01-12-99 WS1Vmru-r~s CITY COUNCIL wOR~~SESSION - JANUARY iZ,1999 A war]c ae~ion of the Hoplrins City Council wan held sot 6:30 pm. on January 12, 1999, at 6:30 pm. at the City Hall. Co~cil memba~e pt~ae~at were Mayor Charles Redep~~t*~ Gene Marvell, Fran Heech, Karen Jease~n, and Diane Joimson. Also presea~t wage City Manager Steve 1Vlielloe~ Aaeis~mot City Manager Jm~ Gen~elfie~ Assessor Bob wilsoa and Dia~.~ of Public works stave Stadler. Sit 3, Bzedsiov Blvd. Update, lJa~~, gtndlsr, p~etsr stave Stadler explained material sa forth in iris memo. Stadler p~.rh~ out ~ the ~~Y was ~ ~8 ~ Pa'~Y talus the b~uildigg oo~~.~..:.,~ Beet hod Bottle Sbop and a Barber3hap. He stated ~ if the City wished to have a full talaag the Co~ua~ty would ~~quia~, the City to maloo-up the diNet~eo~ce, which lie estimated at X200,000. He also ahaared a p'te~+;~t re-~~i,~+eaet of a st, whdch i~d been discussed PmviaoelY b'Y the oooocil but Hat adopted. Tl~e re-~~ia""~'aat mould Po~baotiallY remo~v~e pauses be>vad the liquor shone. Ka+ea Jeosea expressed deep eon~a about dea~oliabing auy =+esideoees; fhe others ooocuaed. C Redepaming stated that lte would ldae to seethe new intersection oonnec~ further north. stave Stadler n~orood the allay between Jacloeon and Mo®roe *~i,~+t be a posa"b~ity to use so homes would Hat be talren. I3e skso noted thaot not ~e fast pt+eemtation the city did Hat lmaw what ~ county would pay. He laober natod ~ if the Milweukoe change is a de~mite futtin. job, the eo~oty r~i~ give a bet~r--ooe~t ratio oa et least ~aot pat of the project. Gene M~cw~ell Hated if the bottle ~ stays, other boainem owners would weal to know why. Tlure wan g~enasi discussion of the padd~g lot imu+e (includ~g caub cute) end the iss~u of the city's liabilities in case of lawsuit. Firsa Hescb fait the ~o~dy should be the patty to buy the pz+opetty, Hat the city. There was gen~xai discussion of the poss!'bility of buying the bottle shop, then leasing back, but n~o consensus was reached. Clerrles Redap"'"'~ brought up the issue of the b~ ...:~ which was discussed. Thet+e was general oomeern that what bad bees rn~ginally pt+omised to the area resideacts would be in~poea'ble under the new pr+oposaL Steve S. said there would be open pause where ~e chtmges could be r-~cpl~+*~ed. Gesrral Coas~sas. The city attorney needs to give the council tLe following: (1) an opinion an patial taking sad whale taking of ~ pt+operty; (2) an assessmeaot of lawsuit poses'bilitiea: if awnexa heel ~y are da*n~i, what is the process; haw would the suitwg process work (city/~,~ty)? Mare m~'nrmatian is needed on the Following iaues: (1) if fire bottle shop stays, what will be tha~e fioor parking end where will curb cuts be? what will the safety isetxa be? (2) Are tha+e grays to maloe ~ eo~uity more r'ble~ both For eosle and safety (including ptak~gJ re~onsibinty? (3) Appraisal values For the pTOpaty; (4) - where will the b~ -...~.~ be? It should be ~'-~«it~ly made clear the eo~mcil is against ~ homes being taken. Sti Joseph's Parking Lod She Mme, praeater Steve Miellre m.~...,..- ~;ud his nano oon< -..i.,,S the po~ntial shared use of the 3t. Joseph's C~itrh P'nhittg lost. Mie0oe asked if the eounc.il felt thane was ooaseaws do eontinoue disc~ss~iena with the Church. He asked if tbae is a need for more psrlottg is this sn~ea. He st:+eesed this is a lease anaggemeat; the lot would eta belong do the Bch. Ho wed the setting up of a special service district so that daa,,~wu businasa arould pay a abate. 1~a+e was gena~si discussion on perking issue, and the hauee awned by St. Joe's impact an do~wato~wn buainases. Ga`rral C~sasos. The City Manager should c~*~ue do caplets the issue. Mere information is needed by the council on costs, incha~g coat of this plan, operao~ing costs, fuadigg in the o~ ot~ parking tat racoon costs. Tlary need tD lmosv haw and boar much the buaineeses would pay, though d~~ dollar a~umbers aro not neocseary, and a heftier idea of who woald be in the special sesviee district. The Legion should be approached as to what their costs a~+e no-w ~ get some ides ofchjr nosh. Ro®aa ehautid be oo~riacted as to wheat is happening there. Board of Revkw ChaBga, Bob wll~, praa~er City Assessor Bob Wilson reviewed a proposal do change the method of conducting the Board of Review. Bob Wilson ~cp1 haw the addition of the independent ra~itota wo~ild work stating that MinnatonlCa has a similar prooas, which brings in additional inp~rt ~n rail estate profasiana]s. He atimatiod the total cost at 5300500. 1'ha~e was general diacuaaion. Gene Mea~well anggested that public notice be put out to inform the public it would be up for diecueaion so as to get feedback. General Consas~s. Bob ahauld start do gather possible na®a and draft a policy. Ligaor tea, Jlm Ge®eSie, praa~~r Tm~ Geaellie reviewed two pote~ial cbenga to the Liquor o~inan~ce~ adding food m liquor sales retina and locatiooa within the City. He eacplained ~Y location iasna would need to be addrased through ~*yl ordinance , not the liquor ordinaaca Tba+e was genaul discumio®, especially on haw the SOV50 ratio for liquor/food would be ~ A - <<~h~ed and haw a lapse period would be ~1-_~-.•~t*tied. Gmeral Canseesos: Jnn Genellie alrould go ahead widh the oidinsoee changes. The number of atablisbaeeoots alrould resin the same. A 90-day ]epee period would be used en e~cietigg li~oausea al~ouid the business close. At the eoncluaian of the 90 days the lice would have to reopen uoda the new food to liquor raotio. Move t*+~*nation is needed an the 50/50 ratio; ~te.d buainema alrould be asked informed smd asked do ~~-.,n.ent on the proposed charges. Other Lsaes Mayor Redepw..~i.,a Hated Pat M»11~ had reigned $an tlro policx civil sa'vic;e ~n~...t~ssiaa He would ar~~,.;~iste suggatians in the Hatt 30 days an replacements. Steve Mierioe taUoed about the u~~*~ special work session on the 26~. He ataobed that his discussions with council mambasmdiceted a need to work on oa~~cations and than on Goals and Objective. He asked for feedback an the tropic. Fran Hach send she bas ar~o®dered what three p'+~*~p^ get each oauncil member ..~.~;i~.l sbo~ut being on the oouacal; what are each ~+~~s .. goals? It was decided to start this session at 6:00 pm.; Steve Miell~e will p~+ovide supper. It was agreed that thew special seesio®s would nave a normal shop time of 10:00 pm. unless ge~cal ~~eat is to r~.~.~~ on unti111:00 p.m., which will be a "latest posa'ble" ~ time. The r~~~ adjourned at 9:SS p.m. upon motion by Diane Johnsaa and second by Karen Jeoseo. The motion passed sly. Kasay Keefer, ~-di~g s.,.;~~~r ATTEST ~ i :~ Charles D. Redep~m*~g, Mayor CO-UNQL M~M~~RS /_ i •• ~ ~ :~ A !~! - , _ ,~ _ ! . , i~ _ c- ~'~