05-10-94 WSMII~iI u-r~S
May 10,1994
In atteadaace was Mayor Redepenni~g, and Cauncilmembers, Hesch, Maxwell, Anderson and
Kritaler. Also in attaadanoe wens s, Steve City Manager and John Schedler,
Finance Dia~,:,la.
The ~ item ol'business was a discussion about a proposed new etaffposition called
A~+strative Assistant for Com~nity Relations. 1Vlidlae reviewed with the Council a proposed
job descripban which iach~ded primary duties of ~~~ customer savicey snd special
events. 1Vrdloemdicstedthatthe position was scheduled for a range 6 and would be a fiiri-Bose
position :•4~~yd frooa o~:~,.ti..ce.
Cauna'1 discussion focused on the cost related to the position and the Hoed fior fu11-time vra~sus
part-time fi~ties. 1Vliealaemdicated that he would research theme issues and report back to the
The Hatt item was a discussion of the 1995 budget process. Miellae reviewed with the Cain
the 1993 and 1994 budgetsy pn~;rcted 1995 andmdia~ed the £nsmc~al ~*np~c-ations to a
proposed budget soeoario. Also discussed was the legislative climate and the proposed budget
procxss. Council gave general feedback on the budget proc~eas and stated that they would lilac
individual sessions with each department to review tbeic pc~ograms and sawices and to invite the
public to those meetings. Tax levy itnpac~s were also discussed with no consensus or da~sions
made. The motiaa was made by Maawdt seconded by Hesch to adjann the meab*~ The
motion passed unanimously. The moeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
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