06-22-93 WSMINUTES
June 22,19903
A worksession was held by the Hopkins City Council on June 22,1993. Present were Mayor
B rg; Counccilmembers, Clxx~c Redepenning, Chuck Kritzler, Jim Shirley, Bob Anderson.
and Council elect Gene Ma~cwell and Frarx~es Hesch. Also present wane City staff Mielke, Kerri-
gan and Steinman.
Mayor Berg called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
The first and only item-on the agenda was a discussion regarding economic developmenthedeve-
lopmer~t issues and speafic discussion about the grocery store and errtertainmer~t complex pnoj-
ec~s. Kerrigan and Steinman r~evie~wed the staff` memorandum which discussed the finarxial status
ofi the CBD district, a review of potential nedevelopntarrt sites and the status of the existing
Discussions oer~ened on options and issues related to the grocery stone and the performing arts
project as well as questions ~d issues on the TIF fund availability.
Illlr. Bob Tickle, rssiderrt of Interiad~~en Park neighborhood, attended the meeting and indicated
that he urea rat in favor of the current methods arc! programs sties lilts Hopkins are using for eco-
nomic developmerrt activities. His pne~rerenoe is to see a free market guide the developmerrt ofi
private investment and the Cites role is to pno~vide basic services to its residents.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Steven C. Mielke. CiIY Maneper
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Nelson W. Bery, Mayor
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