07-19-94~~ _ ~ A regular Heating of the Hopkins Cfty Council was held on July 19, 1994 in the Council Chambers of Hopkins City Hall. Present were Mayor Redepenninq, Councilmembers Hesch, Krit$ler and Maxwell. Also present Hera staff members Mielke, Genellie, 8armeninq, Gustafson, Gessela, and City Attorney Jerre Miller. Councilmember Anderson was absent. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Redepennfnq called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. II. OPEN AGENDA - P[TBLIC COMI~ENTB/CON~s~i~8 Thera were no ~-~+*Ants. III. PRESENTATION (a) NINE MILS CREEK MATEI~aH~ DISTRICT (Lae Gustafson) Lee Gustafson presented Eileen Kulak, the Chairperson of the 1~atershed District Board of Managers, with a plaque thanking the Matarshed District for their cooperation and support in getting a flood control project approved and constructed in a very short time frame. (b) HOPKINS AREA ARTS BOARD -ARTS FACILITY REVIS'N PROCESS Kate Kannich, Co President of the Arts Board Association, gave a presentation on the accomplishment of the board to date. She said that the group is planning a Fine Arts showing in the spring of 1995. Nelson Berg, Co President of the Arts Board Association, discussed a time table that the group has set up for accomplishing the goals of the group. 8e said that the group had received letters of encouragement and some checks to help promote the Comm4unity Arts Center. Mayor Redepenning said that he was very pleased with the way everyone is cooperating. Councilmember Maxwell asked if anyone outside of the City had shown interest in using the facility. Mr. Berg said that several groups would like to have space to perform, hold arts shows, art exhibits, etc. Ms. Kennich stated that a great deal of interest has been shown by professional artists as well as performing artists. 1 e _ ,, July 19, 1994 Page Z Councilsesber Hesch thanked Ms. iCennick and M'r. Sarq and the entire group for starting up the organisation and creating great interest in the facility. IV. CONSffi~T AG$NDA 1. APPROVAL OF JULY 5, 1994 REGULi~R MEETING MINUT$S APPROVAL OF MIS~~•T-~1NEOUS LICBRS$S 3. APPROVAL OF DISBURSEMffi~TS - PR~•TST 943 4. CHANGE ORDER #1 -Rims MILE ~'-'RAC 8 (Rpt. 94-133) 5. LO~srr~-ENGSTRAND LFASE (Rpt. 94-136) 6. 87CECOTION OF CON'1'RI~CT 1~ITH ~•~~ (Rpt. 94-13Z) 7. APPROVAL OF CDBG SUB-RBCIPI~ 1~lGRSffi~iT (Rpt. 94-130) 8. APPROVAL OF CDBG 3RD PI~RTY l~lGREffi~T (Rpt. 94-131) 9. AUTHORISE SIc~il~c: OR APPROVING REORGANISATION PLi~lN FOR ION ELSCT:.,JriCS (Rpt. 94-135) Mr. Mielke asked to have Item Nt:sber 5 removed from the consent agenda until a future seating. Councilmasbar Maxwell loved and Councilsamber ~Critaler seconded the motion to a~Y~~~e the Consent Agenda removing Item No. 5. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilm~~~ Hp^^,h, Aye; Councilmember ~Critslar, Aye; Councilmember Maxwell, Aye; Mayor Redepanninq, Aye. The lotion carried unanimously. V. PUBLIC HEARING (a) CONSIDER ACTION -ALLEY RECONSTRUCT #10 BIrOC~C BE'1"N$EN STH AHD 9TH Av~uis8 NORTH (Rpt. 94-134 ) Staff recomsended adoption of the following motion: Move that the Council adopt Resolution No. 94-65 ordering improvement after public hearing Jim Gassala gave a brief overview of the reconstruction plan. Mayor Radepenninq opened the public ~~~rfnq at 5:10 p.m. Robert Staar, Apparel Master, appeared before Council expressing concern over the time frame. He stated that he has pickup and delivarias on Tuesdays and Thursdays behind the building and ha vas concerned over the ability of the trucks to make a left turn during the reconstruction. JHly 19, 1994 Page 3 The Mayor suggested that he talk to lBr. Gustafson and that he Mas sure so®ethinq could be Mocked out. Mr. Steer also asked if the alley level would change. Mr. Gustafson said that the level Mould not change. He also said construction time should not be over tMO and a half Meeks. H-ring no sore cosments Councilmember MazMell moved and Councilmember Reach se~s~ed the motion to close the public h~~rinq at 8:16 p.m. A poll of the vote Mas as follows: Cauncilmember Hesch, Aye; Councilmember xritsler, Aye; Councilme~abar KaxMell, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Max:rell moved and Councilaeaiober i~itsler seconded the motion to adopt Resolution 94-65. A poll of the vote Mas as follows: Councilae~ber Hesch, Ays; Councilmember ~C`ritsler, Aye; Councilaember MaYMail, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The notion carried unanimously. VI. OLD BIISINESS (a) DiSCQSSiON - COSY RiOAD 3 ~..~xsIDOR FIMRNCIAL ISSU$S (Mew) Tam Harmeninq made a brief statement concerning components of the County Road 3 Corridor Study involving and identifying costs associated Mich the County Road 3 Improvement Project, as Mall as Mays in Mhfch the project could be funded. bark iCoegler,of Hoisington iCoagler, appeared before Council to discuss the project and present a preliainary financial analysis. Rusty Fifield, Ehlers and Associates, gave a coat suma^ary and suggested Mays to pay for the project. He also cited that Hennepin County, Minnetonka and St. Louis Park Mould also ¢h~re in the costs. Both Councilmember Hesch and Councilmember Rritsler stated that they Mare concerned over tax burdens on the citisens of Hopkins and Mould prefer other means of paying for the project. Mayor Redepenninq thanked the gentlemen for the update. July 19 , 1994 Page 4 No action was needed on the presentation. VII. NEN BUSINESS (a) CONSIDER ACTION - ALLEY "C", Ir0"1' C 700 AND 300 S - PIaNS, SPECS AND ORDER BIDS (Rpt. 94-137) Staff recom®anded adoption of the follawinq motion: Nova that the Council adopt Resolution No. 94066 a~~~.rinq plans and specifications Alley "C" and Allayscape improvements and order bids. Lea Gustafson discussed the project Kith the Council. Paul Ahles, Hopkins Jaycees, asked about the placements of curbs on the lot stating that it would ba difficult to sat up the tent for the tent dances if a curb was placed at the east side of the lot. Discussion continued on the probability of the tent dances always being bald at that particular place. Nr. Mialka suggested a meeting ba bald with various interested parties to discuss the use of Lot 300. After discussion Councilmembar Naxwail moved and Councilmembar 8-^^t+ seconded the motion to aY~t~.re Resolution No. 94-66. . A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilmamber Basch, Aye; Counci~+~~~er Rritsler, Aye; Councilmamber Naxwell, Aye; Mayor Radepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDER ACTION - ADOPTION OF LFGISLi~•iivr: POLICY ON STREET REPAIR (Rpt. 94-139) Staff racoamended adoption of the following motion: Move to approve Resolution No. 94-68 adopting Legislative Policy No. 8H, a policy of Street Restoration Reimbursement for Private Utility Sarvfca Repairs. fly 19, 1994 Page 5 Lee Gustafson discussed the addition to the policy Kith the Council. The revised policy mould provide relief to property owners mho ~~-rience substantial street restoration costs associated mith their plumbing repairs. The policy provides for reimbursing residents for restoration costs exceeding $750, and has an effective date of January 1, 1994. The policy mould limit the restitution to single and double homes. Mir. Miller mas asked if the policy mas discriminatory. He stated that it mas not. After further discussion Councilmember He-^.~+ moved and Councilmember Kritsler seconded the motion to approve Resolution No. 94-68 adopting Legislative Policy No. 8H. A poll of the vote mas as folloars: Councilmember Hesch, Aye; Councilmember i~itsler, Aye; Councilmember Maxwell, Aye; Mayor Radepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSID$R ACTION - APPROV$ PLi~NB AND SP$CS AND ORDER BIDS FOR NAINSTRBET P'RO~T$C'1' (Rpt. 94-138 ) Staff recommended adoption of the folloNinq motion: Kove that Council adopt Resolution No. 94-67 a~Ps~.rinq plans and specifications l~ainstreet Reconstruction - 5th Avenue to Hashington Avenue, and authorise advertising for bids. Lee Gustafson gave an overview of the project. Larry Bromn, RLR, appeared before Council to qo over the proposed improvements plans math the Council. He also meat over the estimated cost projection math the Council. He also reported that he had discussions mith Nor Sports and the problem had been resolved. He also stated that Burger Ring is concerned about the access problems and is milling to mork math the City to resolve them. Councilmember Hesch mas concerned about the left turn lane on 1Kainstreet and 5th Avenue North being removed. 18r. 1Kielke requested that the intersection at 5th and lriaainstreet be reviewed. i July 19, 1994 Page 6 Counci~ r~~,n~e~ Maxxell thanked M`r. Bro~rn and Mr. Gustafson for all of the extra cork involved in finding solution to the parking situation on the street as gall as all of the other problems. After further discussion Councilmambsr Rritalar moved and Councilmember Maxrall =s^~nded the notion to a~~~va Resolution No. 94-67 aY~~~~ing plans and specifications for the Mainstrset Reconstruction. A poll of the vote aas as follaars: Councilmambar Hasch, Aye; Councilmember Rritslar, Aye; Councilaembar MaxNall, Aye; Mayor Radapenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. (d) APPOII~i'1' NSN HOARD ~1ND COMiizi-i•~ MSL~8~8 Mayor Redapenninq racoms~andad the folloMinq people for Hoard and Coa~mnittae members: Zoning and Planning Commission: Dr. Bill Schumacher 2i3 9th Avenue North Parking Committee: Gary Rybolt Glanrose Floral 1003 Mainstraet Guy Hoarlan lay lath Avenue North Park Board Dr. Dan Schumacher 1328 N. S. Lake Street -Apt. 525 John Fink 334 14th Avarua North f Councilmembar Maxarall moved and Councilmember Rrit$lar seconded the motion to approve the list of recommmended board members. A poll of the vote mras as follo~rs: Councilmember Hesch, Aye; Councilmembar Rrit$lar, Aye; Councilmembar Maxmrall, Aye; Mayor Redapenning, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. ~ ~ ~7tiily 19 , 1994 Page 7 VII . REPORTS - CO~II~lI•t iaaS/ Councilmember Hesch gave a brief report on the Chemical Health Commission. l~iayor Redepenninq thanked Les Gustafson and staff for the signs on the bike trails. He also thanked them for the outstanding may the City mas returned to normal after the Raspberry Festival. Tom Harmeninq rat.~~ Led that the storage tanks are presently being removed from the suburban Chevrolet site and the asphalt removal mill follow. IX. ADJOUR1~i1KENT Councilmember l~aXarell moved and Mayor Redepenninq ~~s~nded the motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned by unanimous consent. Res ctfully submitted, • a Gib rne, Deputy City Clark COUN ILMEI~~~: /i - ~~~` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~L~~ll~~~_ ~~~/.~ ~ - .. -- ~= ~ `r - ~ - - SST: Char es D. nn ya ~~