12-21-93ri. - ~ a ~ ,: A r qular ~ sting of the Hopkins City Council vas Bald on Daca~bar 21, 1993 in the Council Chaabar of Hopkins City Ball. Present were Mayor Redapenninq, Councila~aebsrs Anderson, Basch, l~italar and Maxwell. Aiso present were City staff aecsbers l~ialka, Genallia, 8arsaninq, Gustafson, Gessele, and City Attorney Jana ~[iller. I. CALL TO QRDBS Mayor Redapsnninq Called the asatinq to order at 7:35 p.~. II. PR$Sffi~1'1'ATION a. RBCOGNiTiON OF R$S~v,s OFFI~R Chief Johnson gave a s~aa^ary of the outstanding service that the Police Reserves do. Ha Cited the thousands Of ~+~~*•s that are donated each year by the group. 8a introduced Sergeant Marren Naff who is the liaison to the Reserves. He also introduced Captain Rob Briaeer rho is in ~~+~*•ga of the group. 1~layor Radapenninq and Ctiiaf Johnson presented Captain Bria~sr with a plaque of appreciation. b. PR$Sffi~TATION SY AAI~I POLICE DHpI~IR'13Lffi~"P Joann BaC~aan, Triple A ie~rresentativa, presented the Hopkins Police Dapartvant with an award for Pedestrian Safety. III. OATB OF OFFICE Jie Ganallia officiated at the swearing in ceraeony of John AlaYander to the Cheaical Health Ca~ission. Iv. CONSSLIT AGffi~TDA 1. APPROVAL OF TS$ D$CSl~$R 7, 1993 RBGUL~R l~BTING ~urura8 Z. APPROVAL OF DISBDRS~TS, PQ~•TST 9Z8 3. APPROVAL OF ~[IS~•T•#NBOUS LICHSS$S 4. APP~va POLIC$ OFFI~s 1994 NAG$ uO~•ix1~CT 5. APPROV$ DISPA•i~-M~K~/PSO 1994 NAG$ ~.OrixACT 6. APP"..,~v~s NON-LION 1994 NAGS 7. BFAI~B SxaviC$S ~-~'1' HITS a~r~IN c.Guri•Y (Rpt. 93-Z16) 8. APPROV$ COpTR1~CT a..i•~SION -BUILDING INSP$c.i.~ii 1~AYSATA (Rpt. 93-317) 9. ANARD ~rixl~CT - Bea KIL$ ~s~C (Rpt. 93-Za3 ) 10. APPROVAL OF 9/14; 1O.a; 8/10; 5/11 N~uCS$SSION lrurui•~sS i iK _~ a D camber Z1, 1993 Page Z 11. 1~PPZtOVI~IL OF NOVffi~8S 3 0 , BUDGBT HBI~RING ~Ql~iOT$S lZ . l~PPR~OV$ 3 . Z A~'R LICffi~S$ FOR ST. JOS$P8~ S ~~~~ (~. 93-ZZZ) Councilm~ember Anderson moved and Councilmember l~a~nrall seconded the motion to a~~~~-e the consent agenda. l~ poll of the vote Nos as follo~rs: Cauncilaember l~nderson, i~ye; Councilmambsr Hesch, lye; Councilmember 8'ritaler, i~lye; Councilmember 8a~cv+ell lye; 8ayor Redepanninq, li-ye. The motion carried unanimously. v. ozD susl~ss a. CO1~18iD8R lilCZ'iON - SROOND RBJlDIl~G - CEII~RTBS 1~1~[SSD~'PS (memo) Staff recos~e~nded the follotirinq motion: Dove that the Hopkins City Council a~~ ~.~a Ordinance loo. 93-73Z for second reading and order published. The action Mould continue the process to amend the City Charter. The nev 1 rill take affect 90 days after the ordinance is published. Councilmember Rritsler moved and Council~wmber i~nderson seconded the motion to a~~-su~e Ordinance Ro. 93-73Z and order published. ~ poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilmember i~nderson, l~lye; Councilmember Sesch, aye; Councilae~abar ~Critsler, l~ya; Councilmamber Ka~nreli, lye; Mayor Redapenninq, dye. The motion carried unanimously. b . CONSIDSR l~lC'1'IOI~T - Pl~NH SAP LICBSS$ (Rpt . 9 3 -Z a 0 ) Staff reco~a~nded that the City Council a~~s ~.re the follo~rinq motion: Kove to a~~ve Resolution 80. 93-135 revising the paMn shop license fee, and authorise the hiring of a clerk. Seymour Druskin, Xanager of Cash Fair, appeared before Council Mith questions about the proposed fee raise. 8e stated that his company has had nesct to no complaints from the Police Department and is managed in a very thorough manner. 8e asked the Council to reduce the proposed fee of $7,000 and ~itinue Mith the $3,500. 8e also stated that he could qo along Mith the originally proposed faa of $4,500. ~ i r December Zi, 1993 Page 3 After discussion Councilmaebar Anderson moved and Councf lmasbar 1Critaler seconded the motion to ab~ ~.re Resolution No. 93-135. A poll of the vote Mas as follo~rs: Council:lsmber Anderson, Aye; Councila~eebar Basch, Ray; Councila~bsr R'ritsisr, Aye; Councilmember Naxvail, Aye; Mayor Radepannfnq, Aye. The motion carried. c. CONSiDHS ACTION -HOP-A-RID$ FAQ - PAS PiCOLLBT, ~OIJ~OOD, ST. DAVIDS (Rpt. 93-ZZ4 ) Staff reco the follavinq motion: Dove to change the follo~rinq ticket prices for destinations outside of Hopkins par staff racosmandation. R'nollvood roll area $3.00, St. David~s School $.85 for lar incose and $Z.75 four regular income, Park Nicollet rsdfcal Center $5.00 par one gray trip. Councilmembar Na:cv~all eras concerned over the $5.00 fee to the Park Nicollat radical Center and reco~andad lo~rering the fee to $4.00. Councilmembar Basch said that the trip to St. David~s School would ba used a lot and t~+~rked staff for lawrinq the price. She said until the City of Hopkins gets a food shelf that the lo~rar inooea families will ~~tinua to use the St. David~s food shelter. After further discussion Councilaamber Hesch coved and Councilmember R'ritaler seconded the motion to a~~wva the fares for the Hap-A-Ride pacogras lo~rarinq the rata to $~ . 00 for the Parks Nicollet ~[adical Center. A poll of the vote eras as follows: Councilarea~bar Anderson, Aye; Councilm~bar Hesch, Aye; Councilm~ber R~italer, Aye; Councilmembsr ra~nrall, Aye; rsyor Redapenninq, Aye. The motion carried unani~aously. VII. N~ BUSIN$SS a. CONSIDffit ACTION - A~~sTBR ASS$SS~IT PROC$SS -ARTS FACILITY (Rpt. 93-aZ5) Staff recos~andsd adoption of the follo~rfng notion; Nova to undertake a public opinion/assessment process regarding the proposed arts facility, said process to be completed with the assistance of Decision Resources and Resources and Caunsalinq for the Arts. !D*. 8armaninq gave a brief sw~ary of the proposed motion. r 3 `- • Deceabsr Zi, 1993 Page 4 Don Roessner, 6i8 Park Valley.Driw, appeared before Council questioning the Council right to haw a refesa~us on the $ntertainaent Complex. Hr. Hiller e~cplained that the Council did not haw that poorer an- -- -* ~inq to the Attorney ~'-e~al . Duffy Brea also appeared before Council and suggested that the ~*~ter should be changed to allow for public opinion referenduas. 8e also stated that in the proposed survey that Taits Grocery Store bs included in the questionnaire. Cooncilnea~ber 8esch coved and Cauncila~aaber Ha~nrell seconded the notion to approve the Assessaent Project using th assistance of Decision Rssourc:es and Resources and Counseling for the Arts. A poll of the vote Mas as follow: Councila~eaber Anderson, Aya; Couneilaeaber Hesch, Aye; ~~*:cilaaaber ~e'ritsler, Aye; Councilasabsr HaYVall, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The notion carried unaniaously. b. COI~SID$R ACTI0~1 -FIRST RB1~lDIHG ORDI~C$ - L~l11DFILL GAS c.~•i•~OL DISTRICT (Rpt. 93-Z18) Staff reco the folloring action: Hove that Council adopt for first reading Ordinance Igo. 93-735, establishing a Landfill Gas Control District. Hr. Gessele qaw an overvisr of the requested ordinance. 8e stated that it ~-as necessary to haw soaethinq in place for the HPCA. He also stated that the City is negotiating to purchase ABJ and the Rutledge Construction properties. Toe Rutledge appeared before Council stating that he Mould like to haw tine to further study the City~s proposals to him. He Mas informed that the Ordinance has to qo through tMo reading to be a~~rsoved and this was the first reading. The second reading could be delayed allo~rinq tine for 18r. Rutledge to bacons familiar Mith all of the proposals. After discussion Councilaeaber HaxMell coved and Councilaeaber Anderson seconded the notion to a~~~.-e for first reading Ordinance No. 93-735. r Dacenber Zi, 1993 Page 5 A poll of the vote ras as follavs: Councilaenber Anderson, Aye; Councilna~bar 8esch, Cauncil~enbsr ~Critsler, Aye; Council~enbsr Kainrell, Ays; Mayor Redepsnninq, Aye. The notion carried unanino~usly. c. COItSIDHS ACTIN: LSl~B$ #73-34044 KITH HESN~PIN CONY - RIGrBT-OF-NAY 88'1'I~Effi~ 17TH ACID 18TS Avg ua NORTS (Rpt. 93-a19) Staff reco~andad adoption of the follaring notion: love to authorise the Mayor and City Manager to s~cecuta lease Ho. 73-34044 betwan the City of Hopkins and the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority for forisr railroad right of way located between 17th Avenue North and 18th Avenue forth Frith the understanding that changes nay be nade to the lease agraanent Mhich era non-substantive in nature or are of advantage to the City. lam. Hasnaninq vent over the need to ~:.uitinue the lease. The public works department uses the right of gray for refuse hauling and playing purposes. After a brief discussion Counciln~nbsr Anderson coved and Councilnaber Maxwell seconded the notion to authorise the lease. A poll of the vote vas as follo:rs: Councilnenbsr Anderson, Aye; Councilaaubsr Hesch, Aye; Councilnanber ~itslar, Aye; Cauncilna~bar l~axvell, Aye; Mayor Radapsnninq, Aye. The notion carried unanimously. d. OONSID~I,t ACTION - LSi~B$ #73034011 NEST nmar~~srIN c:'~usa•~t - RIGST OF NAY 88'1'i1SSl1 7TS A1TD lOTB Avffi~1~T$ NORTS IN D0~11~TOiiil~ 80PRIH8 (Rpt. 93-Z lZ ) Staff recomnsnded adoption of the folloring lotion: Now to not rene~r the lease for that portion of the forasr railroad right-ofway bst~rean 7th and 10th Avenue North in dotinto~rn Hopkins. Cauncilae'ber Anderson roved and Councilnember R`ritslar seconded the notion to not renew the lease. A poll of the vote `-as as follows: Councf lnwber Anderson, Aye; Councilmember RAC^-~, Aye; Councilnenber ~itsler, Aye; Councilmember ~la:nrall, Aye; Mayor Redepanninq, Aye. The notion carried unanimously. •. LI~uVit LICffi~S$ R$N$I~ALS 1994 ~ •, ~ .. Dec abet Zi, 1993 Page 6 Staff recoa~e~nded adoption of the foilorinq motion: Nova that the Hopkins City Council a~~~.-a the annual rsneral of liquor licenses. Councilm~amber well coved and Councilmamber Anderson seconded the motion to a~~ove the 1994 liquor licenses. A poll of the vote vas as follow: Councilaember Anderson, Aye; Councilmei~~ Hesch, Aye; Councilma~aber l~itsler, Aye; Councilmember Karrell, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unaniaousiy. VIII. POBLIC CO~Q~ffi~TS/COHc:~t"ri8 There were no public ca~snts. IX. R$PORTS - COI~ITT$SS/COIQQSSIOI~S Councilmamber I~a:nrell reported that he had attended the Parking Coa~ittea a~teting and discussed the above leases. The entire Council wished everybody a Happy Holiday and a Happy l~a~r Year. X. AD~c~u~pl~11T Councilmembsr Kawell moved and Councilmamber 8esch seconded the motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned by unanimous consent. Re fully submitted,, fat -G3sbor~ ~"', Deputy City Clerk c~ur~CII~~: .~*~,~ /~ ~ 1 (~ ~ ~ fi _ _ , AT~S T: ' Charles D. ep nn nq, Mayor l ~