12-07-93~; .. r • , -r• A regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council was held on Decenbar 7, 1993 fn the Council Chaabsrs of the Hopkins City Hall. Present ware 1~layor Radepenninq, Councilmembars Anderson, Hesch, icritalsr and Maxwell. Also present ware City staff maambers l~ifalke, Genellie, 8areaninq, Gessale, Kerrigan and City Attorney Jerre Millar. I. CALL TO ORD~t Mayor Radepenninq called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. A drawing ass held by the ~+tinn~~+w~~ Oaks Association. II. CO1~8$NT AGENDA 1. APPT~O~VAL OF THS I~OVffi~SR 16, 1993 REGULAR l~iiH~s ~111~141'JSS a. AP'P'ROVAL OF DIS8~8ffi~s"•1•r~, P'R~•TST 9Z7 3. APPROVAL OF IQSr'~T.T.ANDOUS LICffi~SSS 4. APPROVE APPOIIiTl~SN'T OF D01~1 RiOS~ea TO COUNTY ROAD 3 CO~I•rras (Rpt. 93-Z05) 5. APPROVE APPOIpTI~NT OF TII~i RALSTON, TIM ~ahaN AID JOHN ALBXANDSR TO THS CH~ICAL BSAIr1'H CO~QSSION Councilaiember Anderson aovad and Councilmambar KaYwell seconded the motion to a~~.re the consent agenda. A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilaembar Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Hasch, Aye; Councilmawber ~italer, Aye; Councilme~aber Kaxwall, Aye; Mayor Radapenninq, Aya. The motion carried unanimously. III. OATH OF OFFICE - N$i~ C0~0lISSION ~~.R Jim Genellie, City Clark, swore in Don Roasnar to the County Road 3 Cos:aittee and Tim Ralston to the Ctiamical Health Cas~ission. IV. PRSS$N'PATIOI~ a. PR$SSNTATION OF A PS'rITION BY ~u~~~t BR$N Duffy Brsn, 6a6 Park Valley Drive, presented the Council with a petition signed by 514 citiaens. He stated that the petition represented a survey of citisens thro»q~+~ut the City who would like a referendum on the $ntertains~ent Complex. Hs also stated that the people want to have a voice on the purchase of the Sub~tirban Chevrolet property and that the City should not purchase the property. Mayor Redepenninq thanked ![`r. Duffy for his hard work and told him that the Council would consider the petition. • ~ ~ + ~' December 7, 1993 Page Z v. Po~IC BSi~RII~Gs 1. ©OSSIDSR 1~lCTIOS - RDII~G RBVSLIVS HOl~DS - SOPS'~t v1~L0 (Rpt. 93-ZOZ) Staff raco~ended approval of• the following action: 1~~~~al of Resolution xo. 93-133 relating to Industrial Development Revenue Refunding Honda (Super vale, Inc. project) , Series 1993 authoaciainq ttie sale iss~ar~-- of the bonds and the execution and delivery of necessary action. Jim Kerrigan vent over the report Kith the G'ouncil. Mayor Redepenninq opened the public hearing a 7:48 p.m. R~ #rinq no coeunts counciimao~bsr ]acitsler coved and Councilaenber Maxwell seconded the close the public ~-~~ing at 7:49 p.m. l~l poll of the vote vas as follows: councilmember i~nderson, i~lye; Councilmamber Hesch, i~ye; Councilmember ~italer, i~ys; Councilm~amber Xaxvall, l1ye; Mayor Redepenning, lays. The motion carried unaniaously. Councilmaa~ber l~ndarson moved and Councilmamber Maxwell seconded the motion to a~ro.ne Resolution No. 93-133. l~l poll of the vote vas as follows: Counci~~r 1lnderson, 1lye; Councilmamber Hesch, lye; Councilmamber I~itsler, l~lye; Counciimambsr Ma:cvell, lays; Mayor Redapenninq, lily. The motion carried unanimously. a . CoNSID~ li1CTIOR - RsruircIl~G OF Rsv~u:s Hol~1D8 ST. •in~SSS (Rpt. 93-aOZ) Staff recoema~~nded ab~~~-al of the following action: ~.-al of Resolution Ro. 93-134 giving the preliminary a~~ro.-al of the issuance of refunding bonds in ~ru~ection with the St. Therese Housing Project under Minnesota Statutes chapter 46ZC and authoriainq preparation of necessary documents. Mr. !Carrigan reviewed the report with the Council and stated that if St. Therese met the requirements they would be back on Deceuber a i, 1993 for final a~~ ~~-al . Mayor Redepenninq opened the public hearing at 7:54 p.m. Councilmember icritaler moved and Councilmember Maxw 11 seconded the motion to close the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. ~ ~ a l~ovember 7, 1993 Page 3 A poll of the vote vas as folla~rs: Councilaaaber Anderson, Aye; Councilaeebsr Hesch, Aye; Counci~~~r Krit$ler, Aye; Councilaeaber I~azwell, Aye; Mayor Redepennfng, Aye. The action carried unanimously. Councilaembsr Maxwell saved and Councilaaaber Anderson seconded the action to a~~~de Resolution No. 93-134. A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilaeaber Anderson, Aye; Councilasaber Hesch, Aye; Councilaeabsr Kritsler, Aye; Councilaeaber lsaxwell, Aye: ~Layor Redapsnning, Aye. The notion carried unanimously. 3. ~ONSID$R ACTION - FIRST RB~IDING OF ORDINANCR NO. 93-73Z CQAR7.'BR A1~ffi1D~'P !!`r. Genellie want over the proposed ame~ndsents with the Council. Mayor Redepsnning opened the public hearing at 7:57 p.a. Councilaeaber Kritsier moved and Councilmeaber Hesch seconded the notion to close the public hearing at 7:58 p.a. A poll of the vote was as follaMS: Councila~ber Anderson, Aye; Councilmeaber 8esch, Aye; Cauncilaeabsr Kritsler, Aye; Councilaaabsr Maxwell, Aye; ]Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The action carried unanimously. Councilaa~abar Anderson coved and Cauncilaeaber Maxwell seconded the action to Ordinance No. 93-73Z for first reading. A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilaeaber Anderson, Aye; Cauncilmember ~-~^~+, Aye; Cauncilaaaber Krit$ler, Aye; Councilaaaber Maxwell, Aye; Mayor Redepenning, Aye. The notion carried unaniaously. v. ozD BUSIN$SS a. CONSID$R ACTION - SSOOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 93-734 - ANffi'~DING SECTION 1306 AND 1307 OF TSE CITY CODE - REGARDING BANDICl~r~su PARKING Councilaember saved and Cauncilaeaber r~c~nded the cation to awp~~ve Ordinance No. 93-734 for second reading and order published. Jia Gessele gave a brief report on the ordinance. ~ ~ r Hovenber 7, 1993 Page 4 Councilmember Anderson and Councilmember 8esch secxinded the motion to a~~re Ordinance Ho. 93-734 for second reading and ordered published. A poll of the vote ras as follavs: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilnember Hesch, Aye; Councilvember Rrit$ler, Aya; Councilneo~ber Haxvell, Aye; Hayor Redepenninq, Aye. The motion Carried unanimously. VI. H~ BUSIHS88 a. COHSIDffit ACTIOH -SIGH VARIAHCS - ST. JOS$PH~S c:m1~K~ (Rpt. 93-211) Staff the f of loving notion: Dove to a~~s eve Resolution Ho. 93-138 a~~~.rinq sign variances at 1300 Hainstreet. ~. Harmeninq gave a brief overvie:r of the variance. Thomas Craver, Administrator of St. Josephs Church eras present to ansMer questions. He said that the signs would be of a wood composition affixed to cedar posts. After discussion Councilsember Anderson moved and Counci~ r Ha~nrell seconded the motion to aY~ ode Resolution Ho. 93-138. A poll of the vote Mas as follows: Councilmea~ber Anderson, Aye; Councilneabsr Hesch, Aye; Councilnember icritaler, Aye; Councilnember Haxvell, Aye; Mayor Redepenainq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. b. COHSID$R ACTIOH - II~IIVffit OF PICT - 234 18TH Ava,"ua HORTH (Rpt. 93-310) Staff recommended the following notion: Hove to a~rs•~.re Resolution Ho. 93-137 ap~r~uvinq a ~raiver of plat at 234 18th Avenue Horth. The applicant currently Duns three forty foot lots on 18th Avenue North. There is an existing home on the middle lot. The applicant is proposing to construct a single family home on the northerly lot and a sero lot line thin home on the two southerly lots. 1~. Hines appeared before the Council to update them on his current plans for the property and to ansMer questions. .r -- ~ - -' n_~ -- - - - -' - - _ .~ r - - - .. l~o+v mbar 7, 1993 Page 5 Lawrence Arlt of ZZ3 18th Avenue Forth appeared before the Council to voice his disa~~oval of the pacaposed building. He was vary yens-erred that the property ~r~ould bs i ~iial property and he stated that the street already had enough double homes on it. lam. Hines stated that he was not building the ~operty to be rented. 8a stated that each of the hoes Mauid ba for sale. Don Hoasner, 618 Park valley Drive stated that he was confused on the question of separating the three lots for building purposes. Jam. s a Hiller, City Attorney, informed him that the property had already bean platted as three lots and that Hr. Hines could build three hoes on this property anytime he cared to. The reason ha Mould like to qst the waiver of plat was to build one laryar home increasing the sine of one of the lots and then building a double home on the balance of the tvo lots Mich proper setbacks This Mould require a COP for the double hoaae and he Mould have to coma back to Council to obtain it. After discussion Councilmambar Anderson moved and Councilmamber Hasch seconded the motion to ap~~4.-e Resolution No. 93-137. A poll of the vote was as follo~rs: Councilmember Anderson, Aya; Counciimambsr Hasch, Aye; Councilmember ~it$lar, Aye; Councilmember Maxwell, Aya; Mayor Redepenninq, Aya. The motion carried unaniaously. c. COI~SID$R ACTION - R$VISION OF PAIIN SHOP LICSHSE FSE Staff raco~andad the City Council a~rr~.-e the follo~rinq motion: Nova to a~~s~ve Resolution Ho. 93-135 revising the pawn shop licence fee and authoria• the hiring of a part time data entry clerk. Hr. Genallie Mont over the proposed action stating that the cussbnt fee is not high enough to take care of the expenditures of'the Police Dapartasnt. By hiring a part ties data entry clerk it Mould free up the time of the present staff Mho era currently doing this. If the fee is not raised and a part time data entry clerk is not hired the r commendation Mould ba for a $7,000 fee to cover the xisting costs to the City. Poveab r 7, 1993 Page 6 Councilsasbsr ~itsier felt that the raising of the fee to $4,500 Nas not enough to cover the existing costs and should be $7,000. After discussion Councilmeaeber I~itslar coved and Councilaembsr Anderson seconded the lotion to continua this ices until the December Zi, 1993 seating and farther to investigate the costs and benefits that would take place hiring a parson for 32 hours a wek to handle the data entry. A poll of the vote ras as folloars: Councilmsmber Anderson, Aye; Councilaesber Hasch, Ay; Councilmesber i~italer, Aye; Councilsesber l~axwll, Aye; Mayor Redapsnninq, Aye. The lotion passed unanimously. d. CONSIDSIt ACTION - A~ HOP-A-RIDS COI~"1'RACT Staff rac d the follo~rinq motion: Kowa to a~rard the Hop-A-Ride bid to Suburban Taxi for the 1994 service and to increase the lo~- income ticket price from $.55 to $.85 and regular ticket price fors $1.10 to $Z . 75. Furthermore trips to and froaa the xnollwood ball area, St. David s School and Park Nicollat Kedicai Center shall be charged at the rate of $3.00, $3.35 and $6.00 respectively, par one tray. Councilmaaber Hasch questioned the price to St. David~s School. She said most of the people who would be using this service trould be in the low income bracket and she felt the $3.35 ties to high for it to be a real benefit to them. After further discussion Councilmesber ~itsler moved and Councilsesber Hesch second the station to atrard the contract to Suburban Taxi Company frith in~~~~sed ticket prices of $.55 to $.85 arm regular priced tickets Eros $1.10 to $a.75 frith further discussion on the other changes. A poll of the vote Nas as follows: Councilmembsr Anderson, Aye; Councilmember H-~^.~, Aye; Councilsamber i~ftsler, Aye; Councilsesber l~axtrell, Aye; lrlaayor Radepanninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. e. COI~SIDSR ACTION - LIQDOR LICSNSS RSNSI~ALS FOR 1994 Staff reco adoption of the follo~rinq motion: l~iove that the Hopkins City Council a~rove the annual rensaral of liquor licenses. Councilsesber Anderson moved and Councilm~ember XaxMali seconded the motion to a~Y~~.re the 1994 liquor licenses. ~ ~ • ~ i Ilovasber 7, 1993 Page 7 A poll of the vote was as follo`-s: Councilae~aber Anderson, Ays; Councilaeaber Basch, Aya; Councilaenber ~citsler, Aya; Councila~esbsr lla~cwsll, Aye; Mayor Redapsnning, Aye. The notion carried unaniaousiy. f . CORSID$R ACTIOlI -ADOPT 1994 SUDGBT AifD L$vY ~. ~lialke Meat over the budget rich racoansndations and a far ~~actions. Councilaeaber Anderson roved and Councilse~nber Maxwell seconded the sotion adopt Resolution llo. 93136, the 1994 budget and levy with 1~. llialka•s suggestions. A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilnanber Anderson, Aye; Councilsenber Hasch, Aya; Councilsanber Rritaler, Aye; Councilsesbsr Kaxrell, Aya; Rayon Radapsnninq, Aye. The sotion aarriad unanisously. q. COI~iSID~ ACTIOlI - I~DFILL 618 COlil'1'ROL DISTRICT (Rpt. 93-Z09) Staff recoodendad the follorinq notion: dove that Council direct staff to ~~~are an ordinance concerning a landfill gas control district and that the ordinance be considered for first Z ~ ~~~inq at the December Z i, 1993 nesting. Jim Gassale gave an avarvfer of the present situation and why staff felt an ordinance ties iaportant. After discussion Councilaeaber Il~italer coved and Councilneaber llaxMell seconded the action to have staff prepare an Ordinance to be considered at the Daca®ber Zi, 1993 Council meeting for first reading. A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilaeaber Anderson, Aye; Councilseaber Hesch, Aye; Councilmenber ~itslar, Ays; Councilaeaber Maxwell, Aye; Mayor Redspenninq, Aye; The sotion carried unaniaously. h. COHSID$R ACTION - I~PP"~v~s 8l~ 1lAG$ c.'O1~•iuACT FOR 1994 Staff recoarmended that the Council apps~v~e the following notion: !love aY~~~al of the 1994 Contract for the Hopkins l~nicipal ~oployea Association. Jis Genallis gave a brief suamary of the proposed contract. Councils abet And neon roved and Councilsea~ber ~laxrell seconded th notion to aw~u.~~.. the 1994 H~lF1~ contract. i .~ L ~ ! ~ ^ 1 Ae.+~ember 7, 1993 Paq 8 A poll of the vote vas as follo~rs: Counci_____~r Anderson, Aye; Counciim~amber 8esch, Aye; Councilmamber ~itsier, Aye; Councilmember Kaxvall, Aye; Mayor Redapenninq, Aye. The notion carried unanimously. VII. P'[JBLIC ~ffi1T8/CONc:~S Their Hera no public coements. VIII. RRPORTS - DOIGii`l`1'ae8/COl~ISSI0~18 1D*. l~iel]ca said that a Heating of SCiP had been held and that the group vas setting goals and `rritinq a mission statement. He also said that a donation of $SOO had been sent anonymously to the City for the Famf ly Resource Center and that it had been passed on to them. l~syor Redepenninq said that any inforaation from the National isague of Cities Convention should be e~+~*'ed with the people vho did not attend. IX. ADJvua~rrl~ffiIT Councilmes_~r 8esch aovad and Councilaamber lta~nrell seconded the motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned by unanimous consent. Respectfully submitted, Pam Gielborne, Depot- ~~~~ Clerk C~UN ~ ~ - ~ .i ~ : ' ~~ - _ ~L~ ~ - ~~i~ ~~~~~~ ~ , _- - ' / .~ • /l/1 an~uL , / ~ ~ '\ ~ -- - !TP$ST 1 ~iM~ ~ ~~las D. Radepenninq, rlayor