12-06-940 A regular seating of the Hopkins City Council Mas held on • December 6, 1994 in the Council Chambers of Hopkins City Hall. Present Mara Mayor R,edapanninq, Councilmembers Anderson, Basch, ~italar and MazMell. Also present were staff members Mielka, Genellie, Harmaninq, Gustafson, Kerrigan, and City Attorney Jana Millar. I. CALL TO ORD$R Mayor Radapsnning called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. II. OP$N AG$NDA - PUBLIC CO~II~TS AND CONCK~TS Mayor Redepenninq responded to ~. Ctiisham concerns about Generation X. 8e stated that Mr. Mielka and 1~. Miller would keep him inforaad as to the progress being aade. l~r. C~rraier, 3ai Madison Avenue Korth, appeared before Council asking what Mss being done about a scraeni~ of soma kind for ABM. 8e said that the neighborhood vas very upset over the appearance of the property. Se would like to sea a wall of Bona kind betMaen the property and the residential neighborhood. Mr. l~ielka stated that he had talked to AHM~s people and they era Milling to cooperate with the neighborhood and Mork som4athinq out. III. CONSENT AG$MDA 1. APPRiO~VAL OF NOVEBB$R 15, 1994 RBGUL~R l~EBTING l~bur:sS Z. APPROVAL OF DISBURS~ITB, PR~rTST 95a 3. APPROV$ APPOIN'1'l~~1T TO P~-~CT~G COIBil`i'1'I~JS - ED $ANIrON Councilaambar Anderson a~ovad and Councilma~mber Rritsler seconded the motion to a~YS~va the Consent Agenda. A poll of the vote Mas as follows: Councilmeaber Anderson, Aye; Councilmsmber Basch, Aye; Councilmamdber Kritsler, Aye; Councilm~smbar MaxMell, Aye; 1layor Redapenninq, Aya. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Ganallis administered the oath of office to Mr. Hanlon. IV. PIIBLIC H$ARII~G a. CONSIDffit ACTION - COZJI~TY ROAD 3 CORRIDOR r~iucY (Rpt. 94-a33) ^ - - - t. - _y. .. ~ .r .. - '" - - • '---'- ~- - - ~re•. pia ~ri~.~~..-~ri ~ - --• ~ - - - - - - -- -- -- ~ air. December 6, 1994 Page Z staff recapended that the City Council ~waa~ict the public hearing regarding the County Road 3 Corridor study and direct staff to schedule a detailed discussion regarding this latter for an upcoming City Council meeting or vorksession. bark 1Coaglar, of the 8oisington xoegler Group, gave an update on the County Road 3 project with a tine frame and costs. ]Kayor Redepenning opened the public h-~rinq at 8:Z6 p.m. Hearing no cos ants, Councilmamber XaxM+sll coved and Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion to close the public hearing at S:Z7 p.m.' A poll of the vote vas as follow: Councilmembar Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Basch, Aye; Councilm~amber lO:it$ler, Aye; Councilmam~ber l~axvell, Aye; Mayor Redepenning, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Councilme~bsr Basch asked if staff knav hov such coney has been spent on County Road 3 in the past. Councilmambsr l~italer asked staff to estimate the cost difference bstveen a basic road reconstruction and the proposed plan. After further discussion Mayor Redepanning thanked 1~. 1Coegler and staff for the update. v. oLD suslx$ss a . COI~SID$R ACTiOH -CAT COI~ITROL ORDI~C$ (Rpt. 94-Z10) Staff reco~asnded that the City Council should indicate vhsther they Nish staff to proceed with the adoption of a cat ~s~irol ordinance. 1~. Genellfe Kent over the costs involved in creating an ordinance for cat ~:~uitrol 8e also cited the police departments suggestions. Councilmsber Rritsler felt that the cost of $30,000 for limited animal control vas rather high. !Caren Rgger appeared before Council to encourage education of the citiaens vho have pats. She also thought the City should porches an animal control truck and have the police department pick up stray animals. - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ~ - - r...r. - - - - - ~.- - - - - - -r...~.. - - - ..-- Dec ab r 6, 1994 Page 3 Several other people appeared to state their opinions on proposed licensing of cats. Councilate~tber Hesch suggested starting Kith the l~aighborhood Advisory Hoard Nfth each member discussing the problems rith their neighbors. After further discussion Councilmanbsr Maxwell moved to refer the natter to the ~teighborhood Advisory Hoard and pot information on the situation in the next city nags letter and bring back suggestions in 60 to 90 days. Councilnamber 8esch seconded the notion. A poll of the vote Nas as follows: Councilsenbsr Anderson, Aye; Cauncilmember Hesch, Aye; Councilmea~ber E~italer, Aye; Councilme~absr Maxwell, Aya; Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The notion carried unaafnously. I. MEi~ BIISI~TESS a. COItSIDER ACTIOI~1 -ADOPT 1995 SUDGET AMD TAX LEVY B~-~K~~uLE (Rpt. 94-ZZ7) Staff reco~mmsnded adoption of Resolution No. 94-iiZ approving 1995 Hudget and Tax Levy schedule. Councilmoaober Anderson roved and Gbuncilnenber 'R~ ~^,~+ seconded the notion to adopt Resolution Ko. 94-ila. A poll of the vote eras as folloirs: Cooncilmamber Anderson, Aye; Councilaenber 8esch, Aye; Cauncilmenber x'ritaler, Aye; Councilna~absr Maxwell, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. b. CORSIDER ACTION - EA•i•~ ~~T*1E cuxaEl~ VARIANCE (Rpt. o4-say) Staff reco~aa~ended that the City council aY~ eve Resolution No. 94-110 a~z~vinq a 3 foot setback variance for Katherine Curren Elementary School After discussion Councflmeaber icritsler moved and Councila~amber Anderson seconded the notion to adopt Resolution Eo. 94-110. A poll of the vote Mss as follo`rs: Councilnembar Anderson, Ays; Councilaember Hesch, Aye; Counciimea~ber Eritaler, Ays; Councilmember Maxwell, Aye; Mayor Redepenning, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. D c abet 6, 1994 Page 4 c. CONSIDffit ACTION - EA•ir ~~'~ ~u~xEN C.U.P. Staff recoa~ended aY~oval of Resolution No. 94-Zii amending Condition Use Psrieit 94-i to construct additions to Katherine Current School. Councilmea~ber Na:cveli roved and Co~uncilmember Anderson seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 94-Zii. A poll of the vote vas as follovs: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilaembsr Hasch, Aye; Councflm~ber Kritaler, Aye; Councilma~mbsr Na~cvsil, Aye; 8ayar Redepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. d. CONSIDER ACTION -REVISION OF LICF88B AND Pffi~IT FEES (Rpt. 94-Z2Z) Staff recas~ended a~val of Resolution No. 94-109 revising license and persit fees. ~!'r. 8arsening gave a brief suamary of the need to raise the licensing fees. After discussion Councilmember Hesch moved and Councilmember Naxvell seconded the notion to adopt Resolution No. 94-109. A poll of the vote vas as follow: Cotuicilmamber Anderson, Aye; Councilaeebsr Hesch, Aye; Cauncilmembsr Krft$ler, Aye; Councilaembsr Naxvall, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. e. OONSIDER ACTION -BUILDING TRAD$S ORDINANCE (Rpt. 94-Zai) Staff recommends that the Council a~~ove Ordinance No. 94- 750 for first reading. l~'r. Genellie cited the reasons for amending Section 440 of the Hopkins City Code relating to contractors licenses. Councilmember NaYVell moved and Councilmeaber Kritsler ,Qnded the aotfon to a~Yrove Ordinance No. 94-750 for first reading. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilma~aber Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Hasch, Aye; Counci~~r Kritaler, Aye: Councilmamber Maxwell, Aye; Nayar Redepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. ~: D caber 6, 1994 Page 5 f. CONSIDER ACTION - REVISION OF CITY CQARTffit (Rpt. 94-ZZO) Staff recosnaendad that the Council a~~re Resolution No. 94-108 an^-rtinq Ordinances No. 94-748 and No. 94-749, ordering their publication and setting a public erring for January 3, 1995. 1~. Genellie vent over the or~i*~~*~Ce changes with the Council e~cplaininq the procedure necessary to revise the City Charter. After discussion Councilaaeber Hesch moved and Councilme~aber Nazw~ll seconded the motion to approve Resolution No. 94- 108. A poll of the vote vas as foliaws: Councilma~ber Anderson, Aye; Councilsember Hesch, Aye; Councilmamber Rritaler, Aye; Councilmember Na~nrell, Aya; Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unaniaousiy. q. DONSID$'R ACTION - SOBDIVISION/80NING ORDINANC$ A~DIKffiIT (Rpt. 94-2Z4) Staff recos:ae~nded that the Council a~.~.re Resolution No. 94-100 making various amendaents to the Soninq Ordinance for first reading. lOc. Harmexsinq discussed the proposals for the ordinance amendments with the Council, stating that the 8oninq and Planning Co~naission supported the soninq improvements. The Council had several questions and suggestions regarding the wording of the ordinance. Staff said that these changes would be lade prior to the second reading. Councilma®ber Naxwell 'Quad and Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion to a~~s~~-e Resolution 94-108 aY~~ovinq for first reading Ordinance No. 94-747. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilaember Anderson, Aye; Councflmembar Hesch, Aye; Councilaeaber ~Critaler, Aye; Councilmamber Naxwell, Aye; lrlaayor Redepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unaniaously. h. DISCQSSION - SCR$$'NING OF ir~u0:3TRIAL STORI~G$ ARB~i~lS (~) C, Dcabr6, 199 Page 6 T'ha purpose of the discussion vas to Nava the City Council give staff direction on initiating aae~ndaants to the City~s reguiraa~snts regarding the screening of s~cistinq open storage lots in industrial areas. The entire Council tree in favor on aae~c:dinq the ordinances regarding this natter. Ho action eras needed on the discussion. VII . R$P~ORTS - CO~Osi~i raSS/00lSQSSIOHS Councilae'bsr Hesch stated that she bad attended the last Cheaaical Health aaatinq. She also said that s~bsrs vsre aestinq with Sharon 1ricDonald over the lunch hour on January 13, 1995 to discuss a chezically free gathering place for teens. Councilae~ober Ka~nrsil said that the Park and Recreation commission bad eat and toured the Pavilion. l~ln update eras given on Raataold Field. VIII . 1~1D.T0~[8NT Council~bsr Hesch moved and Councilaeaber 1~arrell seconded the notion to adjourn. The aaetinq adjourned bey unaniaous consent. Respectfully submitted, • Pat G , Deputy CCOHCIIi~~~: _~ ~ , i~ ,- - ~~. - - - - ,f~6, ~.< .- ~~=BT: ~~ 8 ~ . ~dap~ni~ ~aYwa~ ~~ .......~... ,. .~ - - --- - ..._. _ - - - _ - - - -- r - - - --- -- - - -- .~- - -- - - - --ti- - - - - ~-- --