08-11-98 WSWork S sslon Minut s
August 11,1998
A City Coundl work session was held on Tuesday, August 11,1998, in the Raspberry
Room at Hopkins City Hall. Present were Coundl members Gene Maxwell, Fran
Hesch, Diane Johnson and Karen Jensen. Absent was Chuck Redepenning, Mayor.
Also present were staff members Steve Mielke, City Manager; Lori Yager, Finance
Director, and Steve Stadler, Public Works Director.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor pro tempore Fran Hasdt at 6:30 p.m.
StaSing for the Hopkins Canter fior the Arts
The first item of business was staffing for the Hopkins Center for the Arts. Rick
Brausen, chair of the HCA Operating Committee, presented a report to the City Coundl
indicating the operations board's r+eoommer~datbn to the Coundl. The board
recommended that additional staffing was necessary for the Center in order for the
Center to reach beyond the day-today a~~ivitles, and to sully meet its objecctivves.
Brausen noted a report by Jay Strachota, fadlity manager, that with this plan, 20 hours
of additional staffing would be added to the Center, including secretarial and part time
help. He noted that the original staffing plan called fior 2.7 full time equivalent
employees (FTEs), and that since January 1, the Center has been operating on an
interim plan of 4.2 FTEs. Based on the results of the first six months, Strachota and the
operations board are recommending that an additional .5 FTEs be added to the existing
interim plan as part of the 1999 budget. The cost of these additional employees will be
$23,000 fior the Arts Center.
Strachota also points out that the interim plan calls for changes at the pavilion. With the
recommended changes, an additional ;43,000 would be added fio the personnel budget
for the pavilion. The additional help at the Center would be used for public contact,
scheduling, and contrail administratbn.
The Coundl requesfied additional irlfti~ rr18'ti011 and instructed the item to be placed on
the agenda for the Sep~bember work session.
Lsgistiative Policy 6,A, Purchasing Policy
The next item of business was discussion of Legislature Policy 6-A, purchasing policy.
Lori Yager, Finance Director, r+evieMred with the Coundl a proposed policy to
accompany the passage ofi a proposed Charter Ordinance amendment detailing
purchasing requirements for the City. Under the new policy, bills would be paid in
advance so as to avoid late charges, take advantage of early payment discounts, and
improve cash flaw. As part of the policy, Yager indicated that a listing of bills would be
dreulated to the Council weekly, Prior to payments that would be made the following
week. Coundl mmmbers would be allowed to comment and question any aF the bills,
and if deemed necessary, have that bill held for Coundl discussion at the first meeting
of the month, wherein previous month's bills are ratified by the Coundl. The Coundl
discussed the policy and indicated a willingness to consider adopting the policy at its
next regular meeting.
work mmutiea 7/14J'98
Page 2
1999 Budget and Tax Levy
The next item on the agenda was a discussion of the 1999 budget and tax levy. Lori
Yager presented an overview of the 1998 budget goals, and recommended adoption of
additional new goals. She also reviewed the status of cash flaw within the general
fund, and recommended that the Council consider adop~tlng a 4.5 peroerrt increase in
the tax levy in onier to meet next year's anticpated expenses, and tD recover a small
short-fiall in the fund balance necessary to maintain cash flaw. In addition to the 4.5
peroent increase, Yager indicated what a 3 peroerrt increase and 0 increase in the levy
would present to homeowners in 1999.
Discussion by the Coundl indicated a desire to know what is happening witi~ the school
and county with regard to tax levy; a desire do know haw the legislature's actlons last
year affected next years tax payments; and asked staff to review fees for services that
might not otherwise be charged at this time.
Snow Emergency Policy
The next item was a discussion of the snow emergency poiicy. Steve Stadler, Public
Works Director, reviewed with the Coundl the proposed new snow emergency policy
that would ticket violators of the snow emergency rules, and taw them the idlawing day.
Stadler reviewed his memorandum with the Councl and recommended that the Council
stay wit1~ the existing plan. He offered several ideas for better education and other
efforts to reduce the number of cars being bowed. Folios Captain Jim Liddy and Vem
Pankratz, street and sanitation supervisor, also reoornmended staying with the existing
system. After discussion, the Coundl indicated a willingness to stay with the existing
system while asking staff to implement whatever steps could be taken to reduce the
number of vehicles towed. Council also discussed the flawing contract and in answer tD
Captain Liddy's question, indicated that their first preference would be to have a taw lot
in fawn, rather than out of town. In either case, payment of the taw fee and pk~cing up
the Cawed vehicle should be accomplished at the same location.
Social Services Budge~tlng
City Manager Sfieve Mielke reviewed with the Council a proposed procedure fior funding
soda) servbe budget requests for 1999.
Mielke indicated that the Coundl had directed the staff do prepare an alternative form of
budgeting fior the soc~aal services request, indicating a desire to focus payments on the
City's goals and prio 'noes, rather than those of the requesting organizations.
After discussion, the Coundi indicated a desire to eliminafie payments to sodal service
organizations for 1999. Instead, they directed departments to review the list of existing
organizations and, if desired, fio argue to the Councl the reasons why those services
provided by the requesting organizations should be included in the department's
budget. Mielke indicated that he would review this directive with the department heads
and gnre feedback to the Coundl at the next work session of the Coundl.
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Mielke indicated that he had spoken with Mr. And Mrs. Simms of 21 st Avenue North,
oonceming their issues and disputies with the 1Nyndham Hills developer and the City of
Coundl member Maxwell asked for information on the elder hostel in Minnetonka, and
noted indications that there may be expansion or oonstrudon taking place on that site.
Mielke stated he would find out if an expansion was planned, and inform the Coundl.
Mielke reviewed for the Coundl the rules and regulations concerning political signs in
even and odd year elections.
Mielke questioned whether the Coundl was interested in having voice mail provided by
the City. Alter discussion, Mielke indicated that he would surrey the Council to find out
haw they would like the City to no~tlfy dozens on haw best to contact Coundl members
~ various meti~ods.
Mayor pro tempore Hesch displayed a publicretion firm Hennepin County called the
Report Card, and asked City Manager Mielke to provide a Dopy to each of the Coundl
Coundl member Maxwell asked if thy. n was redpnodty between Shady Oak Beach and
the aoquatic fadlity in St. Louis Park. He had heard from a oonstftuen#, who was told by
St. Louis Park, there was not redprocity with regard to Bees. Mike indicreted he would
look infix this issue.
Council member Hesch asked that the tax increment financing overview provided by
staff be placed on an upcoming agenda for explanation to the Coundl.
Mayor pro tempore Hesd7 indicreted that the Met Coundl has backed out of discussbns
with the Depot Coffee House Board on a pofiential collaboration at the Depot site.
A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Jensen, to adjourn the meeting. The
meefing was adjourned at 10:17 p.m.
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