03-17-92i f 1 ~ A r lar maeti of the H aqu ng op~cins City Council Mas held on March 17, 1992 in the City Council Chambers of the Hop]cins City Hall. Present Here ]Mayor Berg, Councilaembers Anders, Shirley, l~italer and Redapenning. Also present Mere staff mea~bera lriislke, Genellie, Haraeninq, Gustafson, Geasele, N. Anderson and City Attorney ~TvxtJ I~iiiler. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Berg called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. II. CONSENT AGffi~DA 1. APPROVAL OF THE I~IRCH Z , 1992 REGUI~IR c.~ur~CIL FETING ~ur~ia8 a . APPROVAL OF DIanusiS~i'1'S, Ps~•TST 883 3. APPROVAL OF 1~I8~•T•#NEOUS LICENSE 1~lPPLICiiITIONB 4. APPRiO~VAL OF THE ~~~KU,~lRY 11, 1992 1. P ltEBTING 5. ANARD OF BID - HOri•i~~KT~G HELLS (Rpt. 9Z-65) 6. APPROVE PLi~NB is ORDER BIDS - NAINSTREBT STO~I SEiiffit 11T8 - 13TH (Rpt. 9a-66) 7 . APP:.ava MAYOR ~ S APPOIp'1'R~T OF PAUL LUpD 8 DICK J3~KU~-~ -~ KK TO TS$ CHARZ'~ OO~ISSION 8 . APPROVE JUDGE ~ S LIST FOR TSE PRINl~RY Er~~C'!'T_ON Councilmember Anderson coved and Counciim~ember ~italar seconded the motion to a~~~.re the Consent Agenda. A poll of the vote Maa as follova: Councilm~aa~ber Anderson, Aye; Councilmambsr Shirley, Aye; Councilaomber R'ritaler, Aye; Councilaember Redapsnninq, Aye: Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. III. P'USLIC HEI~IRING (a) CONSIDER ACTION - SP$CIAL ASSESS - NAINSTREET FROG[ 5T8 - 11TH Ava"u~sS - UATffit AND SANITARY SNS$R SaxviCES, FIRE PROTECTION SYSTffi~S, PRIVATE S Staff racaemended to continua ~+~~ring to April 7th. Councilmamber Andaraon moved and Councilaember Shirley seconded the motion to continue the ~+~~rinq until April 7, 199x. A poll of the vote Mss as folloMa: Councilma®ber Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Councilme®ber Kritaler, Aya; Councilmember ~~~penninq, Aye; Nayor Barg, Aya. The notion carried unanimously. _ . _ - - -- _ . ..... _ -- - • - . - - - - ---- ~_ _ - - ~_. _ _ _r-- -~- -_ ~.-- MARCH 17 , 1992 c..~ur~CIL l~EBTING PAGE a Iv. OLD BUSINESS (a) CONSIDER ACTION - RAMSGATE PROPERTY P~R~='RASE AGRE~TS Staff raco~ae~nded adoption of the following action: Rove to a~ova the follavinq itaas and authorise the l+laayor and City ]Manager to sign the applicable docuaents: o Special assessaent agreement between the City of Hopkins and the property avners along Hiawatha Avenue. o Purchase Agrasaent between the City of Hopkins and Nark 8. Jonas. o Acquisition of easaaant from Raasgate Apartaents for sanitary sever purposes at a cost not to exceed $ZS,000. Toms Haraeninq explained the background of the sale and the purposes of the docw~ants. The Special Assessaent docuaant states the purpose of acquiring the praparty as well as the terns for purchasing the property. lam. Neil Heikkila raised the possibility of sore people agreeing to be assessed after March Z4th. Properties outside of the Hiawatha area say also wish to bs assessed. City Attorney Jasre l~ilier saw no problas with adding additional names prior to the certification of the assessaent in October. lam. Heikkila added that he wanted to see same language in the agreeaent that Mould alloy the City to contribute coney, at some future date, to pay for the property. Attorney Jerre Killer responded that he did not racom~mend this language because of the policy of the City Council to not use City funds to purchase the property. Ha also ~~~td that the statute alloys the City at a future tiua to purchase the property if it so wished. Councilwa~aber Shirley comvented that any new property owners `rho agreed to be assessed would reduce the per property assessaent. 8e also asked the question about what is the interest cost to the City by salting until October to certify the assassaents. Tam Haraeninq responded that the cost would be relatively sinor. He also added that the City is responsible for property taxes from: the tiua of closing until the end of the year. Councilaeaber E'ritslar asked that the Council be notified of any changes in the final agreaaents. City Attorney biller said that he foresaw few if any changes. After discussion Councila~ea~ber Redapanninq ~aoved and Councilaeaber Anderson seconded the action to a~~.re the Raasgate Property purchase agraewant, special assassaent agraem:ent and aasam:ent and authorise the Mayor S City Manager to sign the applicable docuaents. t • • NARCH 17, 199a COUNCIL SING PAG$ 3 A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmembsr Shirley, Aya; Counciimembar Hritaler, Aya; Councilmembsr Redapanninq, Aye; Mayor Barg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. v. N~ BUSIN$ss (a) APPT~O V$ COUi~TY ROAD 3 CIP RNQUEST 0 Staff reco~e~ndad the following notion: dove that the Council adopt Resolution No. 9Z-Z7, requesting placement of C.S.A.H. Ho. 3 Iaprovements on Hennepin County Capital I~,r~.-eo~ents Program 1993-1997. The City has received complaints concerning the traffic on County Road #3 and the aulti-track railroad crossing. Thera vas a question on this item from the audience concerning exactly what is planned. Mayor Berg responded that there vas not much on papas at this time. The purpose of this action vas to attempt to get the County to begin working on the project. Councilmember 1Critaler moved and Councilmamber Radapanninq seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 9Z-a7. -+ A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aya; Councilmambar Shirley, Aye; Cauncilmembsr 1Critsler, Aye; Councilmember Redapenning, Aya; Mayor Barg, Aya. The motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSID$R ACTION - HIGHi~AY 73 ~ 5 Staff recoa~msndad adoption of the following motion: Bova to authorise staff to proceed with a traffic study of the County Road 5 and County Road 73 intersection that would bs performed by a traffic consultant at a cost of a~~o3cimately $7, 000. (CR 92- 70) The City of Minnetonka has requested that the City of Hopkins join them in the study to consider traffic signals and widening of the roads to allo~r turn lanes. The upgrading would extend several hundred feet in each direction but could not require widening beyond that point. Ml~RCH 17, 1992 c.VurCIL 1~8'rING P~1~G$ 4 Mayor Barg started the discussion by stating that it vas tine to ~~~rass the question again and that there vas a Head to gather facts regarding the following issues o Safety concerns o Neighborhood concerns o Concerns of the City of Minnetonka Mayor Barg rec that action on this item ba delayed 3 0 - 4S days to allo~r staff to put together a work plan, work with the neighborhood, and review a number of issues prior to beginning of any traffic study. Councilmember Radepenninq stated that ha aY~~ved of Mayor Berq•s suggestion. Councilmember 1~nderson stated that he could not support a study at this tine however, he did support lowering the sp ed limit. Councflmembar Shirley stated that he does not want the coemunity to bs further divided by thoro:~c~+fares. Councilmembsr ~itslar stated that traffic congestion seemed to be less at the intersection. Mayor Barg opened up the meeting for coements from the audience. Marjorie Mathison Hance, President of the Bellgrove 8omso~rners hssociation, and 'Catherine 1~nderson, vice President of the Homeowners l~asociation, appeared before the Council. That' stated that the Homeowners l~ssociation•s major concern vas that Minnetonka Boulevard would bacoee a major thoroughfare if stop lights were installed. They presented the Council with a list of resolutions from a Homeowners i~ssociation meeting of March 17, 1993. These resolutions made the folloMinq requests of the City Council: i. That any traffic study be delayed until the fall of 1994, following the completion of I- 394. Z. That the Council act to reduce the speed limits on Minnetonka Boulevard to a aaxiatim of 30 MPH. 3. That the Council direct the Hopkins police department to viy~s~ssly enforce the legal speed limit. 4. That the Hopkins City Council allow the reduced and enforced speed limits sufficient time to take effect before considering a stop light study. S. That the intersection of Minnetonka Boulevard and County Road 73 be clearly marked to provide maximum protection for pedestrians and cyclists. • FRCS 17, 1992 c.~ur~CIL FETING P1~G$ 5 'Catherine Anderson further stated that accidents had be n reduced in 1991 at the sass ties that traffic on 39~ vas increasing. l~ndy ~larlove appeared before the Council stating that it vas his r collection that the Council had lade a firs cossitsent on two things, that stop limits would not be considered at this intersection until 39~ vas finished and that the speed licit would be viy~z~ssly enforced. l~syor Herq recoasended that the proposal for a traffic study ba ~zitinued end in the seantise that staff be directed to be put together a work plan, together with the assistance of a cossittea of Bellgrove residents, the purpose of which would be to look at the following issues: i. Reducing the speed licit Z . $nforcasent 3. Striping and signing 4. Specific design requiraaisnts if a limit is installed 5 . Traffic counts This Carittes would also solicit input Eros the City of Kinnetonka and the School District and attaa~p~t to detersive the ispact of 394. This Cossittae would bring the reco~~evdatiovs back to the City Council which would address these and other issues. The Council would delay a traffic study until the colpeetion of 39~ and until the effect of the above steps on traffic at this intersection could be detersined. Councilsesbar Shirley ~a~.~d that he would like the City save forward on a speed licit reduction at this tile. City ravager ~[ielke responded that evforcesent would ba looked at isediately and that a recossandation concerning the speed licit reduction would follow soon. i~lfter discussion Councilsesbsr Redepevning coved and Councilsesbsr Evderson seconded the sotiov to direct staff to ~~~are a vorkplan, review enforcessnt of the speed licit, and continue indefinitely the traffic study. l~l poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilsesber i~ndarsov, i~ye; Couvcilsesber Shirley, lye; Couvcilsasber Rzitaler, dye; Cauvcilsssber Redepenninq, lilye; l~syor Herq, l~lye The lotion carried unanisously. (c) SET 1i188$SSSSIT H88RIRG - ~OL'L~OOD Staff reco adoption of Resolution #9Z-Z8, ordering a public hearing on proposed assesssents, Rnollvood Street Tsprovassnts, Project 90-Oi. -Y-- , -- - -_ -~ - -- --- - _ ~._ -- ~ .,.~- - --,~ -- - --- - - . ~ _- ,. -- -. Ki~RCB 17 , 1992 wur~CIL KSSTIKG PI~+G$ 6 Jim G ssela told the Council that ha had expect d that some homeowners would appear at this meeting to discuss the issues bat that they wra not here. They would probably be at the public hearing. 8a added that staff is aware of the residents concerns and will try to ~asrass their issues at the public hearing. 8 w nt on to say that the feasibility study was $400 per lot 1 ss than the actual figures because it did not include upgrading in allay and same engineering cysts. However, the aaaunt in question was within 3~ of the feasibility study estimate. l~ftar discussion Councilmembar Shirley moved and Councflm~ber Radepanninq seconded the motion to adopt Resolution ~9Z-Z8. ~ poll of the vote was as follows: Councilme~:ber i~nderson, lily ; Councilmambar Shirley, dye; Caunciim~ber Rkitaler, ley ; Councilma:~ber Redepenninq, lye; Mayor Berg, i~ye The motion carried unanimously. (d) COKSID$R I~CTIO1~ -FIRST RB~IDIKG RBFtTB$ ORD~a~C$ CB~~KG$S Staff recomsended that the Council ap~~-e the folla~ring motion: Kowa to adopt for first reading Ordinance Ko. 9Z-707 amending section 605: solid Kaste Kanagemant of the Hopkins City Code. (C~t 9Z-64) ~- This action updates definitions and make it mandatory that all r sidantial, caasercial, aultiple family, institutional properties have solid waste collection service as required by state Statute ii'51~.941. The wording has been changed to more cl arly define purpose and meaning. L Gustafson stated that there ware four basic changes being (i) The new ordinance would batter allow minor changes in collection practices. (z) The new ordinance would clarify what was meant by basic service. (3) it would make clear that all properties must have refuse service. (4) It would clearly define the language concerning fees. In response to a question from the Council, lam. Gustafson said that ha would sake sure that the amended ordinance was generic enough to apply ~hathar or not tea City provided refuse service. Mayor Berg asked when the discussion occurring the fatur~ of r fuse service Mould take place. Lee Gustafson responded that it would take place before the 1993 budget. r • .~ ~ ~ Nl~1RCH 17 , P1~GE 7 1992 COUNCIL 1~ES1'ING Councilmamb r lend rson moved and Councilor aibsr Shirley seconded th aotion to a~~u~va for first reading Ordinance No. 9Z-707. l~ poll of the vote Mas as follow: Cauncilm~embsr 1lndarson, dye; Councilmembsr Shirley, ~1ye; Councilawber ICritaler, lily ; Councilmembsr Redepanninq, i~ys; Nayor Berg, lye. The motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSID~ 3,CTION -HOP-IiI-RID$ S~viCE TO 1Q~OLL1tOOD l~dl~lLL Staff racosmendad that Council direct staff to discuss this subject further Mith RTB, ToNn Taxi and Business Council. The Regional Transit Board (RTB) has ~~i,acted the City regarding the a~xpansion of the Hop-1~-Ride service to ~Cnollvood. The reason for the inquiry is that RTB's Five Year Transit Plan has identified Hnollaood Ball/Taty~l. as a key transit hub for the Mastarn suburbs. The RTB has indicated that eYtendinq the s twice to the hub and developing transfer reciprocity with the 1!1'C and VYiiversity of xinnesota systws would provide vastly iaproved transit services to the residents. 1~ s ~.~ esantative of the Region Transit Board •~cplained the RTB's proposal concerning implementing a hub plan in the 1Ceollwood shopping area. Nancy l~darson told the Council that a survey of riders shaved that owr 70~ Named to qo to ~ollMOOd. Councilman ICritaler stated that the City should pursue this plan because the riders needed more places to shop as Mall as to support the hub a~~•c~ach. Nayor Barg stated that he Mae also interested in pursuing this and that staff should try to cane up Mith an estimate of the cost. Staff indicated that this proposal could probably qo forward in 1993. (f) DISCQSSION ITBK - BILLBO1~lRD8 Thera is no formal action required on this item. This itea Mas for discussion purposes only. The 1~lainstraet Improvement Project Steering Coa~aaittee, made up of representatives of the Hopkins Business Council, Hopkins Community Promotions and other participants had requested that the City Council consider amending the 8oninq Ordinance to allots pez~manent bi 11 boards on the major thoroughfares (such as County Road #3 and Highway 37) to advertise coasunity events and general coammunity promotions. The eYistinq Soninq Ordinance does not allow billboards in these locations. s p"; a NARCB 17, 1992 wurCIL NESTING PAGE S After some discussion, the Council came to the conclusion that they wanted no change in the currant ordinance. in another utter, Lee Gustafson gave an update on the Nainstreet project. There was a proposal to relocate the store sever behind Suburban Chevrolet. The best tins to do this Mould be during the Nainstreet construction. Chuck Poplar of RLiC appeared before the Council to explain the changes. 8e stated that the contract proposed inst-~~ of starting at ~+~~ly Oak Road and working east, that the Contractor ranted to start at 11th Avenue and work west. This Nas necessary because of the increased ties it Mould take to do this particular section because of relocating the sever pipe. Nr. Poplar Mas confident that the contractor could complete the area between 11th and 15th prior to the Raspberry Festival. The Council directed staff and RLiC to poll 'the respective businesses for their reaction to this change of plans. The Council authorised staff to change the schedule, assuming that the effected businesses were in agreement. VI. POBLIC CO~II~!'ENTS/CON~-~~w8 There Mere no public comments. VII. R$PORTS - COLrII`u`i'1'aa/00l~ISSIONS There were no reports. VIII. AD~vu~l~Iffi~'1' Councilmember Redepenninq moved and Councilmember Anderson =~c~nded the motion to adjourn. The :eating adjourned by unanimous consent. Respectfully submitted ~/~ ~j l/I/_ /~ ~~s~~lc t. James '~'Genellie, City Clerk c..~uHCIISIffi~SRS: ~~. ~ -" ~ _.. ~G~~ ~, . ~~, U ~~~~ AT' . ~ ~ ~ ~~ `~lelson N. ` -,erg, Nayor ;= _~