04-14-92 wsr
o~ a~sL z~ ao~o~csL ~o~ssasasar
1~PRIL 14 , 1992
The Council attended and helped celebrate the twentieth
anniversary of the public housing projects in Hopkins. The
anniversary celebration vas held at Dav Towers from 6 p.a.
to 7:30 p.m.
The Council convened the warksassion at 7:45 p.m. In
attendance were Mayor Harq and Councilmambers i~italer,
Radapenninq, Shirley, and l~nderson. also present were staff
members Tom Haraeninq, Rerstan 8lverum, Jim xarrigan and
Steve I~iialke.
s. as~cosssaair o~ ~o~as~a ss~vss
The first item of discussion vas related to housing issues.
lcersten $lverum presented a report on the status of housing
in Hopkins. She gave an analysis of the a~cisting housing
stock which discussed the housing inventory and deaographics
of the coassunity. She discussed housing trends including
the housing behaviar of diffet~d, age groups, the population
projections by age group, and population projections and
their affect on housing markets.
She than described the various housing programs ~hfch are
administered by the Cfty of Hopkins BSi~I, hearing programs
Which era available in Hopkins but provided by other
agencies and offered other housing program options which
currently aren't available ar offered. She concluded with
recaeaeendations in several areas.
The Council discussed the report and offered comsents on the
study. It vas concluded that additional discussion would
take place and that individual raco~endations would be
considered in the future.
ss. asacosasa~r o~ s~o~oss~ aa~sca~s~ ~o~ss~o ~o.TSC~r
The second iteaa of discussion vas the proposed handicapped
housing project by the national Handicapped Housing
Institute. Council vas briefed by Jim l~errigan who
described the cuss~it project as a Z4 unit project which
would be three starias high and would be placed at the
northwest ~ Baer of County Road 3 and 5th l~lvanue South.
In ravieMinq the site plan, staff racomsended two
alternatives to the Council to make this a better project.
First, to take 4 houses rather than 3 for the handicapped
housing project so as to give it sore space and a better
site plan and the second was to buy Z additional houses
between Do:r Towers and the handicapped housing project. If
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that Mer to occur, Doer To~rsrs would use one of the lots for
additional parking and the other would be utilia d either
Mich Doer Tourers or the handicapped housing project or
perhaps in connection rith a third project to bs detersined
in the future. Jiu briefed the Council on the cost
iuplications of each of the options.
The Council discussed the various options and it becaae the
consensus of the Council to work to~rard the acquisition of
all of the houses along fifth Which is the 6 house option
and to only cork in that direction if the ~e~~aMners are
Milling sellers.
ing adj l~:i p.a.
l~elson 1~. Herq, Mayor
~~~ ~~~