and Maxwell. Councilwoman Hesch arrived at 8:10 p.m. City personn
pr sent ware City Manager Mielke, Planning ~ Economic Development Director Kerrigan,
Finance Director Yager, Dinsctor of Public Works Stadler, Nancy Anderson and City Attorney
Stainer. Also proserrt wero Fred Hoisingtion of Hoisington' Koegler Group, Ina. for the single
family moratorium presentation; Steve Mahowald, Stuart Krahn and Brian Lamb for the
transit update; and James Benshoof for the Excelsior Bivd. update.
Single FamYy Housing Updrts, Jim Kerrlgen, prrssnbr
Mr. Kerrigan summarized the three options the council had chosen to review further
at an earlier session: cr+sating exclusive zoning districts for institutional uses; amending the
existing conditional use permit ordinance; combining the first two, noting the council had
se m d to prefer the third option at the earlier work sess'lon. Mr. Hoisington of Hoisington
Koegler noted that while current suggested language suggested ~ 150,000 as a "trigger
amount" for requiring a conditional use permit, the council might want to lower that to
8100,000. Mayor Redepenning asked if this would bs "new ground" legally. City Attiornsy
Stein r said while the goal is a bit different from that of other cities, it uses established
techniques and rules. The Mayor asked how institutionally owned single-family residences
would be handled. City Attomsy Steiner that would bs a council decision, but th new
institution classification could apply only to property actually used for institutional operation.
Karma Jensen asked if an institution wanted to tear down a house to enlarge their parking
lot, was it covered now. Attorney Steiner said no. Diana Johnson asked if this would
affect formation of parks; it would not as they are already permitted in R-1 areas. Karen
Jensen expressed concern about saving single-family homes outside of R-1 areas, and
general discussion on this ensued. Steers Mielks suggested that the system could b
extended to R-2, etc. areas also. Karen Jansen asked if the planning commission was
informed. Jim Kerrigan said they had been updated. Discussion followed.
Gsr~sral Consensus: The new system should apply to R-2 through R-5 arose as well
as R-1. At the April 27 planning commission meeting, Director Jim Kerrigan and City
Attorney Steiner should present the commission with the same information as the council
so the commission members are prepared for public information meetings.
Phas II transit study rovlew, Navy Anderson, pnssntsr
Nancy Anderson introduced Steve Mahowald, Stuart Krahn and Brian Lamb, noting
Hopkins was the first city to receive their update.
The presenters noted that the new ideas would make it easier for people to commute
both to and from Hopkins. Whether they will go west of Hopkins still requiros furth r study.
A further study should bs available to the cities in June. Gene Maxwell asked if th re
would be a prioritizing in implementing the extended lines. Mr. Lamb noted those that have
studies completed would be started first; of the nine areas the only other two being studied
yet are northeast Minneapolis and northern St. Paul suburbs.
O n ral Conssnws: Ths council felt the report had not met their expectations. City
Manager Mi Ik is to keep the Council informed.
Apra 18, 1888 City CounoN Work S orlon Minubs Paps 1
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Year 2000 Budget F rn~at and Goals, Lori Yager, pr ssrrtsr
Finance Director Lori Yager briefly reviewed the 1999 budget goals and the
assumptions behind them. She then asked the Council to respond with questions and
comments on the proposed new format which would allow the Counci{ to evaluate
budget issues by making it easier to evaluate what programs were
financially worthwhile.
Diane Johnson commented she was pleased to see the budget process starting
earlier so that council members had time to evaluate issues. Gana Maxwell afire d,
noting there had not been time last year to properly evaluate the assessing issue.
Karen Jensen asked if Y2K monies were budgeted; Director Yager said such costs
could come from the contingency fund. Steve Mislke noted Y2K aensitiva aroas had
been studied and should bs ready. Fran Hesch noted some funds were available for
Y2K problems. Fran Hssch said she felt the new budget format would lead to more
clearly defined goals and help funding according to priorities. Gene Maxwell noted
ach department has stated goals; the budget format would help evaluate if they ar
being met. Mayor Redepenn'mg asked how soon progrem budgeting could be started.
Director Yager said format change is not the problem; the problem area is for
departments to see what their progrem numbers are, how to allocate salaries, etc.
Something should be available in June. She also noted that Assistant City Manag r
Gsnellie had met with other cities; they say the labor unions are recommending 396
salary increases. The budget is set for 2'J6 96, which is a 2'J6 96 increase in the levy.
This may need to be addressed later. Karen Jensen asked if the police department
salaries total shouldn't have dropped enough to help make up that d'ifferonce ass nior
officers have bean retiring. Mayor Redepenning said they had said the retirements
made no differ~sr~cs. Stsvs Mielks asked the council members to bs able to inform him
on exactly what they want the new budget form to accomplish so that hs can giv
proper direction to department heads. Is the focus to help the council prioritize
Oensrd Consensus: City Manager Mielke will keep the Council updated on Y2K
issues; it wil! be on the May work session agenda. Tha Council agreed program-based
budgeting should go ahead. Mr. Mielke should get a written run-down on polio
department salaries.
Yard Waste and finish, ~twe Bta~sr, prossntsr
Mr. Stadler said hs rocornmended extending the free fall program for one ws k.
G neral discussion followed.
Qsnerd Consensus: Mr. Stadler's recommendation is good. The ~ 1 bag and
drop-off programs should continue longer; Mr. Stadler should come back with a further
r commendation on how to decide when those two programs should end each year.
AprY 1 S, 1999 City Couno~ Work SeNion Minut s
Paps 2
Exoslsbr Blvd. Phes 2, and Blak Soho 1 acosss, St v Stsdler, pr s nt r
Mr. Stadler had met with both Hennepin County and MN DOT. Hennspii
County will not go along with afull-take of the bottle shop. .Does the council wan
to proceed with afull-taking, given that they would need to bear the cost alone?
Diana Johnson asked if the original plan hadn't been to take all businesses south o'
Exc Isior Blvd.; Mr. Stadler agreed h was. Fran Hesch noted it was a lot of mon y
could it be spent better eisewharo~ Gene Maxwell asked for exact numbers. Mr
Stadler said those would bs available when the appraisal is done, which should bt
finished very soon.
General Consensus: At this point, design approval has to wart till the
neighborhood has a chance to give feedback. Mr. Stadler should get soma exact
monetary numbers for the council.
Mr. Stadler then want on to discuss the parking lot Blake School wants north of its
ice arena. So far he has been able to get the county to agree to a potential curb cut; the
county will not agree to street signals due to the little room for left-tom lanes. Mr. Mi Ike
not d Blake School would not bs happy. Mayor Redepenning asked about the school buses
coming down the hill. Mr. Benshoof noted Blake School said they would not do that. He
said his big concern was that people would do U-toms in intisrsections to avoid going farther
b cause of right-tom-only approaches. Mayor Redepenning said hs is corrx:smed about the
increased traffic through the rosidantial neighborhood.
General Corrasnsus: The council cannot back the Blake School plan since Hennepin
County will not allow full intersection stoplights in the area.
Other Issues:
Parld~~g task isoros: They have had two meetings and aro looking at the whob system.
He thinks they are making good progress. Mr. Maxwell agroad.
7S A 6 task fioros: At their mewing in lets March, they decided that from a traffic
perspectnre, the new plan was no better that what is in place already. He noted Minnetonka
does agree with Hopkins that they do not want 16g traffic to move to 73.
Board and Commission ApproclaiYdon: General consensus was to hold it May 10 at
the Art Center for the boards, commissions and task force for 73 & 5.
Steve Mielke excused himself wh~e Mayor Redepenning discussed the evaluation set-
up. Ha asked that members have their appraisals done by Friday, Apri123, at 4:30 so they
can b tabulated for the meeting on the 27th. Council members agreed to have Mr. Mialke
also fill out a s~f-evaluation. Mayor Redepanning said there would bs a joint meeting with
Mr. Mialke sat at a later date.
Apra 1 S, 1988 Chy CouncN Work 8eMion Minutes
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Motion to adjourn was made b1- Karon Jensen and seconded by Fran Hesch. It
passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 10:b0 p.m.
Kassy Keefer, recording secretary
couNCi~ M~eeRs
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Charles D. Redepenntng, Mayor-
Apra 13. 1 S89 CIt1- CaioY Work Seaton Minubse ~ 4