12-05-95_ The regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council Mae h id on Dacesber 5, 1995, in the Council umbers of Hopkins City Ball. Present Here Nayor Redapenninq, Councilmambars Anderson, Hesch, R'ritsler and NaxMall. Also present Mara staff m~e®bers ~[ialke, Gen llie, Stadler, icarrigan, Anderson and City Att~zz~.-y Jerre l~.iler. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Radepenninq called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.s. Nayor Redapenninq announced that the Hopkins Police Department recently honored their police reserve unit. 8e added that Kichael Lausenq, a Hopkins Eiployae, retired from the reserve after tManty years of service. The Police Department retired Lausenq's number and presented him Mith an sward for his service. Mayor ~Apanninq presented the aMard to Lausanq at the Council Nesting. II . OPEN AGffi~DA - P'OBLIC CO~II~TS/CON~-~~MS John Strojan, 309 Al}~+-# Lane, read a letter to the Council ~A*•essinq his concerns regarding a latter, Mrittsn in 1994, from the State Auditor. 8a saintained that all questions Mena not ansMared. He also stated his concerns about availability of information from the City. Nayor Radepanning and Councilme~sber Rritalar assured his that the one issue addressed in the latter Mae resolved. Bruce Seattle, 38 18th Avenue North, encouraged the Council and staff to consider Hennepin County's nav policy for bikes in the County Road 3 upgrade project. Don Roesnar, 618 Park Valley Drive Nast, stated that he supported 1~. Strojan and ~~+~rad his concerns. III. CONS$NT AGEL~DA 1. APPROVAL OF NOV~ffit 21, 199 5 RE6UL~lR NESTING l~ur~ v iisS 2. APPROVAL OF 1~IS~•T-~INFOIIS LICSIiSBS 3. APPROVAL OF DIa:sueS~1TS, PR~•TST 977 4. APPROVAL OF ACTION - APPROVE 1996 NON-UNION g, ~uT$S (CR95- 210 ) 5. APPROVAL OF ACTION - APP'..,Jva AGREffi~IT 1iIT8 RCIL, INC. , Kira FILE ~ (CR95-224) 6. APPROVAL OF ACTION - CHANG$ ORDER, RANDOM SIDEi~ALR REPAIR, FIFTH AVa"u~s AND FIRST STREST NORTS (CR95-211) 7. APPROVAL OF ACTION - GRANGE ORDffit, 1995 ~T•T•RY PROJECTS (CR95 -212 ) 8. APPROVAL OF ACTION - 1996 LIQUOR LICENSE Rffi~ALS (CR95-215) 9. APPROVAL OF ACTION -ADDITIONAL BUSINESS LICENSES FOR LIuuc~is LICENSE HOLDERS (CR95-226) 10. APPROVAL OF ACTION -CHANGE ORDffit, OARS PAS •i•~ri8 COURT (CR95-223) 3 r• S$PTffi~Bffit 15, 1992 CITY c.Vur~CIL 1~STING PAG$ 2 11. APPROVAL OF ACTION - S~'Arc RB1~IDING FOR SONING ORDINANCE AHSNDHSNT Councilmam4ber l~italar requested a ravieM of items six and seven, change orders, and ten. lam. Stadler explained the additional costs as being changes in methods and materials used to better suit the conditions as discovered. Councilme=fir l~ax~rell moved and Councilmember Anderson seconded a motion to a~~r~va the Consent Agenda. A poll of the vote eras as follo~rs: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmembar Hesch, Aye; Councilmembar 1C`ritaler, Aye; Councilmember Maxrall, Aye; irlaayor Redepenning, Aye. The motion eras carried unanimously. IV. PQBLIC HEARING A. CONSIDffit ACTION - Ra~ur~ING Aunu~ NORTH/Svuiu HOUSING Rava~u~s BONDS (CR95-197) Jim xerrigan reported to the Council that in 1983 the City of Hopkins a~Y~oved the sale of $5.6 million in tax exempt hous bonds to finance construction of the ~»~~rn North and South~s~esidantial projects. The aNner of this project is noN again requesting action to refund the existing debt and increase the debt. The purpose of this action is to obtain a lo~rer interest rate on existing debt. Staff recoemandad a motion to adopt Resolution 95-103, adopting a housing program and giving preliminary a~~s~val to the iss;~~*tc- of multi-family housing revenue refunding bonds for the l~uburn Housing pro fact. l~layor Redepanninq opened the Public A-~~ing at 8:04 p.m. Thera being no coements from the public, Councilmember Basch moved and Councilmembar MaxNell seconded a motion to close the Public Hearing. The ~-gyring eras closed at 8:05 p.m. A poll of the vote eras as follo~rs: Councilmembar Anderson, Aya; Councilmember Basch, Aye; Councilmamber Hritaler, Aye; Councilmembar Haxvall, Aye; lrlayor Redapanninq, Aya. The motion eras carried unanimously. Caunci~ ~r Hax:rall moved and Councilmember Rp~^~+ seconded a motion to adopt Resolution 95-103, adopting a housing program and giving preliminary approval to the issuance of multi-family housing revenue refunding bonds for the Auburn Housing Project. A poll of the vote eras as follo~rs: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmea~bar Hesch, Aye; Councilmembar RFitaler, Aye; Councilmember ~iaxxell, Aye; Mayor Redapanninq, Aye. The motion eras carried unanimously. S$PTffi~ffit 15, 199a CITY c.6:l1rCIL 1~IESTING PAGE 3 8. CONSIDER ACTION - Rsrur~~ING REV~u:s BOND, AIIGIISTANA CHAPEL vIEN 80~lES, INC. (CR95-Z01) Jim icarrigan explained to the Council that in 1984, the City of Hopkins approved the sale of tax exempt housing bonds to finance construction of the Chapel View elderly housing project. In 1990 as a result of a bond default, the City Council a~~~ved action allo~rinq the refund of the existing bond debt and authorising the sale of ner tax exempt revenue bonds for this project. The avnar of this project is nor again requesting action to refund the existing debt. The purpose of this action fs to obtain a laver interest rate. Staff racomaaendad a motion to adopt Resolution 95-105, providing for the issuance and sale of Housing Facilities Refunding ~ Bonds to provid. funds for a project on behalf of Auqustana Chapel vier Homes, Inc. Mayor Redepanning opened the Public R-~ring at 8:07 p.m. There being no comment from the public, Councilmember l~axrall moved and Councilmambar Rpm^.~+ seconded a notion to closes the Public R~~rinq. A poll of the vote ras as follors: Councilmambar Anderson, Aye; Councilme®bar Basch, Aye; Cauncilme~mbar 8rit$lar, Aye; Councilmember Naxrall, Aya; llaayor Redapenninq, Aye. The Public mp~*~inq closed at 8:08 p.m. Councilmembar Basch moved and Councilmambar I~itsler seconded a motion to adopt Resolution 95-105, providing for the issuance and sale of Housing facilities Refunding Revenue Bonds to provide funds for a project on behalf of Augustana Chapel Vier Homes, Inc. A poll of the vote Mss as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmembar Basch, Aye; Councilae=fir Icritsler, Aye; Councilmember l~axrell, Aye; l~iayor Radapenninq, Aye. The motion ras carried unanimously. v. oLD BIISINESs A. CONSIDER ACTION -FENCE ORDINANCE PETITION 1~. l~ial]ce revierad that at its November ai, 1995 meeting, the Council asked for an opinion from the City Attorney regarding the petition for an ordinance that would prevent the blocking of a shared driveway. 1~ l~iillar, City Attorney, stated that ha strongly advised the Council to not develop an ordinance for this situation. Councilmember Anderson moved and Councilmamber Naxvall seconded a motion to take no action on the petition. A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Basch, Aye; Councilmember lcritslar, Aye; Councilmembar Maxrell, Aye; mayor Redapanninq, Aye. The motion was carried unanimously. SBPTffi~ER 15, 1993 CITY c~uHCIL 1KESTING PAGE 4 v. NEi~ BIISINESS A. CONSIDER ACTION - c.~r~ITIONAL IISE PEi~IT, 'PHEAT~ AND R$ST1i1IIRA~1T, THE BEARD G'L.~uY (CR95-a 19 ) Nancy Anderson reported to the Council that the applicant ~~''sed to construct a siY-screen movie theater, restaurant and retail spaces on ghat was the forcer Suburban Chevrolet site on l~iainstraet. A Conditional IIse Permit is required because construction costs 9~~~od $150, 000. The pr~...~~ uses era in caa^plianca Kith the Comprahansive Plan and Zoning Ordinances. Staff feels that the project and materials as proposed meet the design criteria. The Zoning and Planning Commission recommended a~~~val of the Conditional IIsa Permit. Staff recommended a motion to adopt Resolution 95-ila, aY~~~vinq a conditional use permit for the construction of the movie }~~~ter/restaurant project proposed by the Beard Group on the southwest corner of l~ainstt ~. and 11th Avenue . Bill Beard, of the Beard Group, presented the sits plan. Cauncilm~~r Anderson moved and Councilmember R~it$lar seconded a motion to adapt R~~Alution 95-ila, a~~~.rinq a conditional use permit for the construction of the movie theater/restaurant project proposed by the Beard Grasp on the southwest ~~ Baer of l~iainstraet and 11th Avenue. A poll of the vote was as follows: Council~embsr Anderson, Aye; Councilma~abar Hesch, Aye; Councilmeaber i~itsler, Aye; Cauncilmembsr Maxwell, Ays; Mayor Radapenninq, Aye. The motion was carried unanimously. B. CONSID~ ACTION -VARIANCE, THEATER SIGNAGE, BEARD G~uY PROrTECT (C;R95-aa0) Nancy Anderson stated that in conjunction with the conditional use permit, the Beard Group is also requesting a variance for signage. They are ~~ssinq a Hopkins marquee of a~Yr~ximataly 17Z Square feet per side and a sign on the east side of the building of ab~~oximately 186 square feet. The Zoning Ordinance allaars for a maximum sf $e of 80 square feat. The Zoning and Planning racommetidad a~~~~val of the sign variances. Staff recommended a motion to adopt Resolution 95-113, approving sign variances to allaN the follaMinq: i. exceed the ma~cisum square footage for signage allowed for the sits. Z. else of signs larger than allowed. 3. a height variance for i3 feet. _.. ..- - - - ~ - _ . .. _.~_ .. __- - _~__ _ __ .- --r.r- - -- - ~ - -- - - -- .. _ - -- - - - •- - - - -- - PAG$ 5 15, 1992 CITY c..~ui~CIL 1~51'ING Cauncilmember Basch moved and Councilmea~ber Anderson sa~~.sed a motion to adapt Resolution 95-iii, aY~r~vinq sign varianc s for the th~~ter/restaurant project proposed by the Beard Group. A poll of the vote vas as follo:rs: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Cauncilsembar Basch, Aye; Councilmembar ~italer, Aye; Councilaember Ka~nrell, Aye; Nayor Redepenninq, Aye. The notion vas carried unanimously. C. CONSIDER ACTION - c.~i~ITIONAL IIS$ PBSKIT, AUTO SAL$S LOT--20x1 l~AINSTREBT (CR95-218) Nancy Anderson reviewed the application from Scott Dunaman, vho is proposing to operate an auto sales lot at 2021 Nainstraet. The Soninq Ordinance requires a Conditional use permit for auto sales in the B-3 aoninq district. The proposed use conforms with the Comprehensive Plan and Soninq Ordinances. Tha site plan meats the requirements. The Boning and Planning Cosmission reco aw~~.-al of the conditional use permit. Staff racoasasnded a motion to adopt Resolution 95-111, approving a conditional use permit to operate an auto sales lot at 2021 Nainstreet. Cauncilmember i~italer moved and Councilaember Hesch seconded a motion to adapt Resolution 95-iii, aY~s~.rinq a conditional use permit to operate and auto sales lot at 2021 Nainstreat. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilme~sber Anderson, Aye; Councilmembar Basch, Aye; Councilmembar ~C'ritsler, Aye; Councilmember Naxvall, Aye; l~iayor Redepanninq, Aye. The motion vas carried unanimously. D. CONSIDffit ACTION - ~JiraITIONAL IIS$ PER'KIT--37-41 12TH Av~u~s NORTS (CR95-217) Nancy Anderson stated that Jaff Sctsmidt is proposing to use the buildings at 37-41 12th Avenue North as lav and investigation offices. The Soninq Ordinance alloys offices in the R-4 and R-5 soninq districts with a conditional use perait. The Soninq and Planning Co®amission reca~endad aYpi~~al of the conditional use permit. Staff reco~nea~nded a motion to adopt Resolution 95-110, approving a conditional use permit to operate an office at 37-41 12th Avenue North. Cauncilmecmber p*:d~rson moved and Councilmember Basch seconded a motion to adapt Resolution 95-110, a~~~.rinq a conditional use permit to operate an office at 37-41 12th Avenue. A poll of the vot® vas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Hesch, Aye; Councilmember l~itsler, Aye; Councilmember 1Kaxwell, Aye; Mayor Radapenninq, Aye. The motion vas carried unanimously. SEPTEL~ER 15, 199a CITY wurCIL 1KEE'1'ING PAGE 6 $. CONSIDER ACTION - c.JrcITIONAL USE PER'L~IT--FENCE, COUI~ITY ROAD 3 P'ROrTECT (CR95-aaa ) Nancy Anderson reported to the Council that the residents along County Road 3 have requested a fence because the improvement project rill move the road further to the north. The Boning Ordinance allo~rs a maxiants height of six feet. The City is proposing a seven foot height which requires a w~~ditional use permit. The Honing and Planning Co~emission reco®andad approval. Staff recommended a motion to adopt Resolution 95-115, a~~~.rinq a conditional use permit to construct a seven foot high fence frooa i7th to aOth Avenues on the north side of County Road 3. Councilmembar 8esch moved and Councilae~abor R'ritsier seconded a motion to adopt Resolution 95-115, a~~rsovinq a conditional use permit to construct a seven foot high fence fro® 17th Avenue to a0th Avenue on the north Hide of County Road 3. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilme®ber Anderson, Ays; Councilmembar Hesch, Aye; Council~asmber R'ritsler, Aye; Councilmember Nax`rall, Aye; l~ayar Redepenninq, Aye. The motion vas carried unanimously. F. CONSIDER ACTION - RESOLOTION ELECTING TO NAXS LOCAL, QUALIFYING CONTRI~suiiON TO TAX INCRElREN'P DISTRICT 1-a (CR95-x09) Jim Kerrigan requested that the City Council elect to make the local contribution payment for Tax increment District i-x (former Suburban Chevrolet property). The LGA/BACA penalty for this district could be aY~oximately $x50,000. The local option payment could be aY~soximataly $85,000. Staff recoemendad a motion to adopt Resolution 95-107, electing to make the qualifying contribution for Tax Increment Financing District 1-a. Councilmember Marvell moved and Councilmambar Anderson e-,~ndad a motion to adopt Resolution 95-107, electing to make the qualifying ~s~~.ribution for Tax Increment Financing District i-x. A poll of the vote Yes as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember 8esch, Aya; Councilmember l~itsler, Aye; Councilmember Marvell, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Ays. The motion vas carried unanimously. G. CONSIDER ACTION - APPROVE DISAAT•~ 'TRANSFER HONE, 50 Savarin Avarua Sc~~iti (CR95-x13) Steve Stadler told the Council that the managers of the Hopkins Plasa Apartments have requested a transfer sons at 50, Seventh Avenue South to facilitate loading and unloading of a disabled resident. They have paid the $x5.00 fee, demonstrated a clear Head for the sons, and meat the eligibility requirements. SEP'1'ffi~ER 15, 199a CITY c.~ur~CIL 1KEE'1'ING PAG$ 7 Staff recosa~e~ndad a notion that Council adopt R solution 95-108, ap~~~inq installation of a disabled transfer eons at 50 Seventh Avenue South. Councilme~sber NaxMell saved and Councilmamaber Hesch seconded a lotion to adopt Resolution 95-108, ap~r~~ing installation of a disabled transfer $one at 5o Seventh Avenue South Mith the ~~IAAd stipulation that the sign be placed in such a Nay to consider an area for residents Mho are moving in and moving out. A poll of the vote Mas as folloMS: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmembsr Hesch, Aye; Councilme~aber i~italer, Aye; Councilm~amber Naxrell, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The motion Mas carried unanimously. 8. CONSIDER ACTION -HOP-A-RID$ BIDS A1~1D TICICST PRIC$ (CR95-a a 1) Every year the City solicits bids from taxi companies for the up casing year. The City bid the service twice and received no bids. Staff finally negotiated Mith Suburban Taxi on providing the service for 1996. The current ticket prices are $0.85 far loM income and $Z.75 far regular income. Sites outside the city are ~oll'rood and Park Nicollat. Cuir.u~i, ticket prices for ~ollMOOd are $3.00 and for Park Nicollet are $4.00. Staff recommended the ticket prices be raised to: $i.a0 far loM income, $4.00 for regular income, $4.00 far 1~ollMOOd, and $5.75 far Park Nicollet. This Mould raise the city subsidy to $x4,430 (1995 level vas $7,600). Staff taco a motion to aMard the 1996 Bop-A-Ride contract to Suburban Taxi and in~~~~se the ticket prices to the folloMinq: Low inCO~ae from $0.85 to $i.ZO, regular income fro® $3.00 to $4.00, and Park Nicollet from $4.00 to $5.75. Councilmember Anderson moved and Councilme®bar Rrit$ler seconded a motion to aMard the 1996 Bop-A-Ride contract to Suburban Taxi and increase the ticked prices as recoasaended. A poll of the vote Mas as follo~rs: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Hasch, Aye; Councilme~ber Rritsler, Aye; Councilmeber Na~cMell, Aye; 1Kayor Rsdepenning, Aye. The notion Mas carried unanimously. I. CONSIDER ACTION - S- T•TNG LICBSS$ APPLIC~ITION BY TH$ AI~RICI~N LEGION (CR95-~14) Staff recommended a motion to adopt Resolution 95-109, a~~a~inq the gambling license application of the American Legion. Councilmember Anderson moved and Councilmesber NaxMell seconded a notion to adopt Resolution 95-109, a~~rstivinq the gambling license application of the American Legion. A poll of the vote Mas as folloMS: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmembar Hesch, Aye; Councilmember iCtit$ler, Aye; Councilmember NaxMell, Aye; Mayor Redapenninq, Aye. The motion Mas carried unanimously. • - - - - - - - - -- _ - - - , _ . - ._ - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ .._ s - - - - - - --- -- - PAG$ 8 15, 1992 CITY C0~1CIL l~STING J. COI~SID$R ACTION - GAI~I~Rt•T~G LICffi~S$ AP'PLIC1~lTION BY TH$ HOPHIHS Rt•A~ (CR95-Z~5) Staff raco~maaendad a motion to adopt Resolution 95-116, a~~u•~.rinq the garbling license application of the Hopkins $lks. Councilae~abar Raxvell aovad and Councilaember Anderson se~~ed a notion to adopt Resolution 95-116, aY~~.rinq the gaublinq license application of the Hopkins $lks. A poll of the vote vas as folla~rs: Cauncilma~bsr Anderson, Aye; Councilmanber Hesch, Aye; Councilmea~bar X`ritslsr, Aye; Councilmeabar l~aXVell, Aye; mayor Radapenninq, Aye. The motion vas carried unanieously. R LI~ucui LIC$NS$ Rffi~8'i~AL FOR A~t~T$8, LIIiiD$SS, HO~~B LIuuVi,:S Staff reco~endad a motion to a~~~.re the annual rena~ral of liquor licenses for Archies, Lindees, and Hopkins Liquors. Councila~aa~ber Kaxvell moved and Councilmeaber Anderson seconded a motion to a~~o.re the annual ranaral of liquor licenses for Archias, Lindaes, and Hopkins Liquors. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilaaeber Anderson, Aye; Councilaavbar 8esch, Aye; Councilmevber ~Critalsr, Aye; Councilaeaber HaXMall, Aye; l~iayor Radapenninq, Aye. The motion vas carried unanimously. VIII . R$PORTS - CO~ii r~8/ Councilmembar 8esch reported that the Cha~ical Health Ca~ission mat lrlonday night and is planning a prelude to prom night. They era looking for people to ba panel members to ansvar questions. IX. AD~vu~l~ffi1'r Then being no further business, Councilaamber Anderson moved and Councilmambsr 8esch seconded a motion to adjourn. The meeting vas a wed by unanisous consent at 9:06 p.a. `1~--- Terry,•~-raaier, Deputy City Clerk CO! ~~ IIi~$RS ~.- ,~ v ~ ~~ v - v A Charles D Radepenninq, lydayor