A regular meeting of the 8apkins City Council eras held on
February 16, 1993 in the Cfty Council Chambers of the
Hopkins City Hall.
Present rare Mayor Berg, Councflaea~bars Anderson, Shirley,
lcritslar and Radapsnninq. Also present Mare staff members
xialka, Genallie, Gustafson, Gessele, 1Carrigan, Steirnan and
City Attorney Jana Hiller.
Nayor Barg called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
bark Senn appeared before the Council to update them Frith
inforation relative to a nati business organisation called
the Hopkins Business and Cfvic Association (HBCA). This nav
organisation sa~dsants a merger of Hopkins Community
Prcanotions and the Hopkins Business Council. The merger ~-as
approved by both ~zy~.nisations.
The purpose of the organisation is to recruit businesses and
retain the businesses ali~~~y in Hopkins. The group plans to
bacom:e self supporting. I~C~I requests that the City help
support them Mith a ~,tinuation of the $10,000 that the
City had donated in the past to Hopkins Cosntunity
The Twin Nast Chamber gill provide staff support. Thia
concept ~rould alloy SBCI~ to tap into the many resources of
the TNinNast Chamber.
The Council supported the idea of the City vorkinq closely
Frith the nearly forced group.
1. APPROVAL OF TSS r~xuwRY a , 1993 ~tEGt1I~1R ~lEBTING
1~lILE ~'~C (Rpt. 93-a5)
(Rpt. 93-Z6)
6. 3.3 BEER APPLICl~TION -JAYCEES (Rpt. 93-a3)
(fit. 93-24 )
8. r•~xuwRY 9, 1993 COUNCIL NORRSSOP l~uru-ras
--- ___ ~ -- rllr~~ .i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ w. r ~--. -lam _ •~ ~ ~~ ' _. ai_ - w~r~ ~ _~ f~ _~ ~ _~~ •f-_.
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February 16, 1993
Papa Z
Cauncilma~nber Anderson moved and Coluscilmember 1Crft$ler
seconded the motion to a~~~re the Consent Agenda.
A poll of the vote eras as follo~rs: Councilm~e®ber Anderson,
Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aya; Council~~e®ber Rritsler,
Aye; Councilmeebsr Radepenninq, Aya; Mayor Barg, Aye. The
notion carried unanimously.
Staff denial of all the appeals and adoption of
Resolution No. 93-09.
Rayor Barg reopened the public hearing at 7:56 p.m.
Ray Schurrs, Roseville, stated that he o:rried several units
in ~estbrooka and is a meaober of the Board. 8e stated that
he is in favor of the proposed iapraveasnts and that it is
imperative that the reconstruction qo fos~rard.
Doug RarbacA, Bden Prairie, ores a unit and also felt that
' the improvem®nts could add to the value of the ~rc~erty and
Mas totally fn agreement rith the proposed plan.
~r.,.ring no more comments Councilms~abar lcritsler moved and
Councilmaa~bsr Shirley -~*~^ndad the motion to close the
public ~+~~rinq at 8:00 p.m.
A poll Of the vote lras as follo~rs: Counciimambar !*u~~rson,
Aya; Council~~r Shirley, Aya; Councilm~e~abar Rritslar,
Aye; Councflme®bsr Radapanninq, Aye; Mayor Barg. Aye. The
motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Barg asked ~. Gessele if any neN appeals had bean
received since the council received the final report. l~r.
Gassela stated that none had.
Councilmeubar Anderson moved and Councflaaabar Rritsler
seconded the motion to adopt Fa~~lution Bo. 93-09 and to
deny the appeals. .
A poll of the vote teas as follo~rs: Council~~~r Anderson,
Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Councflmamber Kritsler,
Aye; Councilme®ber Radepenninq, Aye; lrlayor Barg, Aye. The
motion carried unanimously.
~ i
February 16, 1993
Page 3
v. ozD BIISIN$ss
(a) CONSiDBR ACTION - SF.~i~c R$i~DIlf~G Sv~ir~~ ORDT~a~C$
C8A1~T6L8 (Ordinance 93-7Za)
Staff requested a continuation of this iteaa.
Councilmembar l~italer moved and Councflmambar Anderson
ended the motion to continue this item.
A poll of the vote Mss as folloMS: Councilmember Anderson,
Aye; Councilsember Shirley, Aya; Councilmeaaber icrit$ler,
Aye; Councilmember Redepenninq, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aya. The
motion carried unanimously.
VI. NE~1 BUSir~S
Staff reco®ended adoption of the follo~rinq notion: Nova to
adopt Resolution No. 93-13 ~rhich a~u~vas the establishment
of a Neighborhood Advisory Board.
setting up a Neighborhood Advisory Board ~rould provide a
means to improve comeunication bat~r+san the City and
neighborhoods and provide a forum ~hareby issues and
concerns could ba identified and discussed and the Board
~rould also make raca~endations for improving City Services.
fir. ~iielke s:cpiainad that the ~zy~.nisation N+ould inciuda a
representative of neighborhoods, schools, and the business
community as mall as the Council.
Councilmember 1C~ftsler Nas in favor of the idea and asked
mat the time table is. lam. ~iiel]ca said tentatively the
first meeting is being planned for March a3, 1993. 8e also
stated that letters mould qo out to all of the neighborhood
groups, including the large apartments cam:ple~ces, as wall as
to the schools and business com:unity.
Councilmembar shirl~y also stated that the idea is a good
one and that ha is very eYCfted over ttia concept.
After further discussion Councilmamber Anderson coved and
Councilmembar Shirley seconded the adoption of Resolution
No. 93-13.
February 16, 1993
Page 4
A poll of the vote ras as follo~rs: Councilmambar Anderson,
Aye; Councilmembar Shirley, Aye; Councilmambar Rritsler,
Aye; Councflmembar ~tedapsnni~, Aya; Mayor Barg, Aye. The
motion carried unanimously.
Staff felt that s Sesame Street Liva production during
1~lainstraet Days would be vary asccitinq and provide excellent
s:cposura for Hopkins and Nainstraet. 8o~revar, there era
three issues relative to undertaking this avant Mhich era
i. Funding the avant
a. Having sufficient time
3. U'tilfainq professional
to plan for a successful
help to plan the avant
Paul Staix~an presented the proposal to the council. 8e
detailed the outline of the proposed avant. 1~ith respect to
funding the avant, staff has no real casmants at this time
other than the City is being requested to underarrite the
cost of the avant Kith the understanding that the Steering
Comomittea Mould att®mpt to obtain donations from businesses
or corporate sponsors to reimburse the City for its cost.
bark Senn appeared before the Council to answer questions
about the proposed event. Ha stated that the Steering
Cosmittea mould like to have Sesame Street Live app~aranca
in conjunction Kith Nainstreat Days. This Mauid be to
calibrate the completion of Nainstraat and shotr off the
finished project to the population in general. 8e felt that
rich a production of this kind it could bring 50,000 le
into the City. Ha also stated that the usual avants~iroould
still be bald such as the Jaycee T'ant Dances, Art fairs,
Antique shay with continued on going entertainment. The
Childs Play Theater is tentatively planning an old time
Country Fair to be held in Central Park. 1~. Senn also
stated that they Mould have a short staple parade frith the
Sesame Street Lfve gang and various other entrants. The
Sesame Street Liva production ~rould have one or t~-o shouts to
ba bald at Naataold Field at no charge and they ~rould also
mingle Mith the daMntarn crord.
February 16, 1993
Page 5
Mk. Senn said that he had talked to various Concessionaires
to find out ghat kind of a coemission ~rould be paid should
they handle all the food and soft drink items. 8e said that
the Steering Commnittae pould receive a0~ of the y~~as sales.
8a also stated that on a beautiful spring day this could
mean a coemfssion of $50,000 or $60,000. Should it be a
rainy day it could mean as little as $10,000.
Jim Kerrigan said that at the staff level the event could bs
vary good but that the concerns of staff remain the same.
The funding issue and the timing issue. 1~ith ~lainstraet
Days planned for ltay Zznd, this doss not leave a lot of time
to solicit funds from bnsinassas and other sources to pay
the suggested $50,000.
Counciimembar Shirley questioned ~. Senn about undaruritinq
the program.
!~. Senn replied that nobody expected to make a profit, they
just Nantad to break even and put on an outstanding event
spotlighting the City of Hopkins.
Councilmamber Anderson said that the City should not get
involved. The project is too iffy and ha does not feel that
the City can consider putting up the money with the present
economy as it is.
Councilmambar Radepenninq asked the details of the sesame
Street project. 8r. Senn replied that they could need
$5,000 dawn Kith the balance to paid upon ccyapletion. 8e
also said they had not gotten to the point of contracts.
Therefore he did not know if or ghat kind of a cancellation
clause trould be in the contract.
After further discussion CauDcilme~rber Anderson moved to
deny spending the coney for this project. The motion died
for lack of a second.
Councilsember icritsler moved to support the Sesame Street
project Frith a cap of $40,000. The motion died fora lack
of a second.
Councilmember ICritsiar moved to qo along Frith a cap of
$40,000 including the $8,500 balance in the budget. The
motion died for a lack of a second.
mayor Barg stated that it Nas apparent that there eras not
enough support on the Council for this project. All of the
Council stated that they vara disappointed in the outcome
but could not risk the City involvement.
i. -~ `r~K .r. ~~ri rrr~~. y.a - s .. y r~r. ~ ..wry ~ - . .~ • r . -. --
February 16, 1993
Page 6
Tom Anderson apprised the City Council of actions which
staf f proposes to undertake to co~snce enf orcaament of codes
relative to the Pines Mobile Home Park.
in February of 1990 the City adopted an ordinance ~-hich
established various standards relative to manufactured home
parks Which affected both the o~rnar of the Pines Mobile Home
Park and the residents living in the park.
The ordinance required the o~rner of the Pines to undertake
certain improv~aments and activities by February 6, 1993 to
~Adress various cods natters relative to health and safety
concerns. These various codas pertain to providing a storm
shelter, or a plan for providing an off site storm shelter,
upgrading the electrical system, the need• to provide
information relative to the adequacy of the serer and grater
infrastructure, and the layout and location of all roads,
landscaping, utilities, etc. The ordinance also established
various standards relative to the individual units in the
Pinar Mobile Home Park.
At this point, the orner has not met the deadlines outlined
in the ordinance.
Council asked Hr. Hiller that means could be invoked if the
ovnar did not meat the deadands of the ordinance?
Hr. Hiller replied that he could trite a memo to the Council
outlining the ordinance and the legal steps necessary to
bring the Pines into conformance.
All of the Councilmembers rare concerned for the safety and
health of the occupants of the trailer court. They directed
Hr. Hiller to qo ~.ttP~c! rith a a~eaao and gat back to then as
soon as possible. They also directed staff to qo ~~~~d with
the information letters and orders n~ ~,ed for compliance
Frith the ordinance.
Thera Tara no public comments.
Councilmember Anderson reminded the Council of the St.
Patricka Day parade on March 17, 1993.
~, ~ •
February 16, 1993
Page 7
IX. ADJ~u~ir~T
Councilma~ber Redepenninq coved and Councilaeuber l~itsler
seconded the motion to adjourn. T'he aeetinq adjourned by
unaniaous consent.
Respectfully sul~a~itted,
Pat Gisbo e, Deputy C ty Clerk
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