11-15-94 A regular nesting of the Hopkins City Council vas held on _ Novevbsr 15, 1994 in the Council Ctiaabers of Hopkins City Hall. Present were Mayor Redepenainq, Councilae~abers Anderson, 8esch, 1CFitaler and Raxrell. Also present were staff meabers liielke, Geaellie, 8areeainq, Gustafson and City Attorney Jerre Killer. I. CALL 1"O ORDBS Nayor Redepenaiaq called the nesting to order at 7:30 p.a. ii . OPEN AGffidDA - P'OBLIC CO~E'S'J.'S/CON~VS Eunice Andrea, City Gables Condo, coapliaeated the City on the e~ccelleat job done oa davolishiaq the Suburban Chevrolet property and the surfacing job. She did harever ask if the posts and reed on the south of the lot could be cleaned up. Mayor Redepsaaiaq asked staff to see that this vas taken care of . III. CONSEl1'1' AGffi~DA - 1. APPROVAL OF NOVffi~ER 1, 1994 REGULAR 1~EETING 1`ur~ut•BS a . APPROVAL OF ~QL^~•T•ANEOUS LICENSES 3. APPROVAL OF DIr~nux8~'PS PQ~•TST 951 4. APPROVAL OF ACTION - APP:.ava PLANS AND ORD~ BIDS FOR TSE PBASE II aura 1rQLE ~~C S (Rpt. 94-317) 5. APPRO'vAL OF ACTION -SET PQBLIC BEARING FOR TSE wuri•~t ROAD 3 ~x:cIDOR STUDY (Rpt. 94-Z 19 ) Couacilnavber Anderson coved and Couacilasvber ~taxvall seconded the notion to a~~w~ve the Consent A+geada. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilva®ber i~adersoa, Aye; Couacilsaaber 8esch, Aya; Councilvaaber Rritsler, Aye; Councilsevber Raxvell, Aye; Nayor Redepanniaq, Aye. The notion carried unaniaausly. Iv. oLD BUSINESs a. CONSIDffit ACTION -ORDINANCE ESTABLI~~~MV THE NAXIlIO1K NU1~lBER OF CATS AND DOGS IN A HOUSEHOLD. Staff reca~eaded that the City Council aP~~re Ordinance 94-744 for second reading an order published. Gabe Aagieri, 101 Blake Road appeared before Council to say that cats do not cause probles and can not be restricted frov wandering. 8e also stated that the au'ber of pets per household should ba lisited by the sire of the lots. November 15, 1994 Page Z 1~. McDonald, Interlachen Park, also appeared in favor of the ordinance. 8e did ask about ilaaas and pot bellied pigs as pets and Mas concerned aver the possibility that could also occur. l~r. Ganellie explained that the ordinance already ~ac~+^essed the issue of unusual animals. Dave lrihs~rin, 1409 Boyce Street, also appeared and suggested licenses for cats with raquire~ents for vaccinations the same as dogs . 8e also recommended hi~~r fees for unspayed or unneutered animals. Councilmember KaxMell Mould like to see the tMO dog limit raised to three dogs keeping the ordinance at four pats per household. Both Councilmember 8esch and l~itsler Mere in favor of the proposed ordinance Mich limits of tMO dogs or four pets. After discussion G'auncilmember 8zitaler loved and Cauncilaember 8esch seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance 94-744 for second reading and order published. A poll of the vote Mas as folla~rs: Councilmember Anderson, aye; Councilmember Hesch, Aye; Councilmember N'ritsler, Aye; Councilmeaber ~1axMe11, Nay; Mayor ~iedepenninq, Aye. The motion carried. V. Nei SUSIN$SS a. CONSIDffit ACTION - BSTABLISB PARKING TIl~ LIMITS ON SOOTS SID$ OF FOR1~[ffit su:suKHAN c:~sv~OLST PROP$RTY (Rpt. 94-a15) Staff race that the City Council establish a free, unrestricted parking area, and a designated snap emergency area on the former Suburban Chevrolet property pith a a4 hour time limit. This motion Mas a~~rsuved by the Parking Committee. After discussion Councilms~mber Councilmember 8esch seconded the recommendation. A poll of the vote Mas as follars: Aye; Councilmember 8esch, Aye; Coai7 Councilme®ber lydaxMell, Aye; Mayor motion carried unanimously. NaxMell coved and motion to aYpz acre the Councilmeaebar Anderson, -cilmember i~itsler, Aye; Redepenninq, Aye. The Nov abet 15, 1994 _ Page 3 b. CONSIDER ~iCTION - 1995-1999 CI~IPITI~L PLAN (Rpt. 94-196) Staff recommended that the City Council a~~u't~.re the 1995- 1999 Capital I~~.~dsent Plan. i~p~~wal of this motion rill conclude the review and adoption process for the Capital iap Plan. lam. Harseninq rent over the report rith the Council. lifter further discussion Councilme~bsr l~lnderson moved and Councilmembsr E'ritsler seconded the notion to a~~ovs the Capital improvement Plan. l~ poll of the vote ran as follors: Councilmeo~ber l~derson, lye; Councilm~ambsr 8esch, lye; Councilmeber E'ritaler, 1lye; Councilmembsr Naxrell, l-ys; Nayor Redepsnninq, lye. The motion carried unanimously. c. CONSIDER ACTION -REVISION OF LICENSE l1ND PSi~'KIT FEES (Rpt. 94-Z16) Staff recommended that the City Council a~~.-e Resolution No. 94-106 revising license and permit fees. lam. Cenellie reviemsd his recommendations rich the Council Councilmember Hesch moved and Councflmamber Naxrell seconded the notion to adopt Resolution No. 94-106. l~l poll of the vote ras as follors: Councilmember l~nderson, lays; Councilm~amber 8esch, lye; Councilmambsr x'ritaler, lye; Councilmember Naxrell, lye; Mayor Redepenninq, lye. The notion carried unanimously. d. CONSIDER 1~CTION - 1~~ irIOxI B$ FTeTNG OF SEI~RCH FIR'1~! FOR P~OBLIC i8'~s DIRE~i.~x (Rpt. 94-Z18 ) Staff recommended that the Hopkins City Council authorise the City l~anagsr to enter into an agra.ment rith the Briaeyer Group, Inc. to assist in the hiring of a net public corks director. lam. Genallie rent over the recommendation rith the Council. He stated that the recosmanded firs had been used in the ' past and had done a very fine job for the City. S venal of the Councilmesbers rare concerned over the '' addition of expenses to the proposal. Councflmasbsr llnderson asked just what constituted additional expenses. - - -- -- - - --- - -- - - - --- - -- - -- - -~- --- - --- ---i-ailr^~~ -- - - -~ Nowab r 15, 1994 Page 4 lam. l~ifelke replied that it could aeon trawl and tics, seals, etc. Councii~ ~r Bnderson requested a cap ba pat on additional expenses of $1,000. Councilaas~ber ~C`ritsler coved and Councilaeaber l~nderson seconded the notion to authorise the hiri~ of the Briaeyer Group, Inc. at $10,000 Kith a cap of an additional $1,000 for expenses. 1~1 poll of the vote eras as follows: Councilasaber i~r'derson, Rye; Councilaaaber Hesch, lye; Councilaa~ber ic~itslsr, l~y~ ; Councilaeaber Naxvell, l~ya; Mayor Redepenninq, lye. The notion carried unaniaously. e. DISCUSSION -REPORT BY FRBN HgSCH OH ~iCTIONS l~T ~•reelTl~lI~T COl~L87C DBSIGII R$VIaI COlNii`rr~s BATING OF OC'1"OBHS Z7, 1994. Fran 8esch discussed frith the Council the report and requested direction and input for the next casting of the group Nhich gill take place on Noveabsr 17, 1994. She stated that she vas very pleased Mith the input from all of the groups represented at the casting. vI. REPORT - O0lQLi`1`r1sJS8/CO~ISSIONS Councilaeaber Hesch qaw an update on the Cheaical Health Ca~aission. Councilaea~ber Nax~rsll said that the Raspberry Festival Board seating sent Mell Kith election of officers. l~r. ~[ielke reminded the Council of the joint seating frith the City of ![innetonka at 7:00 p.a. on Novaaber aZ, at the Family Resource Center to discuss Shady Oak Beach. ,___ __ ----- --- - -- -- - _ ~ -- ~--_ ----r---- - -- -- -- -- ---~.- -------- _ November 15, 1994 Page 5 VI i . ADJOORI~lR~ Councilmembar Hasch moved and Councilaeaaber Anderson seconded the motion to adjourn. T'ha meeting adjourned by unanimous consent. Respecti''ully submitted, _ ~~// !'• ' Pat Gisborne, Deputy City Clerk W ~s~~ . -~i~%~~ 1'1'gST: ~0 0~..~ w.~. '~~r as' ~'. ~de~ni~\~,. Nayor