04-21-92e ` ~ i A regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council mas held on April 21, 1992 in the City Council Chambers of the Hopkins City Hall. Present mere Mayor Berg, Councilmembers Anderson, ~it$ler and Redapenninq. Also present mere staff a~eoobars l~ielke, Gsnellie, Harmening, Gustafson, Gessele and City Attorney Jerre Killer. ' I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Berg called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. II. RECOGNITION Mayor Berg Presented George Nagdal, Susan Eider and Steve Perkins mith Certificates of Recognition far their work on their television sho~rs. George for his shoe "Fire Department Hot Spots", Susan far her "911 Documentary" and Steve for minninq the "1992 Community Access Promotional video". All three won the 1992 awards in their categories. III. CONSENT AGENDl~I 1. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 7 , 1992 REGULAR c~.6ur~CIL MEETING MIp~raB 2. APP:.,~va DISBURS~TS, Pe~•TST 885 3. APPROVE MIS~~•T•ANEOUS LIvarsE APPLICIilTIONS 4. APPROVE PAVILION POLICY Ai~lEND~lENT (Rpt. 92-86) 5. APP':t.~v~s AGREEKEL~'r -RENTAL AGREffi~lENT - CLOCZC TONER (Rpt. 92-90) 6. SET P'QBLIC HEARING - 1~lLLEYSCAPE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR MAY 5 (Rpt. 92-87) 7. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 14, 1992 c.~iurCIL lih~SAnP Mlru iaS Councilme~ober Redepenninq moved and Councilmember I~ft$ler seconded the notion to a~YSa.re the Consent Agenda. A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilaember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Rrit$ler, Aye; Councilmember R~~penninq, Aye; Mayor Barg, Aye. The lotion carried unanimously. IV. PUBLIC HEARING (a) CONSIDER ACTION -FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - Staff recassiesided that the Council move to adopt the assessment roll. Jim Gessale inforaed the Council that Mr. Hance had withdrawn his appeal. ~ _ April ai, i99a Page a ]Mayor Barg opened the public h-~rinq at 7:47 p.m. Nayor Barg thanked RL1C for their work in solving the problems Kith ~. Hance and thanked lBt. Hance for bringing the issue to the Council. 1~. Jordano, property owner on l~ainstreat, asked the Council why they were assessed in advance before the completion of the work. Lae Gustafson explained that the two gain reasons for assessing the project up ~~w~~ vas that the ~irlract vas for the entire street renovation and that the City wanted assurance that their would ba no major appeals upon completion of the project. H~~rfnq no more co:m~ents Councilmember Redepenninq moved and Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion to close the public ~w~rinq at 7:50 p.m. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember 1Critalar, Aye; Councilmembar Radapanninq, Aye; lrlayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Anderson moved and Councilmember Redapenninq seconded the motion to adopt the assessment roll for l~ainstreat. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmamber Rritsler, Aye; Councilmamber Radepenninq, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDSS ACTION - ~OLLNOOD ASSSSSI~'1'S Staff recosmended the following motion: Move that Council adopt Resolution No. 9a-31 for adoption of Assessment Roll l~ollvood Street Improvements, Project No. 90-01. This action sat in motion spacial assessments to ba levied against the ~~Yerties involved. This item vas continued from the April 7, 199a Council meeting. Council did a~~s~.ra a senior citisen defarm~ent appeal for the property owner at a08 ~ilshira Balk at the April 7, 199a Council meeting. Mayor Berq opened the public hearing at 7:54 p.m. H~~rinq no comments Councilmember Anderson moved and Councilmamber I~it$ler -~^~nded the oration to close the public ~+~ arinq at 7:55 p. m. April 21, 1992 Page 3 A poll of the vote vas as follaNS: Cauncilnember Anderson, Aye; Councilmenbsr l~itsler, Aye; Councilmember Redepennfng, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Councilnember Anderson moved and Councilaenber Radepenninq sa~:~nded the notion to adapt Resolution No. 92-31. A poll of the vote mras as folla:rs: Councilmsmbsr Anderson, Aye; Covncils~~r 1Critalsr, Aye; Councilmamber Rsdepenninq, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. v. NEN BUSINESS (a) CONSIDER ACTION - IrOT 3 00 ~eT•~'s~TiONS Staff recamtmendad adoption of the follo~rinq notion: Kove to authorise the use of lot 300 for the 1992 Nainstreet Days Celebration. Adoption of this motion Promotions and the Hopkins Nainstreet Days celebration. m-iil alio~r Hopkins Coa^munity Jaycees to uss Lot 300 for the lit. lrlielke informed the Council that he had letters from: tMo concerns citisens concerning the parking situation during the event. One from lbs. Faarler and another from Mary Ann of suburban Tailors. They both stated that their customers had no place to park when Lot 300 Mss being used for spacial events. Bob Hessian, Director, Hopkins Co®munity Promotions, said that to hold the event anywhere but in davntoarn Hopkins Mould loss the Nainstreet merchants a lot of business. He said that business men had talked about a booth to give coupons to bring the people attending }h~'^- events back to Hopkins to take advantage of the coupons. Rick McNaugton, President, Hopkins Jay~:~-n, stated that they mrould have parking attendants to provide parking for the business clients. He also stated that it mras very important to hold *~~ ~e events in daNntaarn Hopkins. K'r. Jordano, stated that the Hopkins Jaycees and Raspberry Festival Group do so many good things for the City that to deny them the use of the Lot Mould be wrong. Al l~iartin, Martin Hair Designs, said he is opposed to the use of Lot 300 for the event. He stated that his customers have no place to park and it is very hard on his business. ^' He also stated that keeping his business operating during the events mras necessary as that is haw he makes his living. s April Zi, 199a Page 4 Mark Senn, Property Owner , 904 Mainstreet, said that he felt that Lot 300 was an excellent choice and ha supports the usa of Lot 300. Dr. Linda S~iemoellar stated that she is involved Kith the promotion cork and that it is necessary to know where the events will be held. She said brochures, advertisement, etc. need to ba completed with lead time to draw the crowds. She would like the Council to a~pi•~va the usa of Lot 300 for all three events, Mainstreat Days, Raspberry Festival and Heritage Days. Jim Thompson, Director of the Raspberry Festival, said that his group meats early in May for completion of their schedule. He needed to know if Lot 300 is available and will be used during the events. After further discussion Councilm~embsr Anderson moved to allow the use of Lot 300 for all three events. The motion died for lack of a second. Councilmembsr 1Critslar moved and Councilmember Radepanninq :-~~nded the notion to a~Y~ova the use of Lot 300 for Mainstreet days and the Raspberry Festival. Councilmember Shirley arrived at 8:30 p.m. Councilmanbar Radepenninq stated that he would encourage the Jaycae~s and Raspberry Festival to assist the business owners with this problem and assist then in any way they can. Councilmambar Shirley, Abstain, Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Council~~ Rritsler, Aye; Councilm~embsr Redapenninq, Aye; Mayor Herq, Aye. The motion carried. (b) CONSID$R ACTION - CLOCLC TOiNffit BOND Staff reco®mended adoption of the following motion: Move to a~pz•~.re alternate financial security requirements to be mat by the contractor for the Mainstreat clock tower and authorise the Mayor and City Manager to execute the necessary documents. A~pr~.-al would provide the means by which the ~~~~.ractor for the clock tower can neat financial security requirements for the project. ~. ~J~~_ SM~~~ti~ • • ~ ~! w~Y~ !V !~'• • _. ____ rte-' '~. fir. ^~ r ~ • a April Z1, 199 Page 5 John Dietreich, RL1C, appeared before Council to state that they had moved up the completion data to Nay Z, 199x. 8e also stated that the project is on schedule. Councilmembar Redapanninq stated that the City should have had the bond in hand within the required tine period after the contract Mas let. Furthermore, the City should have a bond in hand within the required period after another contract is lat. Barbara Jordano appeared before Council on the issue of a qualified bi~spr. She said a successful bi~sAr Mas to post a performance bond once the contract Mas lat. She also stated that the average bond cost is betMean 3~ and 15~ on the accepted contract. leis. Jordano was a biA~~*' on the project and said she did raise the issue when the bid Nas accepted. She stated that tha tares should bs ~~~+~rad to. Bart Jordano, stated that the bond should have bean in hand before tha Mork began. ~. Dietraich stated that he had tried to gat the bond but had bean unsu~~-~sful. As a result RL1C Morkad Mith the ~ilractor on an alternate security arragamant. Rr. Miller, City Attorney, stated that he had looked into the alternate proposal by lam. Kichaelson and Mas satisfied that it Mould satisfy the specification requirements. After further discussion Councilmembar Rrit$ler moved and Councii~~r Anderson -~c~nded the action to approve the alternate financial requirements and that lam. l~[ichaelson pay the additional costs for the agreement. A poll of the vote Mas as follows: Councilmamber Anderson, Aye; Councilmembar Shirley, Aya; Councilmember ~it$ler, Aya; Councilmembar Radapanninq, Aye; mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDER ACTION - ESTABLISH SIDENALR POLICY Staff reco®anded the follo~rinq motion: ~[ove to a~~s~.re Legislative Policy No. 8-G, Sidewalk Repair and lriaintenanca Policy. This action Mould sat in motion a sidewalk inspection of a portion of the City and a subsequent sidatralk project later this year. Councilmambar Anderson moved and Councilmembar Radapenninq seconded the motion to approve Legislative Policy No. 8-G. ~..~ .r ' .. ..4...ar.r ~ . . .a. .~ .~ .r .. WtriY ~ s rr ~. . . w w ~ i~ f.1s . ~ ~A, ~ ' - -~ - ~ -- -. +.++ .- - i ~r i • Apra ai, i99a Page 6 A poll of the vote eras as follo~rs: Councilaember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Councilmamber l~itsler, Aye; Councilmember Redepenning, Aye: Mayor Barg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. VI. P'OBLIC CO~QLffiIZ'8/COH~;K~~S There ~rere no public co®snts. VII. R$PORTS - C~•1-i•~8/ 1~. l~ielke reminded the Council of the Hoard o! Reviser meeting Wednesday, April as at 7:00 p.m. He also reminded them of the joint meeting Kith the Chemical Health Coymission on lay 5, 199a at 6:00 p.m. , rich the balance of the Board of Revie~r and HRA meeting before the regular Council meeting on 1~1ay 5th. VIII. ADrT~u~lRENT Councilme~miber Redapenninq moved and Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned by unanimous consent. Respectfully submitted, ~,, Pat Gis~orne, Deputy City Clerk - CO ILi~B .' -~ _~ G ~ ~ _i _~. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ., -%' t~ ~~_