01-07-92. ~ r~ • i ~~ .- i A regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council ras bald on January 7, 199a "in the City Council Chambers of the Hopkins City Ball. Present ~rera Mayor Berg, Councflmembers Anderson, Shirley, Rritsler and Redapanninq. Also present Mare staff seaters Bialke, Genailie, Haraeninq, Gustafson, Gassela, Carrigan, and City Attorney Jerre Biller. I. CALL TO ORDffit Bayor Berg called the aeatinq to order at 8:03 p.m. II. SN'SARING IN CONY Jim Ganellie swore in 1larren 1loodrich to serve on the Charter Ca~ission. III. CONSffi~T AGffi~iDA 1. APPROVAL OF T8$ N a6, 1991 ~ur~CIL BUDGBT 8$ARING BIrui•~sS 3 . APPROVAL OF T8$ D$C~BR 4 , 1991 c:0iriiruau BUDG$'1' HEARING BIruiaS 3 APPROVAL OF T8$ DBC~BR 17, 1991 RBGUTAR COUNCIL B$STING lu~uiisS 4. APPROVAL OF DISBURSffi~TS, PR$LIST 877 5. APPROVAL OF BIS~•T~•ANNOUS LIC$NS$S 6. APPROV$ CONC$PT SHADY OA1C IAlC$ ~iui~Y 7. CBANG$ ORDBRS 1 8 Z - BORSCH SYT$ si.~~cB SS~iHR 8. APP'ROiVR CHANG$ ORDffit 1 -ALLEY UND~~UND UTILITI$S 9. 3.a BSBR LICSNS$ APPLICATION - JAYC~~S 10. APP~'.av~s 199a SANITATION OFFICffit cA~•i•~cACT 11. APPROV$ TRANSF$R OF ~iA PRiOPBR'1'Y TO CIi'Y la. APP:tav~ CBANG$ ORDgR - BAINSTRLST PR~TBCT 13 . APPROV$ ~,~!Bt•ING LICHSS$ - ST. ~c~ ~ 8 ~iuliCB 14. APPROV$ CONai•~uCTION BANAG~T CONTRACT - RLR & ASSOCIATIONS i NES'1'9~OOD - CIrOC1C T011SR 15. APPROV$ 3.3 B$$R LICBNS$ ST. JOS$PS~S c'.uuKCB 16. APPROVE - IrONG TERB •i•KUSi• T - Li~NDFILL 17. APP'ROV$ - D$SIGNATION OF OFFICIAL I~SPAPHS 18. APPROV$ CHANGE OF TAXI STAND IrOCATION Mayor Barg explained that a sentence had bean added to the Deceaber 17, 1991 Council meeting minutes. 18r. issak had requested that a sentence ba added to his statement at the meeting. The sentence reading: Ha granted this to ba a matter of record so the property line issue can be taken Cara of, whatever decisions era made for the proposed tom house property. + ,~ January 7, 1992 Paq Z Cauncil's'ber shirlay requested that Its loo. 6 and 18 be moved from the agenda to ba discussed at the end of the regular agenda. After discussion Cauncilmea~ber Shirl y coved and Councilnember Redepsnninq seconded the motion to a~~so.re the Consent Agenda. A poll of the vote Mss as folloMS: Councilm~bsr Anderson, Aye; Councilmamber Shirley, Aye; Council~~~ ~italer, Aye; Councilmember Radapenninq, Aye; Mayor Herq, Aye. The a:otion carried unanisoualy. Iv. PTmr.TC HFARII~G Staff recoamandad the folloMinq motion: Kowa that the Council hold an informational hearing and order the p~cparation of a feasibility report that coincides Mith the planning an analysis report previously ~s~.pared on this natter, and accepted by Council on Dacgbar 17, 1991. This action Mould continue an alieyscape study in the alleys iam~ediately north and south of Kainstreet, betMeen 7th and 11th Avenues. Lae Gustafson gave a brief summary of the alleyscaps project. Ha stated that the property oMners for the Host part Mara in favor of the improvement project. John Dietrich, RLiC, shorted slides of sore of the existing alleys as they era nov, and a possibility of Mhat they could look like Mien the improvements Mere Wade. Dick poppy, RLR, discussed the projected schedule. He racosmended a 3 year program for construction. Kr. Koppy stated that TIF funds could bs used and private investments from the property owners. Kr. Kielke asked about apublic/private partnership for the project. Councilmeaber ic~itsler asked how does this qualify as a TIF project? Lee Gustafson infor~ad him that it had already qualified and $450,000 of the original bond Mas sat aside for the project. 8e then Manted to knoll if the project Mould exceed $450,000 and if so Mhere Mould additional coney come from? At the present tine Kr. ~Coppy stated that the projected cost Mould be about $700,000. The $450,000 along Mith tax increaent reserves Mhich the City has on hand, Mould be the primary funding source. 8e also stated that private investments frog the property ovnars could bs aade. r - -- • U January 7, 1992 Page 3 Kayor Berg opened the public ~~~rinq at 8:50 p.m. John Novak, 534 Fast Park Valley Drive, stated that he gets concerned rhen he hears the statements to use TIF funds and Public Mocks funds. He wntad to knor where all the aonay was c:ominq from. He said that a day of reckoning rill com and ranted to knar if the ia~~.-~ents are going to be north it. 1~. l~iie].ke asked if the issue of parking is less of an issue nor that' befare? He also stated h~ could like to see privet funds used for the project as wii as public funds. 8a could like some kind of a coa~itmesst from the private sectar. Mayor Berg said a latter of intent rith signatures to improve the property from the private sector could be looked into. Tom 8armsninq stated that the Property Ornery rare not in favor of the special assessmsttts. He also stated that no general fund dollars rare proposed to bs used. 8e stated that TIF funds and private funds would bs used. Councilaember Anderson asked what happens if owners do not rant to participate? Do re qo ahead? Hs also asked how much the feasibility study Mould cost. l~r. Gustafson said a~YSOximataly $ZO,000. Dr. Harry Smith, Chairperson of the Hopkins Business Council stated that the group is behind the project if done in a cost effective manner. Councflmember Redepenninq awed and Councilmeatber Shirley seconded the motion to close the public hearing. A poll of the vote ras as foilors: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councila:aaaber Shirley, Aye; Counciimeaaber 1Crftsler, Aye; Cauncilmember Redepenning, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Councila:embsr Redapenninq coved and Cauncilmea~ber F'ritaler seconded the motion to order the prd~aration of the feasibility report and report back to Council on January Zi, 199a rith costs and the scope of cork. A poll of the vote ras as follows: Councilmeaaber Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Councilmember ~italer, Aye; Councilmember Redapenninq, Ay : l~ayar Bsrq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. ~. s. January 7, 1992 Page ~ v. oLD BUSINSSs (a) CONSIDER ACTION - S~OND READING ORDINANC$ - cvi~-rx~lc.i~x~ S LIC$NS$ Staff rec adoption of Ordinance No. 91-70Z for second reading and order published. After discussion Councilnenbsr Redepenning Moved and Councilnenber l~italer seconded the motion to adapt Ordinance No. 91-70Z and order published. A poll of the vote Mas as follairs: Cauncilnea~ber Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Cauncilneeber R'ritaler, Aye; Cauncilmeaber Radspenninq, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. vI. N~ BIISIN$SS (A) CONSID$R ACTION - ccITIONAL IIS$ PHSKIT - ~ert~ *t~ I Staff reca~anendad the follarinq notion: !lave to ap~~.re Resolution No. 9a-S approving a conditional use permit for a commercial transmission taller at Z15 B:ccelsior Avenue $ast. Cellular One of Minnesota is e:cperiencinq an overloading problem in the areas around Hopkins. To correct this problem they are proposing construction of a tamer. 1~arren Dunlap of Cellular i appeared to answer gwstions. After discussion Council Redepenninq moved and Cauncilmambar Shirley seconded the motion to adapt Resolution No. 9a-5. A poll of the vote ras as folla~rs: Councilnember Anderson, Aye; Cauncilme~aber Shirley, Aye; Councilmamber R`ritaler, Aye; Councila~aa^bsr Redepenninq, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aya. T'h® motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDffit ACTION -SIGN VARIANCE - ~~~ Staff recomaetided the follarinq motion: Move to approve Resolution No. 9a-6 a~Yrovinq the variance to al1aN a lary.~s sign for the sabers Restaurant at 1111 Cambridge. Henry Crystal, sabers Restaurant, appeared before Council. -- He shoved the Council some photographs of the ner signage. . - January 7, 1992 Page 5 Councilmembar Anderson :Quad a~ Councilse~ber Shirley seconded the notion to a~~~.-e Resolution No. 9Z-6. A poll of the vote Mas as follows: Councilmea~ber Anderson, Ays; Councilmember Shirley, Ay; Cauncilmember Icritaler, 'Ays; Councilmember Redepenning, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aya. The motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDER ACTION - RE: SALE OF TAXABI.$ G~~AL OBLIGATION RBFOND BOLD SERIES 199a Staff racosm:snded adoption of the fol~lavinq aotion: Adopt Resolution No. 9Z-a a~~ving the sale of $Z,875,00o t~~.~~le general obligation raf'unding bond series 1992 City of Hopkins, Minnesota Authorising the City Manager and Mayor to e~cacute the necessary documents for the a~oval of this resolution Mill allow Evensen Dodge to complete the necessary paper Mork to facilitate the sale of this bond. The City's financial consultant, Evensen Dodge, recently met with staff to discuss a proposal to refund these bonds. The purpose of this action Mould ba to take advantage of the laver interest rates Mhich are presently available. This could result in over $146,000 in interest savings over the life of the issue. Ri~.~+~rd ~Iard, Evenaen Dodge, and Bob Shag of Park Investment Corporation Mare present to anBMer questions. Counciima:ebsr Shirley moved and Councilmembsr Redepanning seconded the motion to approve Resolution No. 9Z-2. A poll of the vote Mas as follows: Cauncilmember Anderson, Ays; Councilmamber Shirley, Aye; Councilmember Rritaler, Ays; Cauncilmembar Redepenning, Ays; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDER ACTION - RESID~•iiAL TENANT Pp~T~G IN THE D01rri.~ri Staff ra~o~amanded the City Council adopt the folloMinq motion: Maus to designate the 5 parking spaces located in the allay north of the municipal parking ramp, and east of the centralised dumpster as residential tenant parking. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,.-... .....~,.. ~. ~._. _ - ~r - ~ - - ~ r i ~ ~ ~ January 7, 1992 Page 6 Sy a vote of 3 to Z , the Parking Committee the following: "That residential tenant parking bs allowed on the Municipal Rasp in an area to be determined by staff." The adoption of either motion will allov.tenants who live downtown, to park in the selected area over night, with the use of a green residential tenant parking permit. Councilsember Shirley coved and Councilmember Redapsnninq seconded the motion to allocate l0 parking spaces in the ramp for residential parking in an area determined by staff. A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Ays; Councilaesber l~itslsr, Aye; Councilmesber Redapenning, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aye. The notion carried unanimously. IT$M #6 - CO118ffi1'P AG$NDA APPRiOV$ CONC$P'1' BHI~DY oAB I~ STODY ~ Staff reco~maended the following motion: Move to direct staff to contact the City of Minnetonka to inform them that the City of Hopkins is willing to participate in a Shady Oak Lake engineering study. The City of Minnetonka requested the City of Hopkins participate in this study due to our ownership and operation of Shady Oak Beach. Lee Gustafson •xplainad that the lake is receding and a study is necessary to determine why. The amount requested by the City of Minnetonka is $4,~~5. This is one half of the COSt to Minnetonka. The balance of the Cost would bs ¢ht~red with the City of $den Prairie. Councilmasber Anderson raised two issues: (i) That the store sever utility is not the a~~~~riata place to find the fords for this, and (Z) This is a Minnetonka lake and that the Cfty is just another property owner and should not have to pay for this study. After further discussion Councilsember Redepeiusinq moved that the City of Hopkins will pay for i/3 of the study. The City of Hopkins will revier any further expenditures on a separate basis. i ~ f . ~ ~ January 7, 1992 Page 7 A poll of the vote eras as follo~rs: Councilmeeber Anderson, Nay; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Counciimember ]acitaler, Aye; Council~eaeber Redepenninq, Aye; Mayor Hera, Aye. The motion carried. ITffi~i NO. 18 -CONSENT AGENDA APP~tO-VE CHANGE OF TAXI STAND IrOCATION Staff ir~c~ended adoption of the follo~vinq motion: Hove to relocate the taxi stand from its current location on 9th Avenue, to th® Nest side of 8th Avenue adjacent to Lot 700. Councilme®ber Shirley eras concerned about the availability of a cab, as people get off the bus on 9th Avenue. 8e felt that, people ~rantfnq to take a cab upon getting off the bus would have to calk to far to do so. After discussion Councilmember Anderson moved and Councilmember Redepenninq seconded the motion to a~~rt~ve staff reco~oendations. A poll of the vote Nas as folloars: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Council~e®ber Shirley, Nay; Councilmamber 1Critaler, Aye; Councilmember Redepenninq, Aye; Mayor Hsrq, Aye. The aatfon carried. (e) DISC~TSSION ITEM - SN011 ~t~OVAL POLICIES Staff reco~endad the follo~rinq motion: Dove to direct staff to continue using the current sno~r removal procedures. Lae Gustafson, Public Norks Director, Mas concerned Nfth coaoments directed at the Street Department concerning the time it took to clean the ~[ainstreet curbsides after the t`ro • major snaar stores. For this reason lam. Gustafson canted the Council to raviem the City•s snav reaoval procedures. His racoasesndation ras to continue as outlined. After discussion the consensus of opinion Nas that the Street department does an excellent job cleaning the streets and curbsides. It eras suq+gasted that more attention be given to intersections for pedestrians ~-alkinq across the streets. The entire Council felt that the unusual storms Here rare and the street department did the best that they could under the circumstances. R~~ tion a~as to continue using the current snaar policies. ~' ~' January 7, 1992 Page S (f ) DISC[JSSION IT~I - UPD1~T$ Old PROGR$SS OF SZ'R~ITBGIC PLi~irr lres T~ISR F~t~ The purpose of this item is to update and receive input from the City Council on the progress and activities of the Strategic Planning Task Force. This input rill be valuable to the ia~r~sentatives of the Cfty Council (Nelson Berg and Bob i~nderson) as the participate in future Task Force meetings. Mayor Berg Mart aver the various steps that have bean undertaken to date by the Strategic Planning Task Forts and the six issues identified by the Task Forts. i. Business recruitment Z. Neighborhoods 3. County Road #3 4 . lrlainstreat S. Image (City fide) 6. Business Retention He said that they Mill continua to meet Mich mots updates in the future. ._ VII. P'OBLIC CAS/CON~-~~~IS There Mere no public comments. VIII. R$PORTS - CO~ii`ri•~aS/CO~IISSIOI~B 1~. Mielke requested that the Council meet at 6:30 p.m. on January ai, 199a for a brief Mork session before the 7:30 p.m. Council meeting. Councilmember Shirley stated that the Chemical Health Commission Mas considering creating an ordinance dealing Mith tobacco. ~ ~ ti M ~ • ~ January 7, 199a Page 9 IX. ADrTvuxl~l~NT Councila:snbar Redepenninq coved and Councila~aa~ber Shirley seconded the aotfon to adjourn. The aeetinq adjourned by unaniaous consent. ~ Respectfully subsittsd, a G orne, De•~~~` Clark -, ~~UHCI s ~~~~/ ~~~ :.;.. V~~~.~ ~~ ~- /I~ A T: i~ ~ -fig ~ lson ~. ~erq, Rayor .- .