03-10-98 WSWork S s ion Minutiae
March 10,1988
A City Council Work session was held on Tuesday, March 10,1998, in the Raspberry
Room at Hopkins City Hall. Present Were Counal members Gene Maxwell, Fran
Hesch, Karen Jensen, and Diane Johnson. Also pneserrt wane staff members Stieve
Mielke, City Manager and Steve Stadler, Public Works director.
The meeting was called do order ~ Mayor pro fiempore Fran Hesch at 7 pm.
The first item of business was a discussion about West Park Road improvement
Sfieve Stadler reviewed a meetlng tha# was called for the neighborhood do discuss the
pofierrtial redevelopment of West Park Road, with a small portion being done by the
denreloper, Wyndham Townhomes in 1998, and the remainder of the roadway being
done at some point in the future. Stadler irrfiormed the Coundl that only one resident
attended the meeting, and tl~enefore, no good feedback can be reported. A~.GVrding to
the at~s roadway improvement policy, the Council is to determine the affiiected area for
a public improvement, and that affected area then has the opportunity to petition out of
ooncnefie curb and gutter, as part oaf a future constructlon project. Since there is no city
initlabed project, staff offered an albemative fio the Counal, in which the segment of
West Park Road that runs east~west, be considered an anomaly fio the policy and be
reconstructed without utllizing the city's improvement policy.
After discussion, it was the consensus of the Coundl that staff should Work with the two
Property owners affected by the reconstruction of the east~est portion of West Park
Road to determine their desires with regard do curb and guttier. Also, fio consider the
oonstructlon of that portion ofi roadway as a separate item from our roadway policy, and
that it not be considered an indkretlon of future decisions with regard do concrete curb
and gutter when the remainder of West Park Road is improved.
Staff indicated it Would contact and discuss the issue with the two property owners, and
bring the item forward do the Coundl for action at a future meeting.
The next ifiem of discussbn was a presentation of the vMOrksite wellness workshop.
Steve Mielke outlined for the Counal, a history of the Wellness Commitfiee, a wellness
surrey condtx~ed in 1997, and a Workshop held with employees to discuss haw to
make the City of Hopkins a more healthy work environment.
Mielke outlined the strategies developed during the workshop and asked the Counal for
r-eactlon and suggestions for implementing those strategies. The Coundl discussed the
strategies and suggestied that work is continued to develop implementation strategies,
and that the efforts done fio date were productive and Worthwhile. Counal also asked do
be kept informed of future discussions surrounding this issue.
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The next itiem of discussion was liaison positlons with the City Coundl.
Steve Mielke outlined a memo containing issues pertaining to communicatlons and
liaison efforts with various boards and oommissbns. Amer discussion, the Coundl
asked Mielke to devebp an outline in whk:h the boards and ~~~r~~~issions and the
Council can establish a community visbn for Hopkins, with ail boards and commissions
using the vision to establish goals and objectives for each boani and commission.
They also asked Mielke to flesh out ideas for improving oomrrwnication, inducting
orientatlon meetings, regular reports and discussions about oommittiee acttvitles, and
annual meetlngs with the Coundl. Finally, the Counal asked Mkelke to develop an
outline for job descxip~tlons for board and commission members and chairs, and
poterrtlal ways in which to devebp training and leadership within the boards and
Mielke outlined a proposal that had just been received from the Beard Group for a
pofientlat redevelopment project on the 1200 block of Mainstreet. The project would
consist often "brownstone like" apartments on the north side of Mainstr+eet. Mielke
informed the Council that the Item was being sent to the planning commission for
review on a concept basis.
Coundl member Maxwell asked Mielke to provide information concerning the 4-D
housing tax districts, and its poterrtlal impact on the Hopkins ~Ilage apartments.
There being no other business, Johnson moved and Jensen seconded a motlon to
adjourn. The mee~tlng adjourned at 9:58 p.m.
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