07-14-92 ws~''~:J~
~'~ The Hopkins City Council held a Morksession on fly 14, 1992 at 7:30
p.m. Present Hare Mayor Berg; Councilmembers; Chuck Rrit$ler, Chuck
Radepenninq, Bob Anderson and Jim Shirley. Also present Mas City
lianagar Steve Mielke.
The Council met at the Historical Society at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the
disposition of tl~e depot. Clint Blosquist and Henry Pokorny raviaMad
some history of the depot and the impact of rail on the City of
Hopkins. various opinions Hera stated Mich regard to Mhethar or not
the depot should remain, be moved, or ba rased. The Council concluded
discussions at 7:a0 p.m. and adjourned to the Morksassion scheduled
for 7:30 p.m. in the Raspberry Room of Hopkins City hall. The Council
reconvened the Morksession at Hopkins City 8a11 beginning at 7:30 p.m.
I. DI8CQ8sI0N - ~OCER! ®I'1'a AL~I'!~'1'I~d - C~
As a result of the Hennepin County action the 6th Avenue to 8th Avenue
site, Council directed City staff to look at alterative sites for
construction of a grocery store in the doMntoMn area. Staff along
Kith Lyla Fuller of Super Valu and their architectural/planning
division, Pla~ark, ravfaarad a variety of site altarnatfves.
The alternative sites brought forth by staff Mere as folloMs
#i Taits Super Valu Block -bounded by 1st street on the north,
l~ainstraet on the South, 11th Avenue on the Nest and 10th Avarua
on tha Fast.
#a Taits present site -including acquisition of liquor store, First
Bank drive through, office building on corner of 10th and 1st
street north and Center Drug proms-~~inq east to include Hance
#3 Tait•s Super Valu block -Tatra out First Bank Drive through and
Liquor store. Close 10th Avenue to allots parking Haut to Canter
Drug building.
#4. Area bounded by 8th and 9th avenues, south of l~ainstreet, south
of alley up to Park Nfcollet, including Bursch•s property.
#5. Area bounded by 8th and 9th avenues, south of l~ainstreat, south
of allay up to 1st attest south, including Park Nicollat,
including Bursch•s property.
#6. Area bounded by 8th and 9th avenues, south of lrlsinstreet, south
of alley up to 1st street south, including Park Nicollet, not
including Bursch•s property.
#7. Rudy Luther property, bounded on north by County property, Meat
to 9th avenue, not including Hainstraet buildings bstMaen 8th and
9th, than north on 9th to County property.
.+~ -+~
#s. Rudy Luther property, north across County property between 8th
and 9th, not including Eye Clinfc through dry cleaners, not
including l~ainstreat buildings between 8th and 9th a:ccapt for
Rapft Print and United Stores.
#10. Suburban Chevrolet, including businesses across iZth up to 13th
#ii. Suburban Chevrolet including businesses across iZth up to 13th
The discussion focused on four specific sites; the current Tait~s
Super vale block between 10th and iith avenues, north of l~ainstraet;
the Bursch~s Park Nicollat area between 7th and 9th avenues, south of
l~ainstraet; the Rudy Luther block between 7th and 9th avenues, north
of l~iainstraet, and the Suburban Chevrolet block between 11th and 13th
avenues, north and south of l~ainstreat.
Kielke stated that the ap~s~~~ iate action would bs for Tait and Super
Valu to forsulata their position on which sites they would prefer to
develop and to sake a proposal to the City. The westing was adjourned
at 9:30 p.a.
~~yl Council~bers:
a~lson ~. Herq, ![ayor
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