03-16-93t ~~ s A regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council vas held on March 16, 1993 in the City Council Chambers of the Hopkins City Hall. Present vera Mayor Barg, Cauncilm~bers Anderson, Shirley, l~itsler and Redapenninq. Also present were staff me~abers Mialka, Genallie, 8armaninq, Gustafson, ~Cerrigan, Gassale and City Attorney terra Millar. I. CALL TO ORDBR Mayor Barg call the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. II. CONSBHT AGffi~DA 1. APPROVAL OF TS$ MARCH Z , 199 3 RBGt1L~lR M$STING l~r~ u ia8 Z . APPROVAL OF DIrusuxSSMBN'PS, PR~•TST 90'~ 3. APPROVAL OF MIS~~T~INBODS LICffi~S$S 4. AMARD BID -SANITARY SL~ffit BID RAMSGAT$ (Rpt 93-37). 5 . APP".,.6va R$CY~'-'T.TNG c.0~•ixACT A1~D~IT (Rpt . 9 3 -3 5 ) 6 . APPROV$ SBTTL~~'!' OF BNa~~ ACC$SS APPEAL (Rpt . 9 3 -3 6 ) Cauncilmsmber Radepenninq moved and CouncilmaEmber Anderson seconded the motion to a~~o~-a the Consent Agenda. A poll of the vote vas as follavs: Councilmembar Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Counciimamber R~itsler, Aye; Councilmember Radapanninq, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. III. PIIBLIC HARING (a) COMhurir~t D$V$LOPMffi~T BIrOCX GRANT PROGRAM (CDBG) (Rpt. 93- 39) Staff reco ap~z~~al of the follavinq motion: Adapt Resolution No. 93-Zi a~~s~.rinq the proposed program for Year XIX Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Funds and authorising its su)cmiittal. Kith a~~~-al of this motion, the CDBG application will ba submitted to Hennepin County for their raviar and aY~~~-al. Mr. Kerrigan eYplainad the purposes of the CDBG program and hoar staff proposed that the money be allocated. Mayor Berg opened the public h-~rinq at 7:40 p.m. Grace Norris appeared on behalf of the Greater Minneapolis Day Cara Association. She urged that the Council continua their support. Four families era currently being assisted. Thera era 37 8opkins~ families on the vaitinq list. s t lrlARCH 16 , 19 9 3 CITY COUNCIL 1~STING PAG$ a Charlie Ratner appeared on behalf of~ Caasaunity Action for Suburban Hennepin (CASH). He explained the purpose of CASB and stated that it is facing a cut in federal funding. CASH is asking for $35, 000 from` 15 different cities. It requested $3, 700 from: Hopkins. 1~. Kerrigan explained that at this time Hennepin County has not decided that CASH is eligible for CDBG funds. CASH Nas encouraged to a~~oach the Council during the time Nhen the 1994 budget could ba put together. Councilmambar Redepanninq moved and Councilmember Shirley -~'~Anded the motion tO close the public ~+~ ~*'inq at 7:56 p.m. A poll of the vote eras as follows: Councilmembar Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Councilmember i~itsler, Aye; Councilmember Redapanninq, Aye; 1~layor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. After discussion Councilmeabar Anderson moved and Council~embar l~italar seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 93-ai. l~isyor Berg stated that ha supported the motion but that ha encouraged the Council to came up with criteria for distributing money to social service groups. A poll of the vote Nas as follomrs: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Cauncilmambar Shirley, Aya; Councilmember i~itslar, Aye; Councilmember Redepanninq, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. (b) INFORMATIONAL HARING - SIDBNALR/TRAIL PLAN Staff recaaoamandad the following motion: Hold an information h~~ring and move to aY~~~ve Resolution No. 93-aa, adopting the SidaNalk/Trail plan dated J'una lo, 1992 ~aparad by MastNOOd Professional services including revisions by staff dated March 16, 199x. This action would a~~~ra the plan in the revised form and a11aN staff to permanently update the plan. l~`t. Gustafson explained the proposed sidearalk/trail plan and pointed out the gain areas mrhere side:ralks and trails rare Headed. Councilmamber Anderson moved and Councilmamber Radapanninq seconded he motion to a~Y~~.re Resolution No. 93-ZZ. A poll of the vote Mss as follows: Councilaamber Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Councilmambar i~it$lar, Aye; Councilmember Radepanninq, Ays; Mayor Barg, Aye. The action carried unanimously. __ ~..r ~ _ _ - - - . _ _.~ -- ---~. _ - ~_. _ . _ .~..- _~ M...~.._. - - - ~._ 1r1ARCS 16, 1993 CITY COUNCIL I~STING PAGE 3 IV. NE~1 BUSINESS (a) CONSIDER ACTION - ~S~~RY ROAD -HOLLY ROAD (Rpt. 93-40) Staff recommended the folloarinq motion: Direct staff to install a storm soarer pumping station in the rear yard of a37 Ashley Road at a cost not to eYCaed $5,000, and to turn over maintenance and operation of the lift station to adjacent property o~rners. ly`r. Gustafson e~c131ained the Head for this project. The affected hoa~eaarnars bought these homes anticipating that the City could correct the flooding problem because the City had listed the project in the Capital Improvement Program. The City had not anticipated funding this project because it is a private problem. A compromise eras reached There the City arould install the pump and the residents could agree to pay for operation and maintenance. The residents Here at the meeting and stated that they supported staff's racommsndation. After discussion Councilmembar Anderson moved and Councilmembar Redapanning ~cnde~d the motion to install the searar pumping station in the rear yard of a37 Ashley Road and turn over maintenance and operation of the lift station to the adjacent property oarners. A poll of the vote eras as folloars: Councilmembar Anderson, Aye; Council amber Shirley, Ays; Councilmember Rrit$ler, Aye; Councilmamber Rsdepenninq, Aye; Mayor Barg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDER ACTION HOPRINS BUSINESS AND c:1v1C ASSOCIATION (HBCA) PROPOSAL (Rpt. 93-38) Staff recommended adoption of the follaarinq motion: 1Kove to authorise the eYpanditura of $15,000 for 1993 to the Hopkins Business 8 Civic Association (HBCA) in consideration of assistance and services to ba provided to implement various business retention and racrui~*~Art activities, subject to conditions raco~mmended by staff. 18r. 8armaninq eYplainad the background on this issue. He stated that t~~ ~e funds arould help the City accomplish a number of the goals that Hare outlined in the Strategic Plan for Economic Development. r~ lJ • i ` KARCH 16, 1993 CITY c~urCIL l~BTING PAG$ 4 • bark Senn appeared to answer questions and to inform the Council on the next steps that 88CA arould be taking. Kayor Herq asked if the HBCA newsletter could bs funded through the cable fund. 1~. Kielke stated that staff vauld look into this and that it ~rould not be ina~.~o~ late. Councilmamber Anderson asked a number of questions concerning the relationship betareen ~ and the Tvinwest Chamber of Coerce and the City. lDc. Senn stated that it eras 88CA's desire to becoose self supporting. 8e also stated that Twinl~est Mould be ~v.-iding t~~~+*:ical assistance as arell as staff support. After discussion Cauncilmembsr Shirley saved and Cauncilae=fir ~itsler -~~~ndad the motion to a~r~.n the request for $15,000. A poll of the vote eras as follows: Councilaember Anderson, Aye; Councilaember Shirley, Aye; Cauncilaember ~itsler, Aye; Councilaember Redepsnninq, Axe; Hayor Herq, Aye. The action carried unanimously. (c) COHSiD~ ACTION - APPOII~Tl~iTS T"O CHB~ICl~L H$AIS'8 CO~II~ISSION The follawinq people trere recosm~ended for the Chemical Health Cosmission: T'ori Peterson, Kart' KcNeil, Dodi T'obes'man, and Kagan Ladaly. Councilmeaber Shirley coved and Councilmember Redepenning seconded the notion to a~~s~ve the above naaed candidates to the Chemical Health Cc®mission. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Covncilaamber Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Councilaeaber ~itsler, Aye; Councilaember Redepanninq, Aye; Kayor 8erq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDffit ACTIOH - ORDffit POBLIC HSl~IRING ON PINGS' APPEALS l~r. Haraening e~cplained that the City had sent out a rnisber of orders for repairs to mobile homes in the Pines Kobile 8oae Park. T'wo appeals had been received requesting a ~+-gyring on the repairs. Staff taco that the ~-~rinq bs held on one 1, 1993. Since acme of the repairs concerned electrical hook ups, staff recosmendad that the b~~rinq be held after the deadline for the park earner to make electrical improvements. Councilmember Anderson mowed and Councilmember Shirley ~~~anded the motion to order a public hearing on amine 1, 1993. lJ . w. - -- - - ~..r .. r.. _ _r... ..... _ - - _- - ~ ~---- --- ~ --~ "-- , - - - - ~ C. -~- - ~ - --- r~ -- - Sri • ~ MARCH 16, 1993 CITY c.~iurClL NESTING PAG$ 5 A poll of the vote ras as follors: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Ccuncilmember Shirley, Aya; Councilm~ember ~ftsler, Aye; Cauncilmamber R~apenninq, Aye; Mayor Harq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. (e) DISCQSSIOH - NAII~STREST LIGHT L$VELS Nr. Gustafson aYplained that the cuts~~t lighting on Nainstraet is as least as bright as it ras prior to the reconstruction. it may appear to ba dimmer because of the color of the rear lights and the fact that the old lights rare loner and therefore made bright spots on the street. 8a raco~anded that, because of the cost involved, no action be take at this tine to change the lighting. Counci~~ Anderson maintained that the lighting in the core area of dorntorn is not as bright as it ras. Horever, he ras urnrillinq to spared additional money to improve it. The City Council agreed to take no action at this time. (f) DISCQSSION - N~ICIPAL PRIMARY SLSCTION Mayor Barg explained the procedures for holding a primary election. Ha stated that the ap~rtoximate cost of holding a primary election rauld be $5,000. 8a also said that result of a primary election could be to reduce the number of candidates for Mayor from: 3 to Z and the number of candidates for Councilme®ber from f iva to four. Ha did not think that it ras north the time or money. Councilme®ber Anderson agreed that ft ras unnecessary to hold a primary election. v. PosLlc cogs/coN"~s Their rare no public comssents. VI. REPORTS - CO1rIIKI•~ i•~sS/CO~II~IISSIOl~B Council~~~r Rritslar reported that the public ~+~~*•inq on Naetsold Field rant vary roll. ~ ~ 1~lARCS 16, 1993 CITY COZJNCIL 1~STING PAGE 6 VII . l~lD~ ~u~ COUncilmember ~nder80n moved and CounCi7~an~h~r Redepenninq seconded the motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned by unanimous Consent. Respect~'ully submitted, ~_ ~. James "Genellie, City ~~k CO~CIIi~$RS •/, ___~ , ,~ 7, ~~-____ 1~1 ST: Nelson N. Berg, Mayor •